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June 10, 2019


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Just wondering if GSD will be allowed to travel to the USA this year

Brian Ji
As this unfolds I believe the value of this Seva you have taken to keep this information flowing despite death threats, hacks and the childish ranting and finger pointing will all demonstrate the high value of what you have done steadfastly, tirelessly year after year.

As one of those on the wrong side whom you very patiently dealt with, thank you.

What’s the big deal?

The court has decided that money needs to be repaid. So what?

You were making out there were criminal allegations against GSD.

Sounds like a lot of rubbish, as per usual.

Well, we already knew that large sums of money had flowed into various RSSB-family-related accounts.
The pertinent question (to me anyway) is not who received the crores, but who was behind this movement of funds?

We know that the primary movers of the funds were the 2 Singh bros. They are the ones who OK'ed the transfer of rupees. And they are both on the record for saying that Gurinder Singh was blameless.

That leaves open the question as to precisely which parties are ultimately and truly responsible for the misappropriation of these funds. It remains an open question. If evidence can be produced that Gurinder ordered that the funds be taken, great. But we're not there yet.

Georgy Porgy and J, not sure if you even read this Business Today story, or my previous posts on this subject. Here's part of what I said in the post:

"Now, this story doesn't point out that the flow of money into the pockets of Gurinder Singh Dhillon and his family occurred fraudulently through a conspiracy involving people both at the sending end (public companies) and receiving end (shell companies cited in the story).

The story does note that those shell companies were controlled by Dhillon family members and RSSB functionaries. So likely the RSSB guru and his family face additional legal problems."

It has been proven by SEBI that the conspiracy involved both the senders and receivers of the fraudulent loans. This occurred over several years, with money being sent to the shell companies on certain dates, then the shell companies sent back money on certain dates, all to hide the transactions from auditors.

Since the Dhillon family controlled the shell companies, there's very little doubt about their culpability in this fraud. This is visible to everyone with eyes to see. Not sure why you and others are refusing to see.

Also, the Dhillon family wasn't told to rapay the money. They are being forced to do this via court-ordered garnishments of their holdings. Big difference.

Don't despair Georgy and J. True believers like yourself will get a chance to do financial seva for Gurinder and earn extra naam points. Something tells me a major donation drive's a comin!

$500 Million dollars is a butt load of money. Can probably safely bet no one named in the garnishee paperwork has that much cash. Interesting to see how this plays out. Who puts the squeeze on whom and trying to sell off assets to at least start paying this off.

If those names in the garnishee are ordered to pay the funds directly to the HC, might be possible that they issue LOC paperwork to limit travel out of India to prevent anyone from "disappearing" and not paying anything back. ie: Sunil Godhwani slowly.

Hi Georgy
The whole point is simply that Gurinder and family took hundreds of millions in fraudulent loans over a decade and have not repaid nor acknowledged their debts nor made effort to repay.

But unfortunately it's worse. Because many of the people involved, Satsangis, engaged in fraud, according to the Securities and Exchange Board of India.

All the loans from Fortis were created by the Singh Brothers for the Dhillons without any requirement for collateral.

In a publicly traded company in India, that's illegal.

The shell companies run by Dhillon family and friends that made fictitious loan payments did so in collusion with the Singh brothers, according to the SEBI.

And according to the recent Religare EOW to the Delhi police, the fraudulent loans were made with the full knowledge of the loan recipients, which would include Gurinder, his wife and sons.

Now, the fact that these are all Satsangis where obedience to the Master (that's Gurinder Singh) is a foundational belief, makes the connection extremely interesting.

But for now all we know is that the high court of Delhi has ruled that Gurinder owes a lot of money that he hasn't repaid and should have, from fraudulent loans his friends and family put together, and therefore he is under court order, him, his wife and sons, and his associates directly to pay the courts. They have established by their order that Gurinder has not paid his bills, owes hundreds of millions, is in arrears, and now must pay the high court of Delhi.

Gurinder, pay your bills. Live according to the vows. And be honest that you took money and made no arrangements to repay.

Looks like Gurinder will have to sell off some of his assets including his private jet and UK farmhouses.

I’m not despairing at all, sounds like a complete nothing event. A corporate deal and loans gone wrong, which need to be paid back. A mountain of of a molehill bring created

Sounds to me like you all have much more invested in this than me - GSD must be having a good old laugh at this bunch of fishwives who feel venerated. For what, god only knows.

Well, actually the guru has done wrong, and it isn't a rush to judgement to analyze stories in the Indian financial press.

