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January 03, 2021


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well said and timely just having religious followers of a cult pour out an endless babel about my leaving the so called science of the soul,

Well perhaps had you visited Disneyland 's Tomorrowland in the sixties, and in particular, the Monsanto journey through inner space, you may have learned two fundamental Truths.. .

"No matter how solid things appear, nothing is solid."

And "every atom is an endless, infinite world..."

"Once you pass the limits of..
Magnifi... (dramatic echo)

"For though your body will shrink... Your mind will expand!"


Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics . Volume 2 The Mind. Conceived and Introduced by His Holiness The Dalai Lama. Wisdom Books.

The furthest humanity's greatest geniuses can go, collectively, in their highest intelligence, is to paint a somewhat degraded picture of reality. That's it. That's the best science and all the brilliant lifetimes of tool among its best practitioners can produce: an image of what already exists in full every moment of every day. How much more brilliant, then, is the creation of science can at best duplicate, ape, copy and repost a mere fraction of reality as it is. All that makes science greatest is that it follows what is actually in nature already in abundance.

Our manipulation of science for our own purposes of creation is impressive. But we are only playing with Lego blocks compared to the continuing experimentation and development all creation is undergoing all the time. There is far more genius in creation, in one mili-second of creation than in all human history.

We like to build a car when a spaceship already exists.

´We like to build a car when a spaceship already exists. Spence.

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