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July 13, 2019


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It is alright to criticise RSSB Guru. But i disagree with the person who is recommending meat & eggs. eating Animals and their Eggs has nothing to do with RSSB teachings and practices. It is simply your own choice in respecting the right to life of other vulnerable, voiceless and weaker species.

Arun, the person said nothing about meat and eggs. I simply noted that the prohibition on unfertilized eggs is absurd.

The interesting issue about unfertilized eggs is that on one level if the chicken is given free range, then one could argue that it is nature's most benign food.

If, however, the chicken is cooped up, then the argument boomerangs.

Another issue, of course, is how anyone can be sure that the egg is unfertilized from the "outside". There are ways, such as using light, etc., but then again one wonders how many would actually do the necessary inspection.

In any case, it is clearly a multi-sided issue.... and depends on one's perspective....

Unfertiziled eggs are a natural occurance in hens, laying a couple a day during peak season. GSD doesnt know this. You'd think basic biology should be something GIHF is knowledgeable about.

if someone was shopping for a guru, and saw the profile of Gurinder Singh Dhillon, they never would pick him.

Hey, I think physiognomy is making a comeback but let's, ahem, face
it... there are quite a few detractors.

Still, I'm glad Brian Ji, didn't use that photo-shopped, mugshot-y, frown-y,
red-eyed version that he usually does.

“Your face, my thane, is as a book where Men may read strange matters.”
― Macbeth, William Shakespeare

Those who came to be known as great offenders of human law and right never did that in a vacuum, although they are pointed ar as the sole source. Many dictators, emperors, presidents would have gone unknown in other fractions of history.

The same holds for great and well known scientists, artists and mystics.
Would Rajnees, Ramana Maharshi, Maharishi Mahesh etc turn to the west these days, they would not find an audience.

When a vulcano erupts one sees and looks at the fire at the top but the source of it all is under the earth, like the well known "tip of the iceberg" that pusses the tip out of the sea.
Or the pimpel on the body as expression of its disease

Seems many more will rise to spit and perhaps thats the destiny of the initiates that has propelled a few of.them to comment against their spiritual father in current times who sits on the highest throne of spiritual world ( at par with. that of perfect Saints).passed over to Him by His. esteemed pre..-predecessor Soami ji. Its this that will glue most of His iinitiates to the path despite pathetic allegations and subsequent confusion.
Thats irrespective of their inner status.

A hindi proverb:

Dooobte koh tinke kaa sahara.

A drowning person may get the support of a straw.

The initiates have therefore no clear option better than this who can be their able and sure. support, least as a straw, in his or her last hour.

The entire Radha Soami line, by entanglement with land ownership, large organizions, investments, and such are bound to have many members in positions of power who are more materialistic than spiritual. And this leads to corrupt decisions.

The very philosophy is flawed. Yes, spirituality is real. But it has nothing to do with material wealth or land holdings. Any organization that mixes the two is really watering down the truth of the Spirit, and the path within to pursue it.

So many Satsangis run to Dera every year to sit at the feet of the Master and ask questions any good counselor or pastor could answer about pursuing the inner path, the inner journey to self - discovery.

And why do they run to Dera? Because they trust no one here. They do not see God in the faces here at all. It is there distrust of the fundamental connection accessible within themselves that throws them into this photocopy called Sant Mat.

And so they must degrade themselves into worship of another human being.

And this worship is built into the philosophy.

You can't have a philosophy that says the real Master is within and then encourages blind allegiance and obescience to the physical master as if he were God.

You can't have a path where the leader is to be the ultimatum role model, but he, his family and other initiates sworn to obedience are embroiled in nearly a billion dollar fraud.

Rather than a path to God this is actually making a human being, a false God, into a God.

Not only is that impossible, since there is already a God, but it is a derailment of spiritual effort.

So, while elements of the inner regions and the method to get there are truthful, there are elements of the organization that are simply false.

