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October 18, 2019


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The Singh brothers plea for bail has been denied ("deferred").


The investigation needs them safe until the trial? And available to help with the investigation? Who else is being investigated? What threat do they represent?

Since people start insulting my Master CharanJi MaharaJI
concerning the so called "divine law"
of not accepting an income or compensation or useful help ( like a car or a plane)

Where is that written the first time? -
How could that function these days?

There are no Laws for God , . . . in the flesh or not

Ramana Maharshi :
"For knowing HIM, we have to be HIM"

We can easily BE HIM during 'No Thoughts' meditation


All those speculations and nobody reacting on the free chapter sayings
Just readI trust that the amount of exers, will not
surpass 10 people
versus 4 million!

Seeing this wasn't published in the thread it was posted here it is in open discussion in answer to RSSB I'm Finished with you (Oshkosh Robbins)

Nope (Osho) - RSSB is Finished
I don't see cracks
I see mauj transpiring, history explicitly being fulfilled (hukum - mauj - the will as it is deemed fit in circumstance)

History is full of it

As Huzur Charan Grewal had to adapt and adopt the will of his own masters wishes to undertake the responsibility of Soami Ji's and Jaimal Singh's patronage shepherding their santmat, so did Gurinder have to do likewise.

As did those succumbed to Ceasars and Emperors and societal laws and judgment through the annals of history.

As Arjan's execution by emperor Jahangir for refusal to bow to Muslim indoctrination - (blasphemy)

As Christ's crucifixion by religious leaders for non renunciation of proclamation that he was embodiment of Godhood. (blasphemy)

As Mansur's imprisonment torture and execution by religious ruling classes of Baghdad for announcement he was embodiment of the Truth. (blasphemy)

As Sarmad was beheaded by Aurungzeb for non recital of full Muslim Kalma and for sitting on Delhi Palace court steps entirely naked. (blasphemy)

And as Gurinder being slandered, castigated and maligned by the know it all intelligentsia of the CotC klux klan, along with some his own family members, is tantamount to recognize that Gurinder, like Socrates, Christ, Mansur, Sarmad, and many others before him, don't give two hoots about society's so called moralistic indignation.

He will do what it takes as deemed fit to fulfill the will of history's injunction is it's playing out its cause.

Because like those who have traveled beyond the constraints of intellectualized reasoning know how it cuts whenever it's required to separate wheat from chaff,

Such is the will that true saints adopt and fulfill their participation in its unrelenting exacting condition.

OK apologies,
The comment was posted on the applicable thread. Regards

trust that the amount of exers, will not
surpass 10 people
versus 4 million!

Posted by: 🌈 πŸ™ 🌈 | October 19, 2019 at 07:04 AM


You can't be more wrong. A Jim and Lane have already invested a few million bucks transforming some grounds in California into satsang venues at which all rich Indians who can afford air tickets and hotel cost will attend plus setting up the tech to broadcast.

Already I hear airlines are ramping up their websites lest it crashes due to heavy bookings. LoL

The interest in India is gonna be huge man.... A white skinned supposedly multi talented yet mimic Guru would still be unique - maybe you haven't seen how Indians line up to observe anything and everything which they can laugh at.

What 777 seems not to understand is that hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of people have already left RSSB or were never truly part of it anyway.

Tons of people will take "initiation" or naamdaan as they call it, and then forget that it ever happened, never go to a satsang again and likely go back to the religion of their ancestors. RS keeps those numbers of ex RS on the books because there is no way to formally leave, and I've heard some speculation that their records include the dead going back a very long time. Again, no way to report deaths to the Org or the number of apostates, so none of their numbers mean anything.

On top of that, you have an entire generation of kids who were pressured by their family to join but who never believed in the first place. Westerners approach RS in a completely different way and don't really see it as a communal thing, but that's not so in India where being an RS initiate or in a RS family is almost like belonging to a caste at this point. They hire each other, marry each other and everything else.

Speaking of that, a cab driver for RS foreigners tried to get me to marry his niece once just cause i was initiated, but I'm not Indian so her brothers wouldn't allow it (OMG RACISM. I thought only white people were racist???).

She was incredibly beautiful and I probably should have secretly eloped with her and all that but it's too late now. I'm old and married. She's probably 200kg at this point after having kids and gorging on buttery parathas for the past 15 years. Come to think of it, I'm glad her brothers were racist satsangis. Probably saved me from serious disappointment.

Probably saved me from serious disappointment.

Haha. Yes
Yesterday I stopped my car 3 seconds to let out a mosquito.
That act changed the total coding
of the 9^9Β¨9Qubits PC , we are in
in this cluster

Anyhow - by this NOT thinking - Charan introduced me to this programmer
for some minutes
It was awesome
Nothing is happening than Love, which is again used 4the next round!
This is a super Path

You owe me an apologise after calling me a lie-er

im and Lane have already invested a few million bucks transforming some grounds in California into satsang venues at which all rich Indians who can afford air tickets and hotel cost

Right on St Andreas
read my lips


"Show your source where Gurinder Singh ever called himself 'God'."

Whodunit, The entire Science of the Soul Research Center book catalog should suffice.

If he has accepted the title and position of "master" who "initiates" "satsangis" into "surat shabd yoga" then he is calling himself god. Period. Full stop. Bas.

If the organization he is in 100% control of uses his photo and under that photo is the caption "current living master" and he doesn't force them to stop, then he is calling himself god.

Unless he publishes a new book, and not supposedly gives a satsang to a handful of westerners, that says "I truly and unambiguously am not a master. Do not call me "master" and do not follow me, because I am leaving this organization", and then he asks that his own book publishers and photo printers stop using his likeness, and stop calling him "master", then he is still accepting the title of living god.

Why do the same things have to be repeated so often? This is not integral math. It's basic reasoning.

Imagine Tim Cook showing up to work one day and learning that Apple corporation is being sued because he stole a billion in cash, and when presented with a subpoena he replies "I have never once in my life called myself the CEO. Sorry bros, not coming to court lol. But I'm still in charge of the company by the way." That would almost be as stupid and absurd as being a satasangi or being Gurinder.

But stop with the dumb games now, whodunit. You know what the teachings are and you know the role, title and everything else this man willingly accepts. If he wasn't a god, he should have refused to accept the role of living god. He wasn't ignorant of what he was doing.

He'll burn in eternal hell for this mistake he made anyway. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!! SEE YOU IN HELL BABA JI!!!


Seriously though, if there is some such place as hell, not only will Gurinder be there burning, but Manjit will be super sad that his intellectual arrogance didn't allow him to acknowledge the possibility of it, and his failure to prepare and be honest about what he really knows will haunt him FOREVER. But I won't be able to really mock him at that point, cause I'll be burning in hell, too. With all of you.

