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July 27, 2019


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He's almost certain to win 2020 because as insane a man as he is, he looks utterly normal and balanced in comparison to his competition. No angels needed to secure such an easy victory.

And speaking of that weird angel persons twitter banning, I truly hope @Jack and his counterparts at google either get imprisoned for meddling in elections and illegal censorship. The only thing standing in the way is the stupidity of libertarians in the Republican party whose ideology has no purpose other than to guarantee loss and destruction to everyone who isn't already a billionaire.

Also, all those memes are really bad and the majority of the accounts who post them are probably bots. I knew a dude who ran some kind of scripts that created like 3k twitter bots that he used to spread memes. When I was doing this little business venture with my friend in Europe we utilized one that immediately gave you 5k follows, all of which posted regularly. All were non humans. Twitter is a fake environment.

I'm not sure of the point of this post. Twitter apparently deleted someone's account because they tweet in a radical Christian vernacular. A pornstar engaged in financial extortion. These are good things?

J, the main items of interest I took from the post were that people believe in guardian angels who surround their favorite political leaders, and that those same guardian angels don't seem to have sufficient power to allow the president's staunchest supporters to even use Twitter. Not very powerful angels.

Jewish people and Muslims both have this idea of political jinn. Maybe it started with King David. He seemed like a pretty horrible human. American Christianity later adopted this Torah idea of presidential angels and made a bobble head version that says "MAGA, Trump, guns, America" when you press it's wings.

I think this post refers to the fact that, in the name of God, people promote satan/ evil.

And in the name of self - interest people twist the name of God to serve their interests.

But it is so in any philosophy. Logic is a fine prostitute who lives on the food of basic assumptions, and who will assume any position perfectly for a fee.

In lieu of money, she will accept her meals from one's own dearly held assumptions. Her elder and stronger brother is Propaganda. And Truth, her vulnerable infant. She has had many children, and all have died in childbirth. The doctor told her she can't have children, but she, ever hopeful, refuses to believe it.

We like to think that education makes us better human beings, and perhaps that does refer to those human beings who can acknowledge inconvenient facts.

We like to think we live in an enlightened era.

To some extent that may be true. But every faction in society seeks to defend itself, so you can see how they are willing to claim the idea of God, even the commandments, or the name of Objective Truth, which they claim distinguish and define their moral superiority, which are fairly black and white, and make excuses for doing the exact opposite of each one.

How long ago did we start manipulating the popular vote?
And with electronic voting, it's in the hands of the best funded hackers, now only symbolic and hardly objective.

This is in the service of Russia, and their corrupt oligarchy, serviced by the corrupt Oligarchy in America that helped build the one in Russia. . But it might as well be in the service of anyone with enough power.

The love of money drives all this. The love of power. So now money and power define for some people what is right and good.

Whomever weilds money and power becomes the role model, not only for the religious right adults, but their children. And the Atheists who are so driven.

An example of this total and complete corruption, so lost it doesn't have a clue can see in the very satisfied expression of the Covington student proudly wearing his red Maga hat.

Perhaps we should call them the right wing religious, because there are those equally religious who hold opposing views. It is their sub - culture and its defense which drives their manipulation and filtration of sacred texts. But they can be filtered in a number of ways.

Education in the service of open-mindedness, objective and dispassionate observation, does enlighten.

But how to create that atmosphere of dispassionate and objective, judge-less observation within ourselves? How to experience that, and then protect it, develop it? So that we understand, enough to feel compassion for each other without quite so much bias?

That is the career of meditation, prayer, contemplation, self - examination, and personal growth. So many methods developed over so many millenia to accomplish this.

And the method, of one form or another, can be found in different religions and philosophies, yet the foundation is the same.

However, the practice is adhered to only be a few. And yet in each school of thought arise those whose thinking has benefited by their practice.

"Whomever weilds money and power becomes the role model"

You already proved that by repeating all the talking points of the media conglomerates who are the real American gods.

Covington kid? Russia? I thought you were joking at first, but you really believed 2 of the most retarded manufactured stories of this entire generation.

This is why we can't have good things.

