I do my best not to censor comments left on my blog posts, which must be approved by me before they're published. But I'm going to change that rule for comments relating to the coronavirus pandemic.
Facts, truth, and science are our best weapons against COVID-19. So I have zero tolerance for people who spread untruths about it. I apologize for not acting sooner to prevent some false comments from being published. But better late than never.
Specifically, ignore anyone who says that hydroxychloroquine should be taken without a doctor's order to either prevent or treat a coronavirus infection.
This should never be done. It can be extremely harmful, even deadly. There are clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine underway. Doctors have the authority, in the United States at least, to prescribe it for COVID-19 patients.
So do not, repeat, do not, take it on your own, and do not, repeat, do not, give it to anyone else, like a family member or friend.
I'm ashamed that the president of the United States, the hugely incompetent Donald J. Trump, has been promoting hydroxychloroquine in his rambling, incoherent, mostly fact-free White House coronavirus briefings. The fact that Trump favors the drug is a strong argument against using it, since almost always Trump is on the wrong side of the truth/lies divide.
Understand: it may turn out that hydroxychloroquine is a worthwhile drug to use in the treatment of COVID-19. However, medical experts are warning against its use outside of a well-informed decision by a doctor to use it for this purpose, or in a clinical trial.
The Atlantic has a good story on this subject, "Why Does the President Keep Pushing a Malaria Drug?" It's written by James Hamblin, a physician who teaches public health at Yale University. Excerpts:
Based on the limited evidence so far, giving hydroxychloroquine to people could very well be—as with most drugs that modulate the immune system—of some benefit in some circumstances. Some people will be made sicker by it, depending on underlying physiology, other medications they’re taking, timing, and dosing. Identifying who stands to benefit and why requires data, and several randomized controlled studies of hydroxychloroquine are under way.
But Trump has plunged ahead. On March 28, amid his constant enthusiasm, the FDA issued an emergency authorization allowing the use of hydroxychloroquine for treatment of COVID-19. Even still, the agency urged that the drug should be given only to patients “for whom a clinical trial is not available, or participation is not feasible.”
Some hospitals in the U.S., including Massachusetts General Hospital, have begun incorporating hydroxychloroquine into treatment protocols, at the discretion of an infectious-disease specialist. Other institutions are more guarded. At the University of Washington, doctors are advised in official treatment policy that although the drug has been shown to inhibit replication of the virus in cultures of monkey kidney cells, “it has not been shown to be an effective antiviral” in living organisms. The University of Michigan Medical School advises its doctors that “the current body of literature and local experience does not support the routine use of any specific treatment regimen, including hydroxychloroquine, for patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection.”
...On Saturday, Trump suggested research exists that shows people with lupus don’t get the coronavirus, implying that their use of hydroxychloroquine protects them. “There’s a rumor out there that because it takes care of lupus very effectively, as I understand it, and it’s a, you know, a drug that’s used for lupus,” he said, “so there’s a study out there that says people that have lupus haven’t been catching this virus. Maybe it’s true; maybe it’s not.”
There is no such study.
In fact, it appears that people with lupus who have been taking hydroxychloroquine for that condition have been infected with the coronavirus. So says a doctor.
Given the surge in eBay sales of chloroquine phosphate, and the anecdotal reports in Arizona and Nigeria of patients poisoning themselves by self-administering chloroquine formulations, there’s concern throughout the public health community that Trump’s exhortations to try the drug could do more harm than good. Of course, Trump isn’t encouraging self-medication, telling Americans instead to “go through your medical people.”
So what do the medical people say? Jeremy Faust, an emergency physician at Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, has attempted to caution against the idea of hydroxychloroquine as a preventive medication. He tweeted Sunday: “Patients with lupus, arthritis, other conditions are *already* on hydroxychloroquine. And we are diagnosing them with Covid-19 LEFT AND RIGHT.”
To repeat, don't believe false rumors on the internet about hydroxychloroquine. Don't accept anecdotal reports that it is OK to self-treat yourself with this drug. Do take hydroxychloroquine if you have COVID-19 and your doctor has prescribed it.
