So much for openness and transparency. Here's a comment that was just left on this blog. GSD refers to Gurinder Singh Dhillon, the guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas.
Has anyone noticed that all the links to the news articles about the Singh brothers saga on RSSB website have been removed .... The question is Why ? Only a few weeks ago GSD had said in reply to a Q that RSSB is not involved and all the news articles are posted on their website.
This person is correct. The Bloomberg story is gone. Can't remember if there were others related to the RSSB guru's financial fraud involvement. And I'm not completely sure the story was from Bloomberg.
UPDATE: Here's a screenshot of the RSSB articles page as it looked last night. The articles are shown with the most recent first, so the Bloomberg story used to be on top, or near the top.
But here's a link to a Bloomberg story I wrote about that describes the guru's shady business dealings that now have caused the High Court of Delhi to seize assets owned by Gurinder Singh Dhillon and his family. Quite a downfall for a guru whose organization publishes a book called "Honest Living."
Note: I believe the Bloomberg story was written before investigators in India (SEBI) wrote a report showing that the money loaned at zero interest to the Dhillons came from fraudulent loans, with the money siphoned from public companies.
It's still there.
Posted by: Jagga | June 11, 2019 at 11:54 PM
No articles were there yesterday and a different article is posted now. This title makes it look like they are victims.
Posted by: No name | June 12, 2019 at 01:03 AM
Yes but the link through the site is gone. The actual webpage might still be up, but how are people going to get to it if the link through is gone?
Posted by: Neon | June 12, 2019 at 02:06 AM
That link from Jagga takes me to the article, but when I start from scratch, I don't see it. Try then Menu then Home then Newspaper Articles. I can't find it in the list of headlines. Is it hidden somewhere else?
Posted by: anami | June 12, 2019 at 03:47 AM
Also, Jagga's link is to a story from Economic Times, India that I don't remember reading. Same article as before? I'm just not sure now.
Posted by: anami | June 12, 2019 at 04:46 AM
Oh, here's the Bloomberg article... (29, not 26). Like the Economic Times, India article, still somewhere in the rssb website but not on the surface. A little sleight of hand?
Posted by: anami | June 12, 2019 at 05:08 AM
There’s no coincidence here.
The same day the judgement came from the High Court is when the articles were removed from the website.
I checked to see if the new article had been posted, but anything related to the scandal has been removed.
Like I said, there’s more to come, and als have to mention that GSD’s eldest son is married and living in Singapore with his wife and two kids. His wife was also named in the HC decision.
So her jewellery store is in hoc as well.
Can’t imagine she’s thrilled with that either.
Posted by: Amar | June 12, 2019 at 07:32 AM
I just can't believe it. A guru who's apparently GIHF and says every damn day you should live an honest life with the MINIMUM amount of food, wealth,etc etc. Just to keep you going alive and giving most strength the meditation.
Then you see stuff like this! Entire damn family is millionaires!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: Neon | June 12, 2019 at 02:36 PM
The article link has been removed from their listing of newspaper articles. However, the article itself is still up on the link....But how could you go there if the listing of news stories has the link deleted?
Posted by: Spencer Tepper | June 12, 2019 at 04:04 PM
Very interesting thread.
I also noticed that two newer articles at the main official rssb site were no longer visible. Yet, it is rssb's prerogative as what it allows on the site. For instance, the Bloomberg article, which can be verified here:
There was another article which veers off this thread a little, but relates by India Times verifiable here: (Note: To currently veiw this article webineers must now create an account)
With that being said, most people like myself would like access to both articles promptly to verify content. Yet, with the new sign in to view full article part. Most may not opt-in nor have the time. My my, I think this is a viable reason for rssb to no longer share said articles.
Accuracy of verification, just a thought.
On a similar note not even Bloomberg writes an article on the validity of rssb's UN status;
(Search parameters: rssb)
But this is a thread on Honesty? Please correct me if I'm wrong..
Posted by: Karim W. Rahmaan | September 05, 2019 at 10:02 PM