Here at the Church of the Churchless we love it when someone speaks their truth about how followers of a religion, or a religious leader, are acting badly.
So when I read a recent comment from "Miss Judy", I knew it deserved to be shared in a blog post. Which I've done. I've corrected a few typos.
"Babi ji" refers to Gurinder Singh Dhillon, the guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), a religious organization based in India. "Sindhis," according to Wikipedia, are a socio-ethnic group in India originating from Sindh, a province of modern-day Pakistan. "Satsangis" are members of RSSB.
I have observed baba ji since 1980s: initially following the flock ‘or simply going with the flow’ the system is designed not to make you question RSSB and your parents shut you up if you challenge things which you may not agree to.
I’m from the U.K. and I don’t see any spirituality or love in this place - Sadly all I see is are typical Indians with typical Indian traits which have not been washed away - Indians love money, they love to show-off and boast - this is what you see here ... rows and rows of BMWs and Mercedes Benz.
These so-called spiritual beings proclaim to be pious that they might be ‘devoutly religious’ but they are not kind in there hearts. These Indians U.K. especially have no humbleness or purity in there heart that they may show love to their fellow humans .. no instead they are tainted by typical Indian mindset completely flawed.
Drug dealers, criminals, liars, aggressors, instigators, false proclaimers, melodrama, bad attitude .. the list is endless people acting as though they are godly yet their culture and home-life is still connected to their traits and past dealings.
Take KAMAL for example. They say no seva ‘work’ can be given without his permission’ .. yet he is clueless of his surroundings and disconnected to his administration so this Punjabi folk-tale is untrue.
- He is a liar and a former gangster ‘more a Punjabi Mere Mittal clumsy and uneducated with little intelligence.
- I aim to challenge this thug and hold him accountable someday Since I cannot rely on further Punjabi folk tales that Baba ‘is Jani Jaan’ is that he is the all knowing of everything if it was true he would have throttled KAMAL by the neck!
Baba has a bad habit of making Kamal famous at every attempt one day in Q&A he asks a woman do you want hug Kamal ... either that or Baba uses Kamal as an escape goat to change the topic.
Further Baba has a habit of making sexual innuendos and act all lively when young girls get up to ask him questions - I find it off-putting and question the path.
Mr Bassi also adores young woman especially rich Sindhi girls!
I must confess I have become disillusioned by what I see - I think of Jesus and many true saints that have walked this Earth and look at Baba residing in a 8,000 sq ft mansion in the grounds of Haynes Park ... this is not on par with U.K. houses people in U.K. live in a standard 1700 sq.ft house!
Re: Money and Wealth ‘what a joke!’ Baba and his teachings state over decades that ‘Money will be left here, you come with nothing you go with nothing the greatest wealth is NAAM and Seva (which includes do nothing you life-savings to RSSB).
Yet Baba is doing Fraud desk in Indians worth Billions making money left, right and centre and losing fortunes on failed property deals in 2007... read up on it yourself the Ranbaxy and two Sikh nephews or Gurinder Dhillon aka Baba...
Note how his sons live in Multi-Million pound homes in St Johns Wood London and the girls his sons married are wealthy families not your typical churaay or chamars from his sangat.
Note his RSSB has an appetite for rich Sindhis and giving them privileges unbeknown to the common folk that travel to Haynes park.
Haynes Park a unique development - humans advised to give up their time to do seva (free labour) to maintain the upkeep but most to add value to Haynes Park in exchange for free meals, snacks and cuppa teas... as the old adage goes ‘you give a worker a free meal he’ll work for free!’
All baba does is advise all the sangat to do seva (to generate his wealth) not once have I seen him sit down with all the lost souls to say let’s meditate together and get them to sachkand ... this is what these souls need is your true spiritual enlightenment and gospel not a Saturday night live treat to a some karioki Indian songs or get the entire senior members to do a panto...
It’s laughable and I see it as a joke ... I don’t go to seva to be entertained what the fuck does that do for my spirituality and well bring? I can go to the London Palladium if I want to be entertained not watch goonies acting like goons!
Let’s talk about the path these indian and satsangis .. they all Lie, they have Ego, they all have Pride, they all have Anger (Punjabi for heaven sake)... greed may be reduced but it’s still prevalent. Lust well that’s for the individual.
There was one isolated instance where I recall a female speakers son ‘Tara family’ had sex with another satsangi both vaginally and anally - to a satsangi ‘what the hell!’
There’s a lot more I complain about but overall having mixed with Christians from Church of England I see RSSB as a rip off of Christianity and Sikh faith with Hindus Karma to produce the path with all the proceeds going to the head.
I don’t like how RSSB steal Jesus quotes and twist it to mean baba is Jesus ... no he isn’t - Jesus died on the cross for man ... what has baba done?! It was a lie snd another Punjabi folk tale when the news came that Baba got throat cancer it was because he was taking on the sins of his satsangis .., can you see how it rips off Jesus by plagiarising... what’s good for the goose is good for the gander ... sadly not the case
Wake up, and Make your own minds up!
It’s important for people to keep an open mind and keep searching. The biggest mistake I made when I started to question the path was that I spent so much time in a negative state of criticism because I was feeling powerless. Having made that most, I would now advise anyone witnessing such behaviors to truly start searching and look for something else. If it makes you feel that uncomfortable then there is no way it can possibly serve you spiritually. I don’t believe there is one single path to enlightenment.
Don’t get stuck in the past... just keep searching for truth.
Personally, I find any obsession with money and status, big houses (especially big houses because they’re so uncomfortable to live in anyway) very unattractive. I don’t know BBJ personally at all so I can’t speak to his material lifestyle—I have absolutely no idea what his standard of living is. Also, I find it incredibly weak when old men are constantly excited by and flirting with young girls. It takes a true saint to have self control... but I haven’t spent any time in Haynes Park so can’t speak to that. Not saying you’re wrong, just saying I don’t know what really took place there and whether it was serious or not.