Brian, you've certainly been fair in stating the Court's ruling is inclusive of
GSD and family within those "56 entities". But, your assertion "actually the
guru has done wrong" isn't fair. It conflates the Dhillon family with GSD

This isn't a semantic triviality. I'm not a lawyer but I watch alot of court TV
and, if a prosecutor grilling GSD said "Actually, you've enriched yourself
through those 56 entities, didn't ya?" I betcha it'd draw a deep-throated,
resounding "Objection, your Honor! The prosecutor is badgering the
defendant. The jury will decide."

People can be wrong, press reports can err on the side of sensationalism,
suspects can deflect, make wild accusations, even the 'extremely stable
geniuses' on blogs can get it wrong. That's why careful investigations are
needed as well as the slow, deliberative, painstaking adjudication of a

Making an informed decision on the basis of what you read isn't wrong.
But, we should defer to the courts to rule for all the reasons stated above.
If we're still convinced a defendant is wrongly acquitted, we can express
our views in many ways. Disciples can disassociate from a "Baba" for
instance, skewer him/her in an op-ed, lobby for more charges to be laid,
sue civilly if he was acquitted criminally, write a tell-all memoir detailing
your own or others' victimization.

But, declaring the defendant guilty because you've decided he's a fraud,
his org. is a cult, and your own verdict must be correct... that is a rush to

From the Garnishee Order, item 12 states:

12. Insofar as other aspect is concerned, which is, whether or not
RHC Holding Private Limited/judgment debtor no.19 ought to have
dealt with the monies received without informing the court, is left
open for further examination.

No.19 is Gurpreet Singh Dhillon, GSD' eldest son. Looks like the judge has left this open as a question as to why the monies weren't returned instead of the court having to deal with it. Not sure what that means, but it seems open to further investigation as to why the funds were not just sent back/returned without having the courts involvement.

Hi Dungeness
It seems you are working very hard to avoid the basic event that has just taken place in the high court of India.

The high court has legally determined that Gurinder and family are indeed guilty of not only taking the money, and not repaying, but are remiss in their lapse of responsibly and must now pay their dues directly to the court.

Yes, legally, guilt has already been determined and assigned directly to Gurinder.

He is guilty of accepting these monies as loans.
He is guilty of failing to repay the companies that loaned him the money.
The high Court has judged that due to his actions he is no longer free to repay those companies.
The high Court judgment and order is that he is to repay the amount owed, in its entirety, directly to the high Court of India.

Yes, he and his family and Satsangi friends are absolutely guilty of the above.

So the High Court of India has judged, and so ordered.

But further, they have ordered that Baba Ji and company cannot disperse their assets... Basically the court has placed a lien on Baba Ji's property (just as did the investment bankers last year on his corporate holdings) until the debts are paid.

Yes, he is guilty of the above.

Further, their judgment and order specifically leave the door open for further criminal investigation.

Right now he is not a criminal. Just a guy who took millions in loans from people who loved him and who committed fraud to get this money into his hands. But also the guy who never repaid and made no effort to acknowledge this or make alternative arrangements.

"Since the Dhillon family controlled the shell companies, there's very little doubt about their culpability in this fraud. This is visible to everyone with eyes to see. Not sure why you and others are refusing to see."

Not refusing to see anything. Again, we already knew that members of the Dhillon family received money. But we all know that what counts here is whether or not the Baba Gurinder Singh ji organized and participated in this thing. That and many other questions besides are still unanswered. Again, the Singh brothers are on record for saying Gurinder was blameless in this affair. Let the courts ferret out the details, then maybe it will be time to herald revelation that the guru is a financial felon.

Georgy you wrote
"I’m not despairing at all, sounds like a complete nothing event."

Yes, perhaps to you. But when you find that you have been swindled, and are seeking justice and recompense, you may remember then your own words. Will that also be a complete nothing event? Should anyone lift even a small finger to help you?

Perhaps they will lift a finger. The same one you have lifted here so often.

Hi Dungeness

You offered a hypothetical court room exchange between prosecuting attorney and defendent..

""Actually, you've enriched yourself
through those 56 entities, didn't ya?"

This is exactly what the High Court of India had already determined. It's no longer conjecture. Today it became legal fact. The high Court was held. They made their judgment. And they gave their order. And that is why Gurinder must repay directly to the court every last rupee.

Nothing was forgiven today.

Guilt has been established.

And J, one more point.
While there remains the additional opportunity to pursue criminal judgments against those who masterminded the fraud, please note that Gurinder is now responsible, and no one else, for the money that came into his hands.

The money that his wife took she is now under court order to repay.

The money his sons took, they are now under court order to repay.

There is no question of blaming anyone else. At least not to the high court.

There may be additional criminal judgments.

But the court today rule that Gurinder, his wife and sons are entirely responsible to return, under the terms of the loan, every single rupee.

No one else's responsibility for that.

It's history. It was history a year ago.

All that is left is the criminal trials which will ensue like clockwork as a result of Gurinder and family's continuing inaction, under the false presumption that they are simply above the law.

