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September 24, 2020


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Key to happiness is to see the truth as it is. " Jisney haq ko haqparast hokar haqparasti sey samjha "
Haq is truth , haqparast is truth seeker , haqparasti is devotion to truth ,samjha is to understand. What is haq / truth ?? The truth is the people coming out of this education system can write 200 page books but they cannot speak for 200 minutes. Where is the fault then ?? Fault is in the person who has written 200 page book without understanding he cannot speak for 200 minutes. Education given to him was based on falsehood. He is not haqparast / seeker , he is a munafiq / hypocrite .

Training the mind is a daily discipline.
And when training the mind, the discovery of inner joy is its own special pleasure.

The rise and fall of lottery winners has always fascinated me.

Here are some documentaries on that subject:

A good cure for desensitization is to go camping for a few days. Suddenly the simplest things like having a shower, sitting in a camp chair by the fire or drinking coffee becomes so very special. Typically the more we have materially, the more numb we get to pleasure.

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