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What Christians are propagating is plutocracy in the name of democracy where few people with wealth control the destiny of nations leading to wars, death and destruction. Education system of Christians is based on unconscious mind to create army of slaves for plutocrats.
Posted by: Vinny | August 27, 2020 at 09:39 PM
I think I posted this in the wrong place. Not sure, but I’ll post it here as well.
Sorry O’Jen, didn’t see your comments till now. I don’t always read everything. 😬 I came back to this post because I wanted to make a comment about Ranbaxy and saw your comments. The answer was in 017 and Brian has written a blog post about it since then in which I at least acknowledged that I don’t think the questioner was offended, just thought it was interesting he said he gets angry but has a purpose for it. But again, we all get angry and we all think we have a purpose for it. That’s just how people are. I don’t like it when others get angry either but I can’t tell them not to.
Anyway, that’s old news. What’s new to me is the story about Ranbaxy as told in ‘Bottle of Lies’. After reading that book I was dumbfounded. The FDA worked on the Ranbaxy case for 8 years and even had a picture of Malvinder in the war room where they had drawn devil horns on his face. That company was rotten to the core and fraudulent on every front. It’s mind blowing! The complex, convoluted, deceptive, twisted, criminal manner in which that company was managed can only be described in one way, FUBAR.
In a news article, Shivinder was compared the way his brother ran businesses to a particular demon. When I read that article (before reading the book) I thought it was an absurdly extreme statement. But after reading the book I totally get why he said that. It is entirely possible that Mal and others completely sabotaged everything. Malvinder might have been worse than Trump. It’s truly mind boggling. And I hate to slander Malvinder, but you have no idea. I have no idea... I mean I’m sure there are far more skeletons in his and his associates closets. Sociopaths. It got to the point where you wondered if they even knew they were lying. Well, of course they did but it was pathological. I feel sorry for him because he is so messed up. And he must have learned it from his father.
So, what role GSD played in it is impossible to know at this point. I do believe now that Malvinder initiated the corruption within those companies.
Posted by: Sonia | August 27, 2020 at 08:46 PM
I’ll add to that, I believe Ranbaxy had little regard for human life and no regard for people’s health.
Posted by: Sonia | August 27, 2020 at 10:17 PM
Maybe Babaji just try to help them really..who knows?!
Posted by: s* | August 28, 2020 at 09:01 AM
A Siberian Strict Vegetarian Group
How many sevens to place?
I think that guy is like-able
Posted by: 777. Other choices are here. | August 29, 2020 at 10:33 AM
Is this also in Punjab / Beas ?
Pray or not Pray
That is the question
Posted by: - 77+7. - | August 30, 2020 at 01:36 AM
B-b-b-b-b-b-but SCIENCE said....
"94% of Covid-19 deaths had underlying medical conditions"
"The following are the top underlying medical conditions linked with COVID-19 deaths.
* Influenza and pneumonia
* Respiratory failure
* Hypertensive disease
* Diabetes
* Vascular and unspecified dementia
* Cardiac Arrest
* Heart failure
* Renal failure
* Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning and other adverse events"
Meanwhile in the world's hardcore party zone, Wuhan China-
Posted by: Jesse | August 30, 2020 at 02:24 PM
Itś all political ..
Now they work on vaccins.
In India there is said that they will have a vaccin in early 2021..
Posted by: s* | August 31, 2020 at 07:46 AM
Those are probably the top underlying medical conditions linked with all contagious diseases.
OMG, I apologize for my “splurge” of comments but I stayed up all night to meet a deadline for work and drank FOUR Monster drinks!!!! 😳🧟♀️😵
Anyway, this will be my last comment for a while...
This is a REALLY fun article.
“If immunity to the virus lasts less than a year, for example, similar to other human coronaviruses in circulation, there could be annual surges in COVID-19 infections through to 2025 and beyond. Here, Nature explores what the science says about the months and years to come.”
“June 2021. The world has been in pandemic mode for a year and a half. The virus continues to spread at a slow burn; intermittent lockdowns are the new normal. An approved vaccine offers six months of protection, but international deal-making has slowed its distribution. An estimated 250 million people have been infected worldwide, and 1.75 million are dead.
Scenarios such as this one imagine how the COVID-19 pandemic might play out1. Around the world, epidemiologists are constructing short- and long-term projections as a way to prepare for, and potentially mitigate, the spread and impact of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Although their forecasts and timelines vary, modellers agree on two things: COVID-19 is here to stay, and the future depends on a lot of unknowns, including whether people develop lasting immunity to the virus, whether seasonality affects its spread, and — perhaps most importantly — the choices made by governments and individuals. “A lot of places are unlocking, and a lot of places aren’t. We don’t really yet know what’s going to happen,” says Rosalind Eggo, an infectious-disease modeller at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM).
“The future will very much depend on how much social mixing resumes, and what kind of prevention we do,” says Joseph Wu, a disease modeller at the University of Hong Kong. Recent models and evidence from successful lockdowns suggest that behavioural changes can reduce the spread of COVID-19 if most, but not necessarily all, people comply.”
Posted by: Monster | September 01, 2020 at 05:49 AM
And now for something different, whilst living in a world of chaos, hatred, fear and anger...
Love conquers all.
A pure love, an unconditional love which perhaps is very rare. It also does depend on what upbringing, what country and family and what the people are like where we live, and especially what we experience in our childhood.
My youngest son could be quite defiant, and at the age of four he would stand with his hands on his hips and say "you're not the boss of me, no-one's the boss of me". "I do what I do". I just melted with love when I saw this little fella with such a strong defiant attitude and would simply talk to him, quietly and gently and also listening, especially for a child, listening with full attention is important.
He grew up to be so very honest and so genuinely kind and agreeable, my guardian looking after his mother now. So I often think about how he was and the kind and generous human being he became and how pure love can conquer all.
Posted by: Jen | September 01, 2020 at 05:33 PM
I can’t share that on an open forum. Email me.
Posted by: Sonia | September 01, 2020 at 06:16 PM
Please send me your email address bitte,
Mine is [email protected]
Posted by: ❗4 Sonia ❗ | September 02, 2020 at 04:01 AM
Very sweet. 🥰 You’re very blessed and so is he. When you look at someone with love you eventually only see the good. But you can’t love anyone if you don’t love yourself. Some parents don’t love themselves and their children end up suffering because of that. That said, every relationship can be healed if people are willing to try.
