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November 17, 2019


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It must also be taken into consideration that Parminder Singh Sekhon, H/o Puneet Kaur Sekhon, is also the brother-in-law of the guru. This is another indication of family business syndicate, and the money stayed amongst the close relatives only.


Baba has been in shady business with Majithia- Badal gang for a long time.Those who do not know Mjithia,Google search " jagdish bhola and majithia connection".

Some updates...

Just found this on an old Article.....

Though the dera has had ideological issues with SAD’s philosophy of devotion to Guru Granth Sahib and not to any living guru, the Badals have a close relationship with the dera head. Deputy chief minister Sukhbir Singh Badal’s brother-in-law Bikram Majithia is married to the dera head’s niece Ganieve Grewal.

With elections round the corner, political meetings have been on the upswing. The SAD-BJP government has appointed Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon’s brother-in-law Parminder Singh Sekho ..


To the rational, impartial mind, it’s increasingly obvious GSD is firmly involved in the fraudulent activities that have led to Malvinder & Shivinder (& Sunil) being held in custody for well over a month now

Surely, surely, the authorities have enough evidence to bring the whole Dodgy Dhillon family in now for formal questioning?

The only reason this hasn’t happened already will be India’s Achilles Heel, Corruption. Massive test of Modi’s government and their anti-corruption drive!

“Let justice be done though the heavens fall”

Well said, JS.

Surely, surely, the authorities have enough evidence to bring the whole Dodgy Dhillon family in now for formal questioning?

The only reason this hasn’t happened already will be India’s Achilles Heel, Corruption. Massive test of Modi’s government and their anti-corruption drive!

Posted by: JS | November 18, 2019 at 10:16 PM

Too good.

You seem to know a lot of what's available with the investigative agencies and reasons for GSD still a free man.

Could you share the entire dope you have for our benefit as well.

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