Here's a hot-off-the-press (August 13) story from The Economic Times about the latest turn of events involving the Singh brothers and their relative, Gurinder Singh Dhillon, the guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB).
Dhillon has been accused by Malvinder Singh of using his influence as a trusted spiritual guide and family advisor to siphon off hundreds of millions of dollars from a company once controlled by Malvinder.
Fraudulent "loans" allegedly funneled money into the pockets of the guru and his family via shell companies headed up by directors associated with the Dhillon family and RSSB.
I've boldfaced portions of the story that mention the RSSB guru. It does seem extremely suspicious that the criminal complaint Malvinder filed against Dhillon and others back in February 2019 hasn't been investigated.
Many people have left comments on blog posts I've written about this financial scandal and the guru's involvement in it. Fairly frequently it is observed that the Indian justice system has a lot of corruption and favoritism embedded in it. So powerful well-connected people get treated lightly, or not at all, while others get punished.
This is a test case of sorts for whether international investors can trust that the Indian justice system will investigate alleged corporate financial misdeeds fairly and openly.
So far, India is getting poor marks on this question. Malvinder presented compelling evidence in his criminal complaint that Gurinder Singh Dhillon was a mastermind of the fraudulent transactions that ended up enriching the Dhillon family.
Until the RSSB guru either is cleared or indicted by Indian authorities, there will always be reason to suspect that the supposedly "spiritual" leader of a large religious group is getting special treatment from the Powers-That-Be in India.
Malvinder Singh, former promoter of Religare NSE -0.56 % Enterprises who is under custody for alleged money laundering, has accused spiritual leader Gurinder Singh Dhillon of engineering “systematic downfall” of Religare group by misusing his influence over the former.
In his bail petition filed last week, Singh alleged that he has been falsely implicated and is “being made a scapegoat to shield certain individuals and the management of the complainant company (Religare) from legal action and claims”.
He alleged that Dhillon, head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), is the “culprit who has contrived the systematic downfall of the Religare group of companies as well as RHC group by misusing his filial and spiritual influence over the applicant as well as committing fraud” in conspiracy with Sunil Godhwani and Shivinder Singh, co-accused in the Rs 2,100-crore fraud case.
ET has accessed a copy of the petition filed before a local Court
“Gurinder Singh Dhillon has unwittingly left a trail of breadcrumbs revealing his involvement, including the appointment of many of his devotees as directors in the defaulting companies,” it said.
Malvinder’s lawyer Manu Sharma argued that a commercial dispute of loan default and alleged violations of prudential and corporate governance norms are being given the colour of a criminal offence, which ought not to be countenanced by the court.
Malvinder has claimed that he had filed a complaint against Dhillon and several others in the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Delhi police in February last year, seeking investigation against their alleged fraudulent activities. “However, to the prejudice of the applicant (Malvinder), the same has not been investigated,” the petition said.
It also claimed that he has no relationship with borrower entities used for the alleged fraud. There is not even a shred of credible material to show that Malvinder controlled the affairs of these companies, it claimed.
“Most of the directors of borrower entities were not only devout followers of Radha Soami Satsang Beas with unassailable reverence for Gurinder Singh Dhillon but were also inimically disposed to the Malvinder as he had filed a complaint against Dhillon with the EOW in February 2019”, Malvinder has stated in his petition.
Dhillon has denied allegations of wrongdoing.
Malvinder in his petition also claimed that the agencies' accusation that public money is involved in the instant case is nothing but a “myth”. He has contended that it is imperative to note that Religare Finvest, the group firm which the money was allegedly siphoned off, itself was not a public listed company and did not accept public deposits.
Malvinder is in custody for over eight months. He stands booked by the EOW and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in separate cases of fraud.
Referring to bail granted by the Delhi High Court to his brother Shivinder Singh last month, Malvinder has argued that he “deserves the benefit of parity”.
ED is expected to present its arguments on Malvinder’s bail plea next week.
In its charge sheet filed against the Singh brothers, ED had alleged in January that Malvinder and Shivinder Singh along with co-accused Sunil Godhwani laundered Rs 2,100 crore from Religare, using 19 ‘shell’ companies.
Any organisation which gives money as loan on interest to earn profit is against Sant-Mat principles. Keep that in mind, Sant-Mat is not Christendom.