Posted by: Sonia | September 02, 2020 at 08:05 AM
Long before the 2004 loan affair
I still think the Phil from 'UK" 1997
went partly to the generic Mohan
Now apply these interests
they are used to agree upon
and see
Who owes Who What?
HE owns the brothers nothing
on the contrary
May be a strange way with Indian Verbal agreements
but it's not uncommon in Europe either
but my feel says that Grinder still has some papers for Sept; 7
Posted by: 💮💮 777 💮💮 | September 03, 2020 at 10:06 AM
Here's some really fun info for the chronically ill-informed and chemically sedated nerd class who frequent these kinds of sites-
By the way, some of you, at the barely-subliminal behest of mega corporations, offered your moral support on this blog to an organization that is now linked to the killing of about 30 people in the past 2 months in by-definition acts of terrorism. Hopefully you weren't foolish enough to offer material support as well because if political winds change, you're not gonna want to be associated with those orgs. Good luck with the drooling.
Posted by: Jesse | September 03, 2020 at 02:12 PM
May I here proof the total innocence of Grinder
and even the fact that HE is a Sant SatGuru Saint
Just think
Nobody writing the most awful here
has received the slighted repercussions
Posted by: 💮💮 777 💮💮 | September 03, 2020 at 02:56 PM
for who didn't understand me
When HE was bad , he wouldn't be a little bit bad
as a few stated here
Combine now very bad bad bad with a billion of $
Indeed ; it would make Capone breaking.
Would hire the best hackers and have all your items in seconds
But nothing happened
I came here to 'defend' my Master and His successor
You won't believe I see them Both radiant - not always - its like waves
So now let's use LOGIC
Posted by: 💮💮💮 777 💮💮💮. . . . . . . . 💮 | September 03, 2020 at 05:12 PM
An interesting conversation in Australia where the culture is usually very matter of fact and blunt. There are a couple of short videos taken with a young chap and an older man speaking about political correctness. I think many people are scared now and so they are very careful with what they say and imo political correctness can be overdone and it seems like telling little lies and being fake because of fear of speaking about their real opinions. But things are rapidly changing especially now with the availability of the internet and access to all sorts of information.
"Has political correctness gone too far?"
"Jason and Grus are both former soldiers, but they have very different views about how political correctness affects Australian society. They haven’t met before but have agreed to sit down and hear each other out."
Posted by: Jen | September 03, 2020 at 08:49 PM
Beautiful Jen,what you write about you and your son!
Posted by: s* | September 04, 2020 at 03:27 AM
Both radiant - not always - its like waves
Then They are bigger than this planet, The Sun, The Galaxies
exactly as in JapJi
Then I ask why they accept this shit
and They Smile
When it happened to be higher even, . . I understood, . . .
but now - I must say - not anymore so clear
I m not Rumi - I guess HE had the Truth in waves either
Love upon Love and so on
That's the way and not thinking a few seconds
I prayed a lot for NiMMI , - even angry-ed, towards Charan OMG
Posted by: 💮 777 💮 | September 04, 2020 at 06:55 AM
Is David Lane sleeping ? Why he is not speaking against plutocracy and plutocratic systems??
Posted by: Vinny | September 04, 2020 at 08:46 AM
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Posted by: anami | September 04, 2020 at 10:18 AM
for who didn't understand me
When HE was bad , he wouldn't be a little bit bad
as a few stated here
Combine now very bad bad bad with a billion of $
Indeed ; it would make Capone breaking.
Would hire the best hackers and have all your items in seconds
But nothing happened
I came here to 'defend' my Master and His successor
You won't believe I see them Both radiant - not always - its like waves
So now let's use LOGIC
Posted by: 💮💮💮 777 💮💮💮. . . . . . . . 💮 | September 03, 2020 at 05:12 PM
True. Be grateful RSSB isn’t the Church of Scientology. 😂
Posted by: Hubbard | September 04, 2020 at 01:04 PM
Let's all be glad that the resident doesn"t has the nuclear codes anymore
Posted by: 🎸7 🎸 | September 04, 2020 at 04:39 PM
°°doesn't have
Posted by: 7 | September 05, 2020 at 05:43 AM
“Forgiveness is the answer to damn near everything. The problem is we don’t really understand what it means. Forgiveness doesn’t tell me to overlook something someone did to me. It means it’s impossible for anyone to DO something to me. For me to think even for a brief moment that I understand the world from the tiny bits of my perception is an epic fail. All I can see, all I will ever see is what the viewfinder of my limited perception shows me. If my perception is fixed nothing can come between the goal it has chosen. Let’s say I choose the perception that so and so is a misogynist asshole. If that perception stays fixed—meaning I refuse to forgive—nothing, not a miracle not a sign, not an evidential slap in the face allows any other reality to manifest. Likewise if my perception is convinced that money is hard to come by, the world’s unlimited abundance cannot get through my blockade. It’s right there eager to unfold in my life but my perception has put up orange cones. Forgiveness means knowing my perception is forever tiny and incomplete. Forgiveness is to defy the lie that life blows, that so and so is a horrible, evil person. The best feature of forgiveness is that it relieves me of having to make judgements. Knowing I can’t and don’t understand the whole relieves me of having to decide what’s *good or bad — [judge what happens to me is either good or bad] decisions I’m incapable of making. It literally sets me free.” -Pam Grout
Posted by: Sonia | September 05, 2020 at 11:17 PM
I like Pam Grout’s fun and down to earth personality but she and many others use New Age (and Old World) wisdom to “manifest”. I don’t believe in manifesting. I mean, I don’t think that’s what life is about. I think we’re supposed to learn how to be truly happy wherever life puts us. Things, people and circumstances aren’t at the core of what makes us happy. True joy comes from being at peace and learning to be content regardless of whether you get the things you think you want. But, to each his own...
Posted by: Sonia | September 06, 2020 at 12:05 AM
The key to happiness is learning to be content in all situations. Whatever the lord has given you—good, bad, indifferent—you should accept and learn to live in peace. Peace comes from within, not from outward circumstances. This is what the saints come here to teach us. Happiness, joy, peace and contentment are a state of mind not circumstance.