If you want someone to help you with your own internal development, it must be more than emphatuation. If you need a rock star, find one, but don't hand them your soul.

For a good spiritual teacher, find someone who at least leads an exemplary life devoted to their subject, spirituality. A simple life that you can emulate, which they actually live, themselves, without question, transparent for all to see, above board. But since that person sees God in everyone, they will never assume any authority in matters of spirituality. They would never put on a turban and accept a role of authority.

Otherwise, if you need someone of great material wealth in order to gain your trust don't expect true spirituality. You will get the leader your psychology draws you to.

My opinions about the consumption of any kind of eggs. They stink when cooked and they are a food that excite the senses and change the wind energy of the body. Better not to eat them, if one is really serious about an internal physical clean up, to say nothing about heart burn, difficult to digest, and of course cholesterol.

Also, who eats human menstruation? Yet you would eat the menstruation of chooks! UGH!

The only true Master is yourself. You control your destiny, your life's choices. There are many teachers or gurus on the way, some wise, some maybe not so. The choice alone is ours. I think the original intention of sant mat was a noble and well meaning philosophical path to tread upon, or a way of harmonious life. It has become a religion, but certain principles to create and maintain a happy way of life are sound. We all beat to the sound of our universe. The idea is to beat in harmony with it together for a better way of living in love and affection together for all. I thought Charan Singh said the true master is the SHABD. Those who beat with it, find it. That's all.

We eat a lot of things from other animals that are considered disgusting when of our own. I mean can you believe it, they use manure from animals as fertilizer???!!

You can't have a path where the leader is to be the ultimatum role model, but he, his family and other initiates sworn to obedience are embroiled in nearly a billion dollar fraud.

So, must he tender his resignation because dear Spence has determined
members of his family are embroiled in fraud. The optics just aren't spiritual
enough? Or is this just another relentless conflation of GSD with others who
may actually be culpable and judicial discovery will reveal?

But okay, what if GSD sinned, repents, and the debt is paid off? You opined
that once BabaJi had answered your plaintive, beseeching call to "Pay da
man, Dude", all would be well. We'd march joyfully forward in brotherly/sisterly
forgiveness. It appears once again that claim was disingenuous.

For a good spiritual teacher, find someone who at least leads an exemplary life devoted to their subject, spirituality. A simple life that you can emulate, which they actually live, themselves, without question, transparent for all to see, above board. But since that person sees God in everyone, they will never assume any authority in matters of spirituality. They would never put on a turban and accept a role of authority.

Ah, it was a false promise then. Baba Ji, my friend, it appears you're out.
Voted off the Island. Your life... exemplary? Hah! Give up that jet, those
houses, the acreage first. Get with the spiritual program, dude!

Boy.. your kinda stuff just ain't gonna work if ya wanna look like a real
Baba. Of course, it may already be too late anyway for ya, bro, 'cuz ya
shoulda never "put on a turban and accepted a role of authority". Don't
ya know that immediately disqualifies ya in CofC. In the new, improved
version of RSSB that's coming too!

For a good spiritual teacher, find someone who at least leads an exemplary life devoted to their subject, spirituality. A simple life that you can emulate, which they actually live, themselves, without question, transparent for all to see, above board.

Hm, who dat? One of them there "good pastors or counselors" ya spoke of?
Hey, there are lots and lots of those dudes roaming the streets. Perhaps you
could publish a top ten? Vet the ones ya think make the cut.

Yep, RSSB's going down. Burn their Gurus at the stake, at least figuratively.
We must keep up appearances of fairness though. Once the fake ones
are gone, we'll get us a whole new batch. Make a clean sweep. Hold a
fire sale.... land ,centers, buildings, the whole lot must go.

We'll appoint a few wandering sadhu's instead.

Spencer, many organizations, due to globalization, have grown beyond their local and regional capacities. Sports, internet, multinationals, supermarkets, trade of any sort and so did many religious and spiritual movement. With the growth comes the corruption. That is inevitable.