A story in The Guardian also is worth reading. Here's an excerpt from "Trump touts hydroxychloroquine as a cure for Covid-19. Don't believe the hype."
Why is Trump touting it?
Trump was influenced by a widely publicized study in France where 40 coronavirus patients were given hydroxychloroquine, with more than half experiencing the clearing of their airways within three to six days. This apparent improvement is important as it would curtail the timeframe in which infected people could spread Covid-19 to others.
However, experts have warned that the study is small and lacks sufficient rigor to be classed as evidence of a potential treatment. The French health ministry has warned against the use of hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19, with Olivier Véran, France’s health minister, saying that it shouldn’t be used by anyone with the exception of “serious forms of hospitalization and on the collegial decision of doctors and under strict medical supervision”.
What does the evidence show?
The French study followed work by Chinese researchers which suggested that hydroxychloroquine can slow infections from Sars-CoV-2, the virus behind Covid-19, by blocking it from entering cells in the body. But more recent, albeit small-scale, research from China has shown that patients who were treated with the drugs fought off coronavirus no more quickly than those who didn’t get it. Indeed, one patient given hydroxychloroquine severely worsened in condition while four patients on the medicine developed signs of liver damage and experienced diarrhea.
Regardless of these findings, any drug being used for a certain purpose before full clinical trials are completed is, by definition, untested and unproven. It’s too early to say if hydroxychloroquine can have a major benefit or not.
The European Medicines Agency, an agency of the EU, has said hydroxychloroquine should not be taken by coronavirus patients except for clinical trials or emergency use programs.
As always, follow the science. Lives depend on it.
And don't bother leaving a comment on this post about hydroxychloroquine that isn't backed up by a reputable source. You'll just be wasting your time, because it won't be published. On the other hand, include a link to a good source of scientific information, and likely I'll approve your comment.
(sorry, a few to many confusing typos so I’m reposting)
I agree with you that no one should take hydroxychloroquine without a doctors prescription. However, personally we’ve decided to not follow that strictly in the sense that I did call my doctor originally and told him. I called him three times and he gave me the appropriate answer—that hydroxychloroquine “hasn’t been proven yet but he is aware of many trials that indicated it was helpful against SARS”. That said, he wasn’t like OK give it to your family and friends.
I’m certainly not saying you should get it on the black market or from someone who has a stash of it and treat yourself. I’m just tired of the people who seem to be 100% convinced it doesn’t work. And Trump actually has more than the study in France to make him think it’s effective. The treatment is being used by people in the field in certain countries but you will never hear that in the news (and it should NEVER be reported in the news because it still falls under the category of anecdotal evidence).
In theory, no one should every take any drug—allopathic or naturopathic without first consulting their doctor. I completely agree with that in theory. That is definitely the right protocol. But I know from personal experience, over the years when there has been a certain health issue i was dealing with and having no luck whatsoever I would take into consideration advice from my friends and those annoying TV ads by big pharma companies that tell you to “ask your doctor if ____ is right for you”. Those commercials are a big fat pain in the ass to doctors because the doctors have been to medical school and specialize in their field of medicine. Then their patient comes in and says the TV told me I need this. Big Pharma gets FDA approval, but they also do everything they can to get doctors to change their preferred method of treatments. They target the patients and bribe the doctors.
The only reason I mentioned the four cases in my family is because my father and brother have serious heart conditions and my father’s diabetes is way out of control, however, it worked for them given in small doses but more frequently because they have very serious underlying health conditions.
You are right though, you are 100% correct—no one should use hydroxychloroquine without a doctor’s prescription and without the stated use that it is to be used to treat Covid19.
Interestingly enough, I would like to add, they have no idea how hydroxychloroquine works or when it comes to treating patients with autoimmune disorders. They literally still don’t know how it works but have discovered through many trials that it works. And so they’ve been prescribing it to patients with lupus and RA for years despite the fact that they do not understand how it actually helps. They’ve just had enough trials to see that it is effective.
Again, you are 100% correct in your statement in the title of this blog post. Really, my main point (and I should have been a lot clearer about this) is that there is hope. Whether it’s this drug or another drug, I don’t want people to think, well if I get C19 and nothing has been FDA approved yet then I’m going to go Boris.
