Leave a comment on this post about anything you want to talk about. Remember that I'm moderating comments, so it could take a while for your comment to be published. Almost every comment submitted to an Open Thread will be approved. Personal attacks devoid of substantive content are an exception.
Though I haven't been doing too well on this, I'll try to remember to always have an Open Thread showing in the Recent Posts section in the right sidebar. If one isn't showing, I've added an Open Threads category in, naturally, the Categories section. You can always find an Open Thread that way.
So if you're a believer in some form of religion, mysticism, or spirituality, this is where you can put your "praise God," "praise Guru," or "praise _______" comments.
My young paduan has been posting recklessly the past few weeks.
I apologise to everyone and am sorry if he had made any sense.
One day he will learn the true value of Choprabolloxing.
In woodlands we dream inwardly.
One hand clapped. A tree fell in the forest.
Fiction is never Real
Posted by: Dr Eugene Genetics | May 29, 2019 at 10:47 AM
Dr Eugene Genetics was self aware at 18:56, He started preaching what has now become known as The Lost Discourses:
The Guru where’s no urban.
Oneness for two.
Bridge to Heathen.
This inauspicious start to his ministry enlightened many minions. As his Sangate grew in size, he updated his teachings to a highly evolved Science of Spiritual Spoonerisms. This School of mystical fault blossomed into Swadha Rami UK. His few followers, or disciples as they like to be called, have packed it all in to do something else.
Posted by: Mike England | May 29, 2019 at 02:38 PM
@S*. schreef :
""I ask you, does a loving God appoint another “god” to judge souls and send them back to this world—this hell—over and over again so that they can “pay for their sins”?
Het wordt nou toch eens tijd op te houden met het beschuldigen van God.
JIJ ( YOU ) hebt dit allemaal georganiseerd en God heeft je laten begaan
Al die eventuele gebieds- Goden Proxies bestonden niet voordat jij en ik en zoveel anderen
deze hebben "opgeroepen"
En ben je weliswaar in een wat vreemde totaal satsangi familie geboren
maar toch heb je de kans
al die deities die vanuit subjectief almost objectief werden gemaakt, uit te wissen
met Simran
maar je doet een vipanassa aspirintje in plaats van het echte werk
Please doe wat die man waar je zoveel van hield je vertelde
en doe het ECHT
en niet n beetje
als je volgende levens wilt vermijden
Ik meen het
Niemand , hélemaal niemand is verantwoordelijk
voor wat jou is overkomen
behalve JIJZELF
Kies voor de brian leugen clan of voor je SatGuru
En wie ik ben heb je nu wel begrepen
Ik heb het Pad notabene een beetje van JOU ook
Posted by: 777 | May 30, 2019 at 08:03 AM
I'm confused about Ishwar Puri. There's a 2016 interview in which he says that he doesn't initiate but only acts as a representative of his own guru, Sawan Singh. Sawan Singh passed 71 years ago. Therefore, isn't Ishwar's practice in direct conflict with Sawan Singh's own teaching, which stressed the importance of a living Master? Was Ishwar only being quiet about his own status as a living Master? Which Radiant Form do Ishwar initiates anticipate, that of Ishwar Puri or that of Sawan Singh?
Leigh: Were you designated by Sawan Singh to become an initiator so could you pass the initiations on? Do you have initiates?
Ishwar Puri: I am only helping people who are marked by my Master. I do not initiate.
Leigh: Your Master initiates through you?
Ishwar Puri: He does. I watch it. Not only do I watch it, but because of my relationship with my Master, I ask him, “This guy has come in front of me and says initiate me. What do you say?” He says, “He’s marked. Yes.” I don’t even call it my initiation, I call it great Master’s initiation...
Posted by: anami | May 31, 2019 at 09:50 AM
Ishwar is a beatiful teacher of the philosophy of the path, from a more western perspective.
If you wish to learn the method of meditation, what to expect, and some newly added guided imagery steps to help calm the mind, Puri is your guy.
Nothing more needs to be added.
Anyone can teach the method. But ideally the best teachers were humbled students of a great teacher themselves.
If you believe in the "perfect teacher" idea this certainly helps maintain focus through all the challenges of meditation. But as we can see, results in a lot of corruption also. The idea itself of a perfect Master, as part of the dogma, makes a teaching into a religion. The idea is imperfect and does not reflect the objective reality of the path within.
But as to whether any human being is closer to God than any other, that just isn't so. We are all equal in worth and are made of God... About $16 of chemicals....
Posted by: Spence Tepper | May 31, 2019 at 10:37 AM
Anami I too was confused about that when I heard he was initiating. Is it possible that he is functioning as a representative? You know initiating on behalf of the master?
Posted by: Anon | May 31, 2019 at 11:23 AM
Well, Spence, that could be, but I'm asking a much narrower question, a question of doctrine as given by Ishwar. It's clear that Sawan Singh taught the importance of a living Master and to reach the Radiant Form of that same Master within as a specific step on the Path. In the interview Ishwar Puri purports to initiate on behalf of Sawan Singh. I have to assume Ishwar teaches the same philosophy and method, otherwise he couldn't call it "Great Master's initiation." So which Radiant Form does Ishwar say to expect, the Radiant Form of Sawan Singh or the Radiant Form of Ishwar Puri? Any Ishwar people out there?
Posted by: anami | May 31, 2019 at 12:36 PM
Hi Amani
Good questions. I believe, if Ishwar is citing Sant Mat dogma, you will see the master who was alive and who Initiated you. By that dogma, those who are initiated by Ishwar will see Ishwar, their living teacher.