See what happened with internet, windows, facebook etc . They all started out with good intentions to make communications in and between scientific communities more simple. These days they are involved in all sorts of scandals. Could that have been avoided? Personally I feel they could not. Was there or is there something wrong with their intentions, personally I still believe they do have good intentions. Are they to blame for these scandals? Of course they are and they should pay the legal price for their wrongdoings.

Will it go on ? Yes it will, there is no way out.

People can manage one horse, maybe up to 8 but beyond that, problems are due to arise.

The Dera and also their statelites elsewhere in the world HAD to expand, not that THEY created it but because people started to spread the "good spiritual news" all over the place, local, regional and global. Even human embodiments of the divine cannot bypass the laws of nature.

Many sports, once simple innocent pass-time for the masses, cycling, football, base ball, tennis, you name it, have grown intoo global events and are organized by multinationals like there is the FIFA etc and with the growth, came the power struggle, the salaries, the big stadiums, huge office buildings etc etc. there is no end to it. It will not stop unless the broadcasting of the events is stopped and the growth. Just think alone of the olympic games what it has become.

The simple grocer, baker, milkman etc around the corner, have all gone and found their home in supermarket chains, supermarkets that operate global these days. With the arise of supermarkets and the war between them all sort of evils arose. See its influence on what we eat, how it is produced, how it is related to mega-farming, use of pesticides etc etc there is no end to its misery.

There is nothing that is not infected by globalization and the evils associated with it.

There was and is no way out even for spiritual movements.

Organizations are run buy human beings and follow natural laws. No one can prevent or stop it not even the embodiment of the divine. If you came to know this or that spiritual movement before the globalization than praise yourself lucky and cherish your good memories.

What happens in and related to the dera, is an reflection of the world and there was no way to avoid it. The legal price has to be payed and will be payed.

Fairy, controlling ones own destiny is just a little part of the whole picture. Think about your body as "a" body than you might realise how little of it is under your command … even your thoughts and emotions, they just do arise.

If you manage to be happy at will only then you have full command at your pleasure.

In a flight of sparrows each and every bird is on its own and responsible for its destiny, yet from a distance one can see it is also part of something that is not under the individual controll.

You live and are lived by the nature you belong to and is not in your hands.

If people want to live in places they are not build for, they have to adapt and that is what happens, and it is the very source of what we call human culture.... to live on the poles you have to kill animals and consume them … there are no fruits, seeds and nuts around, the original food of the animal-human.

Eating meat and eggs etc is a clever adaptation in order to survive in outside sub-tropical climates.

Some one said:
In order to say "I" eat two conditions have to be fullfilled. One there is has to be food on the plate an second there has to be hunger. Both are not in your hands, they are "given". Not that there is a "giver" but it is a way to say that you have no command over its appearance.

Humans are just lost in nature misusing their ability to recreate their own original habitat wherever they please to go, in order to find explanations for questions about the origine and future of themselves and mankind as a whole and so they became scientists and priests of all sorts.

There is nothing to understand, we happen to exist with INBORN natural drives and are lived by them.

Would you drink a mug of bull semem just because it tastes good too?

You wrote and asked
"Organizations are run buy human beings and follow natural laws. No one can prevent or stop it not even the embodiment of the divine"

The divine doesn't touch the corrupt.
It's not a difficult concept. Every day people make choices in their daily lives to avoid compromising their principles, their vows, their beliefs.

They just don't. And if they do, they fall.

But the Divine, by definition, has the strength and insight to avoid such entanglements.

That is the voice of conscience.

For some it is a very small choice.

For others it is commanding, and they have the wisdom and will power to obey.

This isn't rare. In every community you can find people who live clean lives. They may not be perfect for any number of reasons, but they mange to live honestly, by their own wages, without harm to others, without theft, without secrets, without lies.

Any one of those people, today, is a better teacher than Baba Ji, if only by their example.

