Since this blog attracts people from many countries, I'm curious to learn how you are coping with the coronavirus, or COVID-19, outbreak.
Leave a comment on this post, if you like.
It'd be good to know both how people in your part of the world are handling the disruption in everyday life that, likely, has been imposed by government authorities, and also how you yourself have been affected.
What disturbs you the most about what's going on? What bright spots can you find in this otherwise dark and distressing situation?
All I ask is that you keep religion out of your comment. This is a time when everybody should be coming together to fight a common enemy, the COVID-19 virus. Religion and politics shouldn't play a role in this.
Our common humanity, and susceptibility to getting sick or even dying from the virus, is what binds us together. The coronavirus doesn't care if you are a Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, or whatever. Nor should the medical professionals we're counting on to guide us through the COVID-19 outbreak.
Here in Oregon, where I live, there are 88 reported cases and one death out of a population of about 4.2 million. But testing for the virus has been very limited, so the actually number of cases must be far greater.
A few days ago Governor Brown issued an order to close bars and restaurants, including coffee houses. Only take-out food can be ordered from restaurants. This afternoon I got a latte from a drive-up window of the French Press coffee house in south Salem. I left a generous tip and told the barista, "You deserve this. I know this is a tough time for you and other employees."
After that, my wife and I took Mooka, our dog, to the Minto Brown dog park. The sun was out. Temperature was in the 60s. Lots of people were at the park, since schools are closed until the end of April and many businesses have either cut back on employees or closed temporarily (hopefully not permanently).
While we were watching dogs running around playing with each other, and walking around with other people (keeping six feet apart, naturally), it was easy to forget that a deadly disease is wreaking havoc on the world. It also was nice to get away from the news for a while and simply experience a pleasant outing in great weather.
My Tai Chi classes have been cancelled until further notice. My wife and I no longer go to our athletic club, which I'm unsure is even open. The monthly Salon discussion group that we're a part of isn't going to meet in person, though we might try conversing through video conferencing.
Grocery stores shelves are mostly bare of toilet paper, paper towels, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting cleaning supplies. I couldn't find bread when I went shopping on Monday. But on Tuesday our natural food store had some. Joy! I felt like someone in World War II must have when food in short supply was available.
I've been writing about the coronavirus on my other two blogs. Here's links.
My thoughts about the coronavirus outbreak
I'm not wearing gloves because of cold, but of old (COVID-19)
Salem's city officials need to WAKE UP about the COVID-19 outbreak
My daughter clues me in to why small businesses need help fast
Progressive policies will win the war against COVID-19
In the hospitals I work with all elective surgeries have been canceled. In the therapy and medical clinics all outpatients that are not acutely ill have been canceled. Physicians, nurses, Physical Therapists and others are treating patients through telemedicine. Some hospital staff are gearing up. Many hospital and clinic staff are being furloughed, told to go home, and most outpatient centers shutting their doors. Hospitals are setting up screening centers in their parking lots and creating surge plans. Consultants are helping identify hall spaces for overflow, and areas for isolation. Trying to help logistics of supply delivery, and reuse. Hospital finances are crashing. And they've asked us consultants to work from home. It's been webex 8 hours a day, but for the hospital managers and executives, 12-16 hour days. The streets of Boston and Andover are mostly empty. All this in the last 6 calendar days.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 19, 2020 at 08:11 PM
In Holland it's the same as you describe..
All shops are closed but not the food shops.
one and half meters distance.
No airplanes less cars,it's still in the streets..
I do'nt know numbers..but it is increasing ..
Keeping distance in the shops..
It's like you discribe same here.All things gatherings are canceled.
My puber grandchild does what he wants like others from his age..
My daughter was just before the outbreak in North Italy..but she and my grand daugher both are still fine.
Sometimes there is panic in the air..but it seems a bit lesser right now..
People seem quiet and adjusting more..
Lot's of vulnarable people especially elder ones stay home in quarantine.
There not must tests only by fever and cough..
