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September 09, 2020


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If global temperature reaches 60 degree Celsius , it may wipe out 95% of mankind, all the electrical equipment , weapons , atomic bombs and missiles will self destruct at that temperature causing destruction at large scale. People in developed world can be wiped out by that temperature as their bodies will not be able to adapt. This is happening as developed world is not following the commandment " You shall not lie " . The half truth - half lie technology of developed world has brought mankind on verge of destruction.

Ohh dear Brian!!
That’s really heavy for you people there also in Oregon.
I saw it on tv in the Netherlands..
I hope and pray for you that you will be safe..
Wishing you and all the people there strength and safety!!


Gosh, the photo is somewhat eerie. Hope the fire steers away from your beautiful property. Be safe!

Our circumstances can completely change in an instant. So temporary and fragile is life. 🌸

Our lovely world which we enjoy has been on fire a long time. We saw a little crimson on the horizon a few years back but told ourselves it's just temporary, somewhere else, affecting other people, not us, far, far away. They will take care of it.

Then the smoke began. Well, it wasn't much, we could still spot the blue sky most of the time.

Now the sky is completely orange. And the horizon is blood red.

But it's still so far away, right.

Tomorrow we will be able to see flames from here.

The world was always burning. Our world has always been burning. The world was always engulfed. We didn't see it in our little neighborhood, our temporary Hamlet.

Really, how silly we have been.

This was one of the first fires that started in Cali.


My camera is not a good one, but this happened after some fight where a guy started the fire out of anger.

And days after they put this one out, as I hear it someone poped a party-popper near the same hills which went so far it hit some brush and erupted the current 29,000+ acre Bobcat fire.

People a getting negligent due to the stress of covid-19. They need to keep the faith.


Did not realize you live in California. Tried to open the link you sent from my phone but I’m going to have to try it from my computer because I haven’t installed One Drive on my phone.

Anyway, hope you are keeping safe. :)

Can't think of anything worse than wildfires. Good that you are well organised and have your evacuation checklist ready. Hope your home survives. Thinking of you and your family wishing and hoping everything will work out okay.

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