It is Gurinder's inaction and secrecy which has forced the high Court to act today, and to place a lien in his assets.

And it is that same behavior which will result in much worse.

The Singh brothers are not only on record for saying they Master is blameless they are also on record for saying that as of 2013 all accounts between them were closed and settled. This was 2 years before Shivinder left and took retirement in Dera so it’s been a while since they settled all those accounts. When they (Dhillon family)got light of all this fraudulent activity by the 2 brothers they asked for a signed settlement which malvinder refused to sign as he lost all his equity and wanted Master to bail him out of the mess. All this is pretty clear if you read the entire filing from Malvinder. The fact that his story completely changed is a red flag.

Regardless of any claims otherwise, and excuses, the court has determined Gurinder must repay what he owes.

The other stories about agreements, or levying blame on the Singh brothers, which led the court to demand repayment from the Singh's has now gone directly to a demand from Gurinder.

The matter, legally, had been settled. Gurinder had been ordered directly by the high Court of India to pay what he owes. It's no one else's fault and no one else's responsibility for the millions Gurinder owes.

You have your Judgment from the highest court in the land.

The Singh brothers are unreliable witnesses. Shivendar is the more pernicious of the two, running the shell companies and presiding over medical billing fraud, and then claiming he wants to be spiritual without taking responsibility for the damage he has created.

But so many Satsangis were involved, it reaks of corruption. Dhillon has failed badly. But it starts at the root.

It seems you are working very hard to avoid the basic event that has just taken place in the high court of India.

You're working even more relentlessly to lay culpability at his doorstep. Er um
the idea seems to be more to hoist him up personally on a scaffold and jerk
the trapdoor as I see it. Then, as he dangles... to excoriate, to shame, and to
trumpet loudly and often "Shoulda paid your bills, Dude!".

For God's sakes, Spence, you're acting as judge, jury, and executioner.
You exult in EOW's ruling and mischaracterize it as "Yes, legally, guilt has
already been determined and assigned directly to Gurinder".

"Directly to Gurinder", eh. Again, in some persecutorial zeal, you rush to
judgment that it's all about GSD and "his" guilt. I'm sure others' assets would
be in EOW's crosshairs, including his sons, Godhwani's, and the Singh bro's
too if available at this stage.

More, tellingly, you again omit any mention "his family" and others' roles.
It feels like a case of there's just a more interesting head that needs to roll.
Suddenly I can picture a mob knitting at the guillotine and waiting patiently
for "Him" to kneel as the "Off with his head" chant becomes a chorus.

Right now he is not a criminal. Just a guy who took millions in loans from people who loved him and who committed fraud to get this money into his hands. But also the guy who never repaid and made no effort to acknowledge this or make alternative arrangements.

Wow, talk about relentless. It's become "he" again, the mastermind, just
waiting for the inevitability of criminal charges. But, wait, do I hear a hint
of mercy... a concern for fairness and letting the courts investigate? Yes,
yes, it's faint but it's coming in: "Right now, he is not a criminal". Did ya
hear it!?

But damn, it's gone in the next breath: he's taken millions in loans from
those who "loved him and who committed fraud to get money into his
hands". Oops, I take that back about mercy. It was such a fleeting
appearance. He and he alone did it! Open and shut case.

The real mob has emerged again and doesn't need a court to ascertain

Yep Dungeness and J are quite correct. Once again separating the truth from the conflation.

Spence - what have you been swindled out of? You have not contributed a single red cent to that business that has generated its own profits. You are a complete non-entity in every sense - hot air. And you have no real understanding of any of it, despite giving us your expert legal counsel. Much like your expert scientific and FAA take on things - you are a bag of hot air.

For me, the issue is simple, don’t ever mix family and business - but that’s v hard to do if it started out as a family business, esp one which has become very successful.

But the bottomline is what has the running of any business, which you have not contributed anything towards, nor lost a red cent, got anything to do with you? Witch-hunt by wierdos.

Georgy, you ask
"But the bottomline is what has the running of any business, which you have not contributed anything towards, nor lost a red cent, got anything to do with you?"

You can ask yourself that same question.

As a Satsangi it has everthing to do with me.

And as a person who claims they are not a Satsangi it has zilch to do with you. You are just trolling here.

This is exactly what the High Court of India had already determined. It's no longer conjecture. Today it became legal fact. The high Court was held. They made their judgment. And they gave their order. And that is why Gurinder must repay directly to the court every last rupee.

Gurinder, huh?

: The article's title reads "Recover money from RSSB chief Dhillon & family
: to pay Singh brothers' dues to Daiichi: Delhi HC"...
: RSSB chief Gurinder Singh Dhillon, wife Shabnam Dhillon, sons Gurkirat and
: Gurpreet and daughter-in-law Nayan Tara Dhillon are among the 56 entities
: from whom Delhi HC has ordered recovery of monies...