🌈 7


I have a sincere question
about Indian Legislation without chat from the ignorants, please. πŸ™

Here in France and all European countries
and others worldwide

it'is not only tax deductible when you donate to religious organisations
but also : such gifts cannot be claimed back

Courts don't accept such cases

So, . . . What is Indian Law saying



A second question :

Here in France when I selll an apple for 1$
next the buyer sells it for 2$

Then he, the first buyer is informed by a dubious whistleblower
that illegal pesticide was used. and claims half a dollar back

Which court worldwide would arbiter for granting half that dollar



Whatever the accused has done can and is never an excuse for that behaviour.
Posted by: um | October 20, 2019 at 10:42 AMI had a friend ( RIP) who remembered
being brought to the guillotine but his actual nightmare was all the crazy yelling
people around doing their business and household stuff
while attending the "cinema"
I wonder if they had bottles to fill
for making saucisses
Vive La France, . . . aaaah. the dutch (me) were worse


Hi 777
Let's ask the right questions.
If stolen millions should be siphoned to a charity, can they no longer be reclaimed by the victims they were stolen from, under Indian law?
Ie, can any amount become untouchable by law if the stolen money is siphoned by a chain of individuals to a charity?
Is charitable donation in India a legally protected haven for stolen money?
And does it protect all the hands that moved that stolen money from criminal prosecution ?

And if the destination of stolen money is a charity, do the victims whose money was stolen have no further recourse for justice?

So, You don't know

I asked for religious ends , not charity
Those might be different in India
That is because so many temples and mosques in India
and the general mentality and reactions are so different

We were in Kashmir where they have one hair of the prophet in a Mosque
Next day there was something in Israel and in the Shrinagar newspaper

Then Children , Young as 8 / 12 started throwing stones at us
and we had to be protected by police

There are often kind of curfews because of temple issues everywhere

It's way different than we can understand
or discuss

Perhaps a real Indian can answer my 2 questions


YFor a big writer here it was an amazement you avoided my second question even when it's SOOO EASY

"Anybody tells me nothing !!! . . ."
( The Old Town Road on Youtube )

Hi 777
You asked
"A second question :

" Here in France when I selll an apple for 1$
next the buyer sells it for 2$

"Then he, the first buyer is informed by a dubious whistleblower
that illegal pesticide was used. and claims half a dollar back

" Which court worldwide would arbiter for granting half that dollar.

If the claim of pesticide is true, and your records hid this fact, you will owe far more than the price of an apple.

And the one who bought your apple cart and must now pay your fine has every right to demand you pay it.

The FDA Ranbaxy fine is the largest fine in the entire history of the United States food and drug administration. It is absolutely appropriate for Daiichi to demand that the prior owners who created this violation of tainted meds and covered it up by falsification of documents, pay the fines and any additional legal expenses.

there is not a single document mentioning it as a donation,
neither from Singh brothers, nor from Dhillon family.

The Singh brothers claimed in court as loan (not sure what is written in the books of accounts),
whereas if we track back the 2013 letter Babaji wrote,
it's evident that it was some collateral residing with Singh brothers,
and they didn't return it back to Babaji, and in lieu of that they returned this money.

If Dhillon family has submitted in legal writing to the court that they DON't owe anything
to the Singh brothers or Religare,
then it Means something, it's not a fluke.

If you are keeping trust on the High court, then wait for the verdict,
don't hurry, be patient.

I have a sincere question
about Indian Legislation without chat from the ignorants, please. πŸ™

Here in France and all European countries
and others worldwide

it'is not only tax deductible when you donate to religious organisations
but also : such gifts cannot be claimed back

Courts don't accept such cases

So, . . . What is Indian Law saying

Posted by: πŸ™ | October 20, 2019 at 10:02 AM

Yes there is some tax relief one gets (a ceiling or 50% of amount donated whichever is less) for qualifying donations - can be for religious purposes or otherwise too.

Claiming back gifts - a gift deed (if executed) is irrevocable unless the deed is executed by illegal coercion. Even then courts have to be approached which then cancels it if coercion is proved.

Else post deed, donee is absolute owner. This is also for all acknowledged cash donations.

But what's your point here? Does a scenario where the Singh crooks allege that they cash donated xxx crores (unacknowledged donations like how large number of ordinary sangat does ) worry you? I don't put it past the Singhs using this trick as well.

BTW did innocent charities have to repay their Madoff money?

Love hurts. But the pain of love also is pleasure.

Before the existence of this blog and certainly before 1990
you would have thought:

"What a Grace that Zuzu also will go to Satch Khand
because of her attachment to me, more than for the squirrels"

It applies to people who love you, . . attached to U
and also to jeevas you sincerely love

It's where "hearts are " already - what a simple LAW


A song I like...

Sister can you hear me now
The ringing in your ears
I'm down on the ground
My luck's been dry for years

I'm lost in the dark
And I feel like a dinosaur
Broken face and broken hands
I'm a broken man

I've hit the wall
I'm about to fall
But I'm closing in on it
I feel so weak
On a losing streak
Watch my taillights fade to black

I read a thing about this girl
She was a hermit in her world
Her story was much like mine
She could be my valentine

And although we've never met
I won't forget her yet
She cut herself off from her past
Now she's alone at last

I feel so sick
Lost love's last licks
But I'm closing down on it
I feel so weak
On a losing streak
Watch my taillights fade to black

Lost my life in cheap wine
Now it's quiet time
Cappy Dick nor Jesus Christ
Could not help my fate

But I'm underneath a gun
I'm singing about my past
Had myself a wonderful thing
But I could not make it last

I've hit the wall
I'm about to fall
But I'm closing in on it
I feel so small
Underneath it all
Watch my taillights fade to black
Watch my taillights fade
Watch my taillights fade
Watch my taillights fade

NOT GUILTY' until convicted in the court and proved to be guilty. It is too early to label Baba Gurinder Singh of any wrong doing

"Posted by: Gurdip Singh | October 21, 2019 at 09:29 AM

Do you want this blog to come to grinding halt until the court verdict?

Come on you can't wish this.

Posted by: slave_of_GSD | October 21, 2019 at 10:46 AM

"A true Master doesn't allow you to bow."
"The Lord serves us all silently."

These plus all the other choice quotes are just "subjective experiences" right? Your subjective experience tells you that godmen are all one way or another, and it happens to be opposite to this other guys subjective experiences that shows his that, indeed, all godmen are as described in their own books and thousands of years of recorded history. Who should we believe? I choose none of you.

