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November 18, 2020


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“Sebi, in October 2018, had directed FHL to recover Rs 403 crore, along with interest, from nine entities. The regulator had also directed the entities to jointly and severally repay the amount to Fortis Hospitals and FHL.

Besides, the entities were restrained from disposing of the assets pending investigation.”

The way the article talks about entities makes them sound like people. Maybe in India corporations are treated like people.

I don’t know where they found the time to launder all that money. You’d think just coming up with names for all those shell companies would have been a full-time job. How many are there, like a thousand?

It’s interesting how hard working some criminals are.

Don't forget Gurinder singh dhillon is a billionaire baba. He also has political connections and voting power - related to manjeetia, and in bed with the badals. This means he will be difficult to pin down as there is massive corruption in India in the shadows. He is in a desperate state as he desperately tries to mend his broken public image. Let's hope truth prevails and this fraudster gets locked up, and they throw away the key.

Sikh community bombarding rssb here.

You look like an rssb porn. Why don't you ask yourself why your so called pure sant guru, use to say " to ruin a person's life, just give him a million pounds ", and now this fraudster is a billionaire baba, (great promotion from working in sales prior )- by the way he doesn't even dispute he has the money. Why has GSD wife timely and very convenient death has meant some of his charges are dropped? why did this clever trickster spread the money out to others in his family? Finally why doesn't he show his taxes , instead of hiding them in sealed envelopes in dehli court? Looks like he has plenty to hide from the sangat . It's clear that the Fake guru is hiding from facing his karma.

“Good teachers never terrorise their students. To terrorise is to attack, and this results in rejection of what the teacher offers. The result is learning failure.”

As a teacher, guardian, friend this is helpful to keep in mind. Some days are more challenging than others.

In America we have the evil of predatory, prosperity evangelism.
But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand for this can also apply to the question of "how did my guru get so rich?"


People believe in they concept of seed money, that somehow giving the money to their spiritual leader is a godly thing to do, and will benefit themselves later.. When the seed is harvested.

@ People believe in they concept of seed money, that somehow giving the
@ money to their spiritual leader is a godly thing to do, and will benefit
@ themselves later.. When the seed is harvested.

Speaking of harvesting, does anyone remember Dudley Moore's
"Bedazzled".... It's a memorable movie about being careful what
you wish for. Those damned seeds will always sprout.


I wish I didn’t have emotions 🤞

Let’s hope that comes true. I think we’d all be perfectly rational without emotions.

Congratulations GSD
What a shambolic indian movie GSD you have single handedly starred, produced and directed in.
I guess you always wanted to be that hero but ended up playing the dirty deceitful rotten villain you always were. Hiding behind a nasty weaved curtain of lies. You know the villain always gets it in the end and your end is nigh. Rest assured karma's gonna soon catch up with your evil ways. Here's wishing your movie is a flop.

Dr. Jakyll and Mr Hyde, is the story of GSD . Dr. Jakyll is all what all the sleeping sangat see on stage, the actor with a perfect trimed beard, clothing of a saint. The shabad singers set to lure you into a state of hypnomatic seduction.
But if you peel back the image / facade, and look at his actions he is hiding the beast called Hyde. The black eyed demon, ulter ego, the real master incontrol of the physical body. It's a fascinating read

"When we see men of contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves."


You should be pleased

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