Doctors are allowed to prescribe this medication and certain others if they feel it’s a good choice and if it is safe enough for you considering your specific underlying condition. But you should ask your doctor first.
“Ask your doctor if Plaquenil is right for you.” He may say no, but ask him anyway.
Posted by: Sonia | April 06, 2020 at 10:54 PM
Posted by: Sonia | April 06, 2020 at 11:00 PM
The same trump who said that the Virus was a democrat party hoax. backed up by the likes of right wing media like fox news. The same Fox News who said they took corona virus very seriously from the very start but there is plenty o f video evidence form all their presenters, which contradicts that statement.
Trump has botched this from the very start. and then tries to cover up his mistakes by saying he knew it was a pandemic all along. every word out of his mouth is non fact based. no proof to back up what he says. its all maybe i will do this tommorow mabe i wont. make a damn decision and stick to it like the majority of leaders around the world have.
How do americans who follow him still continue to do so. can they not see that this guy is "winging it" as a president.
in his 4th year of presidency he blames obama for not having depleted the health stock pile. he goes on about arms beeing also depleted and how he managed to bring those levels back up.
Where was his protocol to resupply the stock pile for medical emergencies.
he contradicts Dr Faucci at every moment.
How is it a good result that 100k to 200k americans will die of coronavirus when about a month ago he said this virus will just dissappear....It sohuld never ever have come to this.
did he not see what was going on in italy???
im not american but Trump angers me to the utmost. He has adopted the protocol of he who screams loudest is rightous.
If he is re-elected then It is sad for me to say that Americans are the most gullable race in the world.
Posted by: John C | April 07, 2020 at 03:05 AM
Commentary on drug discovery from a career researcher...
"It’s weird and startling, though, if you haven’t had the opportunity to go back through clinical research (and even patient treatment) and seen how many things looked like they worked and really didn’t. It happens again and again. Alzheimer’s drugs, obesity drugs, cardiovascular drugs, osteoporosis drugs: over and over there have been what looked like positive results that evaporated on closer inspection. After you’ve experienced this a few times, you take the lesson to heart that the only way to be sure about these things is to run sufficiently powered controlled trials. No short cuts, no gut feelings – just data."
Posted by: anami | April 07, 2020 at 03:09 AM
Yes, but when you get really sick with the corona virus, I’m sure you will be willing to take a drug recommended by your doctor even if it hasn’t passed the FDA required number of clinical trials. Right now NOTHING has been proven to treat the Corona Virus. But when you’re lying in the ICU dying I’m sure you won’t object to whatever medication the doctors decide to give you even though currently NOTHING has been proven to treat Covid-19.
And by “you” I mean everyone and anyone...
There are currently no proven medications and no vaccines to fight this pandemic. That’s part of the reason it’s a pandemic.
Posted by: Sonia | April 07, 2020 at 12:10 PM
And, sorry for the ALL CAPS. It’s just I can’t bold or underline anything (because I never could get it to work right). So, if I want to emphasize something I resort to all caps which ends up looking somewhat obnoxious, I know.
Posted by: Sonia | April 07, 2020 at 12:28 PM
Here is a list of the possible serious side effects of that drug, which should always be underlined before
taking any drug.... remember Vioxx?
blurred vision or other vision changes, which may be permanent in some cases
heart disease, including heart failure and issues with your heart rhythm; some cases have been fatal
ringing in your ears or hearing loss
angioedema (rapid swelling of your skin)
mild or severe bronchospasm
sore throat
severe hypoglycemia
unusual bleeding or bruising
blue-black skin color
muscle weakness
hair loss or changes in hair color
abnormal mood changes
mental health effects, including suicidal thoughts
Posted by: seriousideeffects | April 07, 2020 at 05:13 PM
Here is a list of the possible serious side effects of that drug, which should always be underlined before
taking any drug.... remember Vioxx?