"Two ladies with scarves on their heads and Holy prayer beads bowed before him in holy reverence. As he passed by he said, 'ladies, knock it off.'"

This didn't happen. There is a picture book of him being bowed to and worshiped by tens of thousands of people. In that same book there is a picture of a family member, Gurinder I believe, touching his feet. He gave "satsangs" constantly with the subject being how best to worship him. He ran an organization dedicated to worshiping him. He sat behind a weird cage and allowed people to bow to him, and bring items for him to bless with his magical touch.

In India, it's totally normal to bow to and literally worship almost any human being. They don't even need to be a guru. Walk around Amritsar sometime and you'll see kids touching the feed and folding their hands in front of a friend's grandpa. I saw it like a hundred times. They use the expressions like "guest is God" and "we worship our elders" constantly. Anyone who assumes the role of guru accepts that it's their job to be bowed to and worshiped. Even if they didn't like it, they wouldn't tell anyone to stop because it'd be rude.

To say that Charan Singh went against this idea of bowing to gurus is absolutely absurd and the pile of evidence, being RSSB publications and the entire concept of gurudom and satsangs, is more than enough proof.

It is hard to explain,
but very strange that your more hatred is inducing much more love for Him inside me.
And I am much more attached to Him now.
Posted by: One Initiated | October 22, 2019 at 10:53 AM

I have that TOO
Endless into Thought-less < Goose Bumps all over as a start
and HE isn't even my Master
Even with out Nepal, HE is ALL OVER

When seeing THEM
I think : God must really be jealous ( tears in my eyes )
Satsangi's I know have that too)

So this comment of mine probably cuts
the number of "exers" back to 4 . . . . vs 4 Million

Yes : God Himself is intoxicated seeing a SatGuru like we have !
OMG . . You poor πŸ™Š 4

Hi Jesse
You wrote
"Who should we believe?"
Really, you lost me after that, since you don't believe anyone. You are not a believer Jesse. It's not your strength. Go with cynic. You add value doing what you do well. When you ask the question I already know it's rhetorical.

You wrote

"This didn't happen. There is a picture book of him being bowed to and worshiped by tens of thousands of people. In that same book there is a picture of a family member, Gurinder I believe, touching his feet. He gave "satsangs" constantly with the subject being how best to worship him. He ran an organization dedicated to worshiping him. He sat behind a weird cage and allowed people to bow to him, and bring items for him to bless with his magical touch."

No Jesse, it did happen. The women were Westerners. Their obescience wasn't sincere.

For those who have nothing else to give but their bow, that is sincere. If that is all they can give, it is to be respected with high honor.

But I'm with you that it isn't brotherhood. We should all be standing side by side.

And yet you don't believe in brotherhood either.

You like boarder walls, and believe different folks from different cultures shouldn't try to work together; they should stay separate. You believe that a caste system is already part of our nature, in the evolutionary survival - of - the - fittest, and the bully should be acknowledged and respected; that we should not give refuge to indigent and injured foreigners; and that slavery should never have been outlawed, if I understand you correctly, or at least only babies of undocumented parents should be imprisoned..

Maharaji also said on the tapes," Sister don't put me up on a pedestal. I'm just like you... If it were up to me I'd be in the audience with you."

That's what we should try to live. That's the higher truth. And the real Masters are in fact among the others in the audience.

So at different times, and for different people, different expressions.

Some people need a King to believe in God.

But they just become little kings instead of brothers and sisters, so it's not a great model.

No true Saint takes any authority at all. They are entirely clean of any of this.

'no one should be called Teacher for you have one teacher and you are all brothers and sisters'

@ 777

Those who have inner experiences, given or forced upon the brain by this or that technique or drug, cannot but be overwhelmed by what they experience.

Others who don't have these experiences, have nothing that can be compared with what these people experience. For them it is all hearsay the like of a person relating his dream or nightmare. Among them some are gifted with faith that might compensate the lack of experience to a certain extend.

Yes I do believe that the prophet had an experience in which the angel Gabriel appeared and spoke to him. Whether there IS and angel gabriel is not proven by this experience although one can easily understand that it must have a prove to the prophet,
The lord, if there is one could easily have spoken to the rest of the world and tell them to believe what the prophet had to say. As the lord didn't do so and nobody else was witness of that experience of the prophet what we have is just his word!!

@ Spence

'no one should be called Teacher for you have one teacher and you are all brothers and sisters'

It all depends whom says it to whom, when and why.
As such this sentence is empty of any meaning or whatever.

Spence referredHi Jesse
You wrote
"Who should we believe?"

He is like Brian and the other two execs a little special

Like stubborn kids who don t want Math
even when u try with apples

I have written might be 10
objective happenings in comments of 100% miracles

When they sense objectivity, . . they close ears & eyes, start yelling like nasty
or autistic nagging kids do
subjectivity they like because they can scold the writer
in last case Sir "ONE"
Ha ha. Oscho lost that title

They just need another birth like me. :-)

They might be further on the Path
than me, believing, +experiments/experience and not following the vows minus one


Guys when u after rebirth meet a good jazz piano player
perhaps is me.
Is a fetish of mine

"Maharaji also said on the tapes, "Sister don't put me up on a pedestal. I'm just like you... If it were up to me I'd be in the audience with you.""

Yet he had the choice, and didn't make it. Nobody held a gun to his head and forced him to be a rich guru who had a slave just to carry his massive amount of unnecessary camera equipment around, yet that's the life he chose.

"No true Saint takes any authority at all. They are entirely clean of any of this. "

Again with that subjective angle that somehow isn't subjective at all.

" at least only babies of undocumented parents should be imprisoned.. "

I've told you that the things I support are strictly because the reduce human suffering. You on the other hand support human traffickers and foreign wars as long as they inflate your already bulbous head that is like a hot air balloon full of ego.

You're also a zionist who literally supports killing as many Arabs as possible to protect your sacred bloodline.

Never talk about morals or anything ever again. You're not qualified.

"The Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama, said Wednesday that "Europe belongs to the Europeans" and that refugees should return to their native countries to rebuild them."

Yes, the Dalai Lama, someone who first hand suffered from being forced to flee his country thinks that people ultimately have the right to their own homelands, and that refugees should go home and rebuild their own country. WHAT A FUCKING HATEFUL NAZI! Amirite?

It's funny how the people who most push for wars and forcing people to migrate around the world in pain and misery are zionists, and pedophile human traffickers. There's a lot of overlap between those two that doesn't get enough press.

Not making accusations that anyone commenting here is a pedo, just pointing out that they're some of the main benefactors of destroying entire civilizations and making the citizens flee... into their perverted arms. It's actually a biblical thing. Moses was told to mercilessly kill everyone except the women and kids, and then grab them up and use them as sex slaves. Great religion.