I am in no position to judge, but if makes you feel uncomfortable then you should definitely search for something that serves you spiritually because that’s all that matters. Even if your like Eddie Izzard who claims to be a “spiritual non-theist”. :-)
Just be educated and move on so that the way it makes you feel doesn’t pull you down.
Posted by: S | December 08, 2020 at 05:48 PM
A gross disconnect exist between earth and beyond earth realities - both exclusive of each other. Only True Saints are its living examples as they exist simultaneously in both. Have no doubts.
The innuendos that have been struggling to highlight the worst in one of the best paths meant to enliven the true happiness in oneself by knowing oneself and his origin carry little meaning.. The interpretation of a talk / s connected to a spiritual guide can be different for different people.
Besides the behavior of a few of its followers can be extremely nasty as we all are not immune to senses and sensual acts thus far. Only a few blessed can attain such sensual immunity.
Posted by: Meditator | December 08, 2020 at 08:24 PM
Anyhoo, it works for some but not for others. I’m not pushing one path over the other. I’m giving the same advice I would give to anyone who is struggling. This has nothing to do with “sensual acts”. Perhaps the message doesn’t resonate with Judy. I think a psychologist would agree—if the message doesn’t ring true for her then there will naturally arise many doubts. Just look at Osho—he still has many devout followers to this day. I’m certainly not comparing GSD to Osho just saying a person will overlook all the “little stuff” if the practice works for them.
This isn’t a moral judgment. I’m the farthest thing from a saint there is, but if one path doesn’t work for you for whatever reason, then there are a lot more fish in the sea. Why can’t we just accept that. Why do we have to claim that we know what’s best for everyone else???
In George’s words “I don’t particularly give a flying fck about” the innuendos. I would have a problem with a priest/alter boy situation but I don’t believe anything like that is going on with RSSB.
I’m not a zealot. If it works for you then by all means stay. But at least recognize that there are other paths equally as enlightened.
Posted by: S | December 08, 2020 at 10:13 PM
“I do respect people’s faith, but I don’t respect their manipulation of that faith in order to create fear and control.”
Posted by: Javier Bardem | December 09, 2020 at 04:00 AM
Id like to say well done for Judy , and thanks for sharing this Brian. Miss Judy has only highlighted what other uk satsanges are afraid to say, and what's infront of there very eyes. Too often they give RSSB and gurinder singh dhillan the benefit of the doubt. This entire path starting from Jaimel, is a fraud, and a manipulation of the dark forces that work behind the scenes to keep mankind in a state of confusion, and stuck in this hell hole reincarnation cycle. They need to be exposed, and rooted out and be held accountable for their mass deception. I thank you GSD, the greedy clown, that has single handed destroyed the reputation of rssb. This is a blessing in disguise, and I hope it crumbles into the ashes freeing the innocent souls trapped in the web. The low life head sevadars, who egos are stuck up their @rse also need to face their karma.
Posted by: Jackbull | December 09, 2020 at 03:53 PM
Can we Find out whether Baba pays and council tax for his 8000sq ft personal House in Haynes Park
Did he spend his personal money for land and building
How can l have his personal house on a charity property?
Need to think???
Posted by: Sadhu | December 10, 2020 at 06:56 AM
It’s probably similar to here in the US where churches can have a house for the pastor on the property as well... if they so choose. It used to be pretty standard and all free to pastor/parish and tax deductible as well. I’m sure it’s covered. If Haynes Park is very large then that explains how such a large home for the pastor or church leader would be covered. 8,000 sq ft is a very large house—that’s 3x’s the size of a “normal” house. But there may be a certain way they calculate what is allowed based on the overall size of the property.
Posted by: Shalini | December 10, 2020 at 12:16 PM
Gurinder dhillan is very shy when it comes to money, he had handed over his tax returns to dehli court in a sealed envelope. The Gangster, land mafia GSD has allot to hide. This fake guru probably hasn't payed a single penny tax, let alone council tax.
Posted by: Trevor | December 10, 2020 at 02:29 PM
GSD doesn’t pay for anything. He never has. He didn’t have any money when he came to Dera and the only money he got after coming to Dera was through donations from satsangis and gifts of shares in companies from satsangis. He’s never done any actual work. I’m just stating the facts. It is what it is. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with a pastor getting paid a small salary to minister full-time to a church but it would seem GSD takes in more than a small salary.
8,000 sq ft is a bit much and that’s only one of his many houses around the world. Each major center in every country has a house on the property for him. His home at Dera might be the most concerning. It’s like 20,000 square feet.
Posted by: Sonia | December 10, 2020 at 04:26 PM
I literally feel like I’m going to throw up everyone I see his face. The more we try to whitewash what he has done, the worse it gets. I now believe that we will be held accountable for not speaking out against the atrocities GSD has committed like the Germans who turned a blind eye to what Hitler was doing. It’s one thing to choose not to dwell on a negative subject but it’s another thing altogether to condone the heinous acts against humanity by others.
Posted by: Sonia | December 10, 2020 at 04:46 PM
@ Sonia
GSD left Beas to spend the holiday with his sons. This is a difficult time for him as he is still grieving the loss of his wife who died so suddenly and at a relatively young age. This is even more difficult for his sons. GSD hasn’t publicly shown any grief at the loss of his wife. Presumably he knew about her death before it happened. But the Dhillon boys both loved their mother very much and it has been little over a year since her sudden demise. So, let’s try to be sensitive. Not for the sake of the guru who GIHF so is unaffected by his wife’s death but for the sake of his children and grandchildren.
