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August 20, 2019


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Nice story Brian.
‘We often worry about things that are far removed from clear and present dangers’,
- we sure do, and miss/choose to bypass what’s staring us in the face.
‘I'm aware that my carefree zebra-mind can, just as with actual zebras in the wild, be jolted into full alert by an actual problem at any moment.’
- my mind is having a hard time computing the implications of what science and certain people are saying.
‘That's why I enjoy saying "No lions" when my mind conjures up a problem that is imaginary rather than real.’
- I think we all have been saying ‘no lions’ for decades to the developing planetary scale
issues now standing before us.
‘A problem-free life doesn't exist. Our only choice is how to deal with problems,’
- Everyone has to wake up and respond.

There’s a lot of heat been building in the sky and oceans since 1994 (and of course for decades prior). Discussing its consequences and how we are to deal with it is not a nice topic and lots of folk still will not go there - ‘no lions.’
Based on what I’m reading and watching, both zebras and lions need to look out for this rather colossal gnarly dragon just around the corner.

I watched this yesterday. The speaker is not bullshitting nor sensationalising imo. Check out the audience
‘Time to Act Now’ Roger Hallam - https://youtu.be/O_g3zoL8TFU


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