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January 21, 2020


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This is phenomenal!!

Wow. How amazing. Do you know if Cameron is atheist or religious? I wonder if both of her parents smoked dope? Or some of her ancestors down the line... Would be interesting to know what caused that mutation.

I think my mother has this mutation in one allele of the faah gene. This could explain A LOT. My my mother has never experienced depression or anxiety but she’s not as extreme as Joanne Cameron. Her father and father’s mother were the same way. I’m going to show her these articles. Hmmm 🤔

I have so many questions for this woman. Has she ever had a drink of alcohol (my mother, her father and her father’s mother never had a drop of alcohol or any sort of recreational drugs).

Is she in a state of bliss or just really relaxed??

Can we bottle this up and sell it?? 🙂

Really wish I could met Joanne... wonder what her friends think of her. Again, so many questions.

Wish I had her genes too! 😀

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