Oh, wait, I get it. It's just easier to say Gurinder. Of course, it's understood the
family collectively must repay. "Dude, pay your bills" is just more of the same

I've been so confused about this totally innocent lapse. Thank you!

Hi Dungeness
You ask
"For God's sakes, Spence, you're acting as judge, jury, and executioner."

No Dungeness, there is the high court of India for that. And they have met. And they held their deliberations. And they have made their legal judgments. They attributed responsibility to each of the participants including Gurinder, and to the other RSSB Satsangis involved.

But it seems that after stating time after time that we must let a court decide you are now having trouble understanding that a legal judgment against Gurinder and the other members of his family and other RSSB Satsangis has been made today.

Verdict? Guilty. Gurinder and the rest must repay directly to the high court of India every last rupee. And furthermore, they have a lien on their assets and cannot disperse them until Gurinder, family and RSSB collaborators have followed the court's legal order for payment.

That was today, Dungeness. That has now happened.

“Just a guy who took millions in loans from people who loved him and who committed fraud to get this money into his hands.”

What a load of compete and utter bullshit, bordering on slander.

This has got nothing to do with loans from ppl who loved GSD or his followers. That kind of comment is so grotesquely false, and knowingly so, that you should be v careful about what you are saying on a public blog.

This entire issue revolves around a huge business deal gone wrong and the financing of trying to repay it. It’s got v little if anything to do with GSD, and nothing at all to do with his spiritual followers.

A foolish man walked up to a farmer and asked "Why are you breaking up that beautiful soil?"

A foolish woman walked up to a seamstress and asked, "why are you cutting that beautiful cloth into pieces?"

A foolish neighbor asked "Why are you tearing down the walls of your fine house?"

A foolish gardner asked the baker, "Why are you pulverizing those strong and healthy grains into dust?"

Soil must be tilled to grow nutritious crops.

Cloth must be cut to make an elegant gown.

Walls must be torn down to add a new room.

And grain must be ground to make bread.

Every constructive act requires some destruction. Every dawn must dispell the dark.

That's blame other nothing
Blame on God is very difficult you see now

Yip you are a fool, spreading lies, consumed by zeal, arrogance and mad conspiracy theories. Dress that up in any pseudo-wise parable you want to.

They attributed responsibility to each of the participants including Gurinder, and to the other RSSB Satsangis involved.

But it seems that after stating time after time that we must let a court decide you are now having trouble understanding that a legal judgment against Gurinder and the other members of his family and other RSSB Satsangis has been made today.

Ah, I was right. Now that the High Court has ruled, "Dude, pay your bills!" and
"the millions Gurinder owes" has just morphed into an admission that the whole
"family" is in on the action. No problem... just make a few quick edits and voila,
the updated blog screed is: "legal judgment against Gurinder and the other
members of his family".

This is a slithering, shape-shifting narrative any propagandist would be proud of.
But, the intent is clear... it's been to build a rock solid case against "Gurinder" as
the nexus of evil doing. That's why you've never heard any self-righteous shouts
of "Shabnam, pay your bills" or "Gurkirat/Gurpreet, pay your bills, dudes!".

Hahahah Lol your are kiddo who is just wanna take revenge. And knows nothing about the matter. In the judgement its no where written that what you have mentioned in the beginning of the post. Idiot.

For you Westerners that are having trouble understanding the Eastern/Indian mindset, let me fill you all in.

GSD's sons and wife, are not only his family, but they consider him their guru first, family relation second. Their is a double bond there that we can never understand. They will do as he asks. Gurpreet and Gurkirat only have the money because the two Singh brothers dispersed shares of the company in their names, convenient since it would look bad if they put it in GSD's names. This was probably the only legal thing they did in all this.

Other high ranking satsangis that were on the boards of these shell companies had to sign off on the fund transfers because that's all these companies were setup for. So they were complicit in it.

To imply that GSD was caught up in it and didn't know what he was getting into because his sons, wife, or other high ranking board of directors in these 50 plus companies were doing things behind his back is laughable. If you know anything about GSD, you will know that he has his hands on this type of stuff. To imply he wasn't aware of this is insulting to anyone's intelligence.

Someone/some people had to come and say to him, "I've got a plan...an idea." None of this can happen to this level of involvement without his input. It's impossible. His own sons and wife would not have acted without his knowledge. It's not something that happens to this scale in an Indian family. Especially this one.

So get your heads out of the sand and look at the High Court orders, the SEBI Findings. And It's not over yet.

