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August 31, 2021


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"comparisons are odious"
We are hardly able to discern what our brain places before us in its never ending effort to repaint our world for our tiny consciousness. And basing a philosophy on that is fatally flawed.

Thankfully, we are able to witness directly a far more important reality within, More sustainable. More peaceful. More insightful and inspirational. And this comes through a practice that neuro-science has also shown to improve our cognitive functioning.

That practice is meditation.

Be careful what Meditation you do. The so called 5 satanic names gets you closer to Lucifer and satan. In fact the first name recited in RSSB literally means "light of the devil". This meditation leads you to be further trapped deeper into the web of lies of kaal.
Know thyself means know the truth. Peel away the lies implanted by Gurinder Singh dhillon , Rssb, and his agents (some on this very sight who pretend to be innocent but are getting guidance from entities and demonic beings from inside). Empower yourself and don't put others (gsd, agents on this sight) on a pedestal.

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