Posted by: Shalini | December 10, 2020 at 10:47 PM
Shalini, I don’t believe GSD is GIHF and the only way he could have known about Shabnam’s death is if he planned it himself... and God knows there are enough rumors floating around about that.
Posted by: Sonia | December 11, 2020 at 12:28 AM
1. If this blog post is supposed to represent an honest fair reflection of rssb and Haynes park, it does not, it is completely the opposite and I suspect 99% of the ppl who attend Haynes Park would state this blog post is complete rubbish. This comes from an embittered satsangi so put it in its right context for a start.
2. If the baba or any other older man flirts with an attractive women why is that a sin, whereas if an older women does that to a younger man it’s funny?
3. How do you know he is even flirting to begin with and not joking?
4. What business is it of yours what consenting adults get up to?
Posted by: Buford T Justice | December 11, 2020 at 02:57 AM
Does anybody know about Mal & Shiv-inder and Godwani s actual places?
If not can someoene from Delhi phone the jail and ask?
Posted by: Curious | December 11, 2020 at 03:46 AM
Well, in all fairness to Judy’s remark, GSD did admit to keeping several photos of pretty young girls from Haynes Park on his phone. I know that sounds crazy but I along with several hundred other people witnessed the conversation he had about it with a sevadar from Haynes Park. He got defensive about it and said there was nothing wrong with it. I’m sure his wife didn’t agree. Poor woman.
Posted by: Sonia | December 11, 2020 at 04:03 AM
I mean, aside from his serial womanizing, insatiable appetite for money and bad temper, he’s a pretty stand up guy. Or you could just say he’s a typical Baba from the Punjab.
Posted by: Sonia | December 11, 2020 at 04:06 AM
These folk now want to apply their puritanical moralistic beliefs and upbringing as to how or what a Baba should be, as if they got the foggiest.
Rather stick with Christianity or some other bush baptist belief if that suits your pecularities better.
Posted by: Sheriff Gaylord Justice | December 11, 2020 at 08:12 AM
In the Q & A video 33, GSD said he is NOT god on earth and nobody should say he is.
Posted by: Joe | December 11, 2020 at 08:25 AM
We have every right to say what we want, as this is not a blind sheep website ~ go to one of the sponsored RSSB sights. You are not doing seva for defending the devil here.
We have every right to comment where there is a great injustice where strange people like you believe someone who dresses and ties a perfect turban and sits on a stage, that cunningly steels the perceptions of the gullible sangat into thinking this fake guru will give a release to their pain and a afterlife salvation . These sangat are desperately looking for answers , and this fake charlatan is taking full advantage knowingly, clowning on stage and giving answers in Qand A that are empty. If he was a decent man with compassion, he should stand up in the satsang and say CLEARLY that he is not a god and that rssb is a complete lie from the onset. He should also proceed to break up the dera. But can satan / lucifers vessel give up his seat of power? So if you are not happy go to a rssb friendly sight or if you want to put your point a cross, why don't you just give me 3 reasons why this fake guy , GSD, is 100% god on earth that ONLY he will take you to the almighty god at death .
Posted by: Trevor | December 11, 2020 at 03:13 PM
Seems you ain’t listened to the guru as he has clearly said he is not the master (or god), the shabd is the master.
Why do you ppl insist on creating lies?
I couldn’t give a tonsil whether you hate him or love him, and I’m sure neither does he, but if you going to run him down at least have the due courtesy and respect to actually pull him on validly evil actions, not the rubbish that most of you fabricate out of your own disturbed minds.
If you are going to prosecute at least provide evidence to back it up.
Posted by: Buford T | December 12, 2020 at 02:37 AM
Since KAMAL is mentioned by name, let me fill in the blanks.
He has assaulted more than a few members of the sangat. He has a gang of his inner circle and they work together. They are not afraid of anyone. The savadars know this and their ambition is to get into the inner circle. Babaji is also fully aware of this and condones it because it works for him.
If he needs anyone “sorted out” he can call Kamal and his gang.
How exactly is this spiritual and seva?
The sangat has no idea how far this corruption goes unless they happen to get personally involved.
If they do get attacked or targeted by Kamal and his gang, they will know but nobody else will believe them.
The general sangat is simply in denial because they cannot accept that babaji would allow this. They are wrong, he allows it because he needs gangsters like that in case of trouble.
Kamal is the same person as when he was a gangster. If babaji was a real saint he would have changed him into a truly humble person like guru Nanak did to sajan tagh. True saints change your heart. Fake saints use people for their own benefit.
Posted by: TheTruth | December 12, 2020 at 03:48 AM
I have been visiting the Dera very often, nearly every year once. In the Q&A sessions GSD often questioned his role as GIHF.
He stated that he could be the biggest fraud here. But the believing crowd took those statements of course as a joke.
Maybe those statements have been the rare true words during the Q&A sessions.
Posted by: JS | December 12, 2020 at 05:03 AM
Oh my God! No not you GSD, Creep.
GSD an autobiography. What a wonderful account of the mysterious malicious Radha Soami head and its cult.
Now, it not only looks like GSD is rolling in it and profiteering from his own criminal behavioural activities but so are his sweet beloved children and also his shady shallow hearted sangat too. Who says crime doesn't pay.
The so called gangsters in charge at Haynes are nothing more than a bunch of egotistical monkeys who are useless, overfed, fat, free loading Langer eating goons.
Sounds like the ongoings of a daytime soap opera of many a maniacs on a reckless rampage driven by greed, power, ego, lust, sex and money. Whist still playing the perfect Baba and the disciplined Disciple flute, how disturbingly pathetic is Radha and her infidelity Soami
If this is what goes on at the Hellish Haynes Park. I'd hate to think of the dark goings on in the infamous Dera behind those tightly twinned curtains and closed doors.