The High Court Garnishee order clearly states that all 56 entities must repay the monies back to the High Court to cover the $500 million dollars. GSD's name is in the list. His sons names are on the list. His wife's name is on the list. The other names mentioned on the list are RSSB high ranking people. The companies mentioned on this list are shell companies which have all or some of these people as directors.

Legally they are all culpable. Fraud was committed and that has been proven. This was not a business. It was money laundering/siphoning from a publicly traded company.

There is more to come on this for sure. We can only speculate on that, but what has transpired here is legally processed and matter of history. The only question I still have and doesn't make sense to me is why the Singh brothers would do this to their own company.

Hi Dungeness,

As the head honcho, Gurinder's ultimately accountable for the illegal siphoning of funds to RSSB and his family (whether or not he knew about/ordered it). That's why he is among those implicated.

That said, it's extremely difficult to believe he knew nothing about this. Long-time initiates, however, will have a much easier time with this. They've spent years/decades cultivating more far-fetched beliefs (Master will claim me at death, he is planted at 3rd eye center, he flies through regions at will, etc.), and are well-practiced in suspending critical thinking. I don't think any amount of evidence will change their hearts over night; it will take time.

That said, I can't understand how initiates who claim "GIHF" is an all-knowing being can now claim he doesn't even know what's going on in his own family. No doubt, some family secrets can be kept a long time (an affair years ago, etc.) but hundreds of millions of dollars are a hard thing to hide.

As a former initiate (different teacher), I can empathize with those who are having their faith shaken here. I don't have any glee at the expense of the initiates. However, I am always gleeful when a hypocrite/abuser of power is brought down. Especially in India where justice has historically not been served. And yes, Gurinder is a hypocrite of the highest order. Per the RSSB literature, he supposedly lives off the fruit of his own labor. OK, if your labor is fraud, that may be true.

My own former teacher was similarly a hypocrite. He taught the virtue of celibacy (except for reproduction), but he himself was accused of sexual misbehavior with several female initiates (and admitted to transgressions in 1984). I didn't stop being an initiate because he had sexual urges, but because he proved himself to be a hypocrite/liar (while claiming to be the keeper of truth).

It's important to believe in something, but one should never give up their power to another fallible human being (except the wife, I guess). What pisses me off is not that Gurinder is fallible (we all are), but that he goes around giving sermons/lessons on values he knows nothing about and takes advantage of people who are in a vulnerable state. It's no secret that most initiates come to the path in a sorry state.

Hi Dungeness
You wrote
"But, the intent is clear... it's been to build a rock solid case against "Gurinder" as
the nexus of evil doing. That's why you've never heard any self-righteous shouts
of "Shabnam, pay your bills" or "Gurkirat/Gurpreet, pay your bills, dudes!".

Hm.. I'm trying to understand your logic.

If a dozen people get into trouble and one of them is my friend, that's the one I'm concerned about. They all need to pay their bills. That's always been my interest.
Conspiracy isn't on the high courts' mind, Dungeness. Who can know? Really, who cares?

If Gurinder, his wife and sons and all their Satsangi followers involved, including those involved in fraud, pay their bills, then they have done what they can and, will meet the high courts' order.

"nexus of evil"... Hm... We're far from that.

Is that what you are afraid of? Some other criminal trial?

These are financial matters and they are generally resolved through orders, liens and penalties. Unless any of the parties really can't pay. Then they are made an example of to discourage others from committing the same crimes.

Gurinder is only responsible to repay what he alone took, and no one else is responsible for that, according to the legal judgment of the high court of India. The others are each responsible to repay what they took.

The court was not forgiving on this matter. They placed full responsibility and lien upon the recipients, which of course includes Baba Ji.

The fact that he is the Guru and everyone else were Satsangis is worthy of discussion, but it's a separate issue.

You had been asking all along to wait for the court to attribute blame and responsibility.

That happened yesterday. The court attribute blame and responsibility to a list of people, including Gurinder. The court apportioned their guilt exactly to the amount they received.

The court deliberated, and they concluded this was right. No more defusing of responsibility or conjecture. Each participant is responsible for what they took.

It's a very balanced judgment. And so that is why Gurinder, among the other family members and Satsangi followers, has been ordered to pay to the high Court of India his portion.

Guilt has been determined by the high Court of India, a legal judgment made, S verdict of guilt and an order to repay right down to the rupee, and Gurinder has been assigned his portion of guilt and responsibility.

Muktananda, Mr. C?

House arrest up next (travel restriction).

Legally they are all culpable. Fraud was committed and that has been proven. This was not a business. It was money laundering/siphoning from a publicly traded company.
It's important to believe in something, but one should never give up their power to another fallible human being (except the wife, I guess).

Thanks to Amar and Mr. Curious for their insights (and a bit of domestic
wisdom as well :).