The more people get the ilness and get immune the better for the weaker in the long run is the policy the weaker stay quarantine
This for now..he news here..
Posted by: s* | March 20, 2020 at 02:09 AM
I’ve been trying to find amusing and ways of dealing with this crisis/catastrophe. Why not... we can’t ALL panic.
@theyearofelan posted this on Twitter which is both fun and funny:
“Your quarantine nickname is how you feel right now + the last thing you ate out of the cupboard”
Mine is ‘Hopeful Oats’. I have extremely weird food cravings. I eat spinach salads for dinner 3 or 4 times a week and plain oatmeal with peanut butter almost every day for breakfast and sometimes dinner. I’ve always been really weird with food. I hate fried foods—the smell makes me sick. Can’t mix fruit with anything. Have to eat it by itself. Wheat makes me tired so I avoid it. I love vegetables unlike a lot of people and tofu too. But prefer pretty plain food. Mild is my version of spicy. 😝
But what’s wrong with that?🤷♀️🤷🏻♀️ (my hair is more of its natural brown now, like anyone cares).
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 20, 2020 at 02:13 AM
I don’t believe this is the new normal. We’re still in free fall and when we land we’re going to have to rebuild. And whatever that involves will be our new normal... at least for a while. Despite the horrors of war (and this is a war), some really good things can come out of it.
Not afraid. I think it will be less fearful if we embrace change while doing everything we can to keep ourselves, our family, our friends and our neighbors safe, comforted and healthy.
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 20, 2020 at 02:17 AM
Yes, the accelerated rate of change is the most unsettling part which is why I’m really trying to embrace change now more than ever.
My mom retired from the VA many years ago but continued to work in private practice for an eye surgeon. The governor decided that was elective surgery and requested all elective surgery centers to close.
Overnight, the whole world slowed or stopped. Everything accept for COVID-19.
God forbid we have a natural disaster in the midst of this. I’m just so thankful we have lockdowns, social distancing and people staying at home so that we don’t have to witness the stereotypical Hollywood-end-of-the-world-preachers standing on street corners.
Street corners closed for business. 🚷
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 20, 2020 at 02:31 AM
I live in the west of the UK where only 7 cases are reported at the moment. There are a number of supermarkets experiencing 'panic buying' – mostly toilet rolls!! People suspected of having the virus are self-isolating. The majority are practising self-distancing whether with neighbours, shops cafes' etc. Even cafes' have spaced tables two metres apart. My daughter works as a receptionist in in a local G.P's and has an asthmatic cough so has been sent home to self-isolate for two weeks.
Sad to see that Donald Trump is calling it the Chinese virus. Yes, it originated in China but to blame them helps no-one – except perhaps Mr. Trump who often looks for someone to blame when he is trying to maintain his own self-image (ego) and postion. When Spanish flu emerged, people didn't blame Kansas where it was suspected it originated from or Swine flu that was either Mexico or the USA.
Trump has not helped the world with his dealings with climate change or with the Iran nuclear deal – or his dealings with Israel re the land occupation of Palestine. History will show correct blame on these issues.
Posted by: Turan | March 20, 2020 at 06:11 AM
i live in the Memphis, TN area and we have 12 confirmed cases. But, like others have said, testing has been limited so there are probably more that just haven't been confirmed. The company I work for is still open and everyone is still coming into work. I haven't been to a grocery store in a few days, but I've heard that they are fairly well stocked. It just depends on when you go versus when they get more stock from suppliers.
Most churches, gyms, libraries, schools, etc are closed. My tai chi instructor and I trained the other night outdoors and kept a 10 foot distance between us. A gym that i go to is offering online classes that I will try out this weekend.
It seems that many businesses are still operating. Like most places, the restaurants are drive through or take out only. Traffic is noticeably lighter driving to and from work.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
Posted by: John | March 20, 2020 at 10:32 AM
Here on Northern California everything and everyone is in lockdown. Only essential businesses are open and if we go out to get groceries we can and have been stopped by cops asking why we are out. So they are strict and it’s a good thing. I’m hearing this will continue for several weeks so yes perhaps the new norm.