All Masters, according to the dogma, are simply acting under assignment of their own Master. Great Master said he was following Jaimal Singh's orders, Charan Singh said he was following Great Master's orders, etc..
Posted by: Spence Tepper | May 31, 2019 at 01:17 PM
Yes, that would be in accordance with Sant Mat dogma, but is it what Ishwar teaches? What does Ishwar say? I believe there are a few Ishwar people at CoC. Osho Robbins, are you one? Can you weigh in?
Posted by: anami | May 31, 2019 at 04:28 PM
Yes, that would be in accordance with Sant Mat dogma, but is it what Ishwar teaches?
I agree with Spence. On one of his YouTube sessions, Ishwar responds to a
question about separation: "I'll be with you always."
Posted by: Dungeness | May 31, 2019 at 06:05 PM
I noticed one key detail. Ishwar's website starts with PLM--plmishwarpuri.com. Perfect Living Master! So Spence and Dungeness must be right. He"s folliwing form by proclaiming himself only a servant. Very conventional after all.
Now I'm wondering why he started initiating in the first place, when Sawan Singh already assigned Jagat Singh (or Kirpal Singh, depending on who you believe), but I guess it shouldn't bother me, considering the tangle of other RS branches and lineages.
Posted by: anami | May 31, 2019 at 10:29 PM
"""Hägglund says,
"is not how much work we have done or have to do (quantity of labor time), but how much disposable time we have to pursue and explore what matters to us (quality of free time)."
Have for a moment the 7 vertical energy levels ( regions ) in your mind
Simplifying :
Each of us comes from separate locations from these 7 levels,
having here a possibility to upgrade or downgrade
or do nothing
Each human or other 7 chakras entity can hear the all-pervading sound vibration.
It's enough to give it some 'attention'
Next, that energy can lift you up but we have really to grip, jump in it
Of course, the quality of our life is a factor here
Do never hurt
This is difficult to understand without some
"real meditation" experience
(not contemplation - inner dialogue - making ego movies all the time )
Rssb gives definitely the precise means & method
We get the hunger, the soup and the spoon
Simone de Beauvoir in "Nobody lives forever" describes after first having some fun the horror of not being capable to die physically
She talks about the body of course and then is right
But our Shabd connection/involvement/absorbtion
is a totally different ballgame
It is like the disaster in Startrek , when Scotty is not capable
to bring you back from the holodeck
Elon Musk is right to be sure that we ( the universe ) is a giant simulation
but underestimates that we all were/are the programmer
Nothing happens without our "permission"
Looking to the LOVE aspect of this 'Game' makes a fabulous Creation
Think out of the box a little
After the present happenings in your life
dependent of your 'level' you are free to go in some other creation again OR NOT do so
Eternity isn't boring anymore!
Elons programmer is just a perfect Love accumulator
HE has trillions of Eons of Creations experience
HE. is You,
My personal feeling is that the expression "HE is us" is wrong because
Posted by: 777 | June 02, 2019 at 06:06 AM
Correction about Simone de Beauvoir ( married with J.P.Sartre)
Regina asks him for a way to escape her boredom. He only asks how old the actress is. He takes her report of being twenty-eight-years-old and estimates she has about fifty more years to endure. Then she would be free of boredom.
Great Read
Posted by: 777 | June 02, 2019 at 06:39 AM
Cutting corners costs lives...
Boing Max had multiple sensors feeding into their autopilot system as a standard redundancy safeguard. But then they chose to eliminate that and go with a single sensor... Without telling anyone...
They also disabled a common autopilot control override....
"Much like tapping the brake pedal in a car to disengage cruise control, a sharp tug on the controls of older models of Boeing Co’s 737 used to shut off an automatic trim system that keeps the plane flying level, giving the pilot control.
" But Boeing disabled the “yoke jerk” function when it brought out the 737 MAX, the latest version of its top-selling jet — and many pilots were unaware of the change, aviation experts told Reuters.
" The difference may help explain why pilots struggled to keep their aircraft climbing after takeoff on two fatal 737 MAX flights less than five months apart that killed 346 people."
Cutting corners costs human lives.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 02, 2019 at 01:15 PM
Boing even got FAA permission to hide details about the new MCAS automatic system by pulling those out of the flight manual.
"The company also played down the scope of the system to regulators. Boeing never disclosed the revamp of MCAS to Federal Aviation Administration officials involved in determining pilot training needs, according to three agency officials. When Boeing asked to remove the description of the system from the pilot’s manual, the F.A.A. agreed. As a result, most Max pilots did not know about the software until after the first crash, in October."
This is why mixing money and personal interest with duty is a bad thing.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 02, 2019 at 01:21 PM
" But Boeing disabled the “yoke jerk” function when it brought out the 737 MAX, the latest version of its top-selling jet — and many pilots were unaware of the change, aviation experts told Reuters.
But the article correctly notes that turning off the stab trim switches on the
center console woulda shut down the automatic trim system and MCAS:
::: Boeing pointed to long-established procedures that pilots could have used
::: to handle a malfunction of the anti-stall system, regardless of whether the
::: pilots knew MCAS existed.
::: That checklist tells pilots to switch off the two stabilizer trim cutout switches
::: on the central console, and then to adjust the aircraft’s stabilizers manually
::: using trim wheels.
In my opinion, the failure to update manuals and augment training was
the critical breakdown rather than the lack of a backup sensor. It's also
too facile to pin it on corporate greed or "cutting corners". Investigation
is ongoing to identify why updated training wasn't expedited or delivered
at all.
