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February 05, 2020


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Brian please research this man Manu Sharma, how true his statements are and what kind of clients he defends.

Anon, why don't you do the research, since you're the one interested in that subject? I'm busy and have better things to do with my time. While you're at it, be sure to research the attorneys for Gurinder Singh also. I'm confident all attorneys take on clients with questionable histories. Everyone is entitled to an attorney, so that's to be expected.

Ok I’ll research it Brian but I’m not the one writing the blog posts. You are.

I've been following this scandal for, what, 2 years now. Patiently waiting for something that would shine a favorable light on Gurinder Singh and remove the suspicion that he somehow wasn't ringleader of this financial fiasco, and that the missing money isn't in their hands.

I've always reserved a kind of faith in Gurinder. After all, he was picked by Charan Singh as successor. And yet right from the beginning, I've always felt there was something off about this guru It began when I heard Roland De Vries tell the story about some RSSB event and Gurinder teasing him "don't you wish I was coming"? Gurinder made a lot of changes that I didn't agree with, yet I could see how they were arguably in line with sant mat principles. I also had faith that this money laundering imbroglio would be revealed as a misunderstanding with which the Dhillion family was innocent. I just can't believe that anymore. True, there is no court decision, no admission of guilt, but the circumstances of the scandal simply don't make any sense to me apart from the age-old story of a guru taking advantage of his power to gain wealth.


“Sunil Godhwani, the guru's personal financial advisor.”

I feel like this should be an open and shut case based on the above alone.

Where there’s smoke...

@Anon,"Brian please research advocate representing Malwinder"

Gurinder Singh Dhillon,s chief ganster ,Bikram Majithia Husband of GSD Niece Ganieve Grewal can be researched by googling "bikram majithia and jagdish bhola connection"

@Baba Land Grab

I just read the article that you posted the link to and the story is really bizarre. Money Laundering and drug trafficking? One of the investigated traffickers was also involved with pharma companies. I guess they were in the drugs-of-any-kind business.

God only knows where the Singh brothers’ money went. We know that a good amount of it went to the guru and his family but what did they spend it on?

I am curious though, why did the Malvinder and Shivinder Singh dispose of their controlling stakes in Fortis Group?

@Sonia Taylor
Pharma Companies in India are owned/controlled by Politicians and Baba,s .Big money to be made by selling controlled drugs to drug dealers at extorntionist prices.

Dera,s are then used by Politicians/drug dealers to launder illicit money abroad.Dera Beas is biggest money laundering centre for Congress/BJP and Akali leaders.It is very powerfull land grab mafia .Government knows fully well RSSB land holding is in direct contravention of " Abolition of Zamindar (big landlord ) act 1952 ".

In the 18th century Punjab used to be raided by Ahmed Shah Abdali every year ,Baba,s associates Bikram Majithia,Sukhbir Badal,Harsimrat Badal are raiding punjab on daily basis .Victims are poor farmers owning small parcels of land .

@Baba Land Grab,

Thanks for the explanation and background information. As as a “Westerner” we don’t have much access to this kind of behind the scenes information. We only see what they want us to see when we visit Deras.

Large Religious and Spiritual organizations are just big businesses

Religare bailout? Will this help pay Daiichi Sankyo?


Religare health insurance has nothing to do with the Singh brothers anymore. They sold out and there's a new management structure.

That reminds me I need to renew my health insurance with Religare health on the 10th.

>>That reminds me I need to renew my health insurance with Religare health on the 10th.<<

Do all or most Indian Satsangi's and their relatives have an insurance with Religare?

Re-ligare is a funny name for an financial compagnie …. re-binding

“I could be wrong -- an ever-present possibility -- but it looks to me that if the RSSB guru pays back the money that he got (he's claiming he owes nothing; Malvinder Singh disagrees), then he won't face further investigation and possible charges.

This would be disappointing, both legally and morally. However, the justice system sometimes works in mysterious ways, and likely the Indian justice system is more mysterious than many systems.“

Well... I doubt he’ll admit to owing anything so you may not be disappointed.

From the Economic Times news article Feb 5th:

“Advocate Manu Sharma, appearing for Singh, further said that the probe agency “cherry picked” him because of his affiliation with the family of spiritual head of the Radha Soami Satsang Gurinder Singh Dhillon, who allegedly conspired with other co-accused in the case in carrying out financial fraud.
He added Singh, who is in judicial custody, claimed that he has paid back the alleged laundered money to 14 entities through which he had received it.“

This is actually the impression I got all along. I felt the courts were really after Dhillon. It’s customary—use the little fish to get to the big fish. They wait till they get all the evidence and then reel in the big guy.