Posted by: Anon | March 20, 2020 at 10:34 AM
I live in London which has the highest number of cases in UK and my nephew and his family have it, only his wife has been tested as she has an underlying health problem, the result took five days and came back positive She has been very unwell indeed but her temperature has dropped now and she has been able to eat a little. The hospital phones every day to check how she is and have said she is probably now over the dangerous period.
Panic shoppers have been stripping the shelves bare as soon as supplies arrive in my local supermarket but it has now introduced a "silver hour" first thing in the morning for us over 70s. They are also now limiting purchases to a maximum of four of any item. Tried their online service but there are no delivery slots for at least three weeks.
I was booked in for hip replacement surgery next month but it has been cancelled.
Am following Government advice to stay at home as much as possible and not accept any visitors, even family.
Posted by: Martin | March 20, 2020 at 02:34 PM
"Sad to see that Donald Trump is calling it the Chinese virus."
Sure, we don't need to 'blame' the Chinese for the coronavirus but hey, it did start in China. Did it not start from people eating all sorts of strange animals like bats, snakes.
"At the end of December 2019, Chinese public health authorities reported several cases of acute respiratory syndrome in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China. Chinese scientists soon identified a novel coronavirus as the main causative agent. The disease is now referred to as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the causative virus is called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans."
"We can’t ignore the link between meat and outbreaks of diseases like COVID-19. Humans’ insatiable demand for meat, eggs, and dairy means that huge numbers of animals are reared in intensive confinement in giant, filthy warehouses."
Posted by: Jen | March 20, 2020 at 02:54 PM
“ Sure, we don't need to 'blame' the Chinese for the coronavirus but hey, it did start in China. Did it not start from people eating all sorts of strange animals like bats, snakes.”
Jen this statement is not true. Bats and snakes are the reservoir hosts of these viruses however all other animals slaughtered for food can be amplifier hosts and may get the viruses from
The original reservoir hosts. Which means chickens, pig etc all these can contain any virus like or worse than covid19.
So don’t think that just because one doesn’t eat bats or other exotic animals you didn’t contribute to the cause of this illness. We are all responsible. If you consume animal products you are equally responsible and no different from anyone else that does the same.
Like I said it’s not corona it’s karma
Let’s wake up. Just look at China and Italy and wake up.
Posted by: Jen from Austin Texas | March 20, 2020 at 03:29 PM
Jen from Austin Texas,
You say: "If you consume animal products you are equally responsible and no different from anyone else that does the same.
Like I said it’s not corona it’s karma"
I've been a strict vegetarian for over 50 years. I'm in my 70's now and I don't agree that I am equally responsible. If its karma from a previous life then so be it. Everyone will get what they deserve according to their karma.
Posted by: Jen | March 20, 2020 at 05:10 PM
"Sad to see that Donald Trump is calling it the Chinese virus."
Sure, we don't need to 'blame' the Chinese for the coronavirus but hey, it did start in China. Did it not start from people eating all sorts of strange animals like bats, snakes.
"At the end of December 2019, Chinese public health authorities reported several cases of acute respiratory syndrome in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China. Chinese scientists soon identified a novel coronavirus as the main causative agent. The disease is now referred to as coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the causative virus is called severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is a new strain of coronavirus that has not been previously identified in humans."
"We can’t ignore the link between meat and outbreaks of diseases like COVID-19. Humans’ insatiable demand for meat, eggs, and dairy means that huge numbers of animals are reared in intensive confinement in giant, filthy warehouses."
Posted by: Jen | March 20, 2020 at 02:54 PM
Personally, I like the name Kung Flu. Lol😅 It’s creative and we can’t afford to be overly sensitive at a time when we have to be overly cautious too. If the virus doesn’t kill you, the dead seriousness of this chaos just might.