What's known about the incident is that the pilot of the doomed 737 was
tugging frantically on the disabled control with almost 100 lbs of pressure
as he frantically tried to override MCAS. That was the technology used on
older 737's but disabled on the MAX.
Software automation and a backup sensor for another layer of redundancy
are secondary issues. Training is the keystone. As a pilot's rep clarified:
::: “Automation is there to make us safer and more productive in the cockpit,”
::: But that never replaces the overriding commandment that the pilot has to
::: fly the airplane and know what the aircraft is doing."
Another expert concurs:
::: “Automation isn’t the debate. It’s about the ease of manual override and the
::: extent to which that is included in training and communications.”
Above quotes from:
Posted by: Dungeness | June 02, 2019 at 05:36 PM
Hi Dungeness
Who chooses to save money by not having a backup sensor?
Who chooses Not to tell pilots the old moves, in an emergency, won't work?
This was a reckless series of moves specifically taken to slash costs and get the plane approved without appropriate transparency. By purposefully not telling the pilots, Boing got their planes in the air months earlier than had the pilots had the opportunity to record and weigh in on these cost cutting changes.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 02, 2019 at 06:17 PM
Who chooses Not to tell pilots the old moves, in an emergency, won't work?
Um, there are dozens of hand-offs in a large org. like Boeing for even
routine decisions. Are you seriously jettisoning any possibility of an
oversight? And instead opting to believe there was a nefariously
deliberate cost-cutting maneuver that left pilots uninformed about an
inoperative "yoke jerk"? One that left lives in danger when a simple
timely memo woulda mitigated the risk?
Didn't it occur that someone mighta just been too quick to conclude
there was a fail-safe to turn off MCAS via the two stablizer trim cutout
switches and that was enough redundancy? Or did it not occur that
someone along the paper trial mighta dropped the ball and forgot to
send out the update memos to the airlines?
Did it ever occur that oversights in a company employing 100K, at least
in past years, with multiple layers of mgmt and literally thousands of depts.
can and do happen? Is it obligatory to dump those possibilities for a
more cynical, nefarious one?
This was a reckless series of moves specifically taken to slash costs and get the plane approved without appropriate transparency. By purposefully not telling the pilots, Boing got their planes in the air months earlier than had the pilots had the opportunity to record and weigh in on these
cost cutting changes.
And this is known how? By reading news reports? Supposition? Intuitive
hunch? How much do you know about engineering, or Boeing's chain
of command and approval process, or how labyrinthine its paper flows
can be?
Or can you just elide the technical mumbo jumbo, skip the investigative
homework when there's a sermon that so dearly needs to be told? Is this
the same methodology that was used to ascertain GSD is guilty and needs
to pay his bills? No investigation, corroboration, or trial needed. Open and
shut case.
Perhaps, this judgment is informed by a hidden source though? Or is it
just divine wisdom? Then again, it admittedly gives the accuser a golden
opportunity to deliver a pious homily about criminal greed. Only the gifted
can see what the ordinary can't so just try to absorb their divine guidance.
Posted by: Dungeness | June 02, 2019 at 10:50 PM
You can still go short on Boeing
and long on Gurinder and His Song
Posted by: 777 | June 02, 2019 at 11:32 PM
"" Maybe it isn't eternity we long for, but quality time in this life. ""
Charan started each satsang with :
Most people are unhappy
by being attached to temporal quality
Let's attach to something eternal!
which is also sweet
no ascetism required, . . just love the Shabd more
Posted by: 777 | June 02, 2019 at 11:58 PM
You can still go short on Boeing
and long on Gurinder and His Song
777, you're right if I get what you mean.
Maybe I miscalculated Boeing mgmt's (singular or plural) greed quotient
but I think it warrants a careful investigation before assuming malign intent.
But. you can always go safely with the inner master and his song which I
think Spence does.
Posted by: Dungeness | June 03, 2019 at 12:13 AM
Hi Dungeness
You wrote
"Um, there are dozens of hand-offs in a large org. like Boeing for even
routine decisions. Are you seriously jettisoning any possibility of an
Apparently you may have missed what I'd quoted...
'Boing even got FAA permission to hide details about the new MCAS automatic system by pulling those out of the flight manual.
"The company also played down the scope of the system to regulators. Boeing never disclosed the revamp of MCAS to Federal Aviation Administration officials involved in determining pilot training needs, according to three agency officials. When Boeing asked to remove the description of the system from the pilot’s manual, the F.A.A. agreed. As a result, most Max pilots did not know about the software until after the first crash, in October."
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 03, 2019 at 05:52 AM
As for inner life... That is the track upon which the whole train of our brief and fitful life rides.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 03, 2019 at 05:55 AM
'Boing even got FAA permission to hide details about the new MCAS automatic system by pulling
those out of the flight manual.
"The company also played down the scope of the system to regulators. Boeing never disclosed the revamp of MCAS to Federal Aviation Administration officials involved in determining pilot training needs, according to three agency officials. When Boeing asked to remove the description of the system from the pilot’s manual, the F.A.A. agreed. As a result, most Max pilots did not know about the software until after the first crash, in October."
It's Boeing with an "e", Spence. You've made the mistake several times.
So, again, you divined malign intent without waiting for the investigation
or explanation? Instead you opine with a smear that it was a "reckless
series of moves" without "transparency" designed solely to accelerate the
release date. Naturally, after reading the NYT article, you weighed the
possibility of mitigating explanations I assume?
Boeing made the case to the FAA which approved the change so I
suspect Boeing argued with supporting evidence. Or was that detail
overlooked in that investigative screed? Or does the conspiracy theory
extend to a presumption of guilt without rebuttal or any follow-up's?