They may not be rich. But rather than marvel at great material acquisition, why not marvel at those humble lives that have found a way to be happy without stepping on others? By comparison, they are miracle workers, and true Sat Gurus.

If you marvel at how Gurinder does so much, marvel more at others, living quieter lives honestly. That's a true work of love.

One more point UM
The expansion of the spiritual centers, the acquisition of land and the construction of buildings was foreign in most countries that already had hundreds of thousands attending home Satsangs happily.

The initiative into massive land acquisition falls 100% upon Baba Ji's shoulders. This was his.

And the Satsang centers which sit empty 90% of the time, built to seat thousands, are the testament to one man's folly.


That usual “frowney face” is not photo shopped. It’s GSD’s most recent official photo but simply blown up so that you can see his face. Check it out... the original photo shows him so small that you don’t even notice the expression on his face until you enlarge it.


They used to sell that picture at the Beas gift shop/supermarket at Dera until they realized that when enlarged it scared people. 😂 A picture is worth a thousand words.

I believe GSD has achieved all he wanted to in this lifetime — fame, fortune, worship. What more?

The picture Brian used in the post is the most flattering picture GSD has ever had taken. He looks “normal” and happy and it was taken more than 15 years ago. Time is cruel to some...

That usual “frowney face” is not photo shopped....

So many names and faces.... frowney's, smiley's,
ones ya hate, ones ya love, ...

I'd re-check those mugshots but you've cast me in the
"Dungeon"... so I'll just assume you were right.

Very likely It was all purely a figment of my imagination. I
simply must learn to accept CofC facts/ photos at face

Surely our Brian Ji reports only the most truthful of them.

The expansion of the spiritual centers, the acquisition of land and the construction of buildings was foreign in most countries that already had hundreds of thousands attending home Satsangs happily.

The initiative into massive land acquisition falls 100% upon Baba Ji's shoulders. This was his.

And the Satsang centers which sit empty 90% of the time, built to seat thousands, are the testament to one man's folly.'

Ah, did you crunch the numbers? What's the calculus as you see it?

Is it advantageous to find and rent massive venue halls as much as a year in
advance, cancel the rentals on short notice due to erratic scheduling or other
unforeseen occurrences, lose deposits, disrupt travel plans of multitudes if and
when it happens?

Or do ya avoid that nightmarish, unworkable imbroglio, purchase land, built a
few centers with extensive volunteer labor, afford seva opportunities year-round
which is foundational to spiritual growth, while at the same time establishing a
permanent venue for major events as well as weekly ones?

Do you think alternative scenarios are more workable, economic, or conducive to
spirituality? By the way religious venues are often unused most of the time. Should
they run daycare facilities or other businesses on site during the week? How would
that impact their tax-exempt status?

I'm not being sarcastic. What provably is the case to be made for this being
"one man's folly"?

Hi Dungeness
You wrote
"Baba Ji, my friend, it appears you're out.
Voted off the Island. Your life... exemplary? Hah! Give up that jet, those
houses, the acreage first. Get with the spiritual program, dude!"

Maybe start just by paying your bills. Then the rest doesn't matter.

A person may not be advanced spiritually, but they can lead an honest and above board life. And that is admirable. There are wealthy people who do this, but it isn't easy. And there are even more who are not wealthy who do! They made different choices based on a different system of values.

That applies universally to everyone, Dungeness.

There's no escape from personal responsibility. But as we all have had our struggles, all is forgiven and forgotten when we look to the light, and start taking responsibility for our actions and inactions .

I realize this notion of personal responsibility for a Sat Guru seems entirely foreign to some, but it's not a new idea.

In fact the responsibility of a true Master is immense, and that is why they assume no positions of authority in spiritual matters. The fact they see God in everyone means they are much more likely to submit to your sentiments rather than to demand your obedience.

Their existence here is natural and they do not require any man - made organizations to do their work. They change the places they find themselves in. The environment changes for the better but no one really understands why. Where charity is needed, it arises, but not with their name attached.