Jen, I know you’re a vegetarian and I have an issue with the CCP so I don’t get too upset when Trump says “Chinese virus” as long as the average person remembers that the Chinese people and the CCP are not synonymous.
Remember the TV show Portlandia? Well I think we need something similar called Pandemica that pokes fun at some of the neurotic stuff we’re doing in response to this pandemic. I find myself thinking and doing crazy stuff. Like today I was at Fred Meijers and it made me laugh to see the cosmetics aisle wiped out. Really?? 😂
Then when I strolled my cart past another bare section that had a sign reading, “This item is in high demand.” I immediately thought I’d better grab the last four bottles of that vegetable oil. I don’t even cook with vegetable oil! I only use olive oil.
It’s just weird. All of it. And what isn’t weird is scary. But some of it’s pretty funny. And I’m not going to be able to keep my sanity if everyone keeps walking around all dead serious.
I resorted to watching The Sound of Music with my niece last night. 😂 I may have seen it when I was really young but I don’t think so. It was a silly but fun escape for the first half... until the whole Nazi scene. Then it brought me back to the present and I started thinking that we’re currently in sort of in a WW3 situation.
Nazis aren’t funny. Getting COVID-19 isn’t funny either, but a lot of our behavior is.
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 20, 2020 at 05:47 PM
I hope your nephew and his family get better soon. Stay safe!
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 20, 2020 at 07:37 PM
Hi Sonia,
You say "It’s just weird. All of it. And what isn’t weird is scary."
It is very weird and scary. Never experienced this kind of emptiness and quietness before. Everything so quiet. No people around. No sounds, no people talking. Empty car spaces. Shops empty. Feels like the end of the world is nigh.
Posted by: Jen | March 20, 2020 at 09:17 PM
Sorry not all shops are closed in Holland,but reataurants pubs and all sorts of gatherings are closed.
Posted by: s* | March 21, 2020 at 12:09 AM
It is very weird and scary. Never experienced this kind of emptiness and quietness before. Everything so quiet. No people around. No sounds, no people talking. Empty car spaces. Shops empty. Feels like the end of the world is nigh.
Posted by: Jen | March 20, 2020 at 09:17 PM
It does have that zombie apocalypse feel to it... Many, many people are complaining about feeling lonely and isolated and bored. Especially the kids. But every in general seems to be experiencing a sense of disconnectedness in one form or another.
I believe this will pass and we will get through it, but I don’t believe our world will ever be quite the same again. Maybe it will be better in some ways in the future. Who can say...
There’s a lot of advice and many news articles on how to stay sane during this crisis. Overall, in the grand scheme, it is just as damaging psychologically as physically.
The big irony is we’re all in this together except we’re isolated.
Posted by: Sonia | March 21, 2020 at 01:01 AM
All pubs, bars, restaurants in UK ordered to close but not until day after the announcement. Consequently a surge in customers taking advantage of their last chance to party for a while and some pubs even having a "half price drink us dry night". Mind boggling.
Posted by: Martin | March 21, 2020 at 01:29 AM
Coping might just be adjusting our attitude...
"“Attitude is everything: I'm on an adventure in a confined space with a small crew for a long duration mission, with occasional space walks and resupply missions. Sounds like astronaut training to me.”
We're future astronauts in training now. And the training simulator is our home. It just got real. But hey, we're rehearsing for an incredible journey.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 21, 2020 at 02:33 AM
In Thailand, the number of confirmed cases seems to be increasing day by day.
The government has taken some measures in regards to campaigning for a city wide lockdown. Tomorrow, all malls, and markets will be closed (except for grocery stores and supermarkets). Restaurants can only do takeaways.
Almost everybody seems to be wearing a mask when in public.
All social media seems to be filled with news about covid 19. To be honest, I've had it up to here with all the hype and madness surrounding this Chinese virus.
Sick of this crap!
Posted by: Pema Tej | March 21, 2020 at 06:52 AM
Jen I didn’t mean you particularly responsible I mean those that do are. When will we realize that this is the reason we are here and stop our actions?