blurred vision or other vision changes, which may be permanent in some cases
heart disease, including heart failure and issues with your heart rhythm; some cases have been fatal
ringing in your ears or hearing loss
angioedema (rapid swelling of your skin)
mild or severe bronchospasm
sore throat
severe hypoglycemia
unusual bleeding or bruising
blue-black skin color
muscle weakness
hair loss or changes in hair color
abnormal mood changes
mental health effects, including suicidal thoughts
Posted by: seriousideeffects | April 07, 2020 at 05:13 PM
OK, well I have to take hydroxychloroquine every single day for Sjögrens. I have to take another drug for Hashimotos which I haven’t looked the up side effects for, but below you will find the complete list of side effects for 4 other drugs that I have been taking twice a day every day for the past 15 years. And these drugs really help me. It took a long time for my doctors to get the right combination. I couldn’t live without them.
So, add these symptoms included below to the above list (because I take that drug every day).
Besides, whatever drug is prescribed to an individual whether it’s Tamiflu or an antibiotic is going to have side effects. Can you show me a single drug on the market that treats a virus that doesn’t have side effects. Can you show me a single drug that doesn’t have side effects period?
And I hope everyone realizes that all those bottles of pills at your local co-op or Whole Foods are not FDA approved and do have side effects as well but hard to list them without FDA approved clinical trials. That said, I take those too.
This is fun stuff! 😃
* A Change In Vision
* Anxious Feelings
* Blurred Vision
* Constipation
* Decreased Appetite
* Difficulty Sleeping
* Dizziness
* Drowsiness
* Dry Mouth
* Excessive Sweating
* Generalized Weakness
* Muscle Tremors
* Nausea
* Nervousness
* Numbness And Tingling
* Problems With Ejaculation
* Taste Impairment
* The Inability To Have An Erection
* Vomiting
* A Condition With Muscle Tissue Breakdown Called Rhabdomyolysis
* A Disorder With Excess Antidiuretic Hormone Called Syndrome Of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone
* A Significant Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Anaphylaxis
* A Skin Disorder With Blistering And Peeling Skin Called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
* A Skin Disorder With Blistering And Peeling Skin Called Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
* A Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Angioedema
* A Type Of Inflammation Of The Lung Called Interstitial Pneumonitis
* Abnormal Heart Electrical Signals
* Abnormal Muscle Movements
* Bleeding Of The Stomach Or Intestines
* Decreased Blood Platelets
* Difficult Or Painful Urination
* Erythema Multiforme, A Type Of Allergic Skin Reaction
* Extrapyramidal Disease, A Type Of Movement Disorder
* Fluid Retention In The Legs, Feet, Arms Or Hands
* Increased Pressure In The Eye
* Inflammation Of The Liver Called Hepatitis
* Low Amount Of Sodium In The Blood
* Low Blood Counts Due To Bone Marrow Failure
* Low Blood Sugar
* Low Levels Of A Type Of White Blood Cell Called Neutrophils
* Manic Behavior
* Mental Status Changes
* Mood Changes
* Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, A Reaction Characterized By Fever, Muscle Rigidity And Confusion
* Orthostatic Hypotension, A Form Of Low Blood Pressure
* Pancreatitis
* Pneumonia With High Amount Of Eosinophil White Blood Cells
* Prolonged QT Interval On EKG
* Secondary Angle-Closure Glaucoma, A Type Of Eye Disorder
* Seizures
* Serotonin Syndrome, A Type Of Disorder With High Serotonin Levels
* Suicidal Thoughts
* Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy
* Tardive Dyskinesia, A Disorder Characterized By Involuntary Movements Of The Face, Mouth And Tongue
* Torsades De Pointes, A Type Of Abnormal Heart Rhythm
* Trouble Breathing
* Ventricular Fibrillation, A Heart Rhythm Disorder
* Very Low Levels Of Granulocytes, A Type Of White Blood Cell
* Confusion, poor memory, or lack of awareness
* fainting
* fast, pounding, or irregular heartbeat or pulse
* frequent urination
* increased thirst
* slow heartbeat
* stiffness of the arms or legs
* troubled breathing (especially during hard work or exercise)
* unusual tiredness or weakness
* weight gain
* Blue color and pain in the fingers and toes
* coldness of the arms and legs
* dizziness
* eye pain
* headache
* noise in the ears
* vision problems
Incidence not known
* Blurred vision
* burning feeling in the chest or stomach
* chills
* cloudy urine
* cough
* decreased urination
* difficulty in speaking