We hear the baba has a rolling roving eye too and even wishes to play out his wistful old age fantasies with a girl or two in mind. If you look into the life and times of the great GSD before his succession to the top looney baba, you will uncover previous court appearances for his cradle snatching habitual predatorial tendencies.
The Lustful ways of Lucifer hey, twisted and disturbing even bordering on the lines of a life long sentence.
Which by the way is long overdue now.
Tax evasion, stealing land of poor farmers who are now left to even defend for they're daily bread. Then we have the case of The missing millions of his nephews and finally his very own wife, who was laid to rest sadly but suspiciously. hush hush. We all know who dun it, no no it wasn't the butler!
So now we can all see clearly and understand why GSD has always hated the camera, and it never was because he was somewhat of a lame ass camera shy individual either.
Oh well better late than never you've been so wickedly exposed, it's frightening.
Here's wishing you a well deserved xmas present. A one way ticket to Hell so you can lap it up, on the lap of your so called beloved god Lucy.
This monster master must be investigated like many before him and made to pay his dues even though he's a very Slimey Slivering Snake.
Let's all hope the real Turkey gets it in the end.
"Merry Christmas ho ho ho"!!!
Posted by: manoj | December 12, 2020 at 04:31 PM
@ We hear the baba has a rolling roving eye too and even wishes to play out his
@ wistful old age fantasies with a girl or two in mind. If you look into the life and
@ times of the great GSD before his succession to the top looney baba, you will
@ uncover previous court appearances for his cradle snatching habitual predatorial
@ tendencies.
Court appearances? That's serious innuendo. In fact, it's libellous
without supporting evidence. Did you hear a news report? Surely,
you did some simple fact checking before leveling this charge?
Without due diligence, your comments become a hateful screed.
Please make them more persuasive and compelling with actual
hard fact, not hearsay.
Posted by: Dungeness | December 13, 2020 at 12:16 AM
Baba,s Mansion in Haynes park is listed with Mid Bedfordshire Council as LEARNING CENTRE therefore exempt from Council Tax,.
Average 3 Bedroom house in UK is 800 Square feet not 1700 square feet as mentioned by Judy.Average 4 Bed House in UK is 1100 Square feet. Council tax per Flat or House starts at £1500.00 per year equivalent to one months wages for working class people.
Posted by: Baba Land Grab | December 13, 2020 at 12:39 AM
@ He stated that he could be the biggest fraud here. But the believing crowd
@ took those statements of course as a joke. Maybe those statements have
@ been the rare true words during the Q&A sessions.
I think you're right. Those were indeed truthful words! Maybe they were in the
vein of "Catch me if you can!".
Of course, since GSD purports to talk of spirituality, maybe he was suggesting
that in order to nail him and his spiritual fraudulence you need to practice a
yogic discipline to ascertain whether he's a fake or not.
On the other hand, you could just say "If it sounds dodgy, it almost certainly is."
That's probably the case since we hear he's into young girls and his financial
grift is obvious. No, we don't need no stinking evidence, Res ipsa loquitur.
Posted by: Dungeness | December 13, 2020 at 01:09 AM
This is a lot of rumors.
Let's get ten eye witness and specific accounts of people who actually interacted with KAMAL.
We'll call this expose Special Task Force Uncover...
Or STFU...
Posted by: Spence Tepper | December 13, 2020 at 04:47 AM
The fact remains that known gangsters and thugs are in charge at Haynes Park. God help anyone who crosses them.
What makes this worse is that GSD supports and gives authority to the thugs to do as they please.
This is totally unacceptable in a spiritual organisation where people come for spiritual solace. I am sure his predecessor never did this and would not allow it. Neither would sawan Singh.
Why would anyone go to Haynes Park? If the guru allows this to happen, then he is responsible for any of their actions, which I am sure have many times crossed the fine line into criminal activity.
The question the followers have to ask is: is this okay behaviour for a perfect master?
If it is, then show me where any of the 10 Sikh gurus or even any previous masters throughout history ever hired gangsters for their protection
Posted by: TheTruth | December 13, 2020 at 05:33 AM
GSD security protection in INDIA organised by Indian Government costing millions.
Posted by: Baba Land Grab | December 13, 2020 at 11:38 AM
"rows and rows of BMWs and Mercedes Benz."
Lambos and Ferraris would be funnier.
Posted by: anami | December 13, 2020 at 06:37 PM
@Seems you ain’t listened to the guru as he has clearly said he is not the master (or god), the shabd is the master.
@Why do you ppl insist on creating lies?
Try telling the millions of followers , and head sevadars, and people like kesser ,..etc who run after him. Try telling the aunties that run after him, that believe that he is god incarnate, word made flesh, the saviour. Butford you can't say that he is ordinary now yet when GSD was inaugurated, they said the shabab came into him and he was the perfect example, the ideal for every one to strive for. I heard in one of his meetings where he said that if he can be a realised soul so can the others, totally implying that he was a realised enlightened being and the rest were a mere second and need to do more seva and meditation. Seva is nothing but slavery and free labour for the expansion of the cult. I call a spade a spade , and GSD is a hypocrite, a land mafia, and cares about himself more than the wider people. Ofcourse he has to keep up appearances to his sangat , within the walls of the dera, as this is hiding in plane sight. But what love has he showed his nephews, the poor farmers, and the little girl pictures, and not forgetting the circumstantial death of his wife which is highly suspect. He and the organisation is nothing but a web of lies and does not lead to god realisation but a vehicle for the few to gain power over innocent souls. These souls live in fear of sin and control and desperation. There is a hierarchy of promotion, the favourites, and a close mafia circle of criminals. In truth GSD is a tyrant hiding behind a perfect living master . The truth is that he is a mastermind, and the puppet of satan's army.
Posted by: Trevor | December 14, 2020 at 01:20 PM
@manoj , well said , totally agree with what you said below:
Oh my God! No not you GSD, Creep.