Malvinder will walk away from this. Dhillon will be held accountable for what he has done (and so it is written...).

"Religare meaning "
According to Religare Group of Companies website (when Baba,s son was chief Exec of many companies) Religare is a Latin word for Religion.

Practical and real meaning of religion in India is to loot people in the name of religion.
Indians will empty their pockets for any Baba that promises them a front seat in heaven.
Have you ever heard of any Indian Baba going bankrupt ?.
Baba GSD will also die as a very rich and powerful man.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jO5DgBoxMTs

They did just cancel the Feb H6 session last minute. Could be because of the Coronavirus or could be because these legal matters were going to require Dhillon’s, time, attention and presence.

"Do all or most Indian Satsangi's and their relatives have an insurance with Religare?"

We'd need data to ascertain that - the RSSB initaites records, as they capture biometrics at the time of initiation, and Religare health's CRM. On a serious note, I don't reckon that's the case. Religare is a mega conglomerate with asset management, wealth management, motor, health and all sorts of insurance businesses. They have a solid market share. I was originally enrolled on their policy by my employer years ago and i just ended up with them.

Fortis & Religare have always been profit driven corporations but they kims of have a reputation for being notoriously thieving. Most Indians know that.

Practical and real meaning of religion in India is to loot people in the name of religion.
Indians will empty their pockets for any Baba that promises them a front seat in heaven.
Have you ever heard of any Indian Baba going bankrupt ?.
Baba GSD will also die as a very rich and powerful man.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jO5DgBoxMTs

Posted by: K.Singh | February 08, 2020 at 08:55 AM

OMG, that YouTube clip was both sad and hilarious.

How can people be so gullible?

But it’s rampant in India and the Babas are like a plague of locusts in the Punjab. I guess people are so used to it they think it’s normal. That’s why the more sophisticated babas exploit westerners.

Below are links with excerpts from each article. After reading, some ethical and curious issues smack you in the face;

1. Singhs helped Dillon family get rich by insider trading and helping Dhillons to finance those shares.

2. Singhs were terribly naive in trusting a verbal agreement with no documentation to support them in court.

3. After Singhs helped Dhillon with purchase of shares from insider trading, Dhillon says he’s innocent, knew nothing that was on the ledgers, apparently Dhillon and his sons did not even monitor their very own bank accounts AND he claims the Singhs still owe him money.


According to officials, with the money received from Ranbaxy’s sale, the brothers spent Rs 2,000 crore to pay off loans, invested Rs 1,750 crore in Religare, and put Rs 2,230 crore in Fortis.

The remaining Rs 2,700 crore was reportedly transferred to Gurinder Singh Dhillon, head of the spiritual sect Radha Soami Satsang Beas, and his family.


According to a 74 page affidavit filed in the High Court, Dhillon has said that in 2010, RHC holdings Ltd (respondent 19) through Singh brothers had approached him to assist them in subscribing for the rights issue, suggesting that they would finance Dhillons to subscribe to the rights issue. Dhillon has said that it was agreed that he and his family members would not be made liable to repay any amount or interest. “It was also agreed that upon the shares being sold or disposed of if the price realised was below the subscribed price, then the entire amount would be shared 50:50” between RHC and Dhillons family who had subscribed to the shares”.

He (Dhillon) has claimed that in view of the “complete trust” and “close family relationship” between the families, they did not record any agreement and the arrangement was based “purely on mutual oral understanding and agreement”. “In fact at that time the local bank accounts from which the transactions were taking place were looked after by respondent No 19’s (RHC) team,” it said.

On the basis of “verbal agreement” in February 2010, RHC transferred Rs 219 crore each to his sons, which was then used to subscribe to the rights issue, resulting in an allotment of 61,83,013 shares of REL to each of his sons.”

He has also disclosed that RHC devised such a mechanism that transactions essentially involved transferring money from one subsidiary to a bank account of Dhillons and then transferring the same money either on the same day or shortly thereafter to another subsidiary of the group or usually to RHC holdings Ltd.

“Sunil Godhwani, the guru's personal financial advisor.”

I feel like this should be an open and shut case based on the above alone.

Where there’s smoke...

