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February 25, 2020


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Wow. That was one of the best John Oliver Tonight episodes I’ve seen. I love John Oliver.

This video was 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

But it is also alarming. Modi, Xi, Putin, Trump are like the four horsemen.

John Oliver is one of the least funny human beings alive. TV never moved on from the comedy and "values" of 1998. This is sad to watch.

What’s sad is this Hindu Radicalism that’s spreading. Hindu extremists are discriminating against Muslims with the attitude of a jihadist.

What’s sad is this Hindu Radicalism that’s spreading. Hindu extremists are discriminating against Muslims with the attitude of a jihadist.

Posted by: Sonia Taylor | February 28, 2020 at 11:39 AM

What do you know about India and Hindus? Discrimination against Muslims is bullshit. They are treated as Rajas by the frigging political leaders (incidentally of fascist origins) currently in opposition

The day Hindus turn militant, the world will witness something it never has.

I'm not a fan of Modi as I believe the Indian government does discriminate against Christians and Muslims. However, what's going on in Kashmir is the result of Muslim extremism (abetted by Pakistan). It's been going on for decades now and thousands of people have been killed. To suggest that this has been caused solely by "Hindu radicalism" is at best only giving one side of the story.

Imagine if this level of extremist violence were happening in your state:

Is it really fair and balanced to label the Hindu pushback against such wholesale violence "racism"?

I'm not a big fan of China either. That's putting it mildly. But again, when the topic of Muslims comes up, we get one side of the story. No, setting up camps to indoctrinate the Muslim population doesn't seem like a humanitarian solution, but when have you ever read the media mention the 3 large scale attacks on non-Muslim Chinese by Uigyurs bearing machetes? Dozens of people were hacked to death. These events preceded the camps. Many people have no idea, and buy the media's tacit assertion that the Chinese just one day up and decided to imprison Muslims for no reason at all.

I'm not a fan of Modi as I believe the Indian government does discriminate against Christians and Muslims.

Posted by: j | February 28, 2020 at 07:15 PM

Really..... And what about the others in India i.e. the Sikhs, Buddhist, Parsis, Jews, Jains etc

Are they discriminated against too? What's your belief on these communities/minorities?

"infiltrators are sucking the blood out of this country"

Such hatred of a whole group of individuals, is a terrible crime of hatred.

The role of government is to serve all the people who live upon one's soil, and even the whole world.

It's a choice, hatred or love.

Both require full time work to actualize.

And the choice is often a matter is upbringing.

Raised in a home of love, we work to love and to help. Those are internal works, internal discipline that results in right action. Love is a home of pure personal responsibility.

Raised in a home of hatred, people are always looking at others, to blame them for this or that. It is a home of irresponsibility, lack of personal discipline, and usurping the rights of others.

The answer is the same. How we choose to live, the attitude we choose to adopt within ourselves, our work to build the atmosphere for that attitude, to protect and nurture it.

An attitude of hatred is also nurtured, fed daily, expanded upon.

So it is doubly essential to maintain our own focus on loving acceptance of all, of those who hate and those who love, just as we ask for love and forgiveness each day from our own inner Master, so we must offer it to those around us.

Let us be a pure conduit of that love, and not stand in its way with our limited thinking. Let's set that kind of thinking and judging of others aside, so that we may first experience that love, and next, in honor of it, let it lead us, and not the other way around. Let us build our lives around it.

When we have leaders who have love as their own life, then our Leader is love itself. This is when nations are healed, and raised up from the mud. And no one is blamed for anything.

And when those leaders are supplanted with lesser souls, those nations sink right back down into the mud, until, in time, they are swallowed whole, and disappear as if they had never existed.

"Even though there were huge strides in civil rights and women’s liberation in the 1960s, it might have well been the dark ages in other aspects. In 1966 Bobbi Gibb desperately wanted to run the Boston Marathon, a 26 mile test of endurance that’s regarded as one of the most important amateur races in the country. Even though she ran 40 miles a day in preparation for the race, she was denied entry because race director Will Cloney believed that women weren’t physically capable of running long distances."


This is what happens when ignorance about other people is presumed as fact about other people.

It is the cause of most of the world's strife.

What’s sad is this Hindu Radicalism that’s spreading. Hindu extremists are discriminating against Muslims with the attitude of a jihadist.

Posted by: Sonia Taylor | February 28, 2020 at 11:39 AM

Why don't you and other like minded urge your president to grant such discriminated against muslims citizenship in that great nation of yours called the USofA - in a manner similar to the legislature passed by the Prime Minister of India.

Discrimination against Muslim - ask Muslims about the treatment meted out to them at US airports and/or the ease of obtaining US visas. Will stop at just these two.

Time to stop preaching.

"Discrimination against Muslim - ask Muslims about the treatment meted out to them at US airports and/or the ease of obtaining US visas. Will stop at just these two."

I'm glad to know that it's difficult for Muslims from radicalized areas of the world to get U.S. Visas. You can call it discrimination, the rest of us call it common sense.

My opinion: People who hate the U.S., and can't understand why the U.S. has strict immigration policies for people from areas of the world who vow to kill Americans and call any scrutiny "discrimination" should stay where they are.

"Discrimination against Muslim - ask Muslims about the treatment meted out to them at US airports and/or the ease of obtaining US visas. Will stop at just these two."

I'm glad to know that it's difficult for Muslims from radicalized areas of the world to get U.S. Visas. You can call it discrimination, the rest of us call it common sense.

