Tonight I wrote another post on my Salem Political Snark blog about Donald Trump's ever-so-pleasing defeat to Joe Biden, the next President of the United States.
I called it, "Trump may never concede, but Biden has whipped his ass." Here's what I said, along with the tweets that I included in the post.
Last Tuesday was tough for progressives like me.
Sure, I knew that mail-in ballots, largely from Democrats, were going to take a while to count, and in-person voting on election day would be dominated by Republicans. But knowing is one thing. Emotions are a whole other thing.
I worried that somehow Trump would pull out another close victory like he did in 2016. Wednesday I felt better as Trump's lead in battleground states began to shrink. Thursday, even better.
And today, Friday, I'm feeling damn fine!
Now starts the fun part -- basking in the warm glow of Biden's almost certain victory, while shivering with delight at Trump becoming increasingly frantic to deny the truth of his loss.
It looks like Biden will get 306 electoral votes, the same number Trump got in 2016 that he's been bragging about as a massive victory ever since. Probably Biden won't rub that fact in Trump's face, but I sure will.
You're a big fat loser, Donald. You've gotten your sorry ass kicked. You'll go down in history as a one-term president who was impeached, had very low approval ratings, and will be known as the worst president in modern times. Maybe in all times.
It's going to be ever so satisfying to watch Trump flail around in the coming days and weeks, desperately trying to con his way into a victory that was denied him by rough, tough, kick-ass Joe Biden. Trump is acting like the cowardly wimp that he is.
His insults, lying, and bravado thinly disguise his deep insecurity and lack of confidence. Trump has surrounded himself with fawning admirers who don't question his incompetence, lack of morality, and inability to act like a normal human being.
Trump always has been able to cheat, lie, or buy his way out of problems. It's hugely delicious to now see him confronted by the undeniable reality of a massive election defeat. Votes can't be bull-shitted away.
They are what they are, the expression of how badly Americans wanted to see Trump drummed out of the White House.
Trump is going to lose two red states, Arizona and Georgia, that helped propel him to victory in 2016. And the Blue Wall of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania is back up again, much stronger and more impressive than Trump's mythical "Mexico is going to pay for it" wall.
It's fitting that Trump began his failed presidency with a bizarre conspiracy theory -- that Barack Obama was born in Kenya -- and he's ending his failed presidency with an equally bizarre conspiracy theory -- that the election was stolen from him.
I'm so looking forward to watching Trump's fragile ego disintegrate as day by day, week by week, the reality that he has lost the election big-time sinks into his feeble brain.
Fortunately, there's plenty of space in his mostly empty cranium for other facts to sink in: he faces serious legal problems without the protection of the presidency; his hotels and resorts are going to suffer under the weight of his unpopularity; nobody but his most rabid supporters is going to care about what he says or tweets about once Biden is inaugurated.
Here's some tweets I came across today that appealed to me.
You write you are happy ....
but ....
maybe only for a short while!!!
I saw and heard his son ... and ...what I saw an heard doesn't promises an future to be happy about.
It is not over, because those who are followers of him are still there, filled to their red necks with frustration, anger and fake news.
But for now .... all of you have a good day.
Posted by: um | November 07, 2020 at 09:30 AM
They think it's over
The fat lady hasn't even begun to clear her throat yet.
Watch the shenanigans that follow next.
Posted by: Ahujahalava | November 07, 2020 at 10:33 AM
and ... I do remember an saying from the underclasses in south America dominated and neglected by the establishment and elite of the country
When they beat us with the stick, we bow our backs and protect our heads with our hands .... we suffer ... but after generations those who inflict that suffering,will get so tired from beating us, that they will lose the very strength to even lift their arm to hit us .... than we will raise up and turn them down.
The raise of Trump should be an warning ... it is like the rumbling of a volcano.
Trump is not the problem ... he is just the proverbial bird in the mine.
Posted by: um | November 08, 2020 at 03:04 AM
Hate to break it you but trump still won something like 47% of the vote - that’s huge.
Even with all the negative publicity this was a very close run thing. And even with Biden winning, half the country can’t stand him or the other progressives that make up the other half of the country.
Big problems ahead. I wouldn’t be surprised if the 2nd war of northern aggression takes place.
My money is on the south this time - while I am general sympathetic to a more leftist view , I can see the overly pc correct brigade getting a sound ass kicking from the Trumpster’s brethren.
Posted by: General Grant Jnr | November 08, 2020 at 02:26 PM
@ My money is on the south this time - while I am general sympathetic to a more leftist view
@ I can see the overly pc correct brigade getting a sound ass kicking from the Trumpster’s
@ brethren.
General "J",
With all due respect, I think there are honorable people on both sides.
But to demonize Trump or Conway or Biden, Pelosi, etc is a tactical
blunder. A fatal one.
Just think about the mega-tons of energy, fear, and vitriol we invest in
"being right", to "winning at all costs". We lose our humanity and all sense
of proportion in the pursuit. Halleujah, an enemy was vanquished. The
hill is taken only to be lost in a counter attack a few days later.
All mystics say the real enemy is inside us. The worthy opponent is mind.
Its mastery is what matters, not the useless skirmishing outside for a pieces
of dirt. Overcome the core obstacle. You'll be better equipped to fight
the endless battles outside.
Posted by: Dungeness | November 09, 2020 at 04:43 PM
After watching the childish nature of the debates, I think it’s highly debatable whether there are honorable ppl on both sides. Gdam they are like kids. V funny stuff watching them trying to be all presidential like.
Frankly I’m amazed at the level of support Trump actually has, despite the media’s coverage of him.
There is a deep level of resentment and unhappiness brimming just beneath the surface in the land of the free. Half the population don’t give a flying fig about the woke progressive views of the west coast navel-gazers and east coast NY times readers. In fact they seem positively enraged that these useless pontificators even exist, let alone foist their worldviews on everyone else.
I say bring on the popcorn. Funny times ahead. The Mason-Dixon Line may still be of relevance.
Posted by: Gen Ulysses Grant (Jnr) | November 10, 2020 at 02:28 AM
Almost every time I read or hear a progressive expressing their opposition to Trump, their reasons have to do with Trump's personality, his manner, demeanor, etc. Almost never do I hear about his policy.
We've had four years of no new wars, and Trump even wanted to bring back troops from the Mid-East. But now with Biden, the defense industry has an establishment politician who is more likely to get us back to the business of war. Will you be happy with your vote if the U.S. gets engaged in yet another conflict? I know you don't believe that our government is straight-forward with its citizens when it comes to selling their wars. So do you believe it's worth getting Trump out if it means another quagmire?
Posted by: Rob | November 19, 2020 at 08:33 PM
Problems we need a new president to address:
Kids in cages
White supremacy
Environmental destruction - will cause more loss of life than COVID in the not too distant future
Posted by: X | November 19, 2020 at 11:50 PM