GSD an autobiography. What a wonderful account of the mysterious malicious Radha Soami head and its cult.
Now, it not only looks like GSD is rolling in it and profiteering from his own criminal behavioural activities but so are his sweet beloved children and also his shady shallow hearted sangat too. Who says crime doesn't pay.
The so called gangsters in charge at Haynes are nothing more than a bunch of egotistical monkeys who are useless, overfed, fat, free loading Langer eating goons.
Sounds like the ongoings of a daytime soap opera of many a maniacs on a reckless rampage driven by greed, power, ego, lust, sex and money. Whist still playing the perfect Baba and the disciplined Disciple flute, how disturbingly pathetic is Radha and her infidelity Soami
If this is what goes on at the Hellish Haynes Park. I'd hate to think of the dark goings on in the infamous Dera behind those tightly twinned curtains and closed doors.
We hear the baba has a rolling roving eye too and even wishes to play out his wistful old age fantasies with a girl or two in mind. If you look into the life and times of the great GSD before his succession to the top looney baba, you will uncover previous court appearances for his cradle snatching habitual predatorial tendencies.
The Lustful ways of Lucifer hey, twisted and disturbing even bordering on the lines of a life long sentence.
Which by the way is long overdue now.
Tax evasion, stealing land of poor farmers who are now left to even defend for they're daily bread. Then we have the case of The missing millions of his nephews and finally his very own wife, who was laid to rest sadly but suspiciously. hush hush. We all know who dun it, no no it wasn't the butler!
So now we can all see clearly and understand why GSD has always hated the camera, and it never was because he was somewhat of a lame ass camera shy individual either.
Oh well better late than never you've been so wickedly exposed, it's frightening.
Here's wishing you a well deserved xmas present. A one way ticket to Hell so you can lap it up, on the lap of your so called beloved god Lucy.
This monster master must be investigated like many before him and made to pay his dues even though he's a very Slimey Slivering Snake.
Posted by: Uchit | December 15, 2020 at 05:33 AM
@Seems you ain’t listened to the guru as he has clearly said he is not the master (or god), the shabd is the master.
@Why do you ppl insist on creating lies?
Try telling the millions of followers , and head sevadars..etc who run after him. Try telling the aunties that run after him, that believe that he is god incarnate, word made flesh, the saviour. Butford you can't say that he is ordinary now yet when GSD was inaugurated, they said the shabab came into him and he was the perfect example, the ideal for every one to strive for. I heard in one of his meetings where he said that if he can be a realised soul so can the others, totally implying that he was a realised enlightened being and the rest were a mere second and need to do more seva and meditation. Seva is nothing but slavery and free labour for the expansion of the cult. I call a spade a spade , and GSD is a hypocrite, a land mafia, and cares about himself more than the wider people. Ofcourse he has to keep up appearances to his sangat , within the walls of the dera, as this is hiding in plane sight. But what love has he showed his nephews, the poor farmers, and the little girl pictures, and not forgetting the circumstantial death of his wife which is highly suspect. He and the organisation is nothing but a web of lies and does not lead to god realisation but a vehicle for the few to gain power over innocent souls. These souls live in fear of sin and control and desperation. There is a hierarchy of promotion, the favourites, and a close mafia circle of criminals. In truth GSD is a tyrant hiding behind a perfect living master . The truth is that he is a mastermind, and the puppet of satan's army.
Posted by: Trevor | December 15, 2020 at 01:59 PM
@let's get ten eye witness and specific accounts of people who actually interacted with KAMAL.
On the note of needing evidence, can you or anyone, give me 3 hard proofs that GSD deserves the title of god in human form . I can give you many reasons why hes a charlatan clown, even though hes not very funny.
Posted by: Dragonslayer | December 16, 2020 at 02:07 PM
Buford T. Justice,
Your names are impressively creative. You really get 80’s American pop culture. Just curious, why are so invested in this?
Posted by: eh? | December 17, 2020 at 01:23 AM
Just slander, lies and innuendo without a shred of evidence
Posted by: Buford T | December 17, 2020 at 02:33 AM
@Buford T "Justice "
GSD has been cornered and exposed many a time, with evidence.
The Slimey Snake always Slips away.
The truth can sometimes be a bitter pill to swallow. But it can also be good for you.
Can you prove its not the truth?
We wait in anticipation for your evidence....Mr Justice
I rest my case me lord. Court adjourned.
We wait...but the evidence never comes.
Same old story everytime
Only GSDs agents come, and that to, to cover his Slimey tracks.
And again, The Slimey Snake Slips away, all over again...
Posted by: manoj | December 17, 2020 at 12:14 PM
"This monster master must be investigated like many before him and made to pay his dues even though he's a very Slimey Slivering Snake." Posted by: Uchit
Wow, so much anger.
I've started reading Spiritual Gems again and enjoying finding some paragraphs that resonate with me.
I like this ... "Make the spirit, instead of the mind the commander of the situation. The mind is tricky and will run out if permitted. Conquer it." page 242
I think that finding inner peace is an understanding that our soul, our inner being, is the powerful one and slowly carefully we can conquer the mind by simply watching our thoughts and being the observer.
Posted by: Jen | December 17, 2020 at 04:07 PM
Mr. Justice—
Well, aren’t you just the best friend anyone could ever ask for. I’m sure he appreciates your service. I believe you’ve earned enough stars for a free latte by now.
Posted by: eh? | December 17, 2020 at 10:34 PM
@Wow, so much anger.
if someone is purposely manipulative and deceiving millions it is alright to be angry and upset. How else will this evil soul, in this case GSD, be allowed to get away with his injustices. Directed anger in informing others serves a purpose.
