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July 26, 2021


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You can experiment with it!
What happens if I center before using it?
What happens when I'm done using it if I then begin formal mindfulness?

What conditions of my daily life affect my ability to Max my Mendi?

This is really excellent. Because it helps with something real in you, without all the superstition.
And generates a hard measurement.
Like daily steps.

I'm curious myself and may need to get one of these.

Does a loving attitude, or a focus on something loving affect my score?

Brian, would you mind reporting any patterns you notice as you use it?

I think your initial observation, that not trying to focus on anything actually yielded better initial results.

Maybe trying is actually a distraction from letting our natural processes guide us?

Please keep us up on your experiments.

Very exciting!

This post was in 2021 what have you noticed over the past year and a half using the Mendi?

Daniel, I stopped using the device a few months after I wrote this post. A September post described my problem with it.


Basically, my experience was that there was essentially zero correlation between what I felt my mind/brain was doing and what the device showed on my iPhone's screen. And I wasn't seeing any benefit to using the Mendi.

Actually it was worse than that, because I found the Mendi increasingly frustrating to use, given the seeming lack of connection between my mental state and the score I'd get.

I still get Mendi-related Facebook posts, so understand that some changes have been made to the app that perhaps deal with the problem I, and others, encountered. Hopefully you're liking it, or will like it, more than I did.

I had high hopes for Mendi, since I suffer from anxiety caused by some health problems I have. But like I said, when I felt more anxious using the Mendi than not using it, I decided there was no point in using it.

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