Here's a comment on a recent blog post from Alexander Black that I found to be moving. People put a lot of faith in the morality of gurus and other spiritual leaders. When a leader acts badly, it causes pain among those who trusted them. (I corrected a few typos in the comment.)
As an initiate of Gurinder Singh it breaks my heart how he has lost the moral high ground by getting so deeply involved with the Singh brothers’ illegal and criminal financial dealings.
As Satsangis we seek to find the spiritual truth by practicing meditation every day. Isn’t it equally important to seek the truth of our guru’s character and moral conducts? If the guru is not aligned with the truth how can he be true?
A spiritual guru should be the epitome of truth and the unshakable example how to conduct ourselves in life and on the spiritual path.
Before their initiation seekers must spend a year in probation. They test themselves to make sure that they can follow the dietary requirements as well as the high moral standards that the teachings prescribe. This is meant to be serious business and a lifetime commitment.
Baba Ji is not only the RSSB master but he is also a disciple of his master, Charan Singh. As a disciple he made the same commitment to stay true to the teachings as we did.
There is sufficient proof of Baba Ji's shady financial dealings for those who bother to investigate. The Indian public records speak for themselves.
Why presume that Baba Ji was given the 61,83,013 shares of Religare Enterprises as a gift by the Singh brothers. Don't the teachings of RSSB recommend not to accept favours or gifts? According to the teachings favours and gifts create further karmic debts that bind us to this creation and make us spiritually bankrupt.
In Baba Ji’s and his family’s case we are talking about millions of dollars worth of “gifts” or perhaps "loans" - we don't know which, because there was only a verbal agreement between the parties involved. The high moral standards of the RSSB teachings clearly do not apply to Baba Ji, the “true” guru.
At a question and answer session a woman sitting in a wheel chair came to the microphone. She was hoping to get some sympathy from master regarding her condition. She explained to Baba Ji how hard life was for her in a wheel chair and if it wasn't for her friends who bought her ticket to India, she would not be here.
Baba Ji told her that in India people with total paralysis paint with their mouth to make a living and he suggested to the questioner that once she returned home she should get a job and repay her friends for the ticket to India.
So a ticket to India must be repaid, says Baba Ji, but USD1.25 million borrowed by him from filmmaker Sheetal Talwar must be forgotten.
We soon lose faith and respect for those leaders who do not walk the talk. By keeping our guru on the pedestal no matter what, we give up our power of discrimination.
When you have have relatives and friends like Bikram Majithia ,Sukhbir Badal,Harsimrat Kaur Badal ,what else can you expect ?.Majithia-Badal gang were using Punjab state resources to assist massive growth of Dera Beas.
Posted by: KS | December 03, 2019 at 07:24 PM
I got the shock of my life at the involvement of RSSB spiritual head in financial scams.
Posted by: Arun Marwah | December 03, 2019 at 07:42 PM
I think it's Hilarious that Baba Ji, who owes hundreds of millions, would tell a woman bound to a wheel chair that she must go find work and pay back her airfare, given freely to her by friends.
Was anyone else there?
Any other witnesses? This must have been a joke.
Nothing says "I'm a villain!" quite as perfectly as kicking a disabled woman in a wheelchair.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | December 03, 2019 at 08:15 PM
Baba Ji
The airfare was a gift.
You've taken a few gifts right?
I've got a nice paint brush collection with fruit flavored handles if you are looking to make some cash... To pay back those "gifts"...
Posted by: Spence Tepper | December 03, 2019 at 08:20 PM
Congress too ruled punjab for a lot of time period and dera too grown with same pace in that period. Dera grown with rapid pace when india was under british stop your BS.
Sad to see, what kind of disciple you are, if few allegations changes your faith on your master.
He does not need you but you need him.
As i have said earlier, even master GSD comes free, ppl will say, he used money,power bla bla to get free.
Those ppl who dont have knowledge abt dera, have become scholars on RSSB.
Posted by: gurjot | December 03, 2019 at 11:07 PM
Spence Tepper commenting on Baba Ji's advice to woman in the wheelchair:
"Was anyone else there?