Ask yourself why you'd want to economically and militarily attack others and make them leave their home and become stateless refugees. What good natured person wants that? How do you justify these sorts of evils if you yourself are not evil?

Listen to the Dalai Lama, folks.

Jesse, people should live where they wish to live. Where you are born means nothing. Where you chose to go, what you make of yourself is everything. No one should stand in your way. Everone should help you to be the best you that you can, so that you find your source of happiness, and take your place in humanity as a contributor wherever you feel right doing so. You are under no obligation to take the burdens of your community, your past leaders or their lousy decisions. Live where you wish to live.

Hi Um
You quoted me....
"'no one should be called Teacher for you have one teacher and you are all brothers and sisters'

Then you commented...

" It all depends whom says it to whom, when and why.
As such this sentence is empty of any meaning or whatever."

Yes, the context. Jesus told his disciples that none should be higher than the others, that they should take no authority. This was after he had washed their feet, before his Crucifixion.

He wouldn't allow them to bow before him. Instead he kneeled low before them, he took off their sandels and washed the dirt from their feet with his bare hands. He was serving them.

This is filled with meaning.

Every successful teacher, parent or leader understands their entire job rests with serving their children, their students, their employees. The more perfectly they do this, the better their children, students and employees develop, and their efforts raise everyone.

But I understand how foreign this is to many people. Humanity survives because in every corner of the globe, there are enough who put themselves beneath their purpose to serve. Their nature is such that this is how they find their most effective work, and their happiness. Not in being great. But in helping silently and invisibly many others to be great.

You can find strains of this philosophy in Sant Mat, but it is greatly diluted and corrupted with the caste system of kings and slaves that is part of RSSB today.

Hi 777
You wrote
"Guys when u after rebirth meet a good jazz piano player
perhaps is me.
Is a fetish of mine"

Have you heard Hirome Uehara? She is sheer genius.


Hi Jesse
You wrote
"You're also a zionist..."
No. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. My parents left Judaism because they were not zionists.I've been taught all my life that the true Holy Mountain of Israel is within, and not any real estate on this earth. And that no land is worth shedding blood over, ever. That's how I was raised. Real estate, physical material wealth is antithetical to and burdensome to spiritual wealth.

You continue to depict my beliefs falsely. But still I like the energy and humor of your rant. But I like it better when you hit your target. When you do, occasionally, it's like a lightening bolt and on occasion I burst into laughter. On another occasion it was so poignant I burst into tears. So keep going. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And when you are that clock, it is truly amazing.

If the Dalai Lama is right then surely Americans should return to Europe or the lands they originally came from and leave the North American continent to the native Indian population?

Is a fetish of mine"
Have you heard Hirome Uehara? She is sheer genius.
Posted by: Spence Tepper
OooooH. Yes. She is one of a kind
and so modest
If a sincere satsangi likes her
she cannot go else than S. Khand

That's how it works -in Quantum Entanglement
- That's How Love flows -Even love 4doggies -


"No. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this. "

I only said it because you said I support slavery which is obviously as hilarious as it is untrue. If we're just making things up then I'm gonna keep saying you're a Zionist cause it obviously offends you.

"Jesse, people should live where they wish to live."

Georgy Porgy disagrees. He thinks all the Mexicans in Chicago have to go back. Or does he only think the Anglos have to go back? He's brain dead. Not gonna bother asking him.

Mexicans are displaced Spaniards mixed with indigenous central American Indians.

North Americans are pretty much 90% immigrants, if Trump is so anti immigration he should F. Off back to wherever his 3rd or 4th generation grandpappy originated from, and so should the rest of the home of the brave European immigrants head on back home. (and return all the slaves they brought with them to their rightful domain)

"Jesse, people should live where they wish to live. Where you are born means nothing."

lmao this is the most Jewish sentence I've read in hours.

Trump in Sach Khand: "This place is something terrific, but who are all the foreigners?"

It’s not difficult to explain
Most of us were in crushing love

Music does that TOO


They give me Goose Bumps all the time . <3
That's what Creation is for :
Giving Goose Bumps to people as much as possible . <3

Next Heaven falls on U automatically


Countries and cultures don't exist. Everyone should be replaced and forced to go extinct. There's no such thing as an in group unless you're not if European descent. And history started and ended when white people did bad things.

If something bad happened in the past we should repeat it to prove that we're moral. Everyone is innocent except white people.

" Liberal" "morality" has become the most self contradictory gibberish of all time. It wasn't this bad even 20 years ago.

I hope hell is real just so I can watch hypocrites burn.

whodunit, the people we call native Americans came from Asia.

They need to go back so Arabs can build mosques on the reservations.

It's a human travesty that America accepts more migrants than anyone on earth but the hateful anishinabe won't open their hearts and allow their land to be taken over.

They also started wars against the early Europeans. They're truly hateful Asians.

I'm glad you all agree that native Americans need to give up the reservations for the benefit of Infosys.

Everyone keeps migrating since Pa fell off the bus
If you wanna believe Darwin then nobody owns nuthin just a bunch of erect standing hominids hunting and gathering all along the watchtower

So the story goes the Neanderthals interbred with Lucy's mama but we're still not exactly sure where did the original Caucasian originate from, was it Sirius or the Pleiades, is that where the blue eyed wunderkind Aryans land on Mt Olympus from?

But now it's become all about the land. Who owns which corner of Terra Firma because every square inch of the spinning orb has had a flag stuck in the sand of some hue or other, and the areas already been claimed by some Johnny come lately or his brother.

They even have wars to chuck the inhabitants of a place off some far reaches of south sea rocks because the motherland claimed said rock couple hundred years back and stuck their flag in the sand and said this place is mine get thee gone.

Or else they have round table discussion about where to place some displaced extended families, plunk them in the middle of the desert telling them to make hay while the sunshine because sooner or later the original inhabitants going to try blow your ass back across the waters where you came from.

These days you don't have to traipse across the Bearing Straights on foot carrying your wears and chattel on your back while you hunt and gather along the leeshore crying cockles and mussels alive alive o, you simply hop upon a Boeing and land in Disneyland without even raising a sweat or a care in the world.

Then you writes home to the far flung reaches of your third world hellhole of poverty and iniquity and say looky here mama I've arrived at the garden of get rich quick geronimo and I ain't going back no more no more, no I ain't going back no more.

To cut a long story short they're setting their sights on the next spinning rock a hop skip and jump across the night sky and thinking about hitching their starwagon to the star trek enterprise heading west, or is it east or north?

Just in case this mother gonna blow, so let's get the hell off it before it goes.