Posted by: Vinny | August 14, 2020 at 12:51 PM
Why cant people see that RSSB is a family business? They only initiate "masters" in the family. They are no different from these evangelical tv guys we see in the west.
Posted by: Neon | August 14, 2020 at 02:10 PM
"..alleged that Dhillon, head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), is the “culprit who has contrived the systematic downfall of the Religare group of companies as well as RHC group by misusing his filial.."
As sad argument about family relations in a case about bad business. Such a stance wouldn't hold muffins in a Federal Court of Law.
"RHC group"
Is that what they're calling it now-a-days?
"There is not even a shred of credible material to show that Malvinder controlled the affairs of these companies.."
Which company? It ain't RHC group that's for sure. ^
Posted by: Karim W. Rahmaan | August 14, 2020 at 07:35 PM
Karim, the companies Malvinder refers to are the shell companies who took receipt of the loans run by Satsangis whose principles include Shivinder and Shabnam.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | August 14, 2020 at 10:39 PM
"Karim, the companies Malvinder refers to are the shell companies who took receipt of the loans run by Satsangis whose principles include Shivinder and Shabnam. " - Spence
The reason Karim is confused is because he doesn't understand what RHC group is. Hence he says, "is that what they are calling it nowadays"
Because of that mis-understanding, the whole article makes no sense to him.
in exactly the same way, Spence, you don't understand ONENESS or Sach, hence the gurbani makes no sense to you. and the inner guru is of no help. he just sits there looking good.
in one of the Q&A someone says "I am happy just living this life" and GSD says "you're most welcome. the spiritual is just for those who see this is pain in the end and will not remain"
Posted by: OshoRobbins | August 15, 2020 at 01:04 AM
Malvinder's latest legal arguments rest on grounds of his family affairs with Dhillon.
At least I'm not confused about that.
Posted by: Karim W. Rahmaan | August 15, 2020 at 07:38 AM
Gurinder singh dhillan, aka the dirty dhillan, is the master mind mafia guru behind it all. Why are corrupt individuals who are wealthy and have a large following, therefore voting power, allowed to get away with crimes of fraud. The more they do the more they think they can get away with - and hidden as a perfect guru in plain sight makes him a wolf in sheep clothing. Isnt it suspicious and very convenient that his wife shabnam passing and coincidentally some of his charges are dropped and the other muppet ,shivinder, released on bail. Was shabnam bullied into taking the fall for sake of the sick narcissist guru- the sacrificial lamb. I strongly believe so and this needs to be investigated .
Posted by: Truth warrior | August 15, 2020 at 03:51 PM
"Gurinder Singh Dhillon, the guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB)"
A Guru indeed.
Wow how the teachings are changing on what a Guru is. Even my master, Baba Ji is saying people like Vaswani is more guru than he ever could be. Now that is a shift!
Sad that people need new lows to accuse him of now being a bad relative who somehow operated another man's domain. Whoa, what a charge! Are there enough hours in a day to accomplish such a level?
The old teachings of what a guru is must be fleeing us fast. Hazur Sawan Singh said without THE guru, no real inner progress was possible. I pray, I never forsake my master!
Posted by: Karim W. Rahmaan | August 15, 2020 at 04:58 PM
One aspect of these cases that struck me recently; Is it likely that 3 lifelong, loyal and highly-positioned devotees to GSD/RSSB (I’m referring to Malvinder, Shivinder & Godwani) would all go rogue simultaneously and, of their own volition, commit such despicable, fraudulent acts?
Supporters/followers of GSD would believe so. However, from my perspective, as someone who is just looking at probabilities, it’s highly unlikely that these 3 individuals, who have been held in custody since last November, would have suddenly all chosen to commit the biggest Corporate rip off in Indian history without the approval of a “higher power”. And that Ladies & Gentlemen, could only have been GSD. To suggest otherwise, displays a complete lack of common sense and detachment from reality.
Posted by: JS | August 15, 2020 at 11:52 PM
Karim, would you buy a car without its service history? Would you buy a house without a structural survey ? Will you trust a thief to be your best trusted friend? So why do you fall for a guru without doing any background research on the person and his claims? Considering it is the most important decision in your life as your after life is directly affected, its absolutely important. Just google gurinder Singh dhillan news and you will have plenty of doubts. Don't be a sheep
Posted by: Dot connector | August 17, 2020 at 01:13 PM
"Karim, would you buy a car without its service history? Would you buy a house without a structural survey ? Will you trust a thief to be your best trusted friend? So why do you fall for a guru without doing any background research on the person and his claims?..."