What I've really been objecting to is the orchestrated attack on GSD as
the preferred, if not sole, "Perp" and the Kangaroo-Court atmosphere
that's been engendered. Even the Godfather of a crime family deserves
fairness - both inside and outside court.

Hi Dungeness. I can see the leap to judge GSD in all of this. He doesn't have an answer. Well, his eldest son was in court on his behalf and his lawyers, and they've been held accountable.

I'm very disappointed in all this, but we need to cut through the crap and so on with regard to this so we can see what has truly transpired to date, legally. And that's where we are today.

Will GSD have a travel ban put in place? Maybe. He owes money and the government may file a Circular Letter limiting his travel outside India. He still has Z Security status.

Will there be criminal charges against GSD? I kind of doubt it. There are too many layers of shell companies and other individuals involved that a straight line can't be drawn. Who knows?

Things are actually moving much quicker than I anticipated, so will have to see what happens next. But those in denial about GSD and his actions/involvement should at the minimum, cause them to stop and think about what is going on.

This isn't a business he ran that went bankrupt, no shame there. But fraudulent activity with his name clearly attached, is cause for concern. I'll leave it at that.

Hi Spence, it was Sant Thakar Singh

Ah. Thank you Mr. C.

All I can say is continue to do your meditation...all you can do is keep track of your own soul and whatever good faith you have in the teachings dont let this financial issue be an excuse for you to do similar or neglect your own personal growth and meditation using this financial issue as an excuse to relinquish what you have become as a being walking in the light. This is their destiny not yours or mine. Stay footed on the razors edge here and put one foot in front of the other to follow the light.

while you're doing your meditation, take a break and listen to some music
everyone needs a break

so here is some music for you

Here's why the believers cannot possibly believe any of the stories or articles or news.

Their whole spiritual future is at stake.
if the guru is not genuine - their soul is not saved.

it's too big a loss to take.

especially when their whole life has been based on this

All of this does explode and believers cannot accept any form of negativity that is presented about a guru their guru..it is very hard to take indeed.
Now then ....
With some deep reflection all these external negative situations should drive the spiritual seeker of any inward style faith to go deeper into the soul and strive to find the INNER MASTER...again chasing for outer forms on planet earth are what M. Charan Singh taught is not the way. So expectations and disapointments externally with master teachers should force the seeker to go within grow and let these plutonian type revelations about physical masters frailties and mistakes not be a deterrant from going within. Actually they are verifications tothe devotee that the way is not outward that will always be a disappointment if pursued. This does include following demands of any external teacher if one realizes that what is being asked of him or her feels wrong or inappropriate. Folks please use your own judgement in life and dont expect these gurus to hold your hand every minute and help you in and out of the restroom. They get tired of whinyies as well and possibly they can blow a fuse trying to be the god almighty every second for everyone...if we are adults we need to allow them humanness and do our own life too.
Again the inner teacher is ones TRUE MASTER. Everything out there is going to have twists and turns and never fully come out as expected. People places and things.

Amar you wrote
From the Garnishee Order, item 12 states:

12. Insofar as other aspect is concerned, which is, whether or not
RHC Holding Private Limited/judgment debtor no.19 ought to have
dealt with the monies received without informing the court, is left
open for further examination.

No.19 is Gurpreet Singh Dhillon, GSD' eldest son. Looks like the judge has left this open as a question as to why the monies weren't returned instead of the court having to deal with it. Not sure what that means,

Not correct RHc holding private limited is a company operated by the brothers

Directors of Rhc Holding Private Limited are Shivinder Mohan Singh, Malvinder Mohan Singh, .

The order says they received money and did not inform the court that they did. Not sure if these 2 brothers plan to pay what they receive this is why it’s best the court had ordered the money to be paid to the court and not the brothers. That’s what it means.

I had to comment, usually , I try and keep this life simple, less of my opinions, but here goes...

First, Thank you Chy...Happy to see someone gets it...and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Smile. It's not a perfect world out here, that's why so many complaints and debates on this plane. Try and apply a different attitude and not look at the glass half empty but half full. Lets appreciate, Someone spreading positive messages of how to seek the higher Source, to have a better lifestyle here and beyond instead of these constant mind complaints, distractions. People who are very simple people, get it, concentrate better and less distracted by the minds complaints. Ego off, Love on...

In my own words, I'm an independent thinker, humbly for the most part...I don't follow cults or frauds...I want the true proof of anything I follow. Therefore, I study and seek the truth, maybe for a lifetime but its definitely worthwhile seeking something positive, to create a purposeful lifestyle than wallowing in negative criticism of how others choose to practice spiritually, please stick to the other story , if this is your spiritual independence.

