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August 07, 2021


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yo are God ๐ŸŒบ The Eternal,๐ŸŒบ The Almighty
deliberately without knowledge, without power
in amnesia
just for generating more Love than already exists


For ONCE, . . . read this and react
Here is How it works :
What would an All Powerful Being, (God)โ€” BEYOND TIME , Self Existing, Almighty
possessing everything , . . still need?
LOVE is the answer, one can never have enough of that.
So S/HE does anything imaginable & un-imaginable
and each resulting quantum or being will transform in LOVE
Via Karma(s) it may take long ( many many Big Bangs) or flashed ( in a nanosecond)
the result is fantastic
You ( Reader here ) are HIM / HER in amnesia
Even if one Soul per Galaxy succeeds p. year , this is a Giant Stream
and thatt' only for this little universe
Please ask the AI_200/500QUBIT IBM/Google Quantum Computer - It will confirm.
Even a stone will transform in Love
There is just no other place to go!
Greatย  Concept.ย 
Corresponds with most Holy Books
You want to exit?
Start stopping your inner dialogue (thoughts). about 20 seconds
and you will see what Love really is and can do โ€จ๐Ÿ’›ย 
Obama :


Cosmological Koans is in my top five favorite books that youโ€™ve recommended.

Aguirre co-founded the Foundational Questions Institute.
See โ€”> https://youtu.be/E5KAb86U780

Even what we think we know, there is in it the unknown.

So let's have an open mind, an exploratory mind. Let's conclude less and explore more.

We have questions, but we don't need them answered. Maybe they are the wrong questions. What we hunger for is knowledge about the question, because the subject isn't one dimensional and one answer won't do.

Anthony Aguirre ends his book with :-
Who am I?
What is this?
Where, from here?

When it comes to our physical reality, we humans have made some remarkable discoveries over the centuries though I do find it interesting how the human mind assumes it can arrive at answers to the questions that Aguirre poses here.

As I understand it, the aim of the Zen Koan is a device for the practioner to get to the point where the mind 'fails' allowing an insight into the mind/self phenonemon โ€“ and consequently the Who am I? and What is this? question.

And the Where, from here? Perhaps we are never privy to come up with answers to this question. We can make plans and assumptions from our limited stores of information or knowledge, but life seems to take unexpected turns.

Whatever arises for us, as always, it will no doubt be quite natural, never something supernatural or mystical; just the amazing continuation of the wonderful and sublime (we often miss), or as many may put it โ€“ just this.

Reaction: Someday I hope to see for myself.

Are we spending time contemplating the inner world we carry within us?
And from which the outer world is filtered and re-painted?

Hi, is there somrthing U like.
. . . Love

Don t say no :-)


I like thinking, thinking, thinking. Thinking, thinking, thinking. Thinking, thinking, thinking. It's hard to turn off, but many thoughts turn on CoC themes at least. Kam hardly makes a ripple anymore. That's just age and maturity, but let's call it a towering spiritual achievement!

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