Where a hospital must be built, it takes shape.

Where people seek direction, they begin to find it within.

A true Master is as adamant in their refusal to accept authority as any person of character is adamant about compromising their principles.

But photocopies are also helpful. Photocopies also have a version of the teachings.

Just don't look too closely.

Or look more closely at the members of your own family, your own town, your own place of work and worship. Find those role models of honest living, and enjoy the lightness of being in their presence.

The fact that you can even consider a plastic toy version of the truth is only possible because such a person is not so far away.

Hi Spencer,
You are right in pointing that: "In every community you can find people who live clean lives"
of course there are, given that even they are not perfect.

The point was and is, that with growth, the capacity of human beings to control and to uphold these moral standards lessens and all sorts of evils start to grow. The reeling and dealing of multinationals shows that.

A small farmer can maybe live in a decent way, without violating nature, harming livestock etc and earn a good life for his family and produce on a small scale for others but on mega farms that will be impossible, he will have to compromise his own standards to survive the pressure of the market, the banks, the supermarkets etc; he is the prisoner of the triangle , bank, pesticide and fertilizer branch, the fodder branch; not to forget the the supermarkets.

It is the scale of an organization, that matters.

I don't marvel about nothing and nobody spencer, I just see in a globalized world processes at work that were not there before and are the same for all these organizations … even those that pretend to work for the welfare of others.

I don't know where you live, but if you would research how it all started where you live, than you might come to another conclusion. People have pleaded for having dera's of their own from the very start of the movement in 1968 that was refused until 1990 and there was no money either. Strangely, somewhere after 1990 all of an sudden rich people donated the needed funds and the permission for building of what they had longed for so long was granted. A long cherished wish of the community came reality. With that expansion came the problems and I feel they are the same everywhere … the power games etc.

You can blame him that he gave permission to the folly of the people but the idea and the money for it didn't come from him.

Please don't take my words as an excuse or defend for others, it is just what I see, … the effects of globalization, effects that can be seen in each and every organization. These effects are the outcome of natural laws and NOBODY can escape them.

Hi Dungeness
You asked
"Is it advantageous to find and rent massive venue halls as much as a year in
advance, cancel the rentals on short notice due to erratic scheduling or other
unforeseen occurrences, lose deposits, disrupt travel plans of multitudes if and
when it happens?"

Whenever true lovers of God gather, there is God. No need to cancel anything. Your point is a straw man.

At least for the ones who proceed to go regardless, in celebration.

They are the true devotees anyway.

Hi Um...
You wrote
"A small farmer can maybe live in a decent way, without violating nature, harming livestock etc and earn a good life for his family and produce on a small scale for others but on mega farms that will be impossible, he will have to compromise his own standards to survive the pressure of the market, the banks, the supermarkets etc; he is the prisoner of the triangle , bank, pesticide and fertilizer branch, the fodder branch; not to forget the the supermarkets."

And yet, organic farming is also flourishing. There is purity even so.

And that is more precious than a compromised asset of decisions.

If what you say is true, and I believe it is, then it can be avoided.

Whenever true lovers of God gather, there is God. No need to cancel anything. Your point is a straw man.
At least for the ones who proceed to go regardless, in celebration.
They are the true devotees anyway.

I'm sure that argument may resonate in higher spiritual planes.

But, however dully, most are stuck in the real realm of logic at
the physical level. There, GSD, entirely defensibly, opted to build
centers because it was advantageous fiscally and reflected the
needs of a growing Sangat.

You opined his decision was "folly" without presenting a counter
argument or suggesting alternative scenarios more workable, or
economically viable, or conducive to spirituality. Is that logic a
"straw man" as well?

The "Pay da man, Dhillons" mantra resonates with everyone but
declaring GSD's decision to build centers as "folly" doesn't.
There's no compelling counter evidence presented... in fact,
none other the centers sit idle 90% of the time as do most other
religious venues.