Posted by: Sonia | September 06, 2020 at 08:12 PM
Philippians is one of the more helpful books of the Bible. This is my favorite bible verse of all:
Philippians 4:7
New King James Version
7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
You can substitute “Christ Jesus” for whatever entity, identity or concept you want. I just like the message that even in the most painful and troubling circumstances there is a “peace that surpasses all understanding”. It may have nothing to do with the logic that we rely on to get us through each day. But it points to that fact that it’s possible to find peace even in the most difficult of circumstances. And the kind of peace we feel when theoretically we shouldn’t be feeling any peace at all is the peace that surpasses all understanding (logic).
It’s comforting.
Posted by: Sonia | September 06, 2020 at 08:34 PM
The problem with most New Age teachers is the idea that you can manifest anything you want—anything your heart desires. But how does anyone really know what they want or what’s going to make them happy? Beyond that, regardless of how good you are at “manifesting” you’re still going to face hardships and disappointment. It’s called life.
The Zen Buddhist approach isn’t focused on getting what you want, necessarily. It’s focus is on connecting with your inner self and finding peace regardless of circumstances.
“Oh Lord won’t you give me a Mercedes Benz...” I like the song. It’s fun. But there’s nothing you “need” to be happy that you can’t find within.
Posted by: Sonia | September 06, 2020 at 08:40 PM
The desire for anything other than God isn’t a God-given desire.
Posted by: Sonia | September 06, 2020 at 09:11 PM
24/7 franticly be in Love
you can have other desires as well as long you see HIM in him/her/it
HIS Simran produces that
Covering the entire Path
and all inter mediar stages
from your first Simran up to >Satori
It accumulates exponentially like an inverted Fibonnacci Spiral, never really touching the center
Posted by: 💞💋🧡🧡🌸🌸.💋🌼🌺🌺💛💛💜💜 💞💞❤️❤️💋🧡🧡🌸🌸💮💮 | September 07, 2020 at 05:56 AM
How I feel and think nowadays is that we really don't have any idea of who and what we are and how and why we were created. I feel like humans are little tiny ants living on the surface of this spinning ball called earth which is a tiny little speck in a huge universe which could also be a tiny speck in the multiverse.
"The word 'universe,' I suppose, should properly mean the whole thing — everything. But when we think of 'universe,' we sometimes use the word to mean just our Big Bang, the things we can see out to almost 14 billion light-years in all directions. And in this manner, it's reasonable to question: Is our universe unique? Are there multiple Big Bangs? Could there be multiple Big Bangs in different senses?"
Dictionary: Multiverse: a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one.
Posted by: Jen | September 07, 2020 at 04:42 PM
Yes, we’re all living in Whoville!
Posted by: Horton | September 08, 2020 at 04:10 AM
Good questions Jen!!
Our own body is even a universe..maybe multiverse..
Posted by: s* | September 08, 2020 at 05:14 AM
We should have a like button for comments. Just a thumbs up... :)
Posted by: Horton | September 08, 2020 at 11:01 AM
I'm currently taking a college course on Health Psychology and I know most of you are familiar with this but it bears repeating. According to The Six Dimensions of Wellness Model developed by Dr. Bill Hettler, co-founder of the National Wellness Institute (NWI), Spiritual Wellness is defined as follows:
"The spiritual dimension recognizes our search for meaning and purpose in human existence. It includes the development of a deep appreciation for the depth and expanse of life and natural forces that exist in the universe. Your search will be characterized by a peaceful harmony between internal personal feelings and emotions and the rough and rugged stretches of your path. While traveling the path, you may experience many feelings of doubt, despair, fear, disappointment and dislocation, as well as feelings of pleasure, joy, happiness and discovery. These are all important experiences and components to your search and will be displayed in the value system you will adapt to bring meaning to your existence. You’ll know you’re becoming spiritually well when your actions become more consistent with your beliefs and values, resulting in a “world view.” Spiritual wellness follows these tenets:
• It is better to ponder the meaning of life for ourselves and to be tolerant of the beliefs of others than to close our minds and become intolerant.
• It is better to live each day in a way that is consistent with our values and beliefs than to do otherwise and feel untrue to ourselves."
Even if your an Atheist you are on a spiritual path when you think about it. And the dark night of the soul along with confusion and doubt and developing your own value system are hallmarks of the search for meaning.
Tolerance is probably the most important and hardest to learn.
Posted by: Sonia | September 08, 2020 at 11:21 AM
Upstreamists in healthcare needed in developing countries as well as first world countries, esp. US. Shocking--scientists have discovered that your zip code (environment and living conditions) has twice the impact on your health than your genetic code does.
Great Ted Talk.
Posted by: Sonia | September 08, 2020 at 12:46 PM
@ Sonia
Tolerance based on self confidence is the hallmark of one that has mastered an art or craft, knowledge or inner experience.
In a masterclass of music, most students are stressed in one way or another, afraid of making miss takes, and wondering how that would work out in others, and that shows off in their non-verbal behaviour.
The teacher on the other hand, that knows what he knows and is capable of never dhows such behaviour.
Not that the teacher does nt make mistakes or that he even is a better talented musician.
The only difference is that he no longer needs a prop to walk ... he stands on his own legs and uses them according his own ideas.
This confidence giving way to tolerance can also be mastered as a student of whatever ... the ones that have made up their mind, set a goal and are on their way.
Posted by: um | September 10, 2020 at 01:19 AM
Hi Um,
Yes, there’s definitely something to be said for one who masters a certain discipline.
10,000 hours to become an expert?
Posted by: Sonia | September 10, 2020 at 12:15 PM
@ Sonia
Any master freed by fear of others can do and say as he deems free.
See the difference between seekers, students etc asking their spiritual teachers questions. Listen to the voice, look at their body language. The teacher can give any answer he deems fit and they do.
They cannot be moved .... and they react never ever insecure, whatever the question might be.
They don't have to prove anyrhing and ... they never do ... it just doesn't matter how a seeker reacts to them.
Normally, talking to others both sides are in the position of the "seeker" all take what another says to heart
Posted by: um | September 10, 2020 at 01:20 PM
Gosh, it’s back to karma, karma, karma again. No hope. No joy.
Posted by: Sonia | September 10, 2020 at 04:59 PM
I was so depressed today. Some days are just like that. Anyway, this may seem really cheesy (and it kinda is) I found these inspirational quotes encouraging.
