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April 19, 2020


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Gorgeous!!! Made my day.

Thank you so much for sharing those pictures of your yard. You’re very blessed to have such a beautiful sanctuary. If one must be stuck at home while this pandemic plays out, you certainly have the perfect place. Your garden has such an organic beauty to it that enhances its natural surroundings which gives it a very peaceful feel. And what a gorgeous sunny day.

Oregon is one of the most beautiful states in the United States, in my opinion. One year my husband and I flew to Portland and drove up and down the western part of Oregon from Portland to Ashland and then we took the coastal route on the return trip from Ashland to Portland. One of my favorite stops was Silver Springs (near you I think). We stayed the night at the campground in a cabin. At the time we were living in Colorado and since that was our first trip to Oregon I was in awe of the beautiful trees and all the green, green, green! Colorado certainly has its own share of beauty but I like rain, wetter climates and lots of greenery. The evergreens were considerably larger and thicker than the ones that cover the mountains of Colorado. I was in heaven in Oregon. A nature lover’s paradise. I liked it so much that for my mom’s birthday I gave my parents a trip to Oregon and created an itinerary for them following the same route we took. They loved it too.

Thanks for sharing Brian. Absolutely stunning pic's of your property. Planting flowers and spending time in nature is very calming and puts things in perspective wonderfully. Enjoy the colours and smells of the outdoors. I find it calms the mind and brings me back to the present and forget my worries while digging in the soil.

Wow Brian,

Congratulations on your paradise living.
You are blessed!

Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted something hilarious regarding the lock down:

Via@Téa Leoni...

“Having some states lock down and some states not lock down is like having a peeing section in the swimming pool.”

(Téa Leoni is one of my favorite actors, BTW. Especially ‘Fun with Dick and Jane’ and ‘The Family Man’.)

What a beautiful surrounding..wow...
To live like that is really a blessing Brian!!
Nice to enjoy that on a every day basis....wow...

Thanks for sharing this beauty!!

<3 Nature!!

Wow! Really beautiful, Brian. That's a lot of work and very well done. Thank you for sharing.

Thank you for helping me thru this day. I love the pictures, because they are healing wisdom throughout.

I know I'm kinda like a carnivore who visits a herbivores banquet.

But that heron looks tasty!


Enjoyed this photo/prose reflective post. You live in a lovely spot and no doubt enjoy getting out there on your ‘ride on’. I see a lovely attended garden and yet is there some wildness just out of view? Cool critters about?

I particularly liked the ‘intrinsici-ness’ of the photos, they show you have the knack for capturing more of the essence of the scene, like the one you use as title for this blog with chair and ZuZu?

Always good to present something in addition to or as counter-balance to logical and scientific explanations for things. If you continue down this track you’ll be writing poetry next… :-)

Hope everyone is doing OK.

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