Posted by: Dot connector | August 17, 2020 at 01:13 PM
Research, my research started about thirty years ago. When my father r.i.p. told me to read a book to enhance my interests in the spiritual/honorable philosophies related to certain martial arts such as Tai Chi:'ai_chi_ch'uan_philosophy
He challenged me to read a book he once owned called: The Path of the Masters in 1990. After I found and read the book I later realized the book had nothing on martial arts, but everything on spirituality. So back then I had no Internet, no Google, no Netscape. The book said that a true spiritual teacher could be my neighbor so I just started searching in my nineth grade of highschool while also giving the veggie diet a try.
Eventually or almost twenty years later, I found Baba Ji.
I met and researched in person other teachers before finding him. Even had to track down some books and manuscripts no longer in and kept out of circulation.
Anyway, I will say that you are very fortunate to be able to simply use a Google's Search Engine for all your data needs.
Posted by: Karim W. Rahmaan | August 17, 2020 at 09:13 PM
Karim, looks like you were mislead right from the start; the path of the master is nothing but a history of rssb, and the masters , which were bread crumbs to lead you right into the clutches of kaal himself. Kaal gave you the bait and you spent all your life being weaved tighter in the spiders web. GSD is rotten to the core.
Posted by: Dot connector | August 18, 2020 at 03:44 PM
"Karim, looks like you were mislead right from the start..."
Posted by: Dot connector | August 18, 2020 at 03:44 PM
And truthfully, what is it that you look for in life Mr. or is it Mrs. Dot connector?
Posted by: Karim W. Rahmaan | August 18, 2020 at 07:45 PM
I hate to say it, but this story is getting old. It will get held up in the courts so long that GSD will most likely be long gone before the verdict is handed out anyway. I’m not saying I don’t care. I’m just saying it most likely won’t get resolved.
Anyway, Karim, are you RSSB’s official rep on this site at present? I avoid this site now for that very reason—RSSB reps like Georgy and a few others who have been so... well, a nice word would be “difficult”. It’s not even worth it. Most of Brian’s non-GSD/RSSB posts are quite interesting—food for thought. But the level of toxicity these articles bring just isn’t worth it anymore. It’s quite depressing.
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 12:31 AM
I mean talk about hate speech. 4 of the comments that Georgy posted which I read but Brian didn’t publish still bother me every day. And the worst part is he was representing RSSB which makes me think is the guru really like that?
I’ve never been “upset” with anyone on this blog. It was just absolutely nauseating and soul destroying. But I guess there are people like that.
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 01:12 AM
Hi Sonia
The nice thing about Georgy is that he was on full display.
That's what's great about COC. It is the battle field of the mind.
You can see Karim who is a true believer, and Dot Connector who is judging him.
So long as RSSB is the topic, from an atheist perspective, you will also get true believers as well.
I think if you can be a good anthropologist and consider these folks as different creatures in the jungle, then there is nothing personal about them.
It's nice if they avoid personal attacks.
But as you can see with Dot Connector's negative comments to Karim, this is Dot Connector's world view. And it's interesting. How do people come to such a view?
It has absolutely nothing to do with Karim.
And how do people maintain faith... In anything? It can't be relying upon others, though people do need people.
We have to find the nuclear power within ourselves. It's there. Your Master is there, whomever that is.
Your Truth is there. Your highest love is there. From that mountaintop within yourself, it's easy to get through this life.
So let's all be good observers of the creatures in this jungle, and of the lights shining through the trees. And the inner Vistas.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | August 19, 2020 at 08:04 AM
The secret, dear Sonia, to enjoying the tiger, the polar bear, and the leopard, is to do so on the path for visitors to this zoo, and not stepping into their cage.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | August 19, 2020 at 08:07 AM
Thanks for your comments. 😊
True, Georgy was probably the worst example of a satsangi on this site. Most of the others aren’t like that. But what bothered me recently was that GSD is making such a point for all Satsangis to be kind and gentle and loving and to only use kind words. However, in the same session he says that he loses his temper all the time with people but that he has his reasons and it’s for a purpose.