Any other witnesses? This must have been a joke."
The question and answer session was held in a tent. It was at Dera in December 2006.
My take on it at the time was that Baba Ji tried to snap her out from her self-pity. But looking back at it now all I see is hypocrisy.
Posted by: Alexander Black | December 04, 2019 at 12:02 AM
nobody needs a baba.
the baba needs you
these are not a few allegations.
total them and get shocked.
all are lies? the baba is so truthful and high ? really?
he just said he owes nothing.
then admits financial transactions with singh brothers.
that was fraud, very serious.
He will be called to court in february again.
by that time he will do something again. maybe disappear
he has seen what happened to ram raheem and doesnt want same fate
he is much cleverer and better connected than ram raheem
and has a lot of support from politicians
what is clear is that he will avoid the courts because he will lose the ill gotton money
not sure how his sons will escape all this as they are directly involved.
time will tell
expect more surprises like sabnam kaur
Posted by: Raam Jaani | December 04, 2019 at 02:19 AM
@ Gurjot
"Those ppl who dont have knowledge abt dera, have become scholars on RSSB.
Posted by: gurjot |"
Hi Gurjot,
I have spent many years in RSSB with my wife...we know how the Dera works...very perfectly..we were always told to keep your eyes and ears shut if anyone tells wrong about Babaji....and we did so...l asked many questions personally to Babaji . I will say l was not satisfied with most of his replies but l kept faith....
But now as the new evidence are coming out and the increasing property of Dera and Levish lifestyle of Baba ji makes really sense to me...
I cannot keep my ears and eyes shut as proofs are already there on SEBI and other international news papers...also Babaji lies about not appearing in court broke my heart....l am pure follower of Santmat but also now beleive that Santmat is not RSSB property and Baba ji can not claim it..everyone is Satsangi whether he or she goes to Church, Temple or Gurdwara...not sure why we RSSB call only Dera followers Satsangi
As say there is no smoke without fire....l can see clearly Babaji involvement in this scam.
I don't have any faith in him anymore wife is also nearly there...
Also many more people here know Dera well .. Brian also one of them spent 35+ years with Dera..wrote many books on Dera...we were told lots of bad things about Brian that he become greedy and wanted money for his book bla bla...when Dera refused he left
I also believed in it as have full faith in Babaji..didn't use my mind. . But now after this big scam..l am thinking why someone gave 35 years to Dera..too much deep into spirituality..influenced hundreds of people whith his many books and left RSSB only because of mind and stomach can't digest this.
How someone that level of spiritual just turned a greedy person after 35 years of spirituality...Can you understand???
Just for few minutes take the faith glasses off from your eyes and see things might see things differently.....
Posted by: Ranjit | December 04, 2019 at 02:23 AM
I could rationalize this one though. Maybe the impetus to find a job is what she needed, maybe she will take up painting herself or already does and this gives her the idea to try to make an income out of it.
What I can't justify is Jim's account which I'm not going to recount as I find it too annoying and distasteful, no pun intended.
Posted by: PJ | December 04, 2019 at 06:54 AM
Gurinder is a punk. I'm also not convinced his wife is really dead. The timing is too suspect.
Many of these gurus are extremely cunning. I wouldn't put it past him to have his wife fake her death.
Posted by: Guru puncher | December 04, 2019 at 02:12 PM
Would his wife’s death affect the court cases? I mean, because she was head of the companies for many years?
Posted by: Sonia | December 04, 2019 at 03:14 PM
Do you think he’s trying to protect her from going to jail??
Posted by: Sonia | December 04, 2019 at 03:16 PM
I'm also not convinced his wife is really dead. The timing is too suspect.
Many of these gurus are extremely cunning. I wouldn't put it past him to have his wife fake her death.
Posted by: Guru puncher | December 04, 2019 at 02:12 PM
Shabnam is in one of the CIA safe houses in the USofA.
That's how powerful and well connected GSD is. Even the POTUS obliges!!!!
