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April 26, 2020


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You find Trump "super entertaining?" Haven't you been telling tell us he's a fascist dictator who put the lives of thousands of Americans in grave peril?

Actually, the latest liberal talking point is that Trump is directly responsible for 50,000 American deaths.

And yet, the left's mirth never abates, even during an era when Americans are supposedly dying en masse. Dare I surmise that their outrage is more fanciful than they realize?

@ And yet, the left's mirth never abates, even during an era when Americans are
@ supposedly dying en masse. Dare I surmise that their outrage is more fanciful
@ than they realize?

No, I think the outrage is more circumscribed. It's reserved for "We
have great testing", "The virus is a Democratic hoax", "I'm not a
doctor but how 'bout a "lysol" cocktail.... or UV super-dose."', "No,
no, I was just being sarcastic."

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