We need to learn it’s high time.
Posted by: Jen from Austin Texas | March 21, 2020 at 10:17 AM
H Jen from Austin
I was just wondering if the world were vegetarian, even vegan, world that have stopped this virus? Do all viruses that become airborn start with humans eating animals? Or are we going to have viruses one way or another?
Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 21, 2020 at 01:23 PM
Spence many of the viruses we have had that have caused havoc (Ebola, swine flu, mad cow, HIV,SARS, mers , bird flu and now covid19) have all jumped from animal to Human. So you answer your question.
Posted by: Jen from Austin Texas | March 21, 2020 at 03:03 PM
H Jen from Austin
I was just wondering if the world were vegetarian, even vegan, world that have stopped this virus? Do all viruses that become airborn start with humans eating animals? Or are we going to have viruses one way or another?
Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 21, 2020 at 01:23 PM
Good question! But another good question would be, if everyone in the world were vegetarian what kind of world would it be??? Would we be more compassionate and environmentally conscious? I mean, what on earth would actually motivate the people in this world to go vegetarian? It would require a total shift in values... which in and of itself would change the way we live in every aspect of our lives. And if we had completely different values from the start I doubt we humans would have done as much damage to the earth as we have.
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 21, 2020 at 03:29 PM
Beautiful and uplifting trend on Twitter - #LoveThyNeighbor. Check it out. Lots of heartwarming stories and wonderful ideas on how to help those in your neighborhood and community.
Posted by: Sonia | March 21, 2020 at 07:29 PM
Meat industries have the support of governments and intelligence agencies, who just care about their taste buds.
I think Patrick O Brown is a hero of Vegan community. He succeded in creating exact copy of beef and pork.
Posted by: Santosh | March 21, 2020 at 11:31 PM
The only way to fight this virus is to increase your immunity. The solution is to eat something that increases your immunity.
See this ayurvedic medicine-
Astragalus is a chinese herb which boosts your immunity at a very high rate.
The Chinese are using combination of herbs and traditional medicine along with alopathy which the western nations are not using:
Posted by: Santosh | March 21, 2020 at 11:40 PM
Definitely build up your immune system. That’s something we should work towards on a daily basis, pandemic or no pandemic. But please don’t rely on naturopathic medicine alone once you are infected with COVID-19. You might get lucky, but I wouldn’t take that chance. If you have symptoms or have been in contact with someone you know who has the virus, then get tested and get some “allo” help along with your aloe. :)
Posted by: Sonia | March 22, 2020 at 02:40 AM
Here is an advisory issued my Ministy of AYUSH long back:
Posted by: Santosh | March 22, 2020 at 04:47 AM
More than 70% of the Indians eat a thing called Chyawanprash daily. This is the golden medicine for immunity in Ayurveda:
Posted by: Santosh | March 22, 2020 at 05:20 AM
India -
March 22:
The entire nation participates in a day long 'Janata ka Curfew' (A voluntary curfew by the people) in response to a request by the Prime Minister.
From 5pm to 5:05pm (which extended to over 20 minutes)
1.3 billion unite and pay a huge round of applause / salute from their houses/apartments to all those Indians fighting the virus - doctors and nurses and all those engaged in providing the essential services - the fire fighters, public transport operators, the police, sanitation workers, the army etc.
This amidst the slow and steady lockdowns being effected accross the country to contain the outbreak. (75 districts across india - mainly covering major cities/ regions with reported instances) until 31st March.
Still stage 2 officially (though I personally doubt this). Official statistics : ~350 cases and 5 deaths but numbers doubled in 3 days.