Heart burn huh? Can't help you with that
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 04, 2019 at 09:53 PM
@Raam Jaani,
Nothing to say about your post..Take care.
Posted by: gurjot | December 04, 2019 at 11:24 PM
Do u have some sense or any knowledge or r u a dump, piece of shit and heartless person?.? Someone lost his life partner and u r making fun of it? U bloody idiot, asshole ? Ask urself when u loose someone in ur life how will you feel when people will make fun of that news!!
Posted by: kunal Arora | December 05, 2019 at 12:36 AM
I can say for certainty she’s not in one of the CIA safe houses. And he’s not that well connected. I don’t mean this disrespectfully... I just don’t want this idea to go completely off the rails.
The timing was odd. That said, it is a very sad, unfortunate event all the way around. Shabnam Dhillon suffered an extreme amount of stress throughout this whole financial/legal ordeal. And everyone knows how quickly stress can kill a person. It’s very unfortunate and an absolute shock to so many.
Posted by: Sonia | December 05, 2019 at 02:10 AM
Guru, Inc. Writes,.. “
I'm also not convinced his wife is really dead. The timing is too suspect.
Many of these gurus are extremely cunning. I wouldn't put it past him to have his wife fake her death.
Posted by: Guru puncher | December 04, 2019 at 02:12 PM
Shabnam is in one of the CIA safe houses in the USofA.
That's how powerful and well connected GSD is. Even the POTUS obliges!!!!
Heart burn huh? Can't help you with that”
Me: Isn’t the body of Shabnam now at the Beas Dera, for funeral? Won’t the public have access to final viewing of the body before it is set on fire at the River Beas? Wouldn’t a Coroner have examined the body in the London Hospital in order to issue the Death Certificate? What about DNA test of the Corpse ? Why would the CIA be involved? Please explain why?
Jim S.
Posted by: Jim Sutherland | December 05, 2019 at 02:37 AM
Wow is it possibleto announce official about death of his wife but what wll happen when on 6 dec tmr last funeral
ceramonies will be done infront of millions of followers cominv all over the world may he place dumy to got fired and he wll escape and even have possibility to be same position as his wife means he can suicide or escape india and last funerL ceramony wll bd done, with his dumy or you may say so. E other body can be zhown with plastic surgery right
Are you in your senses i
I donot think so want to laugh on your comment
Posted by: Anil | December 05, 2019 at 04:47 AM
Jesus Christ
How wrong of us to expect some intelligence to see through the underlying sarcasm.
Thank you Jim for your post. It shouldn't have been a response to me. Instead it ought to be directed to those morons in here who floated the ludicrous notion that her death has been faked!!!!
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 05, 2019 at 08:08 AM
Wow is it possibleto announce official about death of his wife but what wll happen when on 6 dec tmr last funeral
ceramonies will be done infront of millions of followers cominv all over the world may he place dumy to got fired and he wll escape and even have possibility to be same position as his wife means he can suicide or escape india and last funerL ceramony wll bd done, with his dumy or you may say so. E other body can be zhown with plastic surgery right
Are you in your senses i
I donot think so want to laugh on your comment
Posted by: Anil | December 05, 2019 at 04:47 AM
So we shall throw a cat amongst the pigeons.....
No funeral in front of millions of followers even if they have come from different parts of the world.
Ya but the kind of influence GSD exerts (all Indian politicians in his pocket, state secrets and what not he holds, the illicit monies he has laundered for politicians, the Guru of India PM (L K Advani) being a follower, the ever obliging POTUS (GSD got the Illuminati to arm twist him) anything is possible you see. It might be GSD body double in Dera at the moment and with all medical records fixed, all local authorities compromised both GSD and Shabnam maybe enjoying the Sun in some Caribbean island.
Man, if a small fry like Nithyanand can flee the country on an expired passport..... GSD is SUPREME comparatively. You can't even imagine then what he can pull off. LOL
Baiters, we hope we haven't erred in encapsulating your assessment of his clout.
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 05, 2019 at 08:34 AM
Lets not be funny.