* drooling
* dry mouth
* eyeballs bulge out of the eye sockets
* fever
* flushed, dry skin
* fruit-like breath odor
* general feeling of illness
* increase in heart rate
* increased hunger
* increased urination
* indigestion
* irregular heartbeat, recurrent
* large, hive-like swelling on the face, eyelids, lips, tongue, throat, hands, legs, feet, or genitals
* lightheadedness
* loss of balance control
* loss of strength or energy
* muscle pain or weakness
* muscle trembling, jerking, or stiffness
* paleness or cold feeling in the fingertips and toes
* rapid breathing
* restlessness or agitation
* shakiness and unsteady walk
* shuffling walk
* sore throat
* stomach pain or upset
* sugar in the urine
* sunken eyes
* swelling of the ankles or wrists
* tenderness in the stomach area
* tingling or pain in the fingers or toes when exposed to the cold
* tremor
* twisting movements of the bod
* twitching
* uncontrolled jerking or twisting movements of the hands, arms, or legs
* uncontrolled movements, especially of the face, neck, and back
* unexplained weight loss
* unsteadiness, trembling, or other problems with muscle control or coordination
* unusual drowsiness, dullness, or feeling of sluggishness
* unusually strong reflexes
* wrinkled skin
* Blurred vision
* changes in vision
* clumsiness or unsteadiness
* double vision
* poor coordination
* skin rash
* Anxiety
* chest pain
* confusion
* continuous, uncontrolled back and forth or rolling eye movements
* depression
* increase in seizures
* infection
* irritability
* Blistering, peeling, or loosening of the skin
* chills
* cough
* dark urine
* diarrhea
* fever
* general feeling of discomfort or illness
* headache
* itching
* joint pain
* loss of appetite
* memory loss
* muscle cramps, pain, or weakness
* nausea
* red or irritated eyes
* runny nose
* shivering
* small red or purple spots on the skin
* sore throat
* sores, ulcers, or white spots on the lips or in the mouth
* swelling of the face, mouth, hands, or feet
* swollen lymph nodes
* trouble sleeping
* trouble with breathing
* unusual bleeding or bruising
* unusual tiredness or weakness
* vomiting
* yellow eyes or skin
* Body aches or pain
* chills
* cough
* difficulty breathing
* discouragement
* dizziness
* ear congestion
* feeling sad or empty
* fever
* headache
* irritability
* lack of appetite
* loss of interest or pleasure
* loss of voice
* nasal congestion
* poor coordination
* runny nose
* shakiness and unsteady walk
* sleepiness or unusual drowsiness
* sneezing
* sore throat
* tiredness
* trouble concentrating
* trouble sleeping
* unsteadiness, trembling, or other problems with muscle control or coordination
* unusual tiredness or weakness
* Being forgetful
* bladder pain
* bloody or cloudy urine
* change in speech
* diarrhea
* difficult, burning, or painful urination
* frequent urge to urinate
* general feeling of discomfort or illness
* joint pain
* loss of appetite
* lower back or side pain
* mood or mental changes
* muscle aches and pains
* nausea
* nervousness
* problems in urination or increase in the amount of urine
* shivering
* slurred speech
* sore throat
* sweating
* trouble speaking
* vomiting
* Burning, crawling, itching, numbness, prickling, "pins and needles", or tingling feeling
* changes in skin color
* chest pain or discomfort
* cold sweats
* colds
* confusion
* cough or hoarseness
* difficulty with sleeping
* dizziness, faintness, or lightheadedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
* excessive dreaming
* excessive muscle tone
* excitement
* falling
* fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
* feeling mad
* feeling of unreality
* flu-like symptoms
* headache, severe and throbbing
* lack of feeling or emotion
* lack or loss of self-control
* muscle stiffness
* muscle tension or tightness
* nightmares
* pain, inflammation, or swelling in the calves, shoulders, or hands
* pain or swelling in the arms or legs without any injury
* pain, tenderness, or swelling of the foot or leg
* partial or slight paralysis
* scaling
* sense of detachment from self or body
* shakiness in the legs, arms, hands, or feet
* skin rash
* swelling around the eyes
* swelling of the face, ankle, foot, or knees
* thoughts of killing oneself changes in behavior
* tightness in the chest
* trembling or shaking of the hands or feet
* uncaring
* vision changes
Posted by: Sonia | April 07, 2020 at 06:45 PM
The two main drugs doctors have been using to treat the flu and are currently using to treat many patients with Covid19 are Tamiflu and Zithromax. I’ve listed the serious side effects of each below.