And cause deep down inside we realize we are star dust, we are golden, we are million year old carbon, and we gotta get ourselves back to the garden.

Ok, whodunit. Obviously we can abstract all this shit to the point of us being animated dust. But then if we accept that, don't mention morality of any kind at all, ever, for any reason. Once you accept that we're all just dirt, then you accept that there is nothing wrong with any actions, no matter how much pain and death it causes the goyim cattle or the chosen or anyone else.

Rape, murder, gas chambers, Muslims driving cars through markets across all of Europe, pedophilia, and all these things are neutral if we're nothing but electrified fecal matter that moves. So don't complain if your neighbor breaks into your house and kills your family. He might just say "Spence said everyone has the right to live wherever they want, BITCH! This is MY house too!"

Seeing how individuals debate over to where each must go back to, across America to Asia makes a funny read.

For those who have realised where they came from, are already silently working their way back.

I couldn’t imagine anything more silly than dying for β€˜your country’.

80 years (if you lucky) on some arbitrary planet - and ppl are worried about land, countries, nationality, invisible lines in the sand and culture - what nonsense.

Jessie writes,...” Rape, murder, gas chambers, Muslims driving cars through markets across all of Europe, pedophilia, and all these things are neutral if we're nothing but electrified fecal matter that moves. So don't complain if your neighbor breaks into your house and kills your family. He might just say "Spence said everyone has the right to live wherever they want, BITCH! This is MY house too!"”

ME: That’s why the Liberal Socialists will NEVER be successful in confiscating the billions of guns in Conservative homes. In fact, half of Law abiding Americans that live in the Southern States of the U.S, have legal, β€œ Conceal Carry Permits”, and don’t even attend Baptist Churches or any other place of worship on Sundays with out having their concealed guns with them, in case Brain washed Lunatics start shooting innocent people at random. The present South in the U.S. has become the old Wild Wild West of the past, where Gun Slingers are Armed, with their guns locked, and loaded.
Jim Sutherland

Trump in Sach Khand: "And heaven (tremedous, tremendous place). Better than the best heaven you ever had. Can you believe it?"

Jim Sutherland, the problem we face is that nobody is willing to use weapons to defend their rights. America has all the weapons but none of the will. If anyone had balls we wouldn't need weapons anyway. Our entire government would have been deported decades ago.

Communists are arming themselves now as we've seen with those armed marches in Texas where everyone was wearing hammer and sickle masks.

I'd guess the armaments are unevenly distributed with the sad loose collective of old Americans we call conservatives having more, but those communists have state protection and won't be fighting alone.

They're currently trying to limit what we say and there have been numerous arrests in recent weeks for people saying mean words. Our resident Jewish Supremacist and goyim hater Dungeness believes we should have our doors kicked down by SWAT teams and thrown in jail if we offend her, and so far her team is winning. That's the future. SWAT teams protecting the feelings of Soviets.

The USA is going the route of Soviet Russia and we'll all be dead or in a gulag soon. That's my prediction. I'm leaving the country in a few weeks.

@ spence
>>He wouldn't allow them to bow before him. Instead he kneeled low before them, he took off their sandels and washed the dirt from their feet with his bare hands. He was serving them.

This is filled with meaning. <<

Things don't have meaning … meaning is attributed to a thing.

Biologists, flower sellers, lovers, artists farmers etc all attribute meaning to a flower in a different way and that is alright.

What Christ did, if there was a christ and if he did it, it was something between him and those present, otherwise it has no meaning.

All creatures adapt themselves to their surroundings in order to survive. Managers, head of state and teacher do the same .. if the want their goals to be met, they have to take the circumstances from their environment in to consideration. If you want to call that service, that is alright.

@Jessie,...Who’s side do you think the Police is on? What about the National Guard, i.e. . Military, if the protests get like there are in Hong Kong and Lebanon , and even Egypt? Will they back Trump, or the Libtards! A recent Poll reports that 7 out of 10 polled think we are on the Verge of a Civil War. If your leaving the country, where are you going that’s safe, and friendly to Americans? I have traveled 75 other countries since Aug. 2012, and think we still have the best of the best, right here in the good ole USA, which is worth joining the Deplorable’s when the Zombies start policing the streets. The Cops love the fact that Conservatives are armed. Libtards hate the Cops and Military, as well. Most of them hope all of us old White Male Americans will either die soon, and if not, they will help to exterminate us. Old White American Atheist males will not be exempt from extermination, when the Libtard Zombies hit the streets with their Black face masks swinging base ball bats while ducking and dodging bullets fired by the Armed Conservatives. No one is going to protect John Q. Citizen, except Smith & Wesson!
Jim Sutherland

"Who’s side do you think the Police is on? What about the National Guard, i.e. . Military"

They're mercenaries. They work for whoever pays them.

Look at Portland Oregon where you can watch videos of what would convict most people of attempted murder, and later learn that the victims were arrested and the perpetrators were let go.

Happens all over the country routinely and regularly and the pattern is as clear as day. Left wing activists do not face similar charges for the same crimes as others. How many hundreds of assault charges against Trump supporter charges were dropped? Again you can watch videos of this stuff and read the local news.

Police are not your friend. The military will be turned against the citizenry. This place is toast. The same people who mercilessly slaughtered my ancestors and faced no punishment are doing the same exact things here and they're laughing about it.

A recent Poll reports that 7 out of 10 polled think we are on the Verge of a Civil War. I

Reality is inverse

They ( Roger Stone c.s. Capone too ), . . They warned against Youtube
banning Alex Jones

No single one moved

Jim , I appreciated your essays I April , bat not of this month
I would be more prudent and avoid hurting


I checked somewhat about the moneys given to GOD in the land of the temples

Not only can't spiritual gifts be re-claimed
but any temple, mosque; gurdwar will refuse to give open-ness about gifts
That is a kind of Hyper-Constitution plus 2nd amendment in the land where the first question I heard always was and is
"Who is your God"

BBJ is right HE didn't receive a penny for Darshan and the plane isn't his

In Your long preaching career, JIM, . . . we're you never compensated ?
A cup of coffee perhaps or some gas


I see no harm

Still like yr playing on youtube - Go on. > Concentrate on that
and let's leave the results to the Lord. and Mrs Kal. :-)

You guys watch too many Zombie Appocalypse movies.

My favorite is Zombie land.
It's based on the book "How to survive a zombie Appocolypse."

I enjoy these with my son from my safe and gun-less home.