I'm trying to think of someone who I can honestly say I "detest". Nope, all humans are imperfect and many are quite evil, such as the murderers, the rapists, the corrupt wealthy etc. We really have to look at ourselves and try to understand why we are so critical of others because what we see in another is a reflection of ourself. I like to think that the reason we are here on this planet is to wake up and realise our true self... oh well, its a never ending journey...

I agree with Spence who says "Education in the service of open-mindedness, objective and dispassionate observation, does enlighten."

Spence also says: "An example of this total and complete corruption, so lost it doesn't have a clue can see in the very satisfied expression of the Covington student proudly wearing his red Maga hat."

There it is... it seems like we can't escape judgements...

I think Donald needs a whole new set of "better angels"... what a
golden opportunity to say "You're Fired".



I love the books of Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan..
Wisdom and Love..
Especially Love is main thing in life..
I do'nt want to discuss him,because he is too precious to me.
But maybe someone can enjoy.
One can look it up if one wants.

And now you know....the tweet by Lana Puckett is absolute truth!!! The fact that TWITTER suspended her account attest to the evil and corruption within all media. If you can't see the good that Trump has done for this country by now you are SHEEPLED on a stupidity level. God doesn't choose the qualified, he qualifies the chosen. Many are called, few are chosen. You have to say yes to GOD to be chosen! BE BRAVE, BE STRONG, BE LIKE LANA... and say YES!!!
The Silent Majority Speak November 3rd. You will watch Lana being launched out!!! You will know her name!!!

Are you out of your sheepled state of mind all you TRUMP HATERS. How you like them gas pumps.
How'd you like that shutdown. Truly how did you like them BIDEN APPLES!!!
We are not here to fight the evil one. We are here to remind him that he lost!!!
Enjoy the show people... All you people are about to be schooled!!!

This is someone's attempt at humor. I get it. Sarcasm at how vast majority of Republicans still think Trump had nothing to do with gas lighting the insurrectionists and the Capitol riot debacle.

How can a society prop up a human being that has proven to be a consistent, pathological liar? Beyond words how some still consider him the front runner for the next run for 2024. Absolutely incredible.
Goes to show the moral compass of the United States where even one small rumor of this type of conduct would have meant political suicide 10 years ago. Now, it's par for the course. I used to think the biggest threat to world peace and democracy was the Middle East or even Russia.

Now, I sincerely believe the US is heading for a morally bankrupt and institutional wasteland if (and every indication is he will win the presidency in 2024) Trump succeeds in getting back into the White House... it will make Jan 6th look like a 10 year old's birthday party in comparison.

Scary stuff, but we have a chance to put this guy out to pasture with an indictment and formal charges going forward. If not, hold on tight folks, it's gonna be a very bumpy ride.


>> Scary stuff, but we have a chance to put this guy out to pasture with an indictment and formal charges going forward. If not, hold on tight folks, it's gonna be a very bumpy ride.<<

The spotlights on the world stage are on him and because the lights are on him others remind invisible in the dark.

Whenever yet another documentary is shown on TV on the third Reich, the spotlight is mostly on Hitler but on the background you always see the happily smiling faces of ordinary people applauding when he passes by ... their Savior

Ask your self why normal people , not able to commit any major crime, were so happy seeing him. What blurred their minds. They "knew" who and what he was and what he was able to, and jet they bypassed their own moral compass.

People must be in great problems when the turn towards those they despise in their hearts, for help.

How came that misery of the people to be!!!
And who was responsible??

Having done that, turn towards the entourage of Hitler and consider how evil these counselors where and what their chances would have been to rise to power if the circumstances where not so miserable for the people and the availability of a person they could focus their misery upon as a Savior.

Then have a look a the former President of the USA, the people that support him as their savior, the misery they have been living in for decades and on the "whisperers" in the background, ... the evil geniuses that seek power, the power they otherwise would never have.

If Trump is brought before the court and/or blocked from being the next president, the problems will be still there.