The thing is, if GSD is always losing his temper with people then regardless of whether he tells others not to lose their tempers, his advice won’t have any real power. “Do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t work.
If you practice a spiritual philosophy that renders you unable to control yourself then that practice isn’t Real.
Also, it’s one thing for another satsangi to insult you but it’s something altogether different when a teacher/guru insults you.
It’s like if your siblings insult you and tear you down to size, it will bother you but if your parents did that it would have profound damaging and lasting effects.
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 11:14 AM
Hi Sonia
When anyone dresses another down in public, it is its own trauma. Scars are scars. But if we let them heal, if we create the environment around us for healing, then those tears don't lead to infection and deeper wounds..
That is conviction and faith in our own innate ability to heal.
If I felt someone had wounded me, and all around were telling me how fine they were, and all the places and people where I live kept reminding me, how could I heal? How could I forgive?
If I'm the only one forgiving myself, I'm in a very harsh place and should change things. Solitude at least means we don't have to deal with folks who love the person who hurt me. That's too much. Too much pain. How can I heal then?
But it takes some confidence, or severe pain, to change to a healing place. To say, this isn't tolerable and it doesn't matter what anyone else says.
But instead of just saying it I've got to get away from it.
My prescription for you is to leave RSSB and anyone associated with it for at least two years. Have no contact or discussion about it. Do whatever meditation that gives you peace.
If you can set this boundary, you can protect yourself so that, finally, you can heal.
Then no one can affect you again on this matter.
Let yourself heal.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | August 19, 2020 at 12:47 PM
Hi Spence!
I answered you on Open Thread since my comment got a little off topic. :)
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 02:29 PM
@ Spence
There are substances produced by plants and animals that have the same negative effect on everybody ... snake poison f.e.
There are other substances that have different effect on different people .. allergens.
Some people produce no reaction at all and for others just a little bit can cause an anaphylactic shock.
These same things exists also in the mental realm.
Posted by: um | August 19, 2020 at 03:10 PM
Spensor, looks like you have a great partnership with some of the pro rssb propaganda, who are peddling there agenda. Its dangerous to say there is only a positive world view, intact I will say totally deluded. Look around you, theres starvation, inequality, corruption, wars, slavery, paedophiles, and all forms of injustices. This is why this is called kaal yug. The worst are so called religious leaders, and top of the list are self proclaimed gurus like gurinder singh dhillan. They want to keep you in the love and light and submissive program. They are more than happy to take advantage of the gullible and innocent. How can you show compassion if you do not see the suffering and choose to ignore it. No wander this planet is in a state it is. We need to weed out the bent babas of the world and replace it with truth . GSD is rotten to the core , and his cronies operate on this site to keep people deluded. This programming is like a virus that feeds and grows . Stop it at its track and expose these negative entities disguised as god men.
Posted by: Dot connector | August 19, 2020 at 03:47 PM
"I mean talk about hate speech. 4 of the comments that Georgy posted which I read but Brian didn’t publish still bother me every day. And the worst part is he was representing RSSB which makes me think is the guru really like that?
I’ve never been “upset” with anyone on this blog. It was just absolutely nauseating and soul destroying. But I guess there are people like that."
Sonia I don't understand why you get so upset. Why do you care about other peoples opinions? Everyone is entitled to follow their own way and if you have faith in your own path there is no need to be so easily triggered. If GSD is telling Satsangis to "be kind and gentle and loving and to only use kind words" thats not always very easy to do. This is a crazy, mad world in my opinion and yes, I do try my best to be kind and care about other peoples feelings but then it has to be without any expectations of others behaviour.
This is the problem with Sant Mat. I remember who and what I used to be. Always very agreeable and caring about other peoples feelings but now I have realised that its much more authentic to express ones own views in a calm and pleasant manner, still avoiding hurting anger and hatred, but I think being too agreeable is not being authentic.
The problem with Sant Mat is that each person is giving away their own personal power to someone who has been put on a pedestal and all the followers are brain washed into thinking that this guru is a perfect being which is wishful thinking.
If Gurinder has insulted you stand up and tell him exactly how you feel about his behaviour. Keep it calm and unemotional and I think this will be the answer to all your insecurities.
Take back your own personal power.
Posted by: Jen | August 19, 2020 at 04:10 PM
If a person says “I think you’re an idiot”
It is not a statement about the person he is calling an idiot.