Look, it’s unfortunate that vitamin C and CBD oil haven’t been proven effective in fighting the corona virus because they have considerably less side effects. And quite honestly I’m not pushing hydroxychloroquine. I seriously worry about my family and friends when they are severely ill. But if naturopathic medicine or reiki or faith healing works, then you certainly have the right to exercise that choice.
Serious side effects of Tamiflu (Oseltamivir)
* A Significant Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Anaphylaxis
* A Skin Disorder With Blistering And Peeling Skin Called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (Complications include dehydration, sepsis, pneumonia and multiple organ failure.) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stevens%E2%80%93Johnson_syndrome
* A Skin Disorder With Blistering And Peeling Skin Called Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
* Abnormal Heart Rhythm
* Abnormal Liver Function Tests
* An Accidental Injury
* Behavioral Problems
* Bleeding Of The Stomach Or Intestines
* Confusion
* Delirium
* Erythema Multiforme, A Type Of Allergic Skin Reaction
* Hallucinations
* Hives
* Inflammation Of The Large Intestine With Bleeding
* Inflammation Of The Liver Called Hepatitis
* Low Body Temperature
* Puffy Face From Water Retention
* Seizures
* Swelling Of The Tongue
Serious side effects of Zithromax (antibiotic - azithromycin)
* A Blockage Of The Bile Duct That Resulting In High Bilirubin Levels
* A Significant Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Anaphylaxis
* A Skin Disorder With Blistering And Peeling Skin Called Stevens-Johnson Syndrome
* A Skin Disorder With Blistering And Peeling Skin Called Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis
* A Type Of Allergic Reaction Called Angioedema
* A Type Of Kidney Inflammation Called Interstitial Nephritis
* A Type Of Muscle Paralysis Due To Blocked Nerve Function Called Neuromuscular Blockade
* A Type Of Significant Allergic Skin Reaction Called DRESS Syndrome
* A Type Of Skin Disorder Called Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis
* Acute Kidney Failure
* Bronchospasm
* Decreased Blood Platelets
* Diarrhea From An Infection With Clostridium Difficile Bacteria
* Erythema Multiforme, A Type Of Allergic Skin Reaction
* Hearing Loss
* Hives
* Increased Eosinophils In The Blood
* Inflammation Of The Liver Called Hepatitis
* Liver Failure
* Liver Tissue Death
* Low Blood Pressure
* Multiple Organ Failure
* Pancreatitis
* Prolonged QT Interval On EKG
* Rapid Ventricular Heartbeat
* Seizures
* Torsades De Pointes, A Type Of Abnormal Heart Rhythm
* Trouble Breathing
Posted by: Sonia | April 07, 2020 at 08:12 PM
That wasn't the point. The point was to be aware that there are serious side effects, especially those l know who have heart difficulties.
Yes, take whatever medicine one needs, but be aware.
That was the post.
Posted by: serioussideeffects | April 08, 2020 at 10:42 AM
Here's something else with promise, using blood plasma from C19 survivors for the antibodies. I'd trust this therapy before hydroxychloroquine (as long as it were properly screened for the usual hepatitis, HIV and syphilis). Will the hivemind latch onto it? Will the medical community? Will the politicians?
Posted by: anami | April 08, 2020 at 11:24 AM
That wasn't the point. The point was to be aware that there are serious side effects, especially those l know who have heart difficulties.
Yes, take whatever medicine one needs, but be aware.
That was the post.