Posted by: Sonia Taylor | February 05, 2020 at 06:46 PM

Haven't you heard of self proclaimed financial advisors?

Anyways which Indian law do you place reliance on to arrive at your conclusion?

They did just cancel the Feb H6 session last minute. Could be because of the Coronavirus or could be because these legal matters were going to require Dhillon’s, time, attention and presence.

Posted by: Sonia Taylor | February 08, 2020 at 09:12 AM

Don't you know the stated reason for cancelling?

If you attend this weekend Satsang, you might get to know.

BTW there is no cancellation announced for the privileged Indian sangat. So much for legal wrangles docking GSD.

Why is it that I am almost never wrong. 😆😆

What I was trying to say is, the Singh brothers went out of their way to make Dhillons rich. Baba Dhillon did a lot of CYA taking advantage of the boys trust in him to have only verbal agreements. And then when it was all said and done he’s not only claiming innocence but saying they “owe” him money. The gift to the Baba... unbelievable.

With regards to my previous comment on this thread about H6 being cancelled for Feb last minute, they have closed the Dera to all visitors except locals. So, could be Coronavirus issue. It’s scary stuff. Or, could be legal. Or both.

Why is it that I am almost never wrong. 😆😆

Posted by: 🌜🌞💥💖🦸🦂🐸🤶😈 | February 08, 2020 at 09:05 PM

Oh, don’t you worry. I know exactly why. I really hope your other alias was Georgy Porgy because that was a game changer.

“Sunil Godhwani, the guru's personal financial advisor.”

I feel like this should be an open and shut case based on the above alone.

Where there’s smoke...

Posted by: Sonia Taylor | February 05, 2020 at 06:46 PM

Haven't you heard of self proclaimed financial advisors?

Anyways which Indian law do you place reliance on to arrive at your conclusion?

Posted by: 🌜🌞💥💖🦸🦂🐸🤶😈 | February 08, 2020 at 08:57 PM

No law. That was a sarcastic comment based on the fact that Sunil worked so closely with GSD.

If you attend this weekend Satsang, you might get to know.

BTW there is no cancellation announced for the privileged Indian sangat. So much for legal wrangles docking GSD.

Why is it that I am almost never wrong. 😆😆

Posted by: 🌜🌞💥💖🦸🦂🐸🤶😈 | February 08, 2020 at 09:05 PM

The person that hosts our local Satsang is an NRI and traveling abroad to see family then was planning to go to the February session. She usually texts me but not when she’s traveling. Besides, I don’t go to Satsang. Another satsangi emailed us saying that he was under the impression NRIs weren’t allowed either.

Doesn’t matter though, and doesn’t pertain to the topic of this post so I’ll leave it at that.


I’m curious if you can explain Sunil’s relationship with the GSD. Also, why did the Dhillons only have verbal agreements with the Singhs? Regardless of whether you’re family or not, one should always have proper documentation. And especially any family handling that amount of money. Sure, a verbal agreement is fine for a few thousand between immediate family members (even that isn’t something everyone is comfortable with) but no one in their right mind would enter into a verbal agreement even with their immediate family members if millions were involved. Inevitably one thing or another is going to go wrong from time to time. Why a verbal agreement? Of course, this case went way beyond just one thing or another...

As the saying goes, an oral contract is worth the paper it is written on.

So, how would you be able to say that the Singh’s still owe you money? Or better yet, how would you prove it? Works both ways I guess.


''Re-ligare is a funny name for an financial compagnie …. re-binding''

I also found this uhh.. ashonishing..;)


I can’t keep doing this emoji thing. I’m going to call you Mx emoji if you don’t mind.

Anyway, meant to say I hope you’re other alias is NOT Georgy.

Can you please tell me why H6 Feb session was cancelled. I’m curious, and I won’t be able to find out for 4 more weeks.

Sonia the feb session is cancelled for foreigners only. Those flying into India because of the Coronavirus. The flyer says the situation could get worse at the airports and they don’t want to put the sangat through the trouble.
Hope it’s clear


I can’t keep doing this emoji thing. I’m going to call you Mx emoji if you don’t mind.

Anyway, meant to say I hope you’re other alias is NOT Georgy.

Can you please tell me why H6 Feb session was cancelled. I’m curious, and I won’t be able to find out for 4 more weeks.