It is a statement about himself
“I think .....” is about what I am thinking.
I can think anything I choose
Doesn’t make it true
It is my opinion
Everyone has an opinion
Opinions are not truth
They are just a reflection of the inner world of that person.
A disturbed person will disturb others
The knack is to realise that nobody knows you except you, so others opinion about you is of no value - it’s not true because they don’t know you. They are only guessing based on their perception.
So why let another persons perception affect you?
Why give power to their opinion
Let them enjoy their opinion
It’s not a reflection on you
Posted by: OshoRobbins | August 19, 2020 at 06:31 PM
Sonia which Q and A did the master say they he gets upset with people all the time and that he has a reason for doing this? I have heard all 17 but not heard this once so please clarify.
Posted by: Other Jen | August 19, 2020 at 07:38 PM
@ If Gurinder has insulted you stand up and tell him exactly how you feel
@ about his behaviour. Keep it calm and unemotional and I think this will
@ be the answer to all your insecurities.
Interesting, a questioner in an online video audience complained
in much the same way recently. I recall GSD answering very similarly
and then adding "I have broad shoulders. I can take it."
Posted by: Dungeness | August 19, 2020 at 08:10 PM
If Gurinder has insulted you stand up and tell him exactly how you feel about his behaviour. Keep it calm and unemotional and I think this will be the answer to all your insecurities.
Take back your own personal power.
Posted by: Jen | August 19, 2020 at 04:10 PM
Well, I think I’ve done a pretty good job of that...
The current issue is telling Satsangis they need to be sweet and gentle but that it’s ok for the Leader to be harsh and lose his temper whenever he feels like it because “he has a purpose for it”. Just seems like a double standard to me. And this was something he said a week ago.
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 08:17 PM
Gurinder says over and over again, “you don’t want to know what I think about people with mental illness” as if it’s some dreaded scourge.
The fact is, if I had been raised in the Punjab I would never have been diagnosed with anxiety or depression.
I’m somewhat horrified when I listen to the Indian sangat ask questions on their weekly Q&As now. First of all, they all believe and act as is if he truly is God of all gods incarnate. It’s bizarre. Truly, undeniably bizarre. If that’s not a mental illness I don’t know what is. And secondly, both men and women are emotionally hysterical when asking questions. It makes a Westerner cringe. They cry and act desperate and get shaky and so incredibly disturbingly emotional during one simple question that you begin to question how mentally and emotionally grounded they are. They all seem CRAZY. I’m sorry but that’s just how it is. It’s sad. It’s sad and unnerving to witness. So by Punjabi standards even the most mentally disturbed Westerner is really quite sane in comparison. Which leaves me a bit disgusted at his lack of understanding of “mental illness” in general. If anything, he should willingly acknowledge his lack of understanding on the subject matter and just remain quiet about it while referring those complaining of depression or anxiety to a mental health professional.
Instead he downplays or poo poos accounts of seeing terrifying faces in meditation or hearing bizarre scary voices during meditation expressed by Indian questioners. These are accounts that would be extremely suspect to any highly trained and qualified mental health practitioner as potentially schizophrenic.
I’ve never experienced ANYTHING like that but if I ever did I would have enough sense to check myself into a mental hospital. Instead, these things are largely downplayed or ignored by ignorant Punjabi gurus. And yes I recognize it’s not just the Punjab. There are many ignorant gurus on the matter of mental health issues scattered all across India.
The fact is, if you listen to the Indian Q&A sessions you will most likely, in a sane state of mind, feel a bit disturbed by the overt hysteria. Doesn’t seem rational, logical or emotionally/mentally balanced on any level.
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 09:12 PM
And GSD is puzzled by why less and less Americans are applying for imitation. It’s because we have a much greater awareness as to what qualifies as mental illness.
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 09:22 PM
I didn’t stay with the cult 30 or 35 or more years to become disillusioned with it. I spent 14 years with certain questions about it and then left abruptly when things became more than just a little “off”. I didn’t have the winding down time. I guess I wasn’t loyal. My allegiance wasn’t strong enough to last through another 14 years where I would be so disillusioned with it that I could leave without a sense of wtf? So, that’s what I have—and abrupt sense of wtf. I’m not blindly loyal to any doctrine.
It must have been a bit easier for those of you who started with Charan and ended with Gurinder. It probably too the form of a more logical “this isn’t working anymore” decision.
