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January 08, 2022


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Heh, that's actually an interesting observation. How very young people try to inflate their age, and older folks try to play it down. (With the in-betweens not really caring about playing it in either direction --- unless, that is, they happen to score exceptionally high in the vanity department.)

Read your main post, in your other blog, as well. I've no doubt you've got a long way to go, Brian ---- living into the nineties isn't such a big deal these days, after all ---- but absolutely, living as if one may have to leave any time and without (much) notice, that's a great strategy, at any age at all (and also makes sense, factually, at any age at all).

For us old farts - End the Known

A good 10 minute summation of the reality of human death and the suggestion to "die before death".


A gorgeous video regarding the overcrowded mind, filled with all kinds of knowledge and information.

All that ENDS at our death: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWdZINlJEz4

Freedom from the known (while alive) would mean the end of everything...absolute aloneness.

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