Posted by: An Ordinary Indian | March 22, 2020 at 05:23 AM
It is 5 pm here in India and foolish Indians are clapping and beating utensils to ward off Coronavirus.(As ordered by follish Modi)
And I am laughing by falling on the floor. Literally!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Santosh | March 22, 2020 at 05:42 AM
Dutch PM Tells Citizens to Relax, Saying There's Enough Toilet Paper for 10 Years
March 19, 2020
AMSTERDAM — The prime minister in the Netherlands has offered reassurances amid the global coronavirus outbreak: telling citizens on Thursday there is no shortage of toilet paper.
"Yes, I have enough," Mark Rutte told a shopper in an informal exchange while visiting a supermarket to show support for workers. "They have it (on shelves) again."
"But there's enough in the whole country for the coming 10 years," he said. "We can all poop for 10 years."
Dutch supermarkets shelves have mostly refilled following a stockpiling episode last week.
Posted by: La Madrugada | March 22, 2020 at 07:33 AM
India copying with Coronavirus-
Follow this twitter account to get more updates about India-
Posted by: Santosh | March 22, 2020 at 08:29 AM
Here in Spain, its 10th day we’re in lockdown. Virus cases on rise. Hospitals collapsed in the Capital and nearby places. The public is respecting the lockdown
I’m not at my usual place of residence but in my second home which is a tourist place.
The weather is nice here, beaches without any people. Empty roads, with nearly no vehicles nor people, Hundreds of Restaurants/Bars closed. Shopping centres nearly closed except supermarkets, pharmacies and take away food restaurants.
The timings of the supermarkets have been curtailed by an hour or two. Normal appointments for Medical consultation/assistance are not available. The public transport is at the minimum.
A distance is being maintained to enter in supermarkets etc. The queues are not much long, maybe the waiting time could be 10-15mins. in peak hours, and up to now there is no food shortage and everything is available except hand wash, alcohol, sanitizers and masks.
Posted by: Juan | March 22, 2020 at 09:18 AM
@ Street corners closed for business. 🚷
A few still occur though:
A shady character stands on a street corner at night. A haggard man
approaches him and whispers "You got it?". Looking furtively around,
the shady one says "You got the money, man?".
Haggard man pulls out a wad of bills: "75 bucks... and you should be
Shady one: "Yeah, yeah, things is tough all over. I'm down to my last
few scraps of toilet paper".
He grabs money and hands over a single bottle of hand sanitizer.
Posted by: Dungeness | March 22, 2020 at 11:37 AM
Meanwhile India's lockdown-
Posted by: Santosh | March 22, 2020 at 11:48 AM
@ Street corners closed for business. 🚷
A few still occur though:
A shady character stands on a street corner at night. A haggard man
approaches him and whispers "You got it?". Looking furtively around,
the shady one says "You got the money, man?".
Haggard man pulls out a wad of bills: "75 bucks... and you should be
Shady one: "Yeah, yeah, things is tough all over. I'm down to my last
few scraps of toilet paper".
He grabs money and hands over a single bottle of hand sanitizer.
Posted by: Dungeness | March 22, 2020 at 11:37 AM
😂😂😂 Mad Max meets Zombieland
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 22, 2020 at 02:08 PM
It is 5 pm here in India and foolish Indians are clapping and beating utensils to ward off Coronavirus.(As ordered by follish Modi)
And I am laughing by falling on the floor. Literally!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Santosh | March 22, 2020 at 05:42 AM
Its not a foolish attempt - unless you are foolish enough not to understand the reason for it ----
Posted by: Solomon | March 22, 2020 at 07:18 PM
How church going is causing deaths in South Korea...
So much for believing you are special.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 22, 2020 at 09:25 PM
Its not a foolish attempt - unless you are foolish enough not to understand the reason for it ----
Posted by: Solomon | March 22, 2020 at 07:18 PM
Not foolish. It's called retardedness.
Posted by: An Ordinary Indian | March 22, 2020 at 11:07 PM
How church going is causing deaths in South Korea...
So much for believing you are special.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 22, 2020 at 09:25 PM
Useless True Saints who make people believe they are special. LoL
When will the people emerge from the spell cast on them by True Saints?