Well, baptism by fire I guess, for those of us initiated by GSD. RSSB should stay in India. I’m certainly not saying that from a racist point of view. I love Indians. But the cult of RSSB is much easier to tolerate when you’re born and dyed in the male dominated, anger oriented culture of Punjabi Indians. I feel for them. I really do.
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 09:39 PM
A disturbed person will disturb others
The knack is to realise that nobody knows you except you, so others opinion about you is of no value - it’s not true because they don’t know you. They are only guessing based on their perception.
So why let another persons perception affect you?
Why give power to their opinion
Let them enjoy their opinion
It’s not a reflection on you
Posted by: OshoRobbins | August 19, 2020 at 06:31 PM
“A disturbed person will disturb others”
Holy shit! Amen. So true.
Posted by: S | August 19, 2020 at 11:06 PM
He keeps saying be nicer to your husbands. Christ almighty, what abut the wives.
Posted by: Sonia | August 19, 2020 at 11:34 PM
Georgy actually said that if my husband had any brains he’d leave me.
OK, this is the last comment I’m going to post ever. But that’s just unforgivable.
Posted by: Sonia | August 20, 2020 at 12:01 AM
These evil babas, there institutions, there propaganda machine, and the people peddling these half truths all need to be exposed. How else will this world change. GSD is a total hypocrite, and truly the puppet master. Ever wandered why he hangs around with crooks, in various centres around the world, his brother in law is manjeetia , drug baron of Punjab, has close friends with the badals, and tries to help modi in the pandemic. Ever wandered why he is known as a land mafia, why he taken over a 1.5 m from a record producer Sheetal Talwar for cancer treatment who then recieved death threats from the baba when he asked for the money back. Not forgetting 6000 crore siphoned through many of shell companies then put on his wife's and sons names. Like a true mafia god , he gets others to do his work and he sits in the shadows untouchable. He truly believes everything revolves around him, and he can literally get away with murder. He believes he is above the law and untouchable. The more people realise this and wake up, the less power this crook has. Then you hear stories from Sheena , who was close to the baba in the dera, how she explained GSD has zero bhakti by his very own admission in her book. This baba is definitely a wolf in sheep clothing as described in the bible.
Posted by: Truth warrior | August 20, 2020 at 03:34 AM
Sonia you conveniently didn’t answer my question but said a lot of other things. Looks like you are conveniently dodging my question here. Will ask it again where Did the master say it’s ok for him to get angry because it’s warranted. I am not seeing anything close to that and I have seen all 17
Posted by: Other Jen | August 20, 2020 at 08:44 AM
@ other jen
the question about anger
the video is GSD 17
24 mins in
Posted by: Osho Robbins | August 20, 2020 at 09:21 AM
Osho funny I don’t see any of what Sonia is referring to. Again you will see things from your own perspective if you see and listen in calm understanding you see the positivity in what the teacher is trying to impart and if you see it in a hostile negative way then that is what comes across to you. Thanks but I only saw a sweet response to a sweet girl with an request for her to control her temper and a loving promise she made in the end. 🙏
Posted by: Other Jen | August 20, 2020 at 01:35 PM
not a tiny thing but a tiny jeeva, (soul+ego . . . . what a karma!)
This kind of shit ,The Master of A Sant Sat Guru has to "correct", . . . reroute . .
Posted by: 777 | August 20, 2020 at 02:47 PM
Jen, Im afraid you will always ever see GSD in a positive light. The videos you see are heavily edited, and you only get an rssb produced version that puts the clown in the best possible position. You see, RSSB is a business and like all business this institution has a vested interest in keeping itself going for ever. It's also a place where the baba can hide in plain site. You only ever see GSD for a few hours on stage where he has to be on his best behaviour on stage like an actor. Have you ever wandered what else he gets upto in the rest of the hours? Doesn't he entertain everyone by saying he could be the biggest criminal on planet earth many times in his unofficial satsangs. So to your point Jen and about GSD and anger. Let me tell you he has shown anger behind the scenes when dealing with the poor farmer who where cohersed to part with their hard earned land for next to nothing and use his hench men and influence in the police to bully them to do so - where was his love then? He was actually caught on camera, in a meeting with the farmers, raising his voice in a very arrogant way, so again where was his compassion and understanding?. Not to forget the death threats mulvinder, his blood nephew, had recieved when he threatened to take GSD to court. Also I recommend you read the book by Sheena, a satsangi who knows GSD on a personal level. In short GSD is nothing but a hypocrite and a narcissist and the complete opposite of a good human being.