You have a right to you own opinions but seems like you are seeking attention and popularity to increase readers for your articles. If you are a true lover of spiritual independence how do you explain your criticism of another who is advocating the very same exact principle...hmm...Again that's a huge contradiction. Yes, I sound critical but I'm not contradicting myself by writing articles constantly on another's spiritual practices. I guess there's a reason why.

When your article writers, etc. are able to Prove the difference between Religion and Truth....Explain...hmm...I'm curious...since you promote spiritual independence. Again, it sounds contradictory to judge another based on your website's supposed focus. But, I would like and may speak for others, to see more articles that focus on true spiritual independence.

Suggestion, try loving one another, loving thoughts, positive messages, so we can grow up and out of this negative drama. I'm sure we would be a happier, kinder world and if not within ourselves.

God is the captain of our soul, regardless of how we practice, and whoever promotes that message, i.e. Minister, Priest, Guru, Rabbi, Reverend, Mureed, Sadhu, Father, Mother, Grandmother, Grandfather, a friend, you or a child, we should at least be grateful that a positive lifestyle is being suggested. We need some guidance in the life, youuu thinkkk...I'm not perfect and think I know it all. But always willing to objectively continually learn. Therefore, I would certainly like to learn from teachers who have studied diligently the Word. These teachers have sacrificed themselves to demonstrate life situations, so we can learn, whether how good or imperfect the situations may be or appear.

To the author: With all that said, I've learned something today. Thank you. Regarding spirituality, the fact that people are having an open dialogue, talking about spiritually on your website is actually a beginning to something greater...interesting. I'm learning too. The fact that you are focusing so much on such a person, illustrates your quest for answers. This is the whole purpose, Answers, Growth, and eventually inner Travel. Patience, Love, Effort and Humbly requesting grace, and those answers would present themselves. Ego prevents us from believing anything we don't fully understand. The humble less perfect ones try to at least give what we don't fully understand, a patient diligent chance. Also, when the proof is in the pudding , we can only judge that something or someone, when we have meticulously, continually tried it, practiced it or experienced it, inside ourselves and outside in the world. Spiritually. finding answers is your own personal relationship with the higher Source. We can make it strict, defiant or easy going. Either way, God will work with us, with who we are. Fortunately, we are ALL traveling towards that Great Source. Seems like you are on your way. Thanks for the enlightenment. Have a great journey...

You people still defending this con artist are shameless morons. If Gurinder ends up in jail you'll just move the goal post again and claim the Delhi courts aren't up to your personal standards.

Hi ...
Well in my case and it sounds like similar from Briana , but I speak for myself...I am not seeking defense for GSD. This situation he is involved in will be his issue to deal with. His karma and what a mess.
Unfortunately for him his life has been divided into extreme material financial dealings as well as trying to run the day care center for wayward souls called RSSB and global centers and its a tremendous responsibility that he did not ask for.... This RS has flourished immensely since I visited Dera in the late 70s with M. Charan Singh. At that time it was easier managed and less far less complications and far less funding needed to run the group. Now it has mushroomed immensely it requires a lot of money to run and the teachings that are great is what we should realize. Just take the part about leading a better life. Love of animals and the other good tenets to strive for. Seva and love each other.
If GSD or any guru is having personal issues then so be it. We can continue to grow as souls and again not expect these gurus to be saviors. We have to do our own study and do our best to be what we feel is right....perhaps GSD is having a lot of struggles with all this. Hes losing the money from this situation much of which was probably redirected to dera in some form. The expenses to run that no doubt far exceed donations at this time in its growth .Hes possibly losing trust from his devotees and lets be compassionate.
Give the man a chance to grow stumble fall down get back up and see what he does. It aint over till the fat lady sings...
Meanwhile we too are always trying to get up from difficulties and we expect the gurus to take care of us when we fall from grace and we know there are people who help us when we fall.
Anyway this whole thing is a shock to many but lets just see what happens and be forgiving of any transgressions.
We are fine. We are blessed by our form of God and be grateful this did not happen to you...my wish is for all upset with this is that we can grow and not throw stones. Its not easy I understand and I am defending our individual peace of mind in this and not any persons in particular. My wish is that GSD will stand up again in honor of his master and get this resolved and behind him and not get into this mess again.
Its a terrible embarassment as well and just so sorry this happened

Can I know who owns this blog??

It's owned by GSD through a series of shell companies.

Brian made this blog and I am happy people could and can vent about their feelings.
Not only what happens now,but apart from that also..
Some say it is about the teachings they are good.
I personal think not all the teachings were/are good.

What is good is: vegetarian diet..( vegan has lesser pain for animals..)
Some meditation...working together is beautiful when in a good atmosphere.
So more things are great..
Not great : the constant “ chaurasi talk,that only Master can save!
So people were made dependened on their master..
Dependence on the Master is not good at all.
Love for the Teacher can be very nice !
Now times has become different and satsangi’s have to adjust to this situation.
I now it’s not easy at all..but everything has a reason.
Hopefully there will not too much suffering.