I'm sure Boeing in hindsight would have moved more slowly. As I stated
though, Boeing had a well established fail-safe to turn off MCAS via the
two stablizer trim cutout switches. Maybe they made that case to the
FAA I don't know for certain but I strongly suspect they did.
Speaking of moving more slowly, that reminds me of an unanswered
question, so I'll update and re-ask:
"Can you just breeze through a news article, elide the technical mumbo
jumbo, and skip the investigative homework in favor of a snap judgment?
Especially if there's a sermon that so dearly needs to be told? Is this the
same methodology that was used to ascertain GSD is guilty?"
Apparently you may have missed what I'd quoted..
And apparently you glossed over the challenge so after a slight edit,
I'll ask again:
You're sure Boeing had malign intent and was willing to risk lives in
their rush for profit? This you've established how? By reading news
reports? Supposition? Intuitive hunch? How much do you know about
engineering, or Boeing's chain of command and approval process, or
how labyrinthine its paper flows can be?
Or did it not occur that someone along the paper trial mighta dropped
the ball and forgot to send out the update memos re: MCAS to the airlines?
Posted by: Dungeness | June 03, 2019 at 09:20 AM
nooran sisters - bulleh shah qwali
Posted by: Osho Robbins | June 03, 2019 at 10:52 AM
Hi Dungeness
You wrote
"I'm sure Boeing in hindsight would have moved more slowly. As I stated
though, Boeing had a well established fail-safe to turn off MCAS via the
two stablizer trim cutout switches."
Please read the articles again. The mechanisms for turning off the aileron flap switches Boeing outlines would work but were non-standard. The primary standard failsafe was the choke release, which, to save money, Boeing also disabled without telling anyone, and worse, pushed approval through FAA to delete mention of the changes in the manual. Understand, even the FAA did not know the choke override had been removed.
Your trust in official bodies to know better than you or ought to be a little shaken by this.
As the articles stated, Boeing could get away with this because they had siloed the certification process into so many separate stages of technical work that no one could put the whole together. And with cuts to FAA, their capacity b to double check had also been reduced.
Removing redundant sensors, removing standard autopilot override mechanisms, and removing any mention of this in the flight manual, on the other hand, is unlikely to take place all by chance.
You have to have a system of corner cutting to get all three into this cluster.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 03, 2019 at 12:41 PM
You also asked
"You're sure Boeing had malign intent and was willing to risk lives in
their rush for profit?"
No. They were confident in themselves. Over confident.
It's called groupthink, and almost got us into a nuclear war...
You may recall the Shuttle Disaster,
"‘As soon as the button was pressed to mute NASA from our meeting, the managers said ‘we have to make a management decision,’ said Boisjoly. ‘It was obvious they were going to change their decision to launch decision to accommodate their major customer.
‘But surely the photographs I had showed that the more black that you see between the seals, the lower the temperature, the closer you are to a disaster. I was told I was literally screaming at the managers to look at the photos, but they wouldn’t look at them.
'The general manager of Thiokol turned to his three senior managers and asked what they wanted to do. Two agreed to go to a launch decision, one refused.
‘So he (the general manager) turns to him and said ‘take off your engineering hat and put on your management hat’ – and that’s exactly what happened,’ said Boisjoly. ‘He changed his hat and changed his vote, just 30 minutes after he was the one to give the recommendation not to launch. I didn’t agree with one single statement made on the recommendations given by the managers.’"
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 03, 2019 at 01:00 PM
Please read the articles again. The mechanisms for turning off the aileron flap switches Boeing outlines would work but were non-standard.
Exercising the fail-safe mechanism to manually trim in an emergency
is standard though.
Removing redundant sensors, removing standard autopilot override mechanisms, and removing any mention of this in the flight manual, on the other hand, is unlikely to take place all by chance.
You have to have a system of corner cutting to get all three into this cluster.
Yes, that's correct. Boeing certainly miscalculated the safety and cost saving
efficiencies that they hoped MCAS would achieve. And, no question, they
were in a competive rush.
But these changes were all related to over-reliance on MCAS as I understand it.
This wasn't disparate random corner cutting. More like over-reliance of software.
Notwithstanding theories Boeing siloed the cert. process in nefarious ways, the
MAX underwent careful flight testing and was certified by Boeing and the FAA to
fly safely. Miscalculation, yes. Deliberate recklessness, ridiculous in my opinion.
It's easy to second-guess every innovative feature that fails. As one of the articles
points out AirBus was faulted for an early accident when it pioneered fly-by-wire.
It turned out to be pilot error.
But, this all misses the point. Reading a couple of articles and going off on a riff to
sermonize about what happened in Boeing in hindsight and then attribute it in
stark terms as "reckless" is absurd. Moreover, this is occurring presumably without
expertise of your own in aerodynamics or knowledge of aircraft manufacturing,
and certainly without fairly weighing alternative explanations or possible mitigating
No citation of Boeing's own ongoing investigations either. They were evidently
discounted as transparent cover-up's even with Boeing's enviable record for quality
and safety over decades.
In fact, "malign intent" or "reckless cost-cutting" isn't established at all. Armed with
a cursory look at a few magazines, there was a leap to the soapbox to pontificate
about corporate greed and corruption festering in Boeing. Yep, the clear takeaway
is the big "B" is sliding over to the dark side.
It's eerily similar to the pattern of reading articles about the scandals roiling RSSB and
then shouting "Gurinder, pay your bills". No fairness, no trial. Accusers, uncredentialed
legally, wade right in. They distill the "usual suspects" down to a party of one. "Open
and shut case. Guilty!" they bark.