“If you’re trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I’ve had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” —Michael Jordan
“Just don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong.” —Ella Fitzgerald
“There is no failure except in no longer trying.” —Elbert Hubbard
Posted by: The Splurge | September 10, 2020 at 10:10 PM
Hi guys - anyone into the Smashing Pumpkins? Have watched/listened to this new track on youtube several times. Great song imo. Bit retro/synth//early 80’s dance about. Some great illustrations of flexibility of the female form and interesting lyrics. I think it has this ‘freeing’ lighter quality to it:
Should get the body moving a bit - but also a bit of an ear worm :-)
Posted by: Tim Rimmer | September 11, 2020 at 07:20 PM
Smashing Pumpkins, OMG. 😂
The 90’s were the best—we just didn’t realize how good we had it.
Posted by: S | September 12, 2020 at 07:09 AM
About the Delhi High Court
When they have all paperwork
they might decide the main transaction "not done"
Like : I sell Brian a Ferrari and.
Brian sells it for the double to Sonia,
next he asks his money back from me because Sonya was stopped by the sheriff
Don't forget : Sankyo sold for the double value to "SUN"
The court might ask Sankyo cancel the sale and and pay Sun back
Next the boys ( I remember them both ). sell it for a triple
and after re-manufacturing HYDERGINE and sell me 10 packages , case is solved
That would indeed be a 'boom'. as the beholder of Charan's Shabd,-package once declared
Posted by: 💞💋🧡🧡🌸🌸.💋🌼🌺🌺💛💛💜💜 💞💞❤️❤️💋🧡🧡🌸🌸💮💮 | September 16, 2020 at 12:35 PM
OK, I’m just gonna say it, I’m getting a little tired of people judging me by my skin color. People make all these assumptions. I swear, sometimes I thing people are nicer to my mom and my best friend just because they have darker skin. Or maybe it’s just my personality. 🙄
Seriously though, everything makes these flash judgements and it’s like you have to prove to them you’re not racist. Quite frankly I feel like they’re being racist. 🤨
Posted by: Sonia | September 18, 2020 at 01:16 AM
Most caterpillars KNOW that butterflies are TOTAL FRAUDS.
Posted by: anami | September 18, 2020 at 08:07 AM
Most caterpillars KNOW that butterflies are TOTAL FRAUDS.
Posted by: anami | September 18, 2020 at 08:07 AM
Posted by: Sonia | September 18, 2020 at 12:57 PM
Wisdom of The Wise One:
"Remember. Don't know what you don't know. Only know what you know."
Posted by: anami | September 18, 2020 at 04:57 PM
Have been looking into Aged Care Homes with my family and feeling like I don't want to give up my freedom and my independence, but I know that this is what I need now, so will have to give in and accept whatever comes my way...
This quote makes me laugh...
“Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.”
― Rumi
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
― Rumi
“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”
― Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi
Posted by: Jen | September 18, 2020 at 06:05 PM
Hi Splurge
Here's one I really like
"Your weakness, in the eyes of the world, is actually your secret weapon."
Posted by: Spence Tepper | September 18, 2020 at 06:32 PM
Wisdom of The Wise One:
"Remember. Don't know what you don't know. Only know what you know."
Posted by: anami | September 18, 2020 at 04:57 PM
That was the trippiest thing I’ve seen in a very long time. It went deep into the creepy valley. It’s like you’re hearing these profound words of wisdom but they sound like they’re coming from the mouth of a serial killer. And then the visuals were like ‘Deliverance’ on acid.
Thanks for that. I’ll probably have nightmares tonight.
Posted by: Sonia | September 18, 2020 at 08:23 PM
Brian Ji,
Posted by: Sonia | September 18, 2020 at 10:50 PM
Hi Splurge
Here's one I really like
"Your weakness, in the eyes of the world, is actually your secret weapon."
Posted by: Spence Tepper | September 18, 2020 at 06:32 PM
Love it 😻
Posted by: The Splurge | September 18, 2020 at 10:51 PM
Have been looking into Aged Care Homes with my family and feeling like I don't want to give up my freedom and my independence, but I know that this is what I need now, so will have to give in and accept whatever comes my way...
This quote makes me laugh...
“Forget safety.
Live where you fear to live.
Destroy your reputation.
Be notorious.”
― Rumi
“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”
― Rumi
“Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.”
― Mawlana Jalal-al-Din Rumi
Posted by: Jen | September 18, 2020 at 06:05 PM
Jen, after you find the right place and get settled in you may find it even more comfortable and enjoyable than where you are right now. Change is scary when you’re afraid of the unknown. And that makes sense. But be fearless—it’s another adventure. I agree with Rumi. :)
Posted by: Sonia | September 19, 2020 at 12:57 AM
@ "Remember. Don't know what you don't know. Only know what you know."
@@ It’s like you’re hearing these profound words of wisdom but
@@ but they sound like they’re coming from the mouth of a serial
@@ killer. ... I’ll probably have nightmares tonight.
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come.
Posted by: Dungeness | September 19, 2020 at 03:40 AM
Brian Hines,
I meant to post this for you. This Brian Ji thing is getting confusing.
Posted by: Sonia | September 19, 2020 at 02:14 PM
If I had to summarize what spirituality means to me in just a few sentences it would be this:
Spirituality is connectedness. Connectedness is love and unity. The greatest barrier to connectedness or unity are the ones we create when we view everything through me, myself and I.
Posted by: Sonia | September 19, 2020 at 02:24 PM
Going through some big change in my lifestyle and realising how much I don't want to let go and want my life to continue on in the same way I am used to. Realising that this is fear of the unknown. Found this quote which is a reminder that the ego will try to cling to its old habits and does not like change.
Non-attachment is freedom from things.
It is a self realization of the truth of reality -
that you, 'consciousness', cannot be affected by anything.
It is only the Egoic mind that makes
you believe otherwise.
Posted by: Jen | September 20, 2020 at 04:27 PM
To sleep, perchance to dream—ay, there’s the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come.
Posted by: Dungeness | September 19, 2020 at 03:40 AM
There are two things in this world that I find very strange if I think about them too deeply. The first is sleep. Why do we sleep at least a third of our lives. And I don’t want the biological reason for it. I know the answer to that. What I want to know is why we need to dream. That’s technically what keeps our minds sane as far as science is concerned. But why are we dreaming one third of our lives that are already a dream??