Jessie,....I agree with you, ...unfortunately. It is now escalating real fast. But the coming Civil war won’t be just the Left against the Right, and Vice Versa. Mercenaries from other countries will be recruited and paid by both sides, same as is presently happening in Hong Kong. In the last Civil War, i.e.. Northern invasion of the South, the South might have won that War, had France sent their Mercenaries, to help the Rebels, as almost happened. It’s gonna be real nasty. But I am on my way out at my age, so unlike you, I don’t have much long term skin left in the Game. I hate to see my Social Security that I, and my past Employers paid In to the program from 1958 to 2011 when I retired dry up, and be used to fund illegals, as Democrats prefer to do, so they can expand their Votes and continue the Careers of sucking the Tax Paying worker slaves dry. Trump keeps saying how great the Military is, but all of the Generals are stabbing him in the back. Unless Trump has Aliens backing him, or Puppet Masters we don’t know about, the Neocons will soon have him in shackles. He has no friends even as RINOS. Of the 75 Countries I have explored, since 2012, if I ever decide to leave the U.S. after the Democrats get back in power, and the U.S. goes Bankrupt because of continued unbridled Migration of illegal invaders, Geneva, Switzerland will be my choice, if I escape. An apartment near Geneva Lake will be a pretty good safe Zone, for America’s that can affirm to escape there.
Jim Sutherland

You wrote
"All creatures adapt themselves to their surroundings in order to survive."

That is one theory. But with so many beings doing a very uneven job, and all here for but a moment, I don't think it's a particularly successful goal.

What Christ did was self - less. His purpose was higher, to help those around him. And to create a standard for all time.

But my point was that this is natural for many.

Survival might require manipulation, subjugation, slavery.

But it might better be served by equality, liberty and fraternity.

To place the welfare of others above our own.

@ Spence

>> To place the welfare of others above our own. <<

Nobody does
Nobody can.
There is no need that anybody does.

Serving means TWO ….. "I" … SERVE …. SOMEBODY.....

No Jim
Unless you buy> 2;5 M property
Try Norway asap

777 asks Jim,....” In Your long preaching career, JIM, . . . we're you never compensated ?
A cup of coffee perhaps or some gas”

ME: My Preaching was not my Day Job. It was Seva to the Seeker souls. I did all of my Ministry, not only with out pay, but as a Licensed Minister of The Assemblies of God Denomination, I Rented Buildings for my Evangelistic work, and never took a Salary, and bought my own Literature and paid the Rent! I always GAVE, and never TOOK, like most other Preachers do. Later, as an Ordained Inter-Denomanational Minister, I also never took any Pay or Money. But, my Rewards , if any, will be rewarded when I meet my Master, as any Ministry Accomplishments have not been recorded. My Day Job Career Bio was published by Marquet’s β€œ Who’s Who In The West”, 1992 Edition. Some one copied it on the Internet. I will try to find it and post the Link. You will notice None of my Ministry is listed.


"You guys watch too many Zombie Appocalypse movies."

Cringe and stupid thing to say, especially from someone who wants infinite sympathy and protection because of ww2.

If what we're saying sounds like a zombie movie, what does a surface level understanding of human history look like to you? Cause it's much worse than anything we're talking about.

Hi Jesse
You wrote
"If what we're saying sounds like a zombie movie, what does a surface level understanding of human history look like to you? Cause it's much worse than anything we're talking about."

History. It's mixed. Halcyon days, and days of darkness. And often at the same time. Two separate volumes by two different authors covering much the same periods. These are open log books, so many pages filled with the past and many empty pages for this very hour and the future. Pick the one you will write in. Make your small contribution.

Cringe and stupid thing to say, especially from someone who wants infinite sympathy and protection because of ww2

Except the zombies in ww2 were real and killed millions. The
deniers live on as neo-zombies writing loathsome revisionist

"If what we're saying sounds like a zombie movie, what does a surface level understanding of human history look like to you? Cause it's much worse than anything we're talking about."

To uncover the truth, I think you'll have to explore that ultimate
zombie-maker the human mind.

"We have met the enemy and he is us."
--W. Kelly

" I love Baba Ji also.

Posted by: Spence Tepper | October 23, 2019 at 06:47 PM

Just like a prisoner on the death row loves his executioner huh?

Keep it going Spence. The believers, they all love you too!

Jim Sutherland, you too must love Babaji? BTW interesting entry under ' memberships ' - Radha Soami Initiate. Would you know what's the current membership fees one has to pay to join this RS_Initiates_Inc. I hear it's some super exclusive setup/club.

"My Day Job Career Bio was published by Marquet’s β€œ Who’s Who In The West”, 1992 Edition"

Hi new Jim 4me
That 's a whole new perspective after you playing on youtube

I'm touch of a complete zero and relativily a what they call a manmukh to compare
your life story with Gurinder.
The only thing about him via 2 old Ladies in Malaga telling he (before) did the taxi seva of
bringing them to the location weekly : they had to say :
"Gurinder please turn the pop music not so loud"
I liked that
Also that his other seva was cleaning the Satsang floor
Juan here probably will confirm and might add some nice words

Further I and my Lady
have seen HIM in different "radiant" forms

There ar I guess innumerable
but I can now recall 5 radiant forms

There is the strong perception that HE is around you
which happens ONLY if your "you" can handle that
Long ago with Charan I couldn't , mostly because I felt so filthy compared !
In that case he goes smilingly absent!
A pity because just filthy. - you need HIM most

There is this radiant exposition while you see HIM as a neon lamp
which is the best way to explain because of the fluerece aspect around

This is also the form HE uses at the end of somebody's physical life
I forget to tell that he is c.q. seems 3 up to 5 meter High with that transparant light
My wife saw ( better : experienced ) that from Charan when her Mother (initiated) died
that light was all around her from head to feet
So special
At that occasion, myself - a day earlier, I 'saw' a very important piece
of her former life in the Elzas province here in France
The reason and connection of why she had certain
misfortunes in her that actual life
It was so enlightening

There is the radiant way ( Charan) I got to see in Wiesbaden Germany
which nobody can believe until you have it
Fluid diamonds stream from HIS forehead 360Β°x360Β°
which , when it touched another , . . that person changed in transparant GOLD
While it happened, my consciousness was withdrawn up to the eye center ( not higher!)
but another consciousness in me was able to have a thorough conversation
with an American guest , living in Frankfurt, I had asked to join Satsang
It was if I was 2 persons then
I have never seen this from Gurinder
although the 1)-form above
we had seen from Charan too when we were in a wrong Taxi and HE in another taxi, suddenly drove at our left
and I said to our driver "follow that car" and so with the lesser neon light he guided us to the Delhi main station
Our taxi driver was on his way to the wrong station !!