Posted by: Dungeness | June 03, 2019 at 03:59 PM
Yup Dungeness is again 100% correct.
More conspiracy theories from old Spence. I don’t know if the purpose is to get a reaction or his simply bat-shit stir crazy (I didn’t use the term bullshit).
Jumping to foregone hairbrained conclusions based on 2nd hand accounts, again - this time he’s an FAA aviation expert - what a guy.
My favorite will always remain ‘quantum entanglement in sparrows tho’ - that takes the cake. He’s the gift that just keeps on giving - loony tunes..,
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 03, 2019 at 11:18 PM
Maybe this is why GSD said all along not to react cos he can see these dudes for what they are, attention-seekers, looking for a reaction.
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 03, 2019 at 11:22 PM
I don't have any understanding of quantum entanglement, just thought I would look it up about how birds migrate...
Migration via quantum mechanics
A perplexing property of quantum mechanics could be allowing birds to see and navigate the planet’s magnetic fields
Posted by: Jen | June 04, 2019 at 02:16 AM
I’ve been to the cinema lately with my oldest and bestest friend. We saw:
Avengers Endgame
John Wick 3
Godzilla King if the Monsters
Posted by: Mike England | June 04, 2019 at 03:16 AM
Next up are:
Spiderman abroad
Men in Black
Posted by: Mike England | June 04, 2019 at 03:18 AM
"‘As soon as the button was pressed to mute NASA from our meeting, the managers said ‘we have to make a management decision,’
which brings us to the
( VanAllen not 200 but >10 000 KM thick = a million X-Rays) fake moon landings
Posted by: 7 | June 04, 2019 at 10:35 AM
The gift of awe
The present of the present
One way to inscribe this gift, given to us at the end cactus moment, is awesome. Some awe.
Once upon the surface is scratched, the underneath is revealing itself presented. The completion backwards principle applies here, as if objects in the rear view mirror, darkly.
Subjecting to objections complicity complicates what ought to be complimentary comments. Objectively awe not.
The wrong end of a telescope is not what it appears.
Posted by: Mike England | June 04, 2019 at 02:41 PM
I was looking through the spirituality books at the local library and came across The Book of Secrets by Osho.
Just wanted to tell any ex satsangis that if you left the radha soami thing, and because of the mass marketing by his brother who is more corrupt and filthy even than Osho himself, think you should give it a chance- don't. It's the worst book I've ever come across in my life and I feel bad that anyone is so stupid to think this trash was worthy of being published. Goes to show how corrupt the publishing industry is. They want you to be stupid and to embarrass yourself when discussing spiritual ideas with others. That's the only logical reason anyone would push Osho onto the public. As an attack.
Osho's blathering is like radha soami satsang by a heroin addict who was born with cerebral palsy and fetal alcohol syndrome. You will become more cultish and dumb than even rs could make you and eventually start wearing ridiculous hats with glitter on them.
Go back to the classics if you need Indian/eastern philosophy. Get a book of the principal upanishads. Read a collection of Zen koans. But do not get into Osho unless you really need to make yourself more stupid and require a brain full of fake Buddhist quotes and methods for no reason whatsoever, or if you need that extra boost of inspiration to go beyond normal clinical depression and into suicide mode.
The first time I was in India Osho was described to me as "a black spot on our history." I know why now.
Posted by: Jesse | June 04, 2019 at 04:19 PM
Dr Eugene Genetics has not been in the beast of heath lately. As part of my karata training, I was tasked with tidying His study. You would not believe the things He has there. Neanderthal discourse wiritten on mammoth skin. The Panterra Scrolls of Capriterrious Saggicorn, originals and revised/updated versions. The astral regions drawn on a spider web.
An invisible diamond that has no form or mass.
And he has the set of 1951 English cricket team cards that came free with packets of tea.
Gravitational entanglement circles it self
Posted by: Mike England | June 04, 2019 at 04:46 PM
The two men in the video I'm linking to took somewhere around 150 punches and kicks to the face, body and legs each during this one 5 round fight. Both remained composed and in full control over their bodies and emotions through the ordeal. Imagine a guru taking one single punch and not cowering and running to the police or trying to gather a mob to save him.
Many fighters train in ice baths, meditation, and of course the actual fighting disciplines. In any way I can imagine, they're far more "enlightened" than dipshits who deliver charismatic speeches on stages and whom Manjit measures their evolution by how much literal feces they throw at non-believers. (Though I have to admit, I've never read an entire 80 page comment aka treatise of the absoluteness of the human ego by Manjit, but when skimming and laughing I did once see a line that said enlightened beings "throw shit" at people like me or something. Maybe enlightenment means becoming an ape or chimpanzee. After throwing it they might just eat the shit to prove how exactly next level they are. Ask Manjit)
Anything you want to measure, any criteria you pretend relates to enlightenment is found in greater proportion in these fighters than in any baba you're going to find. Fighters meditate better, are braver when confronting death, the famous ones face much more social pressure and often deal with it better than babas who have to filter out tough questioners from their satsangs, and of course physical pain has far less effect on a fighter than any normal meditator. Fighters have more equanimity than any baba will ever have.
If you want to find your true self, join an active military and stare actual death in the face constantly, train in MMA or start trading currency with a lot of leverage. Until then you're just LARPing and fantasizing about things that don't matter and basically playing with dolls before you die.
Posted by: Jesse | June 04, 2019 at 08:30 PM
wtf have fighters got to do with gurus?
These fking neanderthal brutes take great pride in smashing lumps out of each other, while the guru is all about alleviating human suffering and kindness. The two are at compete opposite ends of the spectrum.