My opinion: People who hate the U.S., and can't understand why the U.S. has strict immigration policies for people from areas of the world who vow to kill Americans and call any scrutiny "discrimination" should stay where they are.

Posted by: J | February 29, 2020 at 09:44 PM

Scrutiny anywhere is scrutiny. Do not colour it as discrimination when it doesn't concern your country!!!!!

Time also for you to stop preaching about the discriminated Muslims in India.

Really..... And what about the others in India i.e. the Sikhs, Buddhist, Parsis, Jews, Jains etc

Are they discriminated against too? What's your belief on these communities/minorities?

Posted by: A Proud Indian Muslim | February 29, 2020 at 12:42 AM


Nothing to say about this other post from a Muslim co-brother/sister?

@ Inzaman-ul-Haq |


There is says:
>>It is not clear, however, that the group behind the mosque, followers of the Murabitun movement, shares that moderate sentiment. The president of the mosque foundation, Malik Ruiz, calls himself the Emir of Spain and has said Granada will return to its "natural origin" - Islam - after a 500-year interruption.

Mosque supporters say they are not attempting to launch the reconquest of Al Andalus but want to show that Islam is not an alien faith.<<

You see that idea of conquering the world and re-conquering once INVADED countries, is part of all muslim education, also the pious an moderate of mind.

Couple that with the idea's of organising a state and how to deal with unbelievers …. than there is more than enough reaspns for gorvernmens to be cautious with the influx of muslims.

I'm glad to know that it's difficult for Muslims from radicalized areas of the world to get U.S. Visas. You can call it discrimination, the rest of us call it common sense.

My opinion: People who hate the U.S., and can't understand why the U.S. has strict immigration policies for people from areas of the world who vow to kill Americans and call any scrutiny "discrimination" should stay where they are.

Posted by: J | February 29, 2020 at 09:44 PM

Muslims from radicalised parts of the world - so including India as well for we Indian Muslims face discrimination in your country.

Time then to become a fan of Modi if he discriminates against us. Afterall commonsense prescribes this.

@ Inzaman-ul-Haq |


There is says:
>>It is not clear, however, that the group behind the mosque, followers of the Murabitun movement, shares that moderate sentiment. The president of the mosque foundation, Malik Ruiz, calls himself the Emir of Spain and has said Granada will return to its "natural origin" - Islam - after a 500-year interruption.

Mosque supporters say they are not attempting to launch the reconquest of Al Andalus but want to show that Islam is not an alien faith.<<

You see that idea of conquering the world and re-conquering once INVADED countries, is part of all muslim education, also the pious an moderate of mind.

Couple that with the idea's of organising a state and how to deal with unbelievers …. than there is more than enough reaspns for gorvernmens to be cautious with the influx of muslims.

Posted by: um | March 01, 2020 at 06:06 AM

And do you think the 150million plus Indian Muslim population (oops we are a minority LoL) are largely any different from the ROW Muslims?

And add to this the 24x7 influx from the Islamic neighborhood.

And oh yes it's still so frigging wrong on the part of that demonic Modi to place checks in place. What did one poster refer this as - Hindu Radicalism. LoL

It is the citizens fleeing torment and persecution from those same countries you fear who deserve sanctuary.

Human life has always been a raw deal for all but the pigs who figured out how to crawl over and subjugate or swindle the rest of us.

You really have to look carefully at the ones in power and avoid drinking their coolaide. It's poison.

The higher they crawl, the more inhuman they become.

The bricks at the top are insects.

It is the citizens fleeing torment and persecution from those same countries you fear who deserve sanctuary.

Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 01, 2020 at 12:16 PM

Open up the doors oh saviour of the world - the USofA, for the muslims wishing to flee the torment and persecution in their own islamic motherland.

India has already enacted a legislation taking care of the others from such neighbouring countries.

You really have to look carefully at the ones in power and avoid drinking their coolaide. It's poison.

The higher they crawl, the more inhuman they become.

The bricks at the top are insects.

Posted by: Spence Tepper | March 01, 2020 at 12:38 PM

Maybe true in your country. Certainly not the case with India's current political leadership. It's coolaide is the perfect prescription for the country.

@ Maybe true in your country. Certainly not the case with India's current political @ leadership. It's coolaide is the perfect prescription for the country.

I think Jim Jones told his followers in Guyana something similar.

I think Jim Jones told his followers in Guyana something similar.

Posted by: Dungeness | March 01, 2020 at 11:00 PM

The 'rainbow 🌈 family' comprising all the political leaders currently in the opposition.
Coincidentally headed by a Gandhi. Rings a bell does it? Jim Jones only biological child middle name being.....

Country in good hands at the moment.

We HIndus elected Modi as the Prime Minister of India. We don't need western gutter inspector's reports.

Whilst the whole world shuts down due to Corona, the scared, terrorised, discriminated and persecuted Indian Muslims under Modi blatantly brazen it out continuing their sit in demonstrations.

Places of worship of various religions shut down voluntarily or thru government directive. But hey what about Mosques and Friday prayers? Nothing as yet either voluntarily or directive.

So much for the scared Muslims in India.

Wonder what this 8th wonder of the world a.k.a. John Oliver has to say about this.

Gutter reporter.... Haha. Nice apt description. Just add the adjective - overflowing.

------------------------------ &

China boots out WSJ, VoA, Time and NYT. Journalist given 4 days to leave.

Oops.... interesting will be what will the great USofA and supposedly powerful Western Media have to say.

Persecuted Muslims.... lol

terrorkists always display siege mentality. The total death toll due to Islamic terror is a cool 27 crore. Hindus are the biggest victims of Islamic terror.

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