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June 07, 2019


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Brian, What a lovely post. (Plus the earlier one too, with your beautiful pictures of ZuZu). You know, it is all really about LOVE isn't it? I too, am totally unashamedly attached to my darling two "girls". ( Cats) I just can't bear the thought that I may die first. Although I have made provision for them should that happen, I do hope I can love and care for them up until it is their time to die. Sad as it will be. There is no denying the fact, everything has its season, everything dies. I do so understand the tears in your heart. I also understand the lady in the news who requested in her Will for her darling dog to be euthanized and cremated with her. In spite of all the criticism about it, I think she could not bear the thought of her darling companion suffering through her loss, perhaps having to go to a shelter, if there was nobody she knew to care for it, and living a lesser life than what it was used to. All life is precious, but a life of suffering is unbearable. I am probably a bit off the track, but all we ever have us now. I do not want to "Die To Live". I want to live in love and compassion and contentment now. And I do, and so do my two darling little "girls".(cats)😻😻🧚

I absolutely adore the name ZuZu! So very sorry he’s deteriorating rapidly but at least you are aware of it and able to spend his last last days with just attentive love. ❤️

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