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June 25, 2020


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“We should realize that what has happened to us in the past and what is happening to us at this very moment are beyond our control, so it is foolish to get upset about these things.“

That’s a subtle twist on perspective that could have a profound impact on one’s life—present and future. The idea that the past is now out of our control is liberating.

We have control over our attitude and perspective to some degree. I guess the biggest and most beneficial aspect would be letting go of regrets and resentments.

Stoicism is a very practical philosophy. I found this especially helpful:

Epictetus on Love and Loss: The Stoic Strategy for Surviving Heartbreak

“Who is good if he knows not who he is? and who knows what he is, if he forgets that things which have been made are perishable, and that it is not possible for one human being to be with another always?”


The problem with most religions and spiritual practices is they don’t offer up any practical guidelines on dealing with emotion. They just say, “do your meditation” or “have faith” or “pray about it”.

Yes, basically you're discussing mindfulness, and "stoicism" if attainable, can be a healthy way to live. How do you factor in trauma and other types of problematic brain hardwiring that would certainly need to be addressed before this state of "stoicism" can be approached.


Too much for me to summarize right now. I’ll have to write a more detailed response when I get to my computer. But if you’re really interested I’ve include some helpful links that I believe answer your question:




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