Death of a public figure generates lots of real condolences immediately which has to go. Public in no time.
Else RSSB saints like other known Saints have set forth strict values and ethics for a favourable and humble. emvironment so. as to. groom seekers into Gods finally - their true self. That makes them look beyond the physical and into astral, causal etc. than only physical while. advising or. commenting.
Having said that i do not appreciate His dragging of a poor. differently abled into paying back. a charity showered on her.
Posted by: Meditator | December 05, 2019 at 09:36 AM
Having said that i do not appreciate His dragging of a poor. differently abled into paying back. a charity showered on her.
Posted by: Meditator | December 05, 2019 at 09:36 AM
You appreciating or not appreciating is totally irrelevant in how a Master deals with his disciple. There's a fundamental law which governs and each has to abide. If you have understood a bit of santmat, you would know settling and not creating or holding on to karmas is the only way out.
So did GSD help that differently lady take one step forward towards the exit door or no?
Strange people tag themselves as initiated, satsangis etc but not a bit of understanding of sant mat and purpose of the guru wrt to it.
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 05, 2019 at 10:26 AM
Another possibility
Sabnam decided it was better to die than go to prison for decades.
So they engineered it as a medical complication.
Better than suicide which is frowned upon.
Death is better than prison life
Posted by: Think Tank | December 05, 2019 at 11:09 AM
Still though, it's the brothers that are the dodgy business men here, you can't just give away huge piles of money in unsecured loans as seva money. Babaji is OK to take the money (why can't he take seva money??) but paying it back to Ranbaxy shareholders (Daichi) might prove difficult. Shareholders should be aware that the value of their investments can do down aswell as up, lol.
The conspiracy theorists are saying one of the brothers tried to buy the gadhi after Babji dies but there is no evidence to back up that theory.
To summarise, Babaji has done nothing wrong.
Posted by: voice_crying_in_wilderness | December 05, 2019 at 11:19 AM
1 out of 1000 gallbladder surgeries result in death.
All we know is that the late Shabnam Singh Dhillon died in "English hospital" from gallbladder surgery. We don't know her exact medical problem. Is it possible she had gallbladder cancer? If so, that would definitely raise the mortality rate. But all we know is that she had "gastric issues," flew to the UK to presumably one of the best hospitals in the Western world to have surgery, but perished a week later from undisclosed "complications."
When someone only 57 years old dies from a surgery that doctors say is so safe it has a 1 in a 1000 failure rate, why is it being treated by RSSB as a death from natural causes? I'm not suggesting a conspiracy, but the appearance of medical error seems highly likely.
Posted by: j | December 05, 2019 at 11:47 AM
So I've seen several mentions of "fake news" from commenters on this post, but no one has pointed out what, specifically, is fake or untruthful in this New Yorker story. I have zero patience for people who cry "fake news" but can't back up that claim with facts.
Show your facts, if you have them. If you don't, then stop calling this well-researched and well-written story fake news. If you like that Modi is a Hindu nationalist, that he's been involved in mass killings of Muslims, that he attacks Indian journalists, that he's doing bad things in Kashmir, that he's requiring Muslims in India to prove that they are citizens -- that's fine.
I disagree with your view, but at least you're recognizing facts. What I find most distasteful is claims of "fake news" that aren't backed up with "true news." Share links to reputable sources that rebut what the New Yorker says. Or stop with the fake news claim.
Posted by: Brian Hines | December 05, 2019 at 01:44 PM
you misunderstand the loan allegation.
where did you get the idea it was for seva?
nothing to do with seva
it was fraud, involving money being sent back and forth so it would nit be detected,
nothing to do with shareholder money or shares going up or down.
you need to read the story, as your facts are wrong.
the conclusion that baba has done nothing wrong is very wrong.
Posted by: Raam Jaani | December 05, 2019 at 04:04 PM
Every rssb follwer has his own personal reason to believe in rssb. Babaji doesn't call us, but instead we go to him for our personal benefits
Posted by: Kiran Chauhan | December 05, 2019 at 08:39 PM
Does anyone have a copy of the affidavit recently filed by GSD?