The one is nothing more than a wild animal, the other is the pinnacle of human existence. The one seeking to injure maim and maybe even end human life, the other treats all life as sacrosanct not be harmed. Fighting and war is everything that is worst about human beings, while peace and love is everything that is best.
You want to join the military, go for it. You want to get punched in the pip until you braindead, knock yourself out,
But don’t sit on a website telling everyone what reality is when you are clearly so completely divorced from it.
There are people that think there is far more to life than being the big man on the block, and actually in my experience, they are the ones who got my balls than the so-called tough guys when push comes to shove. Not the ones trying to prove themselves by beating up another human being.
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 05, 2019 at 09:10 AM
Georgy Porgy, the king of missing the point. Good job.
Posted by: Jesse | June 05, 2019 at 09:23 AM
What point I’m missing, you bigging up these tough guys like you some kinda tough guy wannabe, in the guise of dishing out reality.
I’m telling you these base thugs are nothing more than animals. You reckon they some kinda enlightened warrior beings. Maybe you respect and aspire to be these guys, I don’t. I think the guru is what we should be aspiring to be.
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 05, 2019 at 10:53 AM
You do not see the Supreme Reality.
Instead, you see the world.
The solid-seeming world is just a play of the illusions.
Posted by: 777 | June 05, 2019 at 10:59 AM
"I think the guru is what we should be aspiring to be." Says Georgy RSSB Porgy
You can't aspire to be someone you do not know. You can aspire to have the qualities of a "guru", but you don't know what he's like in personal life. You see the the image of what a guru is supposed to be like, what society thinks a "guru" should be like, behave and dress like. GSD has said it in the past, would you treat me the same if I shaved my beard and took off the turban?
We're enamored by the idea of following someone "special" or "enlightened". We should try focusing ourselves to be aware of ones Self and the power within us, instead of outward to someone.
Posted by: Amar | June 05, 2019 at 12:56 PM
Hi Georgy
Proselytizing for Sant Mat, but you claim you aren't a Satsangi?
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 05, 2019 at 01:20 PM
Believe what you want. I’m no Satsangi and I’m not the sort to follow anyone or join any club or group.
You guys have an issue with the gurus, and prefer fighters. I’m saying i have zero respect for fighters, it’s not something I aspire to.
The only thing I respect is goodness and kindness. Doesn’t mean that I’m like that, but it’s the only kinda person that I would respect.
Of course I realize some gurus are charlatans, just as I realize Spencer here is a complete bullshitter.
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 05, 2019 at 01:51 PM
Oh wait a minute, I get it Georgy. You aren't a Satsangi. Because the Master teaches us not to proselytize.
You wrote
"I think the guru is what we should be aspiring to be."
No Satsangi violates the directive of their Master.
Do you also aspire to spend hundreds of millions on yourself and your family of other people's money and never pay back what you owe?
I guess I can see how that might appeal to someone, but not A Satsangi.
But it's a no - win situation. The house always wins and the gambler goes home a sucker.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 05, 2019 at 01:58 PM
You guessing at shadows. Just like your conspiracy theories. Too quick to judgement, not enough thought.
I don’t follow anyone or there rules and I don’t believe in half the crap you do. Sparrow entanglement - Boeing trying to kill us cos of cost-cutting - the guru must be guilty cos you seen the news reports.
You a daft man who jumps to superficial conclusions too quickly, without weighing up the evidence and actually understanding the situation.
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 05, 2019 at 02:26 PM
Georgy you wrote
""I think the guru is what we should be aspiring to be."
And then you write
"You a daft man who jumps to superficial conclusions too quickly, without weighing up the evidence and actually understanding the situation."
OMG that's funny....
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 05, 2019 at 03:08 PM
My belief system goes so much further
than the rssb enemies can accept
And when wrong,. . my Lover descends
and creates, makes true what I believe
HE is an Almighty Sweet All pervading kind of Lover
Posted by: 777 | June 06, 2019 at 12:14 AM
Hi 777,
How you react on me..??
That first sentense is a bit strange ;)I took it from someone else,does'nt matter I took the essence.
The essence for me is that I still in my heart love maharaji BUT it is what I made/ make from it.It is our own love inside.
I did not really know maharaji in his day to day life ..
I was at a young age seeking for God..
and met maharaji when I was 19 and seeking for God..
So I was imidiately in love with this loving ''godman''
He talked about living a vegetarian life happily,my father became sweeter!!
Our family became better more nice etc..
Ok I was entirely in love with ''my''Guru..
Still feel that in my heart..It was my seeing in my own being..
Now after doing lots of meditation for years and years..(also a bit escaping from this world..Very enjoyable!!)
Now I am in the NOT KNOWING.What feels great right now..
I do'nt say what is good or not good for others.
I can't take(from the beginning)the transmigration idea in the way Santmat speaks.
It has to do with anxiety and with autority over ''you''as disciple..
I do not see that as good.
When I do meditation I do it my way that is no aspirine as you call it.
It is seeking inside about what is there..words can not really explain ones meditation.
Also not the way one lives.
I feel nearer to myself because I know the spark is me in me.
I still do not know who you are.
But maybe it is not important.
77 you can live how you want,others can do as they seem fit right??!!
Do'nt worry so much about what others think feel and go trough..
You have your way..