Posted by: serioussideeffects | April 08, 2020 at 10:42 AM
I understand. Appreciate that. One thing to remember though is whatever drug someone takes to fight Covid19 whether it’s Hydroxychloroquine, Oseltamivir or any other antivirals, they will only be administered for a few days. And typically after the first dose both doctor and patient get a sense of the patient’s reaction to the drug. People with covid are basically only taking these drugs for a few days.
People with autoimmune disorders take these drugs every single day for years on end. It’s a daily treatment for the millions of people with Lupus, R.A. and several other autoimmune diseases.
Heart patients should definitely be careful, I agree. That said, my mom has high blood pressure and it’s the only problem she has that’s serious enough for her to take medicine every day (high blood pressure medicine obviously) my dad has had heart attacks and open heart surgery a couple of times. He doesn’t go anywhere without nitro, and my brother has too. My brother was born with a serious heart condition. He had open heart surgery about 15 years ago but his heart has become so enlarged now that we really tried to get him to have another open heart surgery last winter. However, he decided to put it off because he had a baby coming. We were extremely worried about him having Covid19 given his current heart condition. That’s actually why my mom went ahead and rushed the hydroxychloroquine to him—his chances of surviving the corona virus were slim at best given his current state. But it only takes small doses. Your body reacts pretty quickly. Doctors can monitor the effects of any of these drugs—all of these current antiviral treatments and take patients off of them immediately if they show signs of adverse reactions. Because the amount of the drug used to help w/Covid-19 is so small, relatively speaking, it’s not likely someone given a few doses of it is going to have the potentially serious side effects that someone like myself or others with autoimmune diseases who take it every single day for years on end.
I feel like I’m defending this drug again which I really don’t want to do. I just want to say, I completely understand your concern about the potential negative side effects for people with heart problems. I do, believe me I do. Ironically it is more likely to save the life of a heart patient than letting them try to fight of the disease on their own.
Posted by: Sonia | April 08, 2020 at 12:02 PM
"I'm ashamed that the president of the United States, the hugely incompetent Donald J. Trump, has been promoting hydroxychloroquine in his rambling, incoherent, mostly fact-free White House coronavirus briefings."
1. Trump never suggested anyone dose themselves with this drug without a doctor's prescription. He merely offered hope that this drug would prove effective and save lives. That was all he said.
2. Trump didn't get word of this drug from quacks. He got info about the possible efficacy of this drug from doctors who have saved lives with it.
3. Obama's administration -- i.e. Obama -- authorized emergency use of intravenous peramivir, an investigational antiviral drug for the H1N1 flu epidemic. In other words, Obama OK'ed a drug to the public that had not undergone full testing. There was zero outrage, and rightfully so. It was a time of emergency.
4. A Dem lawmaker with CV has credited Trump for saving her life by his getting the word out about HC. Her condition was dire but miraculously turned around when she was given the drug by her doctor.
5. There doesn't seem to be any word from doctors who are prescribing HC that it's causing death. Rather, many say it's working effectively to save lives. So far none has said that they've given it to CV patients and it made their condition worse or killed.
6. All drugs taken indiscriminately have side effects -- this should not be news to anyone, and again, that's why Trump never told the public to mix up HC in their basements and self doctor themselves with it.
7. This pandemic was caused by the government of China. In many ways what China has done to us by starting and lying about this virus is far worse than 9/11. The endless freaking out about Trump is neither accurate nor useful in this time of need.
Posted by: j | April 08, 2020 at 12:04 PM
But anyone taking Hydroxychloroquine or any other medication for Covid19 should only do so under the strict care of a doctor. (We didn’t exactly follow that, but we have a lot of doctors and nurses in the family and one epidemiologist working with the Gates Foundation!).
Posted by: Sonia | April 08, 2020 at 12:08 PM
Given my family medical history with the meds I take each day, I should theoretically have a heart-attack or stroke or seizure any minute. But for now their benefits far outweigh the side effects and oddly enough I have a very strong heart—blood pressure is perfect and low cholesterol. But I question whether I’m actually related to these people on a daily basis. 😂
Posted by: Sonia | April 08, 2020 at 12:18 PM
1) Trump never suggested anyone dose themselves with this drug without a doctor's prescription. He merely offered hope that this drug would prove effective and save lives. That was all he said.