The second is God. Of course I believe in God but I couldn’t even begin to tell you what it is. It’s not a person. It’s not a place. The best I can come up with is it’s an energy of love—the opposite of chaos. But if I think about it long enough it gets sort of trippy. It’s like thinking about the fact that the universe has no end (sit and really think about that for 15 minutes or more 😱).
Posted by: Sonia | September 20, 2020 at 09:47 PM
Some say you have to go through the darkness to get to the light.
Any thoughts about this statement?
Posted by: Sonia | September 21, 2020 at 11:53 AM
Tiny piece of Time, PAST when remembering? FUTURE when remembering
What 999IQ aliens and 99999IQ Archangels CANNOT DO
maybe stop the hairsplittings
Posted by: 💋💜 💞💞❤️💋 | September 21, 2020 at 04:12 PM
Tiny piece of Time, PAST when remembering? FUTURE when remembering
What 999IQ aliens and 99999IQ Archangels CANNOT DO
maybe stop the hairsplittings
Posted by: 💋💜 💞💞❤️💋 | September 21, 2020 at 04:12 PM
Lovely Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto. Thanks for sharing. 😊
My musical tastes are all over the place. Here’s one of my favorite groups—Pink Martini. I saw them live in Boston. It was the best concert I’ve ever attended. Simply love their performance of this song:
(BTW, you’re killing me with the aliens.)
Posted by: Sonia | September 21, 2020 at 11:52 PM
Yes good memory for a 97 year old.
"People grow... they change... they evolve. I can change my view on things and admit to my mistakes". - happy for you, child.
Posted by: Brian Ji | September 19, 2020 at 11:05 PM
Wow. You are 50 years older than me! Not bad at all.
As far as Kal goes, the Saints sometimes take energies and concepts and personify them to help people understand their meaning. People are a little more sophisticated today. They’re capable of understanding that God didn’t create a devil. I’m not even sure what Kal is myself. I think it’s just simply the natural law of cause and effect. Kal is karma. We don’t really need a ruler to enforce the law of karma—it just is. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Why make it more complicated than that? Creating additional fear around the consequences of our actions doesn’t do much for helping people grow spiritually.
To be honest, I don’t understand the purpose of any of the “rulers” but I’m not exactly an enlightened soul either.
Posted by: Sonia | September 22, 2020 at 12:12 AM
Yes Sonia
Such a lovely film- It s raining here and I found 2 snails on my screen
Found a nice surface outside for them
Hermaphrodites - what a busy life- I like Love in all it s forms
Then google offered
No end in sight actually
Posted by: 💋 | September 22, 2020 at 05:22 AM
Some say you have to go through the darkness to get to the light. Any thoughts about this statement? Posted by: Sonia | September 21, 2020 at 11:53 AM
No No - Some only - "You go where your 'heart' is" , . . . so if it is very much encapsulated. maybe. - Love is the best drilling holes in that -
Remember when we had a lot of it!
Some forgot most highlights of normal life
Posted by: 💜 💞💞❤️ | September 22, 2020 at 08:03 AM
Some say love...
Posted by: ❤️ Sonia ❤️ | September 22, 2020 at 06:53 PM
This time around, let your attorneys do the talking, okay?
Posted by: anami | September 23, 2020 at 11:58 AM
This time around, let your attorneys do the talking, okay?
Posted by: anami | September 23, 2020 at 11:58 AM
OMG. I hate making fun of people in distress, but seriously...
Posted by: Sonia | September 23, 2020 at 04:17 PM
‘Being a Teenager Today’ is an excellent book. I was so impressed with it. Found it to be incredibly helpful. The other was ‘Introduction to the Dao’. Both books newly released. Extremely balanced and progressive.
Posted by: Sonia | September 24, 2020 at 01:34 AM
A Siberian Strict Vegetarian Group
How many sevens to place?
I think that guy is like-able
Posted by: 777. Other choices are here. | August 29, 2020 at 10:33 AM
Posted by: 77 | September 24, 2020 at 08:48 AM
A Siberian Strict Vegetarian Group
How many sevens to place?
I think that guy is like-able
Posted by: 777. Other choices are here. | August 29, 2020 at 10:33 AM
Posted by: 77 | September 24, 2020 at 08:48 AM
Likeable?? Did you see his School of the Maidens??? Nope, not very likeable in my book.
However, while we're sort of on the subject of off-grid living, check this out.
The Gates' are pretty down to earth considering. :)
There's also the Bollywood movie 'Toilet' that I think everyone should see... we take so much for granted.
Posted by: Sonia | September 24, 2020 at 09:04 PM
Likeable?? Did you see his School of the Maidens??? Nope, not very likeable in my book.
Sonia. You are right
That purposely making difficult to attend their festivities
going through the mud
like if Beas would forbid cars to approach
Perhaps Putin wants his 'knowledge' of UFOs
now , after trump on May, 12th killed 3 aliens with his new plasma weaponry
in MAGE, Brazil - ( source : earthfiles on youtube )
OK, I redraw my 'advertising'
rest the. vegetarian SuperMaster in Malaysia
Posted by: 7 | September 25, 2020 at 05:33 AM
@ But why are we dreaming one third of our lives that are already a dream??
I've often wondered too. They seem to be coded messages to
higher consciousness: "wake up! quit dreaming!" But, since you've
already descended, dreams say let us analyze events for you, My
scenes will be confusing, fragmented, pleasant, terrifying, and
even prophetic at times. A weird phantasmagoria that will leave
you wondering "what the hell was that about!?"
It will be a nagging reminder too that our consciousness is multi-
layered and we must awaken to higher levels to really understand
what they mean. If you try at the current level, you're on a fool's
errand. You might as well ingest bleach to clean out the cobwebs
in your mind. No, don't make the mistakes we're all making. But,
since we're gonna dream anyway, turn your attention inside and
have sweet dreams.
--Baba DreamDoc
@ The second is God. Of course I believe in God but I couldn’t even
@ begin to tell you what it is. It’s not a person. It’s not a place. The best
@ I can come up with is it’s an energy of love—the opposite of chaos.