Posted by: Sirika Singh | December 06, 2019 at 12:05 AM
Guru inc,
Brother, it was a personal take in my concluding para irrespective of the santmat or Baba jis commands. Pl revisit my comment and see preceding paras. Its already conveyed what you have wished to emphasise.
I bow in helplessness before Him. I can do or bear very little and am always on His life-support. Similar sentiments and emotions flow for others realising the reality of the World and our inborn limits slapped on us ever since first breath.
Posted by: Meditator | December 06, 2019 at 06:32 AM
It is hard to believe that a person spiritually so high with millions of followers don’t have one person who can see the truth with the DIB DRIDHT about the entire Radha Swami organized heritage let alone Gurinder Singh.
It is unbelievable that he is a POORAN BRAHAM GYANI or any of his predecessors was a POORAN BRAHAM GYANIS after the departure of DHAN DHAN BABA JAIMAL SINGH JI. It looks like it has been a family run show after the departure of Baba JAIMAL Singh Ji.
It looks like the end of the Radha Swami business is inevitable now.
Posted by: Dassan Dass | December 07, 2019 at 09:18 AM
It looks like the end of the Radha Swami business is inevitable now.
Posted by: Dassan Dass | December 07, 2019 at 09:18 AM
Thank you for your bhavishya Vani (prophesy) DHAN DHAN Baba Dassan Dassji.
Any timeframe within which the inevitable will occur?
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 07, 2019 at 10:41 AM
Well at least Baba Dassan Dass still has his DIB Drishti fully functional and is able to see the future.
Pity it wasnt working since sawan singh took over. Looks like it just awakened now when all the dodgy stuff has come out
Sirika Singh
as far as i know it is not available to us.
we just have what the newspapers have sumarised from it
such as this one
Posted by: Raam Jaani | December 07, 2019 at 11:43 AM
It looks like the end of the Radha Swami business is inevitable now.
Posted by: Dassan Dass | December 07, 2019 at 09:18 AM
Thank you for your bhavishya Vani (prophesy) DHAN DHAN Baba Dassan Dassji.
Any timeframe within which the inevitable will occur?
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 07, 2019 at 10:41 AM
Oh wait! My hand’s up! Can I answer this one?!? 😃 RS businesses will end half past never because there will always be a demand for gurus in India—especially the ones with nicer facilities. People have a tendency to look for someone or something to worship other than the creator. A God man/woman instead of God or a higher power. Sad.
It’s one thing to have a teacher or a mentor or a sponsor, but to “worship” another human being is insane.
Posted by: Sonia | December 07, 2019 at 04:19 PM
Posted by: Dassan Dass | December 07, 2019 at 04:47 PM
Sonia are you the same Sonya B that used to post here a long time ago?
Posted by: Lost friend | December 07, 2019 at 06:51 PM
It’s one thing to have a teacher or a mentor or a sponsor, but to “worship” another human being is insane.
Posted by: Sonia | December 07, 2019 at 04:19 PM
Completely agree. But then if humans start this worship despite the teacher/master saying not to who/what is insane? The act of worship or the worshippers or the worshipped?
And do you recollect what the RSSB masters have to say about worshipping them or who or what is truly worthy of being worshipped?
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 07, 2019 at 07:58 PM
Dear messenger Dassan Dass
You say
"The collapse of Radha Swami has started. These are not Dassan Dass’s wordS, it is shown by DHAN DHAN SWAMI SHIV DAYAL JI OF PUNNI GALI AGRA WHO WAS THE SATGURU OF DHAN DHAN SANT BABA JAIMAL SINGH JI. Dassan Dass is just a messenger"
Us: Where, when and how did DHAN DHAN SWAMI SHIV DAYAL JI OF PUNNI GALI AGRA show the collapse?
Then you say
"There was no Radha Swami until BABA JAIMAL SINGH JI."
Us: Really. So we have breaking news here. The founder of Radhasoami is Jaimal Singhji and not Soamiji.
