I really like this comment by Appreciative Reader.
To make the comment easier to read, I've italicized the quotes from a comment by someone else and left Appreciative Reader's responses in regular type.
Being wordy myself, I admire succinctness in philosophizing, even though I'm rarely capable of it. Nice going, Appreciative Reader.
"Empirical science is only concerned with the origins and evolution of the material universe"
There is evidence for no other.
"Our five senses which allow our minds to compare, contrast and analyze material forms are aimed outwards, toward the material universe."
There is evidence for no other.
"The tangible, tactile world is all that physicists are desiring to understand and describe, reveling in a never-ending presentation of changing theories."
That is the nature of the scientific method. New evidence gives rise to new theories, in a virtuous cycle of expanding (collective) awareness and knowledge.
"No one knows which came first: Consciousness or Matter."
There is no evidence of consciousness other than in and from matter.
"To be seated anxiously at the edge of one's seat, awaiting science to supply anything of concrete value regarding the secret of life, is a waste of precious time and energy."
To each their own. We are free to use our time and energy as we please. We each define for ourselves what is a worthwhile use of our time and energy.
"You came first...matter followed as a necessary accretion for experiences with resistance, pleasures, pain, suffering, desires, deterioration and death...a very long saga, indeed."
There is no evidence that this kind of a worldview is anything other than fancy and wishful thinking.
>> Marvelous putdown of supernatural nonsense <<
Well ... it is a fact that humans have emotions, thoughts and all sorts of dreams, NDE's, ODB's etc etc. and last but not least experiences due to manipulation of the body [meditation] and drugs that create alternative states of consciousness.
These are all inner experiences and can have even lasting effects on the people that have them and those who believe them.
These experiences are all facts
The problem with people killing fellow human beings in the name of their god, is not solved with arguing about the question if there is such an supernatural phenomena.
Those who believe it are real, like the misery they create also.
What matters is what humans believe ... because what they believe has been an motivating factor in the whole of human history. Where it is true or can be proved is immaterial.
Posted by: um | May 03, 2021 at 04:19 AM
"Being wordy myself, I admire succinctness in philosophizing, even though I'm rarely capable of it. Nice going, Appreciative Reader."
Why, thank you, Brian. :---)
Like I said in my subsequent comment, it occurred to me, as I was about to click the Post button, that I was kind of channeling our old friend x/cc there -- I'm sure you remember their many comments here over the years, although I haven't seen them here in the last few months -- in terms both style of posting as well as content. Which is ironic, the latter I mean to say, given how often I've disagreed with them in the past.
On the other hand, and like I also said in that comment, it is right that one's worldview should change and evolve over time, should one's experiences so warrant. But it's ...well, piquant, at an entirely personal level, to suddenly realize how much one's POV has shifted over the years.
Posted by: Appreciative Reader | May 03, 2021 at 07:28 AM
Although, let me clarify, I hadn't really intended my comment as a putdown per se, absolutely not. Merely my reactions to what they'd said, conveyed literally, without any undercurrents of wanting to show them up, or anything remotely like that!
Indeed, they'd clarified their position further on that thread, as you may have seen, to which I'd posted my response (continuing to disagree with their main thrust, incidentally, while agreeing with one part of what they'd said, the exploration part). Should they want to continue that discussion, I'm sure I'd enjoy this exploration of their POV, and in the process mine as well. None of which involves, in this case, the slightest intention on my part to actually put them down.
Posted by: Appreciative Reader | May 03, 2021 at 07:53 AM
If I live in a two dimensional world, anything from the third dimension would be inexplicable.
God, according to scriptures is beyond Time And Beyond Space.
There is no evidence that there is such a thing as “beyond Time And Space”
But that doesn’t mean it’s not possible.
If it exists, then it would be beyond our senses since we exist within time and space
Trying to prove it is impossible so it’s only logical to deny its existence
Which is the only position we can take because “existence” means within time and space
If something did exist outside time and space it would be non-existent to us
We can only interact with time and space objects.
So such a god is effectively non-existent for us
Posted by: WHO is GOD | May 03, 2021 at 10:59 AM
@ We can only interact with time and space objects.
@ So such a god is effectively non-existent for us
Effectively yes at our current level of awareness.
The mystic though asserts our consciousness is god
and time-space emanates from that totality. We can
interact with god even with diminished awareness of
our own identity as god. We get hints of it in intuitive
flashes or sublime moments of love or peace or the
profound appreciation of beauty. It fleetingly manages
to slip through the bars of our many intellectual jails
at times. Often in a moment when we're most distant
from the frantic treadmill of thought.
It's all a journey of awareness to realize our true identity.
Ineffable, immeasurable, and experienceable only within
via an intense devotional path of mindfulness, it leapfrogs
time-space with a direct perception of truth. Thought, faith,
dogma, even belief are left behind. It must be experienced
in an elevated consciousness within.
Posted by: Dungeness | May 04, 2021 at 01:21 PM
Nice Dungeness!!
Thank you..
Posted by: s* | May 05, 2021 at 12:23 AM