Posted by: Dungeness | September 25, 2020 at 03:49 PM
After perusing the last few posts and enjoying the recent exchange of views. I’ve taken stock of the general themes on this blog and how I now think about some of them. I’ve put a few up:
Meditation – still practice it, though not as set down in teachings such as RSSB. Like Brian sometimes do Simran, but more often endeavour to use breathing to relax and quieten thinking.
Thinking – seems to be one of the key things to sort out (and yes we need it!) Clearly, most of what we take ourselves to be is something created by our thought process. We spend a great deal of our time identified with this and generally believe it to be our ‘self ‘. Meditation and other methodologies can show us how this thinking and the ‘I’ associated with it creates a sense of separation from each other/nature and what we actually are. Which seems to me to be that which remains when thought and/or identification with thought has ceased.
Soul – many of us continue to think this is what we truly are. Problem for me here is that both my intellect and to some degree my experience tells me this ‘soul’ thing is not a thing be The ‘Thing’. If it’s The ‘Thing’, then it’s tied up with the truth of things. My experience says the truth is that we are not actually ‘separated’ – we just think we are (most of the time). If this is the case then soul is not a separated thing – just don’t see it your way Jim. I also think the word is so loaded with religious association both from West and East that it should be ditched – let’s use ‘consciousness’ instead.
Karma/Reincarnation – teachings such as in RSSB (as I remember) continue to say souls are reborn, souls undergo karma. As I consider soul ‘consciousness’ to be associated with truth then these teachings are either not correct or at least misinterpreting/selectively interpreting how things are. I believe it’s the mind and so-called subtle body that is reincarnated/undergoes karma. I also believe that as such things are not ultimately real being associated with a thought-created self, then why keep thinking along these lines? –
RSSB – it does look like GSD is changing some things (as Osho often points out).
Yet as often discussed on this blog, most of the time the RSSB default mode operates. Quite a few here including myself clearly consider RSSB to be a religion these days. Yet as I think Sonia pointed out RSSB has been integral in the process of getting and evolving? us to where we are now so gratitude is in order imo. Who knows how things will be in the future?
This blog/comments – I came across Brian’s blog about 6 years ago and have really enjoyed reading and occasionally commenting on the wide ranging topics particularly those regarding the nature of self and what consciousness is. There’s a wealth of useful info from a diverse group of cool people. I always enjoy what Manjit has to say. And tucson’s comments often resonated – hope you are OK mate.
The now – what prompted this reflection was Brian’s recent post on living in the present. I’ve been assessing what he’s actually on about when he mentions being in the present with our thoughts inside our head or present with our thoughts/perceptions of the outside. I think Brian is raising the issue of where consciousness lies. This is definitely one of the fundamental questions we come to this blog to get a handle on. As mentioned earlier re meditation – what happens/remains in the absence of thought and perceptions? Dungeness talked of the ‘eternal now’ I like the term being with ‘what is’. Letting everything ‘be as it is’ is another topic Brian’s raised. Seems to me this is an incredibly powerful teaching, simple but a real challenge to the I tied up in discursive thought and not with present experience. However, as Adyashanti says (in a recent Youtube clip) - when we can really just stop and release this grasping/pushing away ‘a tremendous intimacy with everything’ can occur. This is a great way of putting it imo. I also read this the other day in Wallis’ Recognition Sutras:
‘The real I is not personal but universal. That most intimate wordless sense of yourself is felt in exactly the same way by all sentient beings, because it IS the same. Awareness is one and undifferentiated’ (p.195).
Both point to a ‘now’ where the inner and the outer are no longer distinct – that’s my take on it.
Best wishes
Posted by: Tim Rimmer | September 26, 2020 at 07:21 PM
I love Howard’s End. The TV series is even better than the movie. It’s closer to the book.
Posted by: Randomness | September 26, 2020 at 11:51 PM
@Tim Rimmer
I very much enjoyed your comment. And I heartily agree, the big debate seems to be over what in fact is consciousness. The one thing we can all agree on is everything we see in this world is just a swirl of vibrating atoms that create seemingly solid objects. But science tells us nothing is truly solid.
An octopus is the most intelligent of all the invertebrates and yet the majority of their intelligence is not inside their head. Our brains don’t really hold our thoughts either. So where are our thoughts if they aren’t in a physical location inside our brain? And again, what IS consciousness?
Posted by: Sonia | September 27, 2020 at 12:00 AM
The only discrimination between jeevas
is the degree of love on generates a certain moment in illussioiry time
So, it helps a lot to love a Human being instead of a stone
In fact we are ALL God and Creator of our pleasures and pains and surroundings
The sun might be later in Love than U, so don't complain
Posted by: 💋💜 💮💮 777 💮💮 ❤️💋 | September 28, 2020 at 04:12 AM
"The separation is in our MINDSET"
So stop the (ask DrPhil) 'Internal Dialogue" and True Masters giving the Tool to do that
Further more : IT S HEAVEN to stop that
Some here are afraid of Chaurasi -
Masthers give an exit between a nano second and a zillion big bangs
Posted by: 💜 💮💮 777 💮💮 ❤️ | September 28, 2020 at 02:42 PM
The only discrimination between jeevas
is the degree of love on generates a certain moment in illussioiry time
So, it helps a lot to love a Human being instead of a stone
In fact we are ALL God and Creator of our pleasures and pains and surroundings
The sun might be later in Love than U, so don't complain
Posted by: 💋💜 💮💮 777 💮💮 ❤️💋 | September 28, 2020 at 04:12 AM
Yes, humans are much softer than stones--more cuddly.
Start where you are. That's all one can do. :)
Posted by: Sonya | September 28, 2020 at 07:07 PM
There exists layer upon layer upon layer of notReality. Posted by: Sonia | September 28, 2020 at 03:55 PM
Yes Soami JI. Seth Shix and Adi Granth says it
The bible speaks only about the Higher than ArchAngels
"Powers of God"
They have immense IQ s and do the work
God has no time for IQ - SHE knows only Love
We can speculate about what is ment by Seth's "Wonders upon Wonders"
I guess because eternity is going on a long time
So many other and even stranger than time stuff )
The axtual universe going in ON/OFF state a trillion times per second
Please remember "How it works". SHE is just a Love generator - So many types of Love
Wehn we blame HER got fucking things off, . . we blame ourselves
It's almost stupid to praise HER, praising ourselves
There is only ONE Soul but many Jeevas (Soul+Ego)
What stays forever is each accumulated attempt for Love ; . . from helping an oldie crossing the street, give your life to save another
to Being the Anahabad Shabd all the days
It's fabulous, Gorgeous, Exciting Makes one cry from the start to the end
Posted by: 💋 💮 GORGEOUS 💮 💋 | September 28, 2020 at 07:33 PM
This is pretty cool. Global Citizen -
Posted by: Sonia | September 28, 2020 at 08:17 PM
Some of it's just transcendental
Some of it's just really dumb
Things we're all too young to know
Posted by: Transcendental | September 29, 2020 at 02:08 AM
Why can’t they just turn off his mic when it’s not his turn to speak? (And blur his face)
Posted by: Last Night’s Debate | September 30, 2020 at 08:17 AM
"Sach Khand is not a sight you see in meditation" - 271 days
what do you think Sach Khand is?
do you think it is a PLACE - where your soul (whatever that is!) visits?
and where sat purush lives?
until you get clear on what you mean by sach khand, you cannot figure this out.
GSD has said so many times that there are no regions.
what do you take that to mean?
the idea of regions is flawed.
anything that is eternal
necessarily has no time and space
so it cannot be a place
it cannot exist within time (kal)
hence gurbani calls it AKAL
so you cannot visit there.
so what do you understand by sach khand?
in meditation, where are you trying to reach?
what is the purpose of meditation?
are you trying to attain something?
and who are YOU? that is trying to attain?
all scriptures state that there is no YOU
so how can you attain?
"There is no ME" is a realization - not an intellectual statement
Posted by: Osho Robbins | October 01, 2020 at 03:31 AM
Posted by: 777 | October 01, 2020 at 02:44 PM
Diana Krall has such a beautiful voice.
On another note, here is a wonderful documentary for all you earthers, ‘Kiss the Ground’. It’s uplifting.
Posted by: Sonia 💋 🌱 | October 02, 2020 at 02:21 AM
Some original RS info
0 Seeker! Every moment remain engrossed in the practice of Surat-Shabd-Yoga [union of the attention-faculty of the soul with Divine Light and Sound within during meditation] for there is no other comrade like the Word. Close your outer ears and then listen to the reverberations of the Word inside. The Word will drive "I-ness" (arrogance, self-centeredness, ego) out of you. Gain access to the Word and then you'll attain to steadiness and control of mind. After that you'll perceive the glowing and brilliant light of the flame and remain rapturous in the resonance of the Word every moment. You will then feel sick, disgusted and satiated with the objects of pleasures and forsake all of them for you would have soared high and heard the sonorous and resonant sound of the Word that is rich, deep and impressively loud.
The guru directs that you must remain contented and engrossed in that Sound; and then you will hear the diapason and crescendo of the sound (glorious and harmonious burst of musical sound and gradual increase in its volume). Then the surat [soul] rises from there rapidly, as if walking with heavy or noisy footsteps, impressively, and arrives at Sunn (Spirit-Sphere) hearing the euphonious tinkling sound.
Thereafter, you will hear the sound produced by overtones rather than volume and pitch -- that of timbrel and tambourine; what shall I say about the majesty of the Sound which is infinite and unlimited. Whatever I may talk about it, it will be found wanting. This is a matter which is enigmatic and mysterious; how can I unravel its mystery. The surat [soul] now gains access to the depths and dimensions of the Spaceless and Timeless (Adhar).
It now sits with her beloved Lord enjoying his perennial blissful company. All the darkness and dirt of the inner recess of the heart is now eradicated; showers of Sound are falling like murmuring rain. Inside you, as the light spreads, drops of ambrosia fall as the drops of dew. The mind has become fed up (annoyed and bored) with all other modes and methods (except Surat-Shabd-Yoga); the surat is now constantly applying to its wounds the healing and soothing balm of the Word (Sound). I now surrender my body and mind and all to the guru; Radhasoami [Lord of the Soul] speaks in this wise, time and again, with every breath.
-- Swami Ji Maharaj
Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry, Volume One
"The Quintessential Discourse Radhasoami"
Translated by M.G. Gupta
M.G. Publishers, Agra
Posted by: 💋💜 💮 777 💮 ❤️💋 | October 02, 2020 at 04:34 AM
yes Sonia
That voice together with the text goose bumps by
arousing my 4th & 5th chakra, . . not really bad for an hour or so. <3
When directing the focus on HIM. is 50% 6th and 17% 7th and Shabd swelling
💜 💮 777 💮 ❤️
Posted by: ShabdSwelling 💜 💮 777 💮 ❤️ | October 02, 2020 at 08:19 AM
One of my brothers best friends committed suicide. I’ve known since he was a kid and he was like a little brother. He was so successful. From the surface his life seemed perfect. So this is a terrible shock. He was such a kind and generous person. The last person you would think would commit suicide. Two boys 9 & 12 left behind and his amazing wife. How do these things happen? We’re all in shock and I can’t help but feel society has failed them in some way. We don’t recognize the signs... don’t encourage “successful” men to get help for depression. He was embarrassed about his depression. It’s just too heartbreaking to really talk about. Everyone is silent.
Posted by: Sonia | October 02, 2020 at 07:28 PM
Please be exact and careful paraphrasing Charan
HE started every sating with
Why are people unhappy - reason : Everything they are attached to will be taken away
So attach yourself to the most eternal stuff in existence : Naam
Now, when you have that privilege you realise at the same time that HE is in The Wife/Man. you love
In Everything . . . The Ice Cream as well
Also that yourself IS HIM and is That Musical Reverberation which existed for ever and. always will be
I hope this makes you happy
Posted by: 💋 🌱. 777.💋 | October 04, 2020 at 04:46 PM
I think this is really important—it’s a profound lesson I hope people will share with others.
I think my friend’s suicide hit me so hard because of the nature of his death and the fact that he had everything in the world going for him... and our families are all very close. I’ve been so depressed about it since last week but I’m coming to terms with it and I’m not depressed anymore. Just really sad for his kids and wife and immediate family. It touched so many people. It hurt so many people. My brother and all of his closest friends had a Zoom call on Sunday and they decided to set up a fund of some sort for their friend’s two boys. Anyway, gave me time to reflect on my own experience and personal attitude towards suicide and made me realize nobody cares how successful you are and being successful isn’t going to make you feel better. It obviously doesn’t ensure happiness. People just want you Alive. At the end of the day no one cares if you’ve failed—not the people who love you. They just want you around. All the things that get people down—they’re all “curable” but suicide isn’t. Pain goes away. Death doesn’t. I’ve felt bad about myself many times for “failing” at things but I realized other people may not even see me that way and they certainly don’t care about my perceived “failures”. Your friends and family only care about having you in their life. Life is so very precious. Just the very thought of suicide profoundly affects your subconscious. Even if you don’t act on it, just thinking about it sends a strong message to yourself that you’re not valuable. I just realized how horribly destructive even thinking about it is. It’s really awful. I’m certain that “scaring” people away from thinking about or even attempting or committing suicide doesn’t work. But helping people understand that just the thought of it is an attack on themselves that exacerbates self loathing and depression—just helping people understand that might be empowering. Respect yourself. Love yourself.
Posted by: Sonia | October 05, 2020 at 08:21 AM
Hi Sonia
'The suicide and the Saint share much the same experience. It is the interpretation of that experience that makes the difference.'
Saint Augustine
There is nothing wrong with wishing to end pain. Pain which serves no purpose but to harm oneself and through us, others.
But an interesting thing happens in deep meditation. If you can get their, if you can vigorously do simran to overcome the mind's anxious grip for a little while. If you can, through force of will, hand all problems to Him in prayer or meditation.
And that event is the death of the persona.
I did daily just a sure as the suicide dies once.
And it is the happiest moment of my day.
When my failings come forth, when I am publicly humiliated, filed with fear or anger, and I can give this to God. That is my happiest moment.
Not because God will give me any acknowledgement that I am right. I am part of the flawed system and we are all just fulfilling our roles.
But when I step off the stage...
Total bliss. My boss is there with open arms telling me 'you've played the hero / villain / ignorant fool /wise man (foolish man with a couple if good points by sheer luck) very well. Now leave all that nonsense and let's have tea in my celestial garden! The pot is steaping.'
Posted by: Spence Tepper | October 05, 2020 at 03:56 PM
And when He sends me back, I don't want to leave. So then he puts me to sleep, so I forget. But I wake happy, without knowing exactly why, and ready to play my role as a failure and a fool with a few decent qualities, once again.
And when it becomes to painful, he showers with Shabd, draws me back. I cry and hand Him my hurt. And He pulls back the curtain, and I remember His love, and our relationship.
It's a daily thing. I have a job to do. That's all it is.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | October 05, 2020 at 04:01 PM
It's a daily thing. I have a job to do. That's all it is.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | October 05, 2020 at 04:01 PM
Yes, absolutely. Thanks for your comments. My friend wasn’t involved in any sort of spiritual practice as far as we know. My brother and I were talking about it this afternoon—it’s like (let’s call him Mark) Mark self-medicated and kept his depression hid. And self-medicating is always a bad idea for treating depression. There are still a lot of people—even here in America—who are ashamed to admit they have a mental condition and they just silently suffer until one day they snap. Which is sad because depression and even severe depression is actually treatable.
Posted by: Sonia | October 05, 2020 at 06:48 PM
Hi Sonia
The person we think has a problem is actually only the visible part of a system that shares some responsibility with them. It's always a family system. The alcoholic, the addict is a member of an addicted family, culture and toxic workplace even if it appears only they carry the pathology. But the pathology is shared. And what is most sad is that to maintain the status quo it is often necessary for others, subtly, to keep them in their role.
A friend of mine, the person who brought me to the path, taught me about this. He called it psychic blackmail. The psychiatrist, Murray Bowen, called it the family system. Bowen's theory went on to become part of systems theory of organizations. It has led to the psychological concept of enabling in addiction psychology. No one is free of the role others around them help perperuate through various subtle behavioral dynamics.
Bowen coined the phrase undifferentiated ego. Others called it shared ego mass. Basically, against our own will, we identify with the family, the group, the society we are in and participate in its disfunction, share its identity, usually at great personal cost.
When we emerge psychologically from that shared identity, into our own self, we gain a level of freedom.
This is also a way of explaining Brian Ji's work, as well as that of true Saints.
We learn not to identify with the family, group, organization or culture. In doing so we begin to see its toxicity, and in this way find emergence and a level of freedom from that unconscious but persistent influence. Just as when the addict realizes that to overcome their addiction they must sever ties, often with close family members, friends, work, or religious organizations.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | October 06, 2020 at 12:35 AM
@ spence
>> When we emerge psychologically from that shared identity, into our own self, we gain a level of freedom. <<
I would not state this that categorically as it is doubtful if people can really escape from the imprints in their youth, their conditioning.
Even MCS made comments in that direction saying, that although the teachings were passed on unchanged, the way it was taught by individual teachers, was recognizable from their background.
To really understand teachings in other fields even those of the beta sciences, one has to research the background of the scientist, musician, etc.
Psychoanalysis as developed by Freud becomes clear by grasping in what time he lived and what his family was all about.
So .... we marry with our expectations, expectations developed in our childhood etc, and we search for the person that best can fulfill these often unconscious ex[expectations. We all try to recreate the habitat we are born in ... both natural and cultural. Culture being nothing more than the whole of recreation of an habitat.
If you delve in the world of children born from an enter racial, national, cultural, religious, social marriage, you will understand the problem. Not being part of the peer group of the father nor the mother, they have to face the difficult of making choices of identity.
Finally ... the Dalai Lama said that there is no future for Tibetan Buddhism as it has it roots in the geophysical place it became alive. Concepts and language are related to the soil, the weather etc etc.
If you paint the beak of a crow yellow and send him to music class, his voice will remain raspy ... hahahaha
The sea, seeing it is always changing never the same ... but that is just the surface ... no doubt interessting and often just the only thing we can deAL WITH.
Posted by: uM | October 06, 2020 at 08:20 AM
What happens
when U lend out your
to 7 chakra Jeevas
4th_5th Chakra Arousal
Posted by: 💜 💞. Music. 💞❤️ | October 07, 2020 at 10:19 AM
AND another one
This explains the whole Path
Posted by: 💞. This explains the whole Path 💞 | October 12, 2020 at 02:48 PM
same guru that killed his wife
Posted by: Preet | October 13, 2020 at 10:36 AM