In Europe and in particular in the Netherlands we are facing an enormous drug problem as it has developed to the place where it is produced and transported to all other countries and. More an more the lable "narco state" is used but what is an ever growing problem is the recruiting of young children intro the "business". By now 12% of the youngsters is in one way or another related .. due to the "easy money"

Why do I write it?

Because all attention goes to the criminals, that are making big money and are using the innocent kids to do the work .... but .... what about those that consume the speed and other artificial "party" drugs. These people are the people from the middle and upper class, have nice houses and good jobs and live in the better neighborhoods of the cities. ... these are the "respected" part of society.

But without them consuming for their pleasure our society would not be corrupted by drug crimes.

TRUMP is not the problem

Um, appreciate your comments. I agree regarding the supporting cast and the enablers who swallow his BS unabashedly. Without them, the adoring audience, he wouldn't be who he is.

However, I do not absolve Trump of anything. He is to be held accountable. He is also the problem, the instigator. So I disagree, he is the problem.


Yes, he should be hold accountable for what he has done ... but he is certainly not the problem, at least not from my point of view.

Most people have no say in choosing the one that rules their country and just have to accept the dictator but when in a so called free country, a democratic country, the majority choses an "dictator" out of free will ... there is definitely something wrong with such an country.

In older days, even those who spread an conspiracy, would call it an conspiracy as there was still unity of concepts shared by the majority [ the middle 60 - 80 % of the GAUSS curve].

These days, The GAUSS curve is turned outside in and the extremes 10% are standing in front of one another and have managed to occupy what is going on in the media. For one of these 10% conspiracy is not an conspiracy but the truth.

If you think that is all to be on the plate of Trump, than wait and see.

The other 10% , the quick and easy money, the "new rich" has created the evil of wealth.

Imagine what goes on in the minds of the people in the USA for decades!
One factory has closed after the other and a legion of people has lost their means of earning their own life. One neighborhood, city an village lost their future and at the same time they saw on TV the ever growing wealth of and ever becoming smaller part of society and the realization that they would never been able to participate in that wealth.... add to it that the ruling elite has done nothing at all to prevent them to lose their future and there you are .... then the black sheep of the upper class will lit the fire.


I should not write these things.
When an avalange in the mountains starts, there is nothing that can stop it.
Certainly not an opinion on how it came to move.

This is why we should be vigilant in keeping this idiot out of office.


Surely now all you sheepled gather round you are about to be in the know.... know THAT 45 has saved this nation, this world from the Demonic Deep State. YOU will know the girl that started this thread. YOU WILL KNOW HER BY NAME!!! God doesn't choose the qualified he qualifies the chosen!!!


What happens if DeSantis gets the Republican nomination? Will you still vote for Trump as an Independent or a write-in?

Surely by now you sheeple have learned to eat better grass. Trump saved this Nation, is saving this nation. We are living in biblical times. The corruption in DC is so deep, there had to be a plan as great as it is. God has everything to do with this!!! TRUMP is protected by ANGELS every day. GOD doesn't choose the qualified he qualifies the chosen. There are two things certain in life and that is taxes and death. Taxes perhaps will go away but DEATH is the holy grail of retirement. Be very cautious people about mocking God's chosen people. You may just want your heavenly mansion after all. TRUMP IS YOUR AMAZING PRESIDENT... FAKE BIDEN # 5 or is it #6 is just about GONE... as is JOE BIDEN... He is ummmm dead. Yes Biden is deader than a doornail - TRUTH -

@ Tris

On the local TV there was a documentary on the situation in Afghanistan under the Taliban. An lady explained to the reporter that the taliban in Afghanistan was not the problem but that the "taliban" an mentality was in the minds of ALL men ... after all she said, you people in the USA, with your so called "democracy" were not able to produce a female president in 250 years ... why do you want us to have the minds of our men be changed in 20 years, because you want it that way?
Hahahaha and then she refereed about trump being worst than the taliban in her country ... hahaha.
All over the world she stated women are not equal treated to men.

THAT ... she stated was the real problem


Truth Time People
The Deep State Has Been Dismantled
Trump is our AMAZING Commander in Chief - Our President
Biden is DEAD
And all you trump bashers are now seen for the foolishness you believed.
And Lana is Esther

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