Posted by: Dragon slayer | August 20, 2020 at 03:04 PM
@ Dragon slayer you say: "Jen, Im afraid you will always ever see GSD in a positive light."
I am no longer a satsangi. If people still want to go to Dera and listen to Gurinder thats their choice but why do they then gossip about him and condemn him?
I probably try to see everything and everyone in a positive light instead of focusing on the negative and there is plenty of negativity to go around and I still get triggered, so its not easy.
Posted by: Jen | August 20, 2020 at 04:36 PM
Dragon you wrote
“ Jen, Im afraid you will always ever see GSD in a positive light.”
Wow thank you. It’s very Easy to see my teacher in a positive light . My goal is to see everyone in that light too.
“ You see, RSSB is a business and like all business this institution has a vested interest in keeping itself going ”
I know and am surrounded (myself included) by many individuals who have not given a penny to this path hopefully it can keep itself going na?
“ You only ever see GSD for a few hours on stage where he has to be on his best behaviour on stage like an actor. Have you ever wandered what else he gets upto in the rest of the hours? ”
No not really I don’t wonder that, the same way I don’t wonder what my history teacher is doing when he goes home.
“ He was actually caught on camera, in a meeting with the farmers, raising his voice in a very arrogant way, so again where was his compassion and understanding?. ”
Oh yes I have heard this video it’s actually an audio of him speaking to the farmers, again different people seeing the same video in a different way. Oh and you already pointed out how I see things in a positive light thank you once again.
“ Not to forget the death threats mulvinder, his blood nephew, had recieved when he threatened to take GSD to court. Also I recommend you read the book by Sheena, a satsangi who knows GSD on a personal level.”
None of which you can prove is true.
To end this I will say I wish you all the best and that nobody call your parents or family or siblings or spouse what you just called my teacher. I respect all people and if they are wrong will just say they are wrong and won’t call them dirty names. That is what I have learned from my Master. Good day to you and safety always. 🙏
Posted by: Other Jen | August 20, 2020 at 04:59 PM
Let me tell you he has shown anger behind the scenes when dealing with the poor farmer who where cohersed to part with their hard earned land for next to nothing and use his hench men and influence in the police to bully them to do so - where was his love then? He was actually caught on camera, in a meeting with the farmers, raising his voice in a very arrogant way"
Posted by: Dragon slayer | August 20, 2020 at 03:04 PM
Could you share a link to footage of your claim. For all to inspect the validity?
Posted by: Karim Rahmaan | August 20, 2020 at 07:56 PM
Other Jen, I can see you are part of the rssb militia propaganda machine.
You are unknowingly peddling and supporting a guru that is even more dangerous than a murderer as this guru hides behind the facade of a perfect guru. You are protecting a criminal and a fake path and therefore leading others down the same black hole. Read " memoirs of a seeker" by sheena to begin with, this is someone that was very close to GSD. Also read info on faqir chand, an santmat master for over 80 years, and how he exposes rssb.
Google how this thug treated Sirsa who supported the farmers. Google how GSD the thug treated barbani (after a life time of seva being the patti of charan singh) and how he was made a broken man. Open your eyes to the cracks if your truly want to see what's going on in front of you that you are totally denying. GSD became like a father figure to mulvinder and shivinder as well as their master. He is the master mind behind all the money laundering. You know being a disciple of this man, if gurinder says jump , all the sangat would say how high. Finally isn't it more than convenient that the passing of shabnam meant that some of the charges have been dropped. He may hide, but sooner or later karma will catch up with him.
Posted by: Dragon slayer | August 21, 2020 at 03:46 PM
Dragon. I don’t need to google anything I have read and heard everything you mentioned (May have read and heard Faqir more than you even).
I don’t think discussing anything with you is worth my time as you think I have no idea what I am talking about and I don’t think it’s worth talking to someone who is out to slander and call people names. Like I said I wish you all the best and wish your loved ones the best as well. This is the last reply from my side. I will not stoop to your low level. One fool is enough we don’t need 2. Good day mate. 👋🏻
Posted by: Other Jen | August 21, 2020 at 09:16 PM