Posted by: j | April 08, 2020 at 12:04 PM
Hydroxychloraquine is his Covid drug of choice. Why else did he call his good friend Modi asking him to lift export bans imposed by India and even go to the extent of threatening retaliation in case India didn't ease the restrictions. This joker doesn't even realise he has just a few months left in office and yet rants off threats.
Posted by: Trevor Smith | April 08, 2020 at 01:34 PM
I honestly can’t tell whose side you’re on. (Not that you have to be on a side...)
Posted by: Sonia | April 08, 2020 at 03:15 PM
You keep defending Trump, but he could have helped this situation by not downplaying it from the very
Yes, he changed his tune.... but that is precisely the point.
He was playing the wrong tune when it mattered most.
Posted by: serioussideeffects | April 08, 2020 at 03:26 PM
"On March 28, 2020, FDA issued an EUA to allow hydroxychloroquine sulfate and chloroquine phosphate products donated to the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to be distributed and used for certain hospitalized patients with COVID-19. These drugs will be distributed from the SNS to states for doctors to prescribe to adolescent and adult patients hospitalized with COVID-19, as appropriate, when a clinical trial is not available or feasible."
The FDA approved hydroxychloroquine a week before this blogpost was published.
Posted by: j | April 09, 2020 at 03:54 PM
J, You keep defending Trump, but he could have helped this situation by not downplaying it from the very
beginning. Yes, he changed his tune.... but that is precisely the point. He was playing the wrong tune when it mattered most."
First, the claim that Trump said the virus was a hoax, but that's been downgraded to "downplaying." which can mean anything short of declaring martial law and banning every America to their homes on December 31 2019.
The overall point gets lost, but I'll try to make it again: no world leader perfectly anticipated this virus. Obama didn't perfectly anticipate H1N1. No liberal or for that matter conservative media site correctly anticipated the virus and called for the immediate closure of the country to new arrivals.
I'm defending accurate information and common sense. I'm a full-on defender of criticism of those in power, but when my friends email me with stuff like "the virus is Trump writ large," it's hard to take their criticisms seriously.
I don't know what to make of this one. We're talking about a drug that was OK'ed by the FDA 2 weeks ago to help people with the virus, but it's outragous that Trump mentioned it to the public?
Posted by: J | April 09, 2020 at 04:05 PM
Again, J, read what I wrote.
Trump was singing the wrong tune at precisely the wrong time. No need to bring up past presidents. They are not in charge. Trump was. And he downplayed it and for that he is responsible. Instead of being a great leader, he spends way too much time on his ratings, his rants, and not unifying a country that needs unification.
My post wasn't about Dr. Trump's medical prescriptions. It was about being off tune at precisely the wrong time.
And, sorry, no spin takes that away.
Posted by: serioussideeffectsfromthispresident | April 09, 2020 at 06:21 PM
This is Trump's own words and why he was "out" of tune.
Posted by: yep | April 09, 2020 at 06:25 PM
This pandemic certainly has created a lot of armchair politicians. I thought we’d be more focused on discussing the science behind this disease and the search for a cure or vaccine.
I think the science is a lot more interesting than politics right now.
Posted by: Sonia | April 10, 2020 at 01:18 AM
Posted by: Whodunit | April 10, 2020 at 06:37 PM
Posted by: Whodunit | April 10, 2020 at 06:37 PM
This drug has become politicized. Even if they have confirmed trials showing it significantly helps treat COVID-19 I bet more Republicans than Democrats will take it. As far as the serious side effects go—well yeah... after several weeks, months even years of taking the drugs every day there is an increased risk. But most people show improvement within 48 hours. That’s just 2 or 3 doses depending on what strength.
Anyway, it certainly seems to be the Red pill. And this whole pandemic is happening inside the Matrix.
Don’t worry. Pretty soon they’ll pull the plug.
Posted by: Sonia | April 10, 2020 at 08:32 PM
I was shocked when I heard that Trump said about these injections. Common, really, Trump?
We are doctors, nurses, and our community completely denying what Trump recommended! It's such a shame for President.
Posted by: Cathy | April 27, 2020 at 02:32 AM