Posted by: Sonia Taylor | February 09, 2020 at 04:25 AM


So (1) I am not Georgy. (2) I don't mind you calling me that and (3) below is the actual memo that was released w.r.t. Hostel 6 session cancellation

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: pá 7. 2. 2020 v 16:46
Subject: URGENT - February Hostel 6 Session Cancelled

To all countries abroad

With immediate effect the February Hostel 6 session has been cancelled.

With the continuing worldwide spread of the coronavirus and the increased screening and quarantining of arriving passengers in India from abroad, the situation appears to be getting worse. Every day new restrictions are coming into effect for people arriving from overseas.

To be clear, no Hostel 6 guests should come to Dera for the February session. If anyone comes they will be turned away. For now the March session is still scheduled but we will watch how the situation develops and will inform you of any changes.

NRIs from abroad are also asked not to travel to India and not to come to Dera.

(The February Indian satsang program at Dera will continue as scheduled.)

Yours affectionately


You are the one who doesn’t want to see the truth.
Dr Julian Johnson wrote in path of the masters that if a guru fails the standard of being an exceptional abs outstanding human being, he cannot possibly be a master.

Open you eyes. Gurinder is a flawed human. Gurus are not meant to accept gifts at all. Not from anyone. Yet this guru accepted it and is also ungrateful to them and makes death threats to them. How can this be a guru?
He also steals farm land from poor farmers to expend his dera.

The reason he had no written agreement with the Singh brothers is because you cannot have a written agreement for an illegal act of stealing money from a corporation. The Singh brothers and Sunil did this together. It was a joint operation to siphon off money.

Is it okay for a guru to commit fraud? If you think so, then your guru is okay. If not, then he is a conman. You decide.

Drug dealers never have written agreements because it’s illegal.
Your guru was doing an illegal act. He cannot write it.
His wife was a key witness and would have confirmed the truth in court when questioned because her name was on the companies. Lucky for him she is dead so now he can say he doesn’t know anything.
I agree he is a clever man, but he not honest and has no integrity. He chases after money like any ordinary man. A true Sant doesn’t care for money and will never take advantage of poor people.

Guru Nanak presses the food of the rich man and blood came out meaning that money from poor people is not honest earning.

@Mx Emoji,

Thanks. But you posted your comment here before that notice went out... 🧐


I wrote 2 comments on Open Thread for you. Hope you get them.

@Mx Emoji,

Thanks. But you posted your comment here before that notice went out... 🧐

Posted by: Sonia Taylor | February 09, 2020 at 03:27 PM

Do I have Divine vision ------> not in this life time.

Am I Wayne -------> No. Though I do like Bruce Wayne.

Just consider the time zones (India is ahead - is it 13.5 hours?? ). Do you still arrive at the same conclusion??


@ Satnaam Singh " Lucky for him she(GSD wife) is dead so now he can now say he (GSD) does not know anything".

Also lucky for GSD that Bank manager at Dera Beas is dead ,he was found dead on railway track,police origianally said that they suspect foul play but suicide was declared afterwards.

Money is most likely to have ended up with " New punjab raiders" chief of which is alleged to be kingpin of Punjab drug dealers.

"Advocate Manu Sharma, appearing for Singh, had said that the EOW "cherry picked" him because of his affiliation with the family of spiritual head of the Radha Soami Satsang, Gurinder Singh Dhillon, who allegedly conspired with other co-accused in the case in allegedly carrying out financial fraud."


According to affidavit by Baba Ji, Singh Brothers approached Him to assist them to subscribe to the Issue.Accordingly ,transactions were carried and shares were issued to His sons.________________.
So,this was not a gift.It wasa deal to assist Singh Brothers_______.
Commentator and readers to note,please.

According to affidavit by Baba Ji, Singh Brothers approached Him to assist them to subscribe to the Issue.Accordingly ,transactions were carried and shares were issued to His sons.________________.
So,this was not a gift.It wasa deal to assist Singh Brothers_______.
Commentator and readers to note,please.

Posted by: dharnender | February 23, 2020 at 08:04 AM

Getting close associates, white knights, known High networth individuals, accomodating brokers/financiers to help a rights issue to go through (by subscribing to the unsubscribed portion) is an age old practice in the Indian setup. This whether using own funds or via name lending and even if not permitted by law. Most Indians dealing in equities know this.

No big deal on the commercial transaction admitted to by GSD - which probably saw the rights issue sail through via name lending. But Singh bros siphoning off public funds and passing off these as their own to GSD to facilitate the transaction well well.... They are in the right place at the moment.


Surprise surprise....

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