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January 03, 2020


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The philosophy of science, the requirements of evidence, and the utility of concensus among divergent constituents are all helpful to establishing truths about this creation.

But ultimately this remains a human process subject to human prejudices and error. And ultimately we must decide for ourselves what we trust based only on our own judgment.

I think, Brian Ji, that one of the foundational scientific principles of any belief about anything, which you have eloquently reiterated over the years, is that belief is always at first an untested hypothesis, and so it must be testable, so that evidence can be gained that will either support or discredit that view.

And that evidence can also be scrutinized.

Which means at the end of the day we make a decision about both evidence and belief.

Is our decision based upon the principles of logic, reason and science?

And are we willing to learn new facts, or review old evidence within a more enlightened context?

To that end life long learning, and the open mind required for it seems part and parcel of good science.

Finally, are we ourselves willing to be rewired by experiences and ideas we didn't understand before?

Our active participation depends upon a willingness to give up a favored opinion, however much of past evidence we think there was, when new facts prove otherwise.

... But if we can only test that hypothesis by putting aside a dearly held belief for a time, then what is holding us back?

We are all scientists, at the end of the day, thinking, testing, and learning. But are we good scientists? Are we learning what we want to learn? Or something unintuitive, something new? Or something old we just didn't understand at the time?

What holds us back from setting aside our beloved notions to give some idea we don't like a little airspace, a little excercise, an honest and fair test?

Well, I remember when I worked at the genomics research center of MIT and Harvard that there was fierce competition among the PhDs to prove a new theory correct or debunk an old one. They need recognition through published works to further their careers. Really. Proving theories became more competitive than fact finding. That’s a jaded inside look at the scientific community. It’s human nature I guess.


If science depends on consensus then it's a religion. Truth isn't truth because people with credentials have been persuaded to agree on it.

Science has confirmed that every essence if matter vibrates. Yes it can be trusted. Its has confirmed that there is more than what science knows or will ever know out there.

Nice . Science had confined The Word. Ha

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