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August 07, 2019


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Whacko1: GSD is guilty. Look at facts, the HC even sez it.

Whacko2: All His Plan. Besides, what is guilt ultimately?

PerryMason: Belay the execution. We need more evidence.
There are shadowy figures around him... including family.

Whacko3: Oh, no you don't. Facts don't lie. Stop making
excuses for him. Once he fesses up, we'll hold a bake sale,
go to bat for our lost brother.

Whacko2: You're doubting divine "facts"! I had the secret
revealed to me last night. Write to me. Here's my email.

Whacko1: Hey, Perry... FACTS don't lie. Here're more links.
A couple of death threats too. Did you EVEN read the HC

Brian what is your understanding of a religious person? Someone who is not an atheist? Someone who is not angry and full of hatred towards the present living guru? Someone who likes to still practice the four principles of Sant Mat?

Jen, a religious person, in my view, is someone who elevates blind faith above open-eyed recognition of reality. For example, in the context of the RSSB guru's financial scandal involvement, a religious person ignores the facts, choosing to believe that the guru has to be completely innocent, because they consider that the guru can do no wrong.

No matter how many times those facts are pointed out on this blog, a RSSB true believer will ignore them, since their view of the world is narrow, and an expansive view of reality threatens their dogmatic belief system. I know whereof I speak, because I used to have those inclinations myself. It's taken a lot work and self-awareness for me to understand how I went wrong, but I'm very glad that I put it that effort.

Now my faith is in reality. If it turns out that the RSSB guru is completely innocent of all wrongdoing, I'll be pleased to accept the findings of Indian investigators. But how many RSSB devotees will say the same thing: that if the RSSB guru is found to have done wrong, they are pleased to admit that Gurinder Singh Dhillon is a flawed human being?

Brian, I also think that Gurinder is a flawed human being, but aren't we all? I don't believe in really real reality. Most important for me is to play this game of life to the best of my ability.

Belief in God is Reality.
This humdrum day to day existence cannot be reality.
No matter how much you try to search for the Truth and Reality by not believing in God, you will never find it. There is no alternative.
In binary thinking I can say: God exists,
whereas you can say no They don’t.
Beyond that there’s not much to add.
I’ve made my choice.

Funny thing here.
I used to enjoy your Anti RSSB blogs, but lately they have become one dimensional and boring.
The amount of negative comments have driven me back towards believing in God. I have re-started my prayer and meditation as I believe that helps me focus.
I do not get involved in The Baba and the financial scandal as this is nothing to do with my beliefs.

Lt. Tragg: Perry, I had to arrest a buncha your witnesses, ya
know, those whack jobs on CofC. Hell, one of 'em was trying
to impersonate you Perry. Burger will back me on it. There's
only so much a man can take. They were arguing, fighting
like dogs in the squad car over here. I put 'em all in the cell
by Seinfeld and his crew of jokers. They can entertain each

PerryMason: I assume they were read their rights.

Lt. Tragg: Tried, couldn't get a word in edgewise. Jailer's
begging for a quick arraignment and low bail just to shut
'em up and get 'em the hell outta his cells.

PerryMason: I'll call their lawyer... or maybe the old Guru
himself. He may be able to help 'em with bail. His own luck
seems to be holding.

Lt. Tragg: From your lips to God's ears... I sure as hell don't
wanna deal with 'em again.

PerryMason: I'll call their lawyer... or maybe the old Guru
himself. He may be able to help 'em with bail. His own luck
seems to be holding.

That's hilarious! All of it really. I don't think the Guru would be able to help with bail, his assets are frozen...

"The amount of negative comments have driven me back towards believing in God"

I've told believers this many times. If they really believed, all the things said against their belief should be a challenge that improves their faith.

If someone like me can insult your religion and make you change, then you never believed in the first place.

Michael, I'm pleased that reading this blog has changed your life. That makes me feel good. It's why I started this blog fifteen years ago -- to get people thinking about the Big Questions of Life from a non-religious perspective. Critical thinking and open-mindedness are super important.

Regularly I get emails from people who tell me that my blog posts have supported them in their break from religious dogmatism, whether of the RSSB variety or otherwise. Then there are some people, like you, who say that my blog has strengthened their faith.

It's all a matter of perspective. Each of us views reality in our own unique fashion. That was the subject of a recent blog post.

What's important is that while we all have different opinions about the world, we strive to reach agreement on key facts about the world. I do my best to keep this blog factual. Then readers can draw their own conclusions from those facts.

It wasn’t anything you ever wrote.
Nobody’s arrow flies a straight path.

Thank you for your support.
I was unhappy with the RSSB and your blog certainly helped there, highlighting the dogma and rituals. The way Satsangis are supposed to behave.
I have re-started the meditation though as David Lane says he finds it worthwhile.
My belief in God is between Them (God) and me.
No intermediary, no Guru, no Priest.
Though ol’ 77 does speak nicely about Shabd.

"It wasn’t anything you ever wrote."

Was speaking about the experience of challenging beliefs. Not my comments here and how they did or didn't affect you personally.

Brian I asked you about your understanding of a "religious person".

Quote Brian: "Jen, a religious person, in my view, is someone who elevates blind faith above open-eyed recognition of reality. For example, in the context of the RSSB guru's financial scandal involvement, a religious person ignores the facts, choosing to believe that the guru has to be completely innocent, because they consider that the guru can do no wrong."

Brian, I like to take the middle road, not angry and vengeful towards the Sant Mat teachings, not hateful towards the guru or those who follow him. If we blame another we are giving away our own individual power. We were fooled and we need to accept that and take responsibility for our mistake and then move on in life.

You say: "No matter how many times those facts are pointed out on this blog, a RSSB true believer will ignore them, since their view of the world is narrow, and an expansive view of reality threatens their dogmatic belief system. "

You still seem to be so entangled emotionally and finding it necessary to find fault and I don't understand why. Except of course you enjoy the attention you receive from the angry mob who like to blame and shame.

I've moved away from Sant Mat and I don't care about the current guru's financial problems, thats his problem. I don't have the need for blame and revenge in any form. It is what it is and I am what I am, letting go of the past and existing in the here and now.

Why do I still read this blog and comment occasionally? Because it has had a big influence, especially when I was a true believer and hoping to be saved by some spiritual master. Now, I've seen through the illusion and have more faith in myself, its just annoying to be misjudged and preached at about some dogmatic belief system I no longer follow. By the way, there does not seem to be that many RSSB true believers here on this blog.

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