Dungeness, RSSB is rolling in money. In order to disperse, for lack of a better term, they had to buy up property to keep the tax man away. They bought land all over India where they didn't even need to buy it. They just needed to park the money. Simple as that.

RSSB is rolling in money. In order to disperse, for lack of a better term, they had to buy up property to keep the tax man away.

Ah, the purchase of land, the building of centers, the seed money
for startup... all just a money laundering scheme to avoid taxes, eh?
If RSSB was rolling in dough as you say, ya'd think they coulda easily
covered the taxes. No shell entities woulda been needed or crooks
to "ballet the books" either.

So it gets stickier, doesn't it. At some point, the cash dried up. What
happened? Who's guilty? But then perhaps your relative is a forensic
accountant who's examined the books... or is it "just obvious" what
occurred, how and where, and who is ultimately complicit?

Oh, I forgot, CofC can spot the bad guy faster than you can say
"Guilty!". The Dhillons are a nest of grifters. They were all involved.
It's a stereotypical Indian crime family and GSD was its head.

Our boy/girl detectives know exactly what went down. It's just one
more case of a corrupt Baba. Building charitable institutions for tax
write-off's, hiding behind religion, trying to sell the "Gaddi", making
death threats, all the while running a criminal empire... yep, that's
him alright. "It's as simple as that." AL Capone with a beard.

Jen, you wrote, "Oh, I forgot, CofC can spot the bad guy faster than you can say
"Guilty!". The Dhillons are a nest of grifters. They were all involved.
It's a stereotypical Indian crime family and GSD was its head."


Sorry Jen, that was in comment to what Dungeness wrote.

Maybe someone can correct me, but in none of the RSSB writings can I find Baba Ji making the statement that he is God in Human Form. When I have attended recent satsangs he has given (admittedly just two in last fifteen years) he has tended to shirk away from even accepting the suggestion. I have felt some level of humility, an exceptional level of patience and a deep kindness for even the most frustrating of questioners. Could it be that we have created the pedestal and placed him there with expectation of him being GIHF, and then when the role does not fit, we re-act in the ways displayed in these comments?
I suggest this because there appear misunderstandings in so many of the comments here. It is so easy to repeat simple sentences, such as God is within, and Truth is oneness, but overlook what these words really mean.

Ramana replied to a question about finding God: "There is no God" which is fully consistent with God is within, and God is Truth.

Here, within these apparent contradictions lies the great message, the only thing that matters: If we accept any one of these statements, and re-examine the others in the light of that acceptance, we uncover something wonderful. For example, lets assume that God is oneness. In which case we cannot exist as we sense we do, as separate individual beings. We cannot be here and God there AND God be oneness. This is a contradiction. Accepting the former can only mean that we are God. That we do not experience this is explained by Ramana in terms of ignorance. We are ignorant of who we really are.

The task for the true seeker is to become less ignorant and discover who we really are. Ramana's teachings boiled down to just one question, Who am I? When asked some aspect of this question, or how to answer this question, his response was to ask "who is asking?"

We cannot go and practice some practice and find God - because God is not separate from ourselves. This is what Ramana means when he replies "There is no God".
What we can do is to try to remove our ignorance of who we are".
Give Oneness some thought: what would it be like to experience Oneness - and in so doing, ask who then is the experiencor?

We are all GIHF's but we none of us are aware. It is the ignorance we need to remove, not try to find Godlike behavior in others.

There is a near infinite supply of material for this blog to post, I suspect most of the 7 billion people on this planet remain ignorant of who they are. Plenty of material to keep a blog like this going for a long time. Plenty of interested viewers wanting justification for their lack of results in their search for God out there. There is enough ignorance to go around everyone on this planet many times.

But our one true task, for each and everyone of us, is simply to ask, who am I?
Take this seriously, and there is nothing else to be said, nothing else matters.