Posted by: Uchit | December 19, 2020 at 01:27 PM
Hi Uchit,
When we take back our own personal power and stop worrying about what others believe or who they follow, its a wonderful feeling. Then we realise that there is only the One and we are part of that One because the self is a drop in that ocean and this we can rely on when we do the best we can and live life in the best possible way. Compassion is important.
Posted by: Jen | December 19, 2020 at 03:48 PM
@ Directed anger in informing others serves a purpose.
Yet with no hard evidence, the purpose remains hidden and suggests only
personal rage. Courts and others concerned with truth will demand facts and
@Can you prove its not the truth?
Demonizing and declaring GSD a greedy, fraudulent guru and even hinting
of inappropriate contact with the under-aged (as one commenter did) reflects
only personal bias since arguably there's no proof. Certainly not court actions
or indictments. No one wanting to be taken seriously will say "prove it's not
the truth!". It's like spreading the lie Obama wasn't born in the US . The onus
is on the liar to produce a shred of evidence.
This could all be avoided by prefacing a vitriolic statement with a phrase that
identifies it as personal opinion, eg, as in "In my opinion, he's slime who
should be jailed." . With qualification, It just becomes a strong opinion and
avoids sounding like a conspiracy theory, a fanatical warning from fringe
crackpots, or the intolerance of religious extremists.
Posted by: Dungeness | December 19, 2020 at 08:06 PM
"Only personal bias since arguably there,s no proof.Certainly no court actions or indictments".
A handicapped poor farmer whose land was grabbed by Dera Beas won a court order after more than 10 years of Court action. Even then Dera Beas continues to occupy land with the help of Politicians and Police. Even the indian Government have won Court orders in Delhi and other places for RSSB to vacate illegally occupied land but rioting GSD followers stone Court officials .
Many Godmen in India are getting away with murder ,rape, fraud, paedophilia ,often with the help of corrupt politicians.
Posted by: Baba Land Grab | December 20, 2020 at 12:56 PM
Another payed agent of rssb, thinking your doing the devils seva . Theres no smoke without fire. The evidence is clear; dhillan who has no previous history was a broke hotel manager before he became a self proclaimed guru by contract in 1990, what a promotion; he is known as a land mafia in papers as he takes land from the poor farmers in punjab, ref sirsa in youtube videos, who's land has been taken for next to nothing using his cronies, the police, as bullies; also he is related to the drug baron manjeetia and close connections with the badals a perfect mix of religion and politics; not forgetting he has siphoned billions from shell companies owned by his nephews and he does not dispute he doesnt have the mo ey in court; also did you know he took 1.5million pounds from sheetal talwar and when he wanted it back he was blackmailed; also 2700crore of the gurus fraudulant investment went into toxic properties- a gambler; also sheena in her book , memiors of a seeker, who has close association with the bent guru says he has zero bhaghi in his own admission, and explains the special treatment of politicians and police; then not forgetting how this con man guru treated babani , the patti of charan singh, who he took back the property leaving babani a broken man. This is the tip of the iceberg, and this con artist has money to buy influence. Why else do you think he publically and openly had a video interview with modi,? Because he leveraged his dera for favours in the dehli high court . And Dungeness if you are a man of proof, can you prove Gurinder singh dhillan is god in human form, a perfect living master, an perfect living example, because I have just proved he is not!!!
Posted by: Uchit | December 20, 2020 at 02:43 PM
Wow. This thread is still going.
I would just like to apologize for what I said. I don’t believe it’s right to attack anyone. That’s my new belief system.
Dungeness is closer to the truth but haven’t seen any proof that attack has improved anyone or any situation.
You can say that you believe a certain politician/president or spiritual teacher/leader is wrong about so and so in your opinion but blanket slander in actuality just comes across as being unintelligent and highly emotional.
There. I’m done.
Posted by: Sonia/Sonya | December 20, 2020 at 05:21 PM
@ Many Godmen in India are getting away with murder ,rape, fraud, paedophilia ,often with the help
@ of corrupt politicians.
That's undoubtedly an accurate perception although many wind up behind bars
eventually. But, facts and hard evidence still rule in court. I can't pretend to know
the often complex fact pattern and legal nuance surrounding that "land grab" by
Dera. All I know is my emotion may get in the way of a careful, unbiased exam of
the facts and I must be wary of it at all times.
For instance, I'm convinced Trump is a despicable liar, has committed crimes,
and should be jailed. If I'm honest though, I don't have the experience or legal
acumen to assess Trump and the circumstances of his case fairly. My emotion
gets in the way. A defense counsel can and should dismiss me from a jury for
that same reason.
@ If you are a man of proof, can you prove Gurinder singh dhillan is god in human form, a perfect living
@ master, an perfect living example, because I have just proved he is not!!!
That's a fair point. Until you've experienced the validity of a Guru's claim,
there's no way to know if he/she is a spiritual fraud. But that has to be
discovered inside by carefully examining yourself and rising above your
own biased thoughts and obsessive emotions. That rigorous self-exam
applies before you can judge a Guru's worldly actions as well.
Posted by: Dungeness | December 20, 2020 at 07:32 PM
Quite mistaken.
One particular sentence is completely wrong in the post:
"Baba got throat cancer it was because he was taking on the sins of his satsangis"
In actuality, Babaji Maharaj got the cancer for the sins of the earth as a whole.
Posted by: One Initiated | December 21, 2020 at 09:01 PM
It has to do with understanding,facts and gut feeling right?
That is not easy..
Not easy at all.
So in fact one lives in this world without ´real knowledge´ is how I see it.
We need use´ our wisdom and knowledge and gut feeling..´
And in fact never be sure about outside appearances..álso what comes in our insideś
actually..(ideaś about people,masters,ministers..etc..)
;0)...take everything as if it
is sort of a dream we are in..