And just a few days ago a seeker asked and was provide not 5 but 6 Radhasoami shabds supposedly composed by Soamiji.
Going further
Us: Two points
(A) we have the messenger of DHAN DHAN SATGURU AVTAR GOBIND SINGH JI stating that the tenth avatar did not in any way say Granth Sahib is the Guru henceforth. Sikh brothers in here please note.
(B) if as per some accounts in here the 6th to 10th Sikh gurus weren't true masters and if what messenger now states is correct, Tulsi Sahib is fake so is Shiv Dayalji and so on.
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 07, 2019 at 08:20 PM
@Lost Friend
Umm... I think I used Sonya B once or twice—mostly Sonya. I used to always spell my name with a j (Sonja) and then when I got married I changed it to a y (don’t ask me why). Now I spell it with an “i” because apparently “y” makes my name very numerologically unfortunate (and it certainly felt that way) whereas Sonia is the exact opposite—supposed to be more fortunate.
Whether you believe in numerology or not, for me, it was largely just to start afresh in my life with a completely different attitude and philosophy. Throwing away the old... what was no longer useful.
I’m focused on the Eleventh Step Prayer. It’s a life long process (especially for me) but I realize it’s what was really missing from my life.
Posted by: Sonia | December 07, 2019 at 11:40 PM
Completely agree. But then if humans start this worship despite the teacher/master saying not to who/what is insane? The act of worship or the worshippers or the worshipped?
And do you recollect what the RSSB masters have to say about worshipping them or who or what is truly worthy of being worshipped?
Posted by: Gurus Inc | December 07, 2019 at 07:58 PM
So, you’re saying that the RS masters told their followers not to worship them? If that is the case then why do almost all satsangis say “Babaji is God”. We all have the same life force within us so the mindset of raising one person to being “more God” than everyone else seems counter to believing we all have that same “divine spark”.
It might help if the masters said, I am not “God” anymore than you are.
Posted by: Sonia | December 07, 2019 at 11:55 PM
Latest News Articles :
Mortal remains of Radha Soami sect chief''s wife consigned to flames
The dera by the Beas
Posted by: George | December 08, 2019 at 03:50 AM
Here’s a new article I saw today. Nothing new here, but the Dera is getting more and more to.
Posted by: A Different Brian | December 08, 2019 at 10:29 AM
"Mention the case to Sethi of the RSSB Trust and he bristles. “The RSSB has not taken a single paisa from the Singh brothers, you can check our records."
Who said they did, Sethi? No one is alleging that the RSSB trust was involved in this scandal. The general allegation is that Gurinder Singh was a party to the siphoning of money from the Singh brother's corporation into accounts owned by himself and his family members.
Posted by: j | December 08, 2019 at 11:29 AM
20 million followers? I thought it was 4M... How many people has Gurinder initiated???
Posted by: Sonia | December 08, 2019 at 01:21 PM
“The RSSB has not taken a single paisa from the Singh brothers, you can check our records. Neither the dera nor Babaji like giving clarifications. We believe that ultimately the truth will come out.’’
This is typical diversion speak. Sethi is defending a made up statement, instead of the real allegation.
The real allegation that the Dhillons were given money simply cannot be denied and GSD has himself admitted it even if he called it a gift.
so the Singh brothers gave the Dhillons a gift of multi millions and made them into billionaires and the ungrateful Gurinder Singh Dhillon who claims to be a master says that the singh's still OWN HIM money ? as in MORE money
I really dont understand how the people who made him into a billioniare family can still own him more money
obviously a lie and if he is so honest why not appear in court and tell the truth.
I will tell you exactly why. there is no truth to tell except that he took part in fraud and that makes him an accomplice in the fraud and makes him a criminal.
can a baba be a criminal?
well these days it appears yes
if you can grab land from poor farmers and accept free gifts and make death threats and never return money and tell lies and be ungrateful to those who give you millions
that is a full qualification to be a baba
Posted by: Raam Jaani | December 08, 2019 at 02:51 PM
Posted by: pooh | March 23, 2024 at 07:57 PM