Posted by: Trevor Smith | March 22, 2020 at 11:18 PM
Solomon and An Ordinary Indian,
Most of these people belong to the watsapp university where it got viral that beating utensils will ward off the virus.
And see the intelligence of Indians in doing this nonsense-
This Modi(who is a psychopath) has made this pandemic a publicity stunt instead of announcing an economic relief package.
If people really wanted to thank the doctors and service providers in controlling the virus, they should have obeyed to stay inside their homes and not had done this publicity disco music on the streets by forming large gatherings and beating utensils like idiots!
All the countries who have right wing governments or centrist governments are getting affected badly by this virus.
Countries with liberal governments are the least affected. I would say that countries with sensible and educated leaders are the least affected.
Seems like you people are a supporter of Modi, without common sense.
Posted by: Santosh | March 23, 2020 at 02:19 AM
Solomon and An Ordinary Indian,
Most of the people in India mistook the clapping and beating of utensils to destroy the virus. See this-
It is well said that - "A confused ruler, a chaotic state".
Posted by: Santosh | March 23, 2020 at 05:35 AM
@ So much for believing you are special.
Maybe the idea was to expedite their return home.
Posted by: Dungeness | March 23, 2020 at 12:01 PM
@ Useless True Saints who make people believe they are special. LoL
No, saints are the first to tell people they're "not special".
@ When will the people emerge from the spell cast on them by True Saints?
When they emerge from the spell they cast on themselves...
Posted by: Dungeness | March 23, 2020 at 12:11 PM
Seems like you people are a supporter of Modi, without common sense.
Posted by: Santosh | March 23, 2020 at 02:19 AM
The links you send and your views are worth as much as you. And that is Nothing.
To bad despite all your efforts to discredit the move by Modi, ofcourse only because of your Modi hatred induced blindness, the WHO hailed the Janata Curfew initiate. And ouch the support for Modi from the usual detractors and the Congress eco-system must have really hurt you. It shows.
So better luck next time on another issue maybe. You just wasting a lot of people's valuable time on this.
And yes one other thing - stop being presumptuous about me. The one very relevant difference between you and me is that I don't let my dislike of Modi turn to hatred and blind me to the good and right he does for the country.
Posted by: An Ordinary Indian | March 23, 2020 at 01:00 PM
Hi Trevor
You quoted me then wrote...
"How church going is causing deaths in South Korea...
" So much for believing you are special.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 22, 2020 at 09:25 PM
Useless True Saints who make people believe they are special. LoL
When will the people emerge from the spell cast on them by True Saints?
You may need to re-read what I wrote about True Saints. They don't promote any religion at all. Many are scientists. Some are Atheists. They are scrupulous devotees of reality, inner and outer. The two are the same, but our understanding is incomplete. It is a limitation of these biological machines that is inbuilt. We can experience the divine but not well enough to understand it at this level, so it remains subjective in terms of conceptual descriptions. True Saints are devoted to Truth, hence the name. And this is why they would never codify their spirituality into some human encasement.
And True Saints don't believe in miracles, or violating the laws of this creation. Quite the contrary, they help us adapt to them a little better. Their simple lives of devotion and pleasant work, friendship and kindness, charity and service are a lifestyle, not a religion.
Personally, I do believe in miracles. Since I can't see everything I don't know what actually caused what. So to me everything is a miracle. A moment's peace is a miracle.
It's snowing here in Boston and I am compelled by a wave of passion to sit in rapt and obedient attention to the glory of it for a while.....
Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 23, 2020 at 02:08 PM
An Ordinary Indian,
Hatred towards a mass murderer and a criminal is justifiable-
And you tell that you don't let your dislike of Modi turn into hatred and blind you to the right he does. Mr., stop fooling others. Who likes the actions of a mass murderer?
So what should I do? Should I start worshipping the actions of criminals?
You can do blah-blah here but not in a court of law. Enough with your nonsense!
I challenge you to tell me a single good thing that Modi did for the country.
