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January 31, 2020


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“The agency said it may file a supplementary charge sheet if its investigation in India as well as abroad ascertains involvement of more individuals involved in laundering and parking of proceeds of crime.“

Oh boy, GSD will be long gone before they ever wrap up this case. This investigation is going to go on for years.

Another disappointingly vague report from the Indian justice department.

The siphoned funds were used to pay off liabilities....to whom? To the corporation's creditors?

If a corporation owes money to creditors, then it pays them directly. What advantage is there in a complex scheme to set up shell companies with family members, essentially rob the corporation with bogus "loans" to these shell businesses, pay family members a salary for "running" these shell businesses and then taking what's left of the money and paying off the creditors? If the creditors were outside the corporate world, who were they? Dunkin Donuts or Dhillon family?

Then we're also told that the siphoned funds were used to buy properties. What properties, bought from whom, and why didn't the accused sell these properties in an effort to avoid going to prison? I guess this scandal could possibly have been a personal real estate scheme, but when will India's police just come out and say this is what happened?

"The agency also told a local court that of the total Rs 2,036.69 crore (291 million dollars) of estimated proceeds of crime, investigation over Rs 300 (43 million dollars) crores has been completed."

OK, so where is this property? Where-is-the-money? Come on India police.

Police is only doing what they are being told to do by their paymaster politicians who set up this Dera to divide Sikhs in punjab and for politicians to launder their dodgy money to foreign countries through this Dera.Congress,BJP and Akali,s have all used this Dera to shift money abroad,surely they are not going to shoot themselves in the foot by arresting GSD .

If authorities wanted to arrest GSD there is more than enough evidence relating to illegal land grab and diversion of river Beas.Monetary value of land grab is much higher than the money laundering case.

Posted by: J | January 31, 2020 at 12:04 PM

They’ve already listed some of the properties purchased—large commercial real estate buildings that are sitting empty and farmhouses (which seems to have a sort of different meaning in India).

A FOG said that GSD believed selling these buildings at a fraction of their cost in order to settle these debts didn’t make sense. He convinced Shivinder it would be better in the long run to continue bringing in some revenue in rent from these properties than to sell for pennies on the dollar. And poor Shivinder followed all of GSD’s advice on business matters right up until he got arrested. Unfortunately, that didn’t comply with Daiichi’s “long-term” plan.

Note to reader: taken from off the record sources with a tad bit of sarcasm thrown in.

"A FOG said that GSD believed selling these buildings at a fraction of their cost in order to settle these debts didn’t make sense."

But if the purchased properties belonged to Bros Singh et al, how was GSD's opinion relevant? Who owned this real estate, the Brothers or GSD, or Dhillon family members, or someone else?

I admit to frustration that after years of this brouhaha the Indian police still can't tell us the even the most basic facts of who owned what.

this is a setup.
the companies did not belong to the singh bros
if they did, the singh brothers would never have lost their fortune
they would have paid off Daiichi and that would have removed the freeze on their bank accounts.
the police are acting on instructions from polititians, blaming singh bros while GSD is not mentioned

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