Posted by: s* | December 22, 2020 at 01:36 AM
This idea that public character assassination is a good thing is fraught with difficulty. We take that poison into ourselves focusing on the faults of others. Then hatred becomes a lifestyle, our prison guard, and we lose our own peaceful balance and goodwill, that we depend upon to function.
Before we knew of their faults we were free to live happily. Now their limitations become our own shackles, that we ourselves place upon our own wrists and feet by nothing more than what we attend to.
Let's limit our use of judgements to ourselves and those who have immediate effect upon us. Let us set our own boundaries firmly, and accept those others must set for their own survival.
Your choice to love or hate anyone should never, ever touch mine. Nor should mine have any power whatsoever over yours.
Because I don't need to hate anyone to accept the world for what it is, including my own limitations. I don't need anyone else to love whom I love in order for me to enjoy that love.
The life force within me matters. And anyone who reminds me of it automatically gains my affection. Worship of that within matters.
So that we can spend the bulk of our time creating something healthy and positive from that life within ourselves.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | December 22, 2020 at 06:22 AM
@ So in fact one lives in this world without ´real knowledge´ is how I see it.
@ We need use´ our wisdom and knowledge and gut feeling..´
@ And in fact never be sure about outside appearances..álso what comes in our insideś
@ actually..(ideaś about people,masters,ministers..etc..)
@. ;0)...take everything as if it is sort of a dream we are in.
S*, that's how I see the dream too. Now, as a lost child stumbling
in the dark "with no language but a cry". But, tomorrow oneness
will whisper a secret.
1 Corinthians 13:12
"For now we see through a glass darkly, but then we shall see
face to face; now I know in part, but then I shall know exactly as
I have been known."
Posted by: Dungeness | December 22, 2020 at 03:05 PM
@ Let's limit our use of judgements to ourselves and those who have immediate effect upon us. Let us set our own boundaries firmly, and accept those others must set for their own survival.
So by your standard lets not bother with the starving people in Africa as long as it doesnt affect us. Let's not expose the injustices of the corrupt politicians there to free these people from bondage. By your reckoning Let's try to show compassion to these corrupt gurus even though they are hiding in plain sight, and living life better than a rock star. How can you feel happy and good about yourself if you have suffering around you due to sociopathic mad men in positions of power. Money is freedom and power in this world, and GSD has plenty of it, yet he imprisons peoples mind , body, and soul in the after life.
Posted by: Dragonslayer | December 22, 2020 at 03:37 PM
>>Money is freedom and power in this world, and GSD has plenty of it, yet he imprisons peoples mind , body, and soul in the after life. <<
Please do explain:
"yet he imprisons peoples mind , body, and soul in the after life."
What do you mean by "imprison" and how is it done and how do you know that this statement and claim of yours is the truth. How can people that do not know about your convictions, find for them selves that it is correct what you write.
Which or what afterlife??
Posted by: um | December 23, 2020 at 03:20 AM
Being free is a good thing..
We are not free and we are lesser and lesser in this absolute strange world.
More strange then ever!!!
I dońt believe the politicians.(Globallists)
I dońt believe other prominant people who ´know it´for others..
I believe in people who SEE and understand the MADNESS in this period of time.
Posted by: s* | December 23, 2020 at 05:44 AM
Hi Dragonslayer
You wrote
"How can you feel happy and good about yourself if you have suffering around you due to sociopathic mad men in positions of power."
Since that suffering is part of the human condition, along with the problems of people in power, do you suggest we live in unhappiness?
I can feel happy, not about myself, but happy to be alive, thankful for each breath. And I find it helps me to help others. If I could stop injustice through protest, naturally that's a good thing to do. But if I'm just making excuses to hate others, not really taking any actions to help anyone, then I'm actually making the world and myself worse.
Jealously guard your happiness. Protect it. It is the only source you have for helping anyone.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | December 23, 2020 at 07:59 AM
ad s*
What you call madness is the price we humans have to pay for living in a community.
For every community to function and to produce the advantages we want from it, there is a kind of government needed. So was it in the past so is it now and so will it be in the future.
These governments are not always kind for each and everybody under their rule, nor are governments, on friendly terms between each other. ...history tells that tale. The bible and other books like the Mahabarata tell that tale. Whatever you believe or think the government does wrong, was done so in the past, happens now and will do so in the future.
The only way to escape the disadvantages of community, is to live somewhere as an recluse and produce whatever you need for yourself.
We have lived in the west in relative welfare, peace etc for a period of 75 long years after the second world war ... historically seen that is a long, very long period.
There is nothing special, or unique in what is going on, nothing at all. Humanity has seen that many, many times in its past en will see it in the future also.
Christ called it a valley of tears, where humans have to earn their daily bread by toiling in their labor.
For everything YOU have, almost all things in your house, other people have suffered in one way or another.
Posted by: Um | December 23, 2020 at 08:40 AM
@What do you mean by "imprison" and how is it done and how do you know that this statement and claim of yours is the truth. How can people that do not know about your convictions, find for them selves that it is correct what you write.
Which or what afterlife??
The prison is the belief they sell you, you trap yourself thinking GSD is the saviour, like a jesus, when hes nothing but a con man , a vessel for the hidden hand, to keep you exactly where he wants you. In a state of ignorance and total dependence, and you surrender e everything because that is what they told you to do. So that way he has your mind, then he has your body, as you do his deeds, you become a vessel for him to expand his cult, you become a slave. Then in your afterlife he takes your soul as he comes as a guardian angel and takes you to his place where no doubt he will be worshipped like a god. Until you are chucked back into reincarnation cycle. What a complete waste of life.
Posted by: Dragonslayer | December 23, 2020 at 03:20 PM
@ Dragon slayer
Thanks for your reaction but it was not helpful enough to make me understand clearly what your point is.
You use language that I am not used to like "the vessel for the hidden hand", "he becoming a an guardian angel" "chucked back into a reincarnation cycle"
And you end with "what a complete waste of life" I cannot understand how this waste of life follows from the rest of what you wrote.