Posted by: Santosh | March 23, 2020 at 11:46 PM
Countries with liberal governments are the least affected. I would say that countries with sensible and educated leaders are the least affected.
Posted by: Santosh | March 23, 2020 at 02:19 AM
How moronic. Indeed you need to be ashamed not just an ashamed Indian but an ashamed earthling.
Thank you for letting all know how laughable your views are. Probably just a reflection of your thick headedness.
You say "Countries with educated and sensible leaders are least affected". You mean a few of those African nations - Libya, Western Sahara, Mali, South Sudan, Gabon, Botswana, Yemen in the Middle East, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan in Central Asia (pardon if I get the geography and regions wrong - for me it's a world with no manmade borders)
Here's the heat map you helpless humans have created on me.–20_coronavirus_pandemic_by_country_and_territory
You'll really enjoy it.
And yes do take a look at how your country (India right) stacks up on the heat map.
People like you annoy me pretty fast. This might just result in rapid changes to the current heat map w.r.t. to India.
Posted by: Covid19 | March 23, 2020 at 11:57 PM
Who are you? A virus?
Posted by: Santosh | March 24, 2020 at 02:55 AM
Who are you? A virus?
Posted by: Santosh | March 24, 2020 at 02:55 AM
Mentally Deficient Indian,
Have the fucking guts.... Come meet me. You will know
A first step - got your country in a complete lockdown for 3 weeks beginning midnight today (IST)
Posted by: Covid19 | March 24, 2020 at 09:51 AM
And the foolish mankind stands divided.... Fighting amongst each other.
Am enjoying my stay on earth.
Posted by: Covid19 | March 24, 2020 at 09:57 AM
And yes do take a look at how your country (India right) stacks up on the heat map.
People like you annoy me pretty fast. This might just result in rapid changes to the current heat map w.r.t. to India.
Posted by: Covid19 | March 23, 2020 at 11:57 PM
I keep saying India is doing suspiciously well. Then again, India has a history of doing well with SARS. A pandemic isn’t going to bring down India. I’m not sure what would... 🤔
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 24, 2020 at 10:28 AM
I keep saying India is doing suspiciously well. Then again, India has a history of doing well with SARS. A pandemic isn’t going to bring down India. I’m not sure what would... 🤔
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 24, 2020 at 10:28 AM
Well look up India projections done by some experts based out your country.
I might have to ward off some tough competition though to get to that target. Competition from a completely unexpected quarter.
Will you wish me luck? I suspect I might need it vis a vis this competition.
Posted by: Covid19 | March 24, 2020 at 12:08 PM
You come to me I will give you some good delights-
Posted by: Santosh | March 24, 2020 at 09:19 PM
Will you wish me luck? I suspect I might need it vis a vis this competition.
Posted by: Covid19 | March 24, 2020 at 12:08 PM
People are dying. There’s panic everywhere and without jobs people won’t be able to clothe, house and feed their families. This isn’t funny. At all.
You shouldn’t take delight in this. This whole conversation is getting weird.
But what does a virus know?
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 24, 2020 at 11:40 PM
Well look up India projections done by some experts based out your country.
I might have to ward off some tough competition though to get to that target. Competition from a completely unexpected quarter.
Will you wish me luck? I suspect I might need it vis a vis this competition.
Posted by: Covid19 | March 24, 2020 at 12:08 PM
You’re just being mean. Right now, life is shitty enough. Or maybe you’re bored. Either way, it’s not the corona virus that’s going to kill me. I sleep on average 12 hours a day and my immune system is permanently compromised. I’m supposed to start a new job next week but I honestly don’t think I’ll be able to physically. I may never get the chance to travel anywhere again and that’s about the only thing left that I really enjoy (besides sleeping).
So, why don’t you travel to Antarctica? You might like it there.
I’m beyond fatigued. And this pandemic isn’t helping anything. If these are the End of Days, I wish it would hurry up and be done with everything.
Posted by: Sonia Taylor | March 25, 2020 at 03:36 AM