Manu, I'm Brian Hines. I don't really "own" this blog, but I started it and keep it going. I don't make any money from the blog. In fact, I have to pay Typepad, who runs the blogging service I use.

I'm a 70 year old retired guy who lives in Salem, Oregon with my wife and dog on ten non-easycare rural acres that drives me crazy at times, yet also helps keep me healthy, given all the work our property takes.

I started this blog in 2004. You can read all of the posts since then through the Archives section in the right sidebar.

I wrote several books for Radha Soami Satsang Beas and was an active member of RSSB for 35 years. So I have a lot of good memories from that time. Eventually, though, I lost faith in the Sant Mat teachings and became a spiritually independent person.

If I'd been a Christian, I'd be using Christianity as an example of how religions don't make sense. Because I'm so familiar with RSSB, not surprisingly I use its teachings as examples of how religions don't make sense.

RSSB is especially interesting because like other Sant Mat groups, the focus is on a Perfect Living Master who is considered to be God in human form. So if that master or guru acts in decidedly unperfect and ungodlike ways, this cuts at the foundation of the RSSB teachings.

By contrast, as I noted in a recent blog post, Christians believe in the perfection of Jesus, who is long gone. Thus if Christian leaders do bad stuff, it is disturbing to other Christians, but it doesn't shake their faith.

Amar wrote: "It's owned by GSD through a series of shell companies."


"Can I know who owns this blog??"
I'm obviously not a genius and I don't expect anyone else to be either, but it's hard for me to imagine being so inept at life that you cant find information that is posted all over a website you're commenting on.

There's an entire section on the front page, accessible to everyone, that has Brian's name listed multiple times.

I would almost guarantee that Manu is some lower middle class loser whose family has a car and thinks that they're on top of the world and part of the elite after buying such a petty status symbol. He thinks because his neighbors defer to him in their village hierarchy it makes him powerful anywhere else. He'll later threaten to have this site taken down as if anyone of any value knows or cares what he says or what an American blogger thinks about his cult.

Back in 2009 I had a Marathi guy from a Facebook group I was in telling me he would get my Indian visa revoked and all kinds of shit because I had said something he didn't agree with about Sikhism. He wasn't even a Sikh.

Needless to say I've been to India many times after he supposedly contacted big people about my innocuous comments. He was a powerless nobody just like all the people who throw hissy fits here.

It looks to me like so many on this blog have had their spirits injured by RS and all these issues which I believe are happening now and very unsettling and it sure shows me theres a lot of pain in the hearts and minds of no doubt thousands of people but only a few blog it....hopes and dreams trust and promises feel violated.
Im not anyone to validatevor invalidate your experiences beyond what you have weitten to one another for a few years now.
I got in here by my own research and studied this website and have read most of your letters to one another...some is hilarious. Some hits home some i disagree and this new financial stuff is in the news so its happening and people are delusioned and hurt by it all.
Well ive written recently 3 or 4 letters on this blog and thats what I think may help us all deal with this...
So fellow travelers on the path to understanding knowledge and compassion for all. I think you all on this blog are really very spiritual people in some way and I respect all of you for putting yourselves out for the whole world to read...keep growing. A seed becomes a bountiful tree somewhere in time

Wrong story being circulated. Very shameful on your part you have singled out one out of 56 entities listed by vested interests.

Looks like the petaluma satsang is on schedule 2 days end of July with instructions to attend dont know anymore regarding anywhere else..

Hi Ravi. Which wrong story is being circulated? 1 out of 56 is the leader of RSSB, aka PLM. His family is included, as well as high ranking RSSB sevadars, friends of GSD and other companies associated with GSD and his family. Which story are you referring to?

Well a short post...
You know the gentle quaintness of sitting in olden times with a father master loving grandpa guide best friend...a small loving group of soulfull people caring and loving their santa claus sipping tea sharing a simple lunch and receiving comfort and reassurance that all will be ok dear souls the lord is with you my little children fear not for the lord is eternally yours and will carry you safely home one day...simple teachings ....
This is what was at one time in RS...I experienced it to a lesser level than this story ...but now there are millions of people lines money deals. Many satsangis getting involved to work business be seen by others not all are of high integrity from time to time and the crowds are immense. As well the souls are begging. Any guru has a terrible job with this... crowds everywhere begging and wailing for a quick darshan screaming in agony for the saviour to just help them and theres no peace in these crowds just so different now.
Perhaps the quiet solitude of staying home away from the masses one can receive an inner light and get some answers and feel the comfort and love of ones own soul. We really need to go back to our own inner basics and grow from there.Theres a wealth in your own space..

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