There is quite another radiant form
with strange caractaristics I saw when in Delhi Satsang
and the Master during a severe rain flood/storm, . .
HE was changing in a Lion Face, roaring
and I told that here years ago
4 Lion Faces in 4 directions - And the rain of 70 cm outside
was absolutely NOT on Satsang ground
There must be many Indian Satsangis who can confirm

There is what can happen in meditation. :
a kind of mixture of what I told
and always somewhat else and I think per satsangi completely different
But it is inside and you are between the 6th and the 7th chakra
Thoughts are still active but in an other time-frame
this cannot be understood
It makes one cry

Higher UP
I wanted to tell about that also, . . when thoughts are away
but the Master(s) say
I shouldn't
So I leave that by saying ; SOUND & LIGHT making a Big Bang a tiny thing

but what I m permitted to repeat :



U.S. of A
Is a great country - and an economic miracle - no other country comes remotely close to sheer production efficiency and wealth generation per capita.

But I don’t care so much about that - I like the shoot em up westerns of John Wayne.

BUT it’s a nation of immigrants - probably it’s greatest strength in my opinion - none of the baggage of the old world - yet ain’t it strange how often it’s the immigrants who often most despise (or are fearful of) the next wave of immigrants - human nature is fkd in the head. Too many conspiracy theories. Oh it were better in my day it were - nonsense it’s never been better.

Hey Georgy Porgy,......you must not have Ancesters that immigrated to New York, as my Scottish Ancesters did! Watch the β€œGangs of New York” to see how it’s gonna be again after the Guns have been confiscated by the Govt. What goes around, comes back around. Many of these Gang Members have reincarnated back in New York, and are grown up, and have Karmas to balance? Invite your friends to immigrate again to New York!!
Jim Sutherland

Johnny Cash...

Hi Jesse
I wasn't completely forthcoming in my reply above.
The two books are already written. Actually millions. But there are two camps, dark and light. We are each reading the book of our choice and as we read the words, then automatically we think we are actually seeing and hearing for the first time. But we are just reading the script and our mind is doing the rest. So, you pick which book to read from.

Jim if it’s going to be like Gangs of NY, might as well pull up a chair and watch the show with some 🍿.

If there’s a revolution in the air not much you can do except maybe join in or haul ass outa there.

I may sound like a bible beater yelling up a revival at a river crossing camp meeting but that don’t change the truth none, there’s right and there’s wrong. You gotta do one or the other. You do the one and you’re living, you do the other and you may be walking around but you’re dead as a beaver hat.

"BUT it’s a nation of immigrants - probably it’s greatest strength in my opinion"
That's not your opinion. That's 2 slogans you're thoughtlessly repeating. You're not smart enough to truly form personal opinions.

Americas economy has been going down the drain in perfect lock step with mass 3rd world immigration immigration. Real wages have been stagnant for decades.

Get a clue. Watch China.

Yankee doodle dandies dancing on their own graves

They think they got control when they ain't got none

I think you're right Dungeness.

How does that saying go?

"Truth uses Hollywood to pump out hundreds of propaganda films every year, hysterically hyperventilates calling everyone a Nazi, and maniacally pressures and bribes military powers to kill and physically torture those who dare engage in acts of investigation that lead to unwanted conclusions that risk one tribes stranglehold on power..."

Or something like that.

Thank The Mystics for science! So much progress.

It is my opinion. I’ve not heard any such slogan before. It’s a fact. You are a nation of immigrants. Where does your grandpappy come from?

You sure as hell ain’t descended from Comanche tribe - maybe Big Dopey Yanki tribe.

You stole the land of the first people, now you and pres trumpy (a scot like Jim here) complaining that others are stealing β€˜your’ land. Wake up. I’m far smarter than you.

My guess is you descended from German stock - never had much of a sense of humour. All a bit too serious and arrogant with a soft spot for war and military music - achtung baby oonzenpappa.

Can someone help me with that adage?
It's hard to remember.

"Truth refuses to honor extradition treaties because "it ain't pedophiliac rape if she ain't one of ours."

Sounds off.

"Truth intentionally shoots and kills Arab children and nurses on camera, holds national celebrations for shooters, shouts at UN that investigations into the killing of thousands of unarmed children are anti semitic"

Too long.

"Truth violently represses investigation and dictates which evidence can be discussed."

That might be it.

β€œYankee Doodle Dandee”...
Jim Sutherland

Living in my beloved country Pakistan, seems so much better!!

Yes inzamam, you were one of the greats, unfortunately you ate too many schones and got run out in the semi final.

@injamam,.....Why do so many Pakis immigrate to the U.S. when ever accepted by Legal Immigration? How would you know that Pakistan is a better place to live, than the U.S. unless you were born a Yankee Doodle Dandee? Most of us born in American are mixed breed Mongrels, unlike Pakis, who are really particianed Indian Muslims. But we American Mongrels never leave America and try to sneak across the India/Pakistani Border Searching for better lives. I’ll but AMERICANS , of ALL Mongrel Lineages, would treat you much better, if you legally Emigrated here to America to live, than if any one of us Americans decided to live in Pakistan, and practice our own chosen Religion, and not convert to Islam. We treat our Women as Queens here, whereas Pakis treat their Women as House Hold Pets, and Keep them locked up, and deprived of equal opportunities.
Jim Sutherland

Good Advice!
Jim Sutherland

I was greater than them all Ranked only after Allah the Greatest

That runout was worth $10million.πŸ˜€

This is an anonymous author known as Bronze Age Pervert responding to a review of his book, but it explains very well many of the social and political phenomena happening in western societies that seem to be confusing to almost everyone older than 30.

It's worth reading if you are perplexed by dark things and strange memes you see online.


"""What are the β€œcrazy Pepe frog people” online all about? The terms β€œaltright” and β€œaltleft”. """

What you think Jesus was


"""". How the brain fools us into believing consciousness is immaterial. """"

Let's start with an ant, an amoebe, . . gravity, magnetism
What an arrogance to write this book

πŸ™πŸŒΊπŸŒˆ πŸ™πŸŒΊπŸŒˆ πŸ™πŸŒΊπŸŒˆ πŸ™πŸŒΊπŸŒˆ This is How it works :

What would an All Powerful Being, (God)
( pls assume a few minutes), . . .

beyond time, Self Existing, rather powerful,
possessing everything , . . still need? Yes. NEED . . .

LOVE is the answer, one can never have enough of that.
So S/HE does anything imaginable & un-imaginable
and each resulting quantum or being will transform in LOVE
Via Karma(s) it may take long ( many many Big Bangs)
or just flashed ( in a nanosecond)
In All Cases. : the result is fantastic!