"Would you drink a mug of bull semem just because it tastes good too?"

Good god. If you're all so afraid of going to hell over eating eggs, then you deserve hell and the god who sends you there is evil anyway. You weird superstitious obsessives need to face some pain in life for once. It'll shake the insanity out of you.

Not sure about bull semen specifically, but southeast asians eat just about anything. Scorpions, dogs (which are eaten in India too for those who've been around West Bengal), caterpillars, and various other things that we in the west find to be disgusting. They also have their own morals, shamans and saints and whatever other claims of access to the divine. Somehow they feel fine spiritually while eating eggs.

Just cause the handful of popular Indians you've heard of say it's good and true doesn't mean you need to believe it. They're not the first or last people with opinions about morality or metaphysics or eating eggs, dogs or humans.

As for Dungeness saying

"If RSSB was rolling in dough as you say, ya'd think they coulda easily
covered the taxes. No shell entities woulda been needed or crooks
to "ballet the books" either. "

I can't imagine being this retarded and having so little experience in life. Meet some criminals,or anyone who has ever run a business, and then rethink this. They are looking for each and every way to squeeze more pennies out of any anyplace they can. When criminality and money mix, growth often comes exactly by the way of trying not to pay taxes for as long as possible and reinvesting that borrowed money and time into idiotic things like real estate at the height of a bubble just like a godman would be expected to do.

A lot of corrupt rich people are rich precisely because they don't think, or fail to think, like Dungeness. They don't lazily blow money and opportunities because they can afford to, and they certainly don't give their money to governments when they can exploit loopholes and weaknesses in the legal system instead....at least until they and their ugly looking cousins with faces like Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles get caught by the same system they tried to screw.

Get out of that stupid cult, people. It's turning you into psychotic rambling excuse makers who are defending a man you've never met for no personal gain whatsoever. If your godguy or his hat wearing ripoff competitor turn out to be crooks, there are literally thousands more just like them waiting to be worshiped.

Just worship me. I can say stupid shit about "The One" and reincarnation. Plus I'd retire with like $3million and would never skip out on taxes.

Submit to me. You can eat eggs or dogs or buffaloes. I don't give a f*** what you eat. I'm the master. Just sing my name and you'll be fine.

"Maybe someone can correct me, but in none of the RSSB writings can I find Baba Ji making the statement that he is God in Human Form. When I have attended recent satsangs he has given (admittedly just two in last fifteen years) he has tended to shirk away from even accepting the suggestion."


Even on the rssb.org website right now with their extremely watered down description of "master" they ascribe to him the power to guide us all back to god.

"The Master takes the responsibility to help us return to our eternal home. He gives his love, support, and grace to go through our karmas with fortitude and equanimity. He guides us through the spiritual process which cleanses our karmas, but he does not erase our karmas. Each one of us has to pay for our own karmas – this is the law of the universe."

If you look at any books printed by RSSB the master is described in much more powerful terms, and often referred to as God it/himself. If the guy lets you call him master, then he's accepting the title of "God." How hard is this to figure out? I don't get how you people are not getting this.

I, Jesse, am not the CEO of the Target corporation. Therefore I do not print literature or allow others to print literature in which I am repeatedly referred to as the CEO of the Target Corporation. Being that I am not the CEO of the Target Corporation, if anyone accidentally referred to me as the CEO of the Target Corporation, I would immediately correct them and say "hey man, I'm not the CEO of the Target Corporation."

Gurinder has been letting people call him God and give him millions of dollars to bring them back to heaven. Never once has he corrected anyone or stopped the printing press which he has full control over. His official title is MASTER, and in HIS BOOKS it is explained that MASTER MEANS GOD.

How many ways does this need to be explained for this to be clear? Gurinder calls himself God in a million different indirect ways. It's not humility. It's not "shirking away from a suggestion." It's playing very standard and typical mind tricks that cult leaders play to an audience willing to be hypnotized.

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