It seems you have some sort of teaching, believe or understanding from which you speak. If so it is unclear to me to say the least.
What is clear is only that you don't like the man, and want to warn others but "why" remains unintelligible .. at least for me.
Posted by: Um | December 23, 2020 at 04:18 PM
often with the help of corrupt politicians.
Posted by: Baba Land Grab | December 20, 2020 at 12:56 PM
Been a while.
Butt evertime I see this classy name I think Baba Lando's garb
Posted by: Karim W. Rahmaan | December 23, 2020 at 05:35 PM
>>Quite mistaken.
One particular sentence is completely wrong in the post:
"Baba got throat cancer it was because he was taking on the sins of his satsangis"
In actuality, Babaji Maharaj got the cancer for the sins of the earth as a whole.
Posted by: One Initiated<<
I thought saints / masters came for their own market souls, not all of humanity?
And why the earth then? If you're a santmat subscriber you'd know there's souls trapped in several regions below trikuti and beyond par barhm too .. in the whirling caves. Not to mention hells and heavens.. and many replicas of sach Khand / sat Lok where many yogis live - 'trapped' for infinity?
But then GSD has repeatedly said in his Q&A that karma must be paid off by each for himself. Then why he 'got the cancer for the sins of the earth as a whole'?
You're confusing me, I had this all sussed out, but now I am lost again!!
Posted by: Brian ji | December 23, 2020 at 11:33 PM
Hi Dragonslayer
"The prison is the belief they sell you"
Depends on your take on that. If you understand the Physical Master is a representation of a universal divine principle of the force that is behind all creation, inside each of us, and worship of that inner Shabd is your real worship, then the worship of any human being as God in Human form is a perfect worship regardless of the physical limitations of that teacher. It isn't a matter that he is God and she isn't God. Everyone has the highest Lord within themselves. Everyone is God in their essence. When you see that it won't matter that people call Gurinder "God". If they actually see him as God, that reflects their own inner development and it is a very positive thing.
And that isn't confusing one for the other. The Lord isn't a personality at all, but the very force of life. We learn how to worship that Spirit through worship of the man. That isn't the only way to make that journey. It's just the easiest. We don't need perfect judgment to transcend our own limitations and go within to a place better than this flawed personality we are imprisoned in. And in that inner realm, transcend the limitations to understand and experience the universality of "God", the divinity that is all love and all power inside everyone and everything . So that we see the Lord in everyone and everything. Then we are grateful and say, truly, the person who helped us understand the way, and who helped us get here is worthy of the title "God in Human Form" because of what he did for us. But that is entirely dependent upon one's personal relationship to Him. Otherwise everyone has the Lord within them, in equal portion.
You are God, also, Dragonslayer, in potential. But what makes you God, what makes Gurinder God is not the physical limitations, including the limitations of this brain, and its limited conditioning, nor the flawed choices we make from this tiny bag of chemicals we call the brain; nor from our limited ability to understand what we see looking at this world from inside that bag of ever-changing and vulnerable chemicals. Divinity isn't that. Divinity is the divine principle that created all life, that gives us life moment by moment. Understanding that, experiencing that, we are all living in the body of God, the body of Christ, together. That's where we find common ground and true communion and real community. When we look at each other and see ourselves, and see God. Not in the limited principles of politics, religion, philosophy, which are endlessly at war with each other, endlessly in debate. There can be no common platform for universal brotherhood there. But as citizens of life itself. Anything that helps you realize this is a good thing, even if it comes from a thief. If that thief stole your heart away from wasting your life on smaller things, he is a very good thief, and worthy of praise.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | December 24, 2020 at 04:44 AM
@spensor , or shall I call you rssb sponsor. We are part of god, full stop.
It's people like gsd and rssb organisations, and religions that take advantage of us, and knowingly for their gain. They want us to remain blind, asleep, or make you feel that they are more worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven than the ordinary. They are nothing but part of the illusion and keep us in the world for their benefit as long as they can get away with it until someone exposes them. Yes the spirit is the same in all. But there is a counterfeit to the truth, and the spirit. The good and the evil, truth and lies. I donot trust anything on the inside or the outside, how do you know u are not deceived. Remember we are love, but even this can be manipulated by evil forces to take advantage to trip you up. How else does a narcissist or a sociopath win an innocent person over.
Posted by: Dragonslayer | December 24, 2020 at 03:53 PM
Hi Dragonslayer
You ask a good question
"How else does a narcissist or a sociopath win an innocent person over."
If an innocent person finds inspiration in this dark world that is to their credit.
Something fine is integral, hard wired into that person.
And if someone is blind to the inner reality because of the influence of others, sadly, they suffer from that as well.
And equally unfortunate are those with no experience, of inspiration or of spirit, placing themselves as experts on the subject or of sheer ignorance. But to be fair, we are all ignorant of some things. It's good to know that because it means we are in a path of lifelong learning.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | December 24, 2020 at 05:40 PM
How can this fake charlatan baba of beas, take the karma of the earth or anyone else when he can't even deal with his own karma. RSSB has purposely twisted the concept of karma and karmic dept to keep us living in total guilt, shame and subversion so you tend to bow down to a so called guru, giving the perception that they are divine and linked
to god. Although there is some karma, you have free will choices to navigate this life. So be very careful of so called gurus who say they have all the answers, they are nothing but honey pots, and traps and hypnotise you to make choices that are not in your best interests. In truth GSD is the cloak of satan
Posted by: Truthwariour | December 25, 2020 at 02:45 PM
Brian Ji GSD say masters don’t take on karmas he say this hundred times his throat cancer same reason he diabetic cause he human
Posted by: Meditation | December 27, 2020 at 04:48 AM