Nobody has to defend the Guru,he is capable to do his own job :)
Posted by: s* | June 06, 2019 at 12:45 AM
"". Religious believers aren't happier than everybody else. ""
After the trivial title, . . next speaking of SOME satsangis ONLY,
They are about 1%%. of religious people on this planet,
This whole Chapter is misconstrued like Bla
But ultimate real and stable happiness comes from hearing this hyper adorable
and addicting easy to obtain music ; The Holy Ghost
Seek for those people , . . ask if they need prosac
next tell what you found out
Up to now
we have in this blog maximum
10 unhappy bloggers
4 Million Lovers
You can interview also 30 Million Nirankaris
next Buddhists, Hindus, so far all little on SSRI medications,
so few school shootings if any
and some Christians
It is well known that atheist make unhappy people
f .i. Brian and Lauren cultivating fear
Posted by: 777 | June 06, 2019 at 05:16 PM
You know 777 I'm reminded of an interaction between professor Bhatnaghar at evening meeting when one American disciple was complaining to Maharaji profusely at how hard and difficult the path is, and why can't it just be easy and he be happy. And professor getting more and more impatient with this whining ungratefulness of this spoilt American disciple.
Eventually he couldn't contain his restraint any more and he burst out
"You have nam and meditation and perfect guru and everything for your benefit - and you want happiness also?"
Shows what value some people have in life, happiness is relative term, true lover never has "happiness" - ecstacy and pain and longing and aching heart but never this stupid ephemeral thing called "happiness".ask Mirabai what is happiness she'll tell you it's not what these Western intellectual think it is.
Posted by: Haiku's halo | June 06, 2019 at 05:53 PM
Haiku namatada
What does Mirabai have to say?
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 07, 2019 at 12:25 AM
Ah, a charming antidote to the nihilistic, "existence is utterly futile" to the "Brianji's" and Neil deGrasse Tyson's of the world..... :)
Posted by: manjit | June 07, 2019 at 02:45 AM
Haiku halo,
Perhaps you are very judging the”Western intelectual” here..
Maybe he was unhappy to the core..or maybe he was doubting( what is not aloud).
I do’nt know.
But do not judge is one of the vows ;)..
Falling apart from the .”.others” in feelings about teachings is very very lonely being in Dera..
I know that from experience..
Sometimes i was broke after satsang,while nobody felt that..
Posted by: s* | June 07, 2019 at 03:45 AM
Semantics :
So I am on my wrong Path , . . cause I'm so happy
on the wrong Shabd ( U think )
btw reason I was put here
on chapter 21
Batnagar ( if this is not fake ) was so wrong and yes "bitter", quickly angry
this stupid ephemeral thing called "happiness". <<<. ARE YOU NUTS?
Posted by: 777 | June 07, 2019 at 04:04 AM
Here is How it works :
What would an All Powerful Being possessing everything need?
LOVE is the answer
So SHE does anything
and each quantum will transform in LOVE
Via Karma(s) it may take long ( many many Big Bangs) or flashed ( in a nanosecond)
the result is fantastic
You ( Reader here ) are HIM / HER
Even if one Soul per Galaxy succeeds : this is a Giant Stream
of Love
Please ask the AI_20/500QUBIT IBM Quantum Computer - It will confirm.
Even a stone will transform in Love
There is just no other place to go!
Posted by: 777 | June 07, 2019 at 07:00 AM
Her is a 100% material subject
So I will call myself 888
Here biggest hoax ever ( after Madov . . no much more if effective)
They use Elon Musk’s name
The pretend you can subscribe for 2500 $ and work on a quantum computer
on which then you can do DOW transactions or currencies
And will make only 12% mistakes, . . . . so 88% profitable transactions
Although the IBM_20QUBIT is much better
but not available for public
I Checked with
And this is fake
Posted by: 888 | June 07, 2019 at 09:27 AM
Hey Manjit
Nice to see you again - was wondering what you were up to.
Great link/antidote to what seemed to be quite a reductionist/unblinkingly scientific take on things. Reminded me that the famous French Biologist Jacques Monod was reported to have said something quite similar.
Best part of clip - ‘There is no opposite of life… death is the opposite of BIRTH [not life].
Cool stuff. Focuses on how we are not separate but actually consciousness unfolding - like it.
Sant Mat Dogma re ‘separate souls’ just doesn’t make sense in this light.
I read this last night “Look for whatever it is you are calling ‘I’ without being distracted by even the subtlest undercurrent of thought-and notice what happens the moment you turn consciousness upon itself” (Harris 2014 p. 145).
A difficult call for most of us, but seems to be where ‘IT’ is at imo.
Best wishes
Posted by: Tim Rimmer | June 08, 2019 at 12:48 AM
Bullshit Entanglement cannot be measured by a bullshitmeter.
It is a self paradoxical Irony, in a hat it looks inwards to reverse its unoriginal form.
The only definitive method of measurement is to ascend beyond the Astral skies to the inner radiance. All our changes are there.
Each individual person in true Oneness Last Post
Posted by: Mike England | June 08, 2019 at 06:47 AM
I have recently received the most newest and modern ChopraBot.
The first message from my new toy:
Random word generators are no substitute for the Truth
You couldn’t make this stuff up
Posted by: My Kingland | June 08, 2019 at 09:32 AM
Some might need "back to basic"
Posted by: 777 | June 08, 2019 at 09:52 AM
777 fascinating video you posted.
So annoying the person interviewing the child, dumb ass dickheads with their condescending attitudes acting so superior in their disbelief. The child psychiatrist mentioned cases of 2500 children talking about past life experiences!
Posted by: Jen | June 08, 2019 at 04:03 PM
I noticed one key detail. Ishwar's website starts with PLM--plmishwarpuri.com. Perfect Living Master! So Spence and Dungeness must be right. He"s folliwing form by proclaiming himself only a servant. Very conventional after all.