You ( Reader here ) are HIM / HER 🌺🌺.🌺 That's what this book denies

Even if one Soul per Galaxy succeeds p. year , this is a Giant Stream
and that' only for this little universe
of Love
Please ask the Google 27 Qubits or
AI_20/500QUBIT IBM Quantum Computer - It will confirm.
Even a stone will transform in Love
can take some time ( or not, . . .

There is just no other place to go!

🌺🌺.🌺. Consciousness 🌺🌺.🌺 a.k.a. 777,

Am sure you managed this through only after a struggle just like how the believers struggle with their meditation. Try and fail, try and fail and then suddenly try and succeed.

Keep posting my friend.


*A person started to walk on a rope tied between two tall towers at several hundred feet above the ground. He is slowly walking balancing a long stick in his hands. He has his son sitting on his shoulders.*

*Everyone down were watching him in bated breath and were tensed. He slowly reached the second tower. Everyone clapped, whistled and welcomed him. They shook hands and took selfies.*

*He asked the crowd "do you all think I can walk back on the same rope now from this side to that side?". Crowd shouted "Yes, Yes, you can". Do you trust me he asked. They said yes, yes we are ready to bet on you.*

*He said okay, can any one of you sit on my shoulder; I will take you to the other side safely.*

*Everyone became quiet. There was stunned silence.*

*Belief is different. Trust is different. For Trust you need total surrender.*

We believe in God. But we don't trust Him.


Happy Diwali to you all. BE THE LIGHT!

Happy Diwali... to those so inclined!! :)

I've read a fair few books and texts on mysticism and spiritual practice, both well known and obscure, from the east and the west, across most if not all traditions. There is I would think very few well known texts, for example, that I have not read.

For the past few years, perhaps 10 or so, I've more or less lost interest in those, preferring instead to read somewhat more "out there" and contemporary metaphysical texts than from those from the traditional schools.

However, that said, I have recently read two books by the same author, Christopher D. Wallace, which I have to say are probably, at this point in my life, the "best" books in a "traditional" sense, I have ever read on spirituality, enlightenment, liberation or whatever you want to call it:



Everyone's mileage varies and I have no idea how these books would read to others, or even myself say 30, 25, 20, 15 or even 5 years ago. But to me, now, I find these books to be a profoundly deep and accurate representation, or "teaching", of my own current state. The wisdom, insight and informative teaching or pointers it provides, I feel, are completely sublime and grounded in immense insight and experience. Or at least it feels that way to me. If I was ever to write a book (which I won't, as I'm too lazy :) to help subtly guide others (not heavy on actual "practices", which are countless in numerous traditions, and equally valid) into a state of exquisite, ecstatic, perpetually mysterious awe, grace etc, it would be precisely as written in these books. Or, should I say, I wish I would be able to get it anywhere near as eloquently and succinctly described as in these books.

For those here still inclined to an interest/passion/overwhelming desire for these subjects, and no religious aversion to alternative thoughts, I would highly recommend reading these books.


Consciousness 🌺🌺.🌺 a.k.a. 777,
Am sure you managed this through only after a struggle just like how the believers struggle with their meditation. Try and fail, try and fail and then suddenly try and succeed. Keep posting my friend. Posted by: SP | October 26, 2019 at 10:59 PM

Very nice of you and the word SUDDENLY is very well chosen
It seems such a difficult item when I speak of "no thoughts"
but again : it happens after a kind of explosion of Love
and a child knows what I mean
The regular Simran is so under-estimated and THAT during 24/7 is easy to do
for a willing
Vertebrae automatically is stretched enormously
And when it happens One , two or 3 times
in your life it's unforgettable
You really can do a normal life and a kind of another body does the spiritual
and it will not be that U end to be a sinner
Let's say :
"Sinners judge Sinners on Other sins" - best is not Judge about achievements ( GIFTS) too !
I still very much appreciate your thoughts

The most apocalyptic for a Jeeva is do harm in whatever way !

Stop talking intellectual crap trap. We dont know if god exists.

No one knows crap. All I have read is Harry Potter stories on here. Get a life

As I said
To know that SHE. exist. is not very difficult.πŸ’₯


Is the great USofA mourning the demise of theβ€œaustere religious scholar" ?


@injamam,.....Why do so many Pakis immigrate to the U.S. when ever accepted by Legal Immigration? How would you know that Pakistan is a better place to live, than the U.S. unless you were born a Yankee Doodle Dandee? Most of us born in American are mixed breed Mongrels, unlike Pakis, who are really particianed Indian Muslims. But we American Mongrels never leave America and try to sneak across the India/Pakistani Border Searching for better lives. I’ll but AMERICANS , of ALL Mongrel Lineages, would treat you much better, if you legally Emigrated here to America to live, than if any one of us Americans decided to live in Pakistan, and practice our own chosen Religion, and not convert to Islam. We treat our Women as Queens here, whereas Pakis treat their Women as House Hold Pets, and Keep them locked up, and deprived of equal opportunities.
Jim Sutherland

Posted by: Jim Sutherland | October 26, 2019 at 05:42 AM

How do i know Pakistan is better? It's the best actually for its the chosen land of Allah the Greatest.

Immigration, see how well we have camoufladed our creeping acquisition as immigration - LoL

Mixed breed mongrel: na na. Shouldn't it be just mongrels?

Anyways on the rest.... Stop being jealous of us. Just remember we are a peace loving welcoming lot and Pakistan is the place to come to especially for all disillusioned yankees

As I said
To know that SHE. exist. is not very difficult.πŸ’₯

Posted by: πŸ’₯ | October 27, 2019 at 05:11 PM

And yet almost impossible for many.

If ever you've said that your path is to accept and love everything, and that nothing is good or bad, I request that you thank me a million times.

Were it not for someone like me belittling all of your beliefs and insulting your ego, you'd have no idea if you'd made any progress at all.

Like the superstar at the local basketball court who thinks he's the best until one day he realizes he's been playing on an 8 foot rim and all his opponents were letting him win.

Inzamam writes,...” Anyways on the rest.... Stop being jealous of us. Just remember we are a peace loving welcoming lot and Pakistan is the place to come to especially for all disillusioned yankees”

ME. No ONE is jealous of Pakis, out side of Pakistan. You are imagining things., Modi and Indians sure are not jealous of Pakis, and if antagonized much more in Kashmir, they might kick some more Paki Butts. A couple of years ago, I sat with the Indians in the bleachers cheering the Indian Soldiers who were challenging the Paki Boy Scouts on the other side of the Border Wall, who were trying to act tough. Paki soldiers are Boy Scouts, in Soldier’s uniforms, as Allah is a fake RADHASOAMI in Muslim territories. HaHa.
Jim Sutherland

Yep inzamam was one of the greatest of all time. Swallowed all of warnie’s Biscuits tho.

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