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August 03, 2020


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Must confess I like fairies and unicorns and rainbows.

I know it’s ungrounded and not Scientific (and not real). But I also have a disco ball and disco lights and a moon orb light and all kinds of star splashing light projectors for a nightlight.

No desire to grow up. But the cartoon is spot on as far as people go. We want some great being outside of ourselves to take care of our problems and others when we should be the ones taking action.

If the magic fairy helps you bring food to the food bank, it is an important part of you.

Whether that fairy is in your imagination, a real person you accept as a leader, or something else that grabs you from a very deep, unconscious place within, in the symbolic representation of a fairy, and says "Go Help Them!"

It's all within you.

All of it.

Even the voice that makes excuses for doing nothing, saying the fairy, the leader are just your imagination.

That voice is also just your imagination.

The voice in you that days you don't have to help is your imagination.

The symbolic image inside you that helps you build the largest COVID hospital in India also comes from within you.

I think fairy-awareness is the most important takeaway. How
can you encourage your "better fairies" if you're only mindful
of the dumb ones?

On the Beas Campus


I've never seen one with my own two eyes, but I believe they do exist!



I believe that hospital is at one of their other huge centers in Delhi. From what I’ve been told Beas is under complete lockdown.


"...fairies.....don't exist but we do", you say?

But, doesn't we "exist" = DMT "exists"?

And doesn't DMT "exists" = fairies "exist"?

So please forgive my amateur mathematics here, but doesn't that mean We exist = fairies exist?




@S yes it is the Delhi center. But under the watchful eyes of the sevadars, an incident occurred https://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/minor-raped-in-covid-care-centre/story-zMgjZBLGrEqdkgAGmDRLdM.html

No wonder Delhi is called the rape capital of India.

Yes ..and
most of the beds are empty..
Just as here Netherlands the most beds are empty in hospitals.

The ''Corona virus???????''!
Ofcourse it exists but not as the covernements are willing to tell.
They use this..to make their ''power'' bigger.

@S yes it is the Delhi center. But under the watchful eyes of the sevadars, an incident occurred https://www.hindustantimes.com/delhi-news/minor-raped-in-covid-care-centre/story-zMgjZBLGrEqdkgAGmDRLdM.html

No wonder Delhi is called the rape capital of India.

Posted by: Gumshuda Bachha By Peela Gubara | August 07, 2020 at 12:23 PM

Display of stupidity has no bounds. The facility was handed over and is being managed by the govt. Authorities. In this case the ITBP and not under the watchful eyes of sevadars.

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