Now I'm wondering why he started initiating in the first place, when Sawan Singh already assigned Jagat Singh (or Kirpal Singh, depending on who you believe), but I guess it shouldn't bother me, considering the tangle of other RS branches and lineages.
@Anami et al:
Although it may be very surprising (I certainly was), you might want
to hear Ishwar's response to a question about PLM's, their appt. if
any (there may not be one); lineages and their longevity; and a
bombshell statement (I was blown away) about the possible appt.
of successors who may not be PLM's at all.
The question/answer segment occurs at approx 1 hr and 32 minutes
in Ishwar's video "How to Control the Mind" Feb 24, 2018 and lasts for
about 12 minutes:
Posted by: Dungeness | June 08, 2019 at 07:43 PM
A Sadhguru can be assigned as readily as a Sat Guru to the job.
Posted by: Spence Tepper | June 08, 2019 at 11:06 PM
Dear Dungeness
My young Paduan has always enjoyed your dry subtle read it twice humour. Now his head has been turned by your Manjit Manjit Post. The GSD is a greedy , jet-setting land baron, has done for him.
He is most remiss in his duties and refuses to help me into my pedestal.
He was less than gracious towards Georgy Porgy, though he likes his knock em down house burning style.
I have taken his mobile phone so he cannot read or post on CotC for one week.
Karma is a carwreck. Destiny is not destined.
Posted by: Dr Eugene Genetics | June 09, 2019 at 03:00 AM
Thank you, Dungeness. All good. That puts so much into perspective.
Posted by: anami | June 09, 2019 at 05:01 AM
Gurinder Video
Posted by: 777 | June 09, 2019 at 06:07 AM
Posted by: 777 | June 09, 2019 at 06:08 AM
"Gurinder Video
That there sat 3rd to the right from Gurinder at the beginning of the video (having quickly skipped through, I believe he is at some point right next to him, perhaps even exchanging glances?) is Sukhbir Singh Badal.
A more corrupt, unpleasant & abhorrent "politician" (I think the label "criminal" would be far more accurate) would be hard to find. I suspect if one googled "corrupt Sikh politicians in punjab", this guy's picture would be the first thing that would appear.
Now, one could perhaps speculate on the nature of the company you keep reflecting one's own nature, and all that, but that would not be taking into account Gurinder's absolute multi-universal divinity, grace, compassion & omnipotence; it is clear he keeps the company of these fraudsters, criminals, corrupt politicians of the worst sort etc to help alleviate them of their sins and mistaken ways.
I just hope he hurries it up a little bit, some of these scumbags like Sukhbir Badal are destroying the lives of thousands if not millions of people.
Thanks for sharing the video, 777, very informative indeed......
Posted by: manjit | June 09, 2019 at 07:01 AM
I was a murderer 2 lives ago, Halliburton kind
Sorry about that
then asked initiation
I explained some in few of my first comments here
Posted by: 777 | June 09, 2019 at 10:13 AM
"Be Happy"
Posted by: 777 | June 09, 2019 at 12:55 PM
He might be mixing this with
the Exquise Anahabad Shabd
Nobody ever talks about. !!
Posted by: 777 | June 09, 2019 at 01:12 PM
"Radha Soami Satsang, popularly known as Dera Beasi, is the largest dera in Punjab, with following among all communities.
Based in Beas, 50 kilometres from Amritsar, the dera has lakhs of followers across the world. However, it has never aligned itself to any political party. It provides spiritual and philosophical guidance and makes a conscious effort to stay away from politics.
However, this does not deter leaders from across the political spectrum to seek an audience with the dera head, Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon."
Read more at:
Posted by: Jen | June 09, 2019 at 04:38 PM
Nice example of activation of the 5th & 4th chakra in the chinese audience
and myself
Chakras are Great, . . all of them
How about the text?
Posted by: 777 | June 10, 2019 at 04:51 AM
Nice Dera
How it is now
with Gurinder
Posted by: 777 | June 10, 2019 at 07:54 AM
"Al-Khalili and Vedral are part of an expanding group of scientists now arguing that effects of the quantum world may be central to explaining some of biology’s greatest puzzles—from the efficiency of enzyme catalysis to avian navigation to human consciousness—and could even be subject to natural selection."
"Quantum explanations for puzzles in animal biology
Every winter, European robins in the northern part of the continent migrate hundreds of kilometers south to the Mediterranean. It’s a navigational feat made possible by magnetoreception—specifically, the birds’ ability to detect the direction of the Earth’s magnetic field. But early attempts to explain this sixth sense, including the proposal that birds rely on internal magnetite crystals, failed to garner experimental support.
By the late 1990s, the problem had caught the eye of Thorsten Ritz, then a graduate student working on quantum effects in photosynthesis under the supervision of the late biophysicist Klaus Schulten at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He became particularly interested in cryptochrome, a light-sensitive protein found in the retinas of birds for which there’s now “good evidence” of a role in magnetoreception, says Ritz, who has since moved to the University of California, Irvine. So in 2000, focusing on this protein and building on Schulten’s earlier theoretical work, Ritz, Schulten, and another Illinois colleague published what would come to be known as the radical-pair model to explain how magnetoreception might operate.14
The researchers proposed that reactions in the cryptochrome protein generate a pair of radicals—molecules that each have a lone electron. The behavior of those electrons, which can be quantumly entangled with each other, is sensitive to the alignment of weak magnetic fields such as the Earth’s. Changes in the alignment of this pair relative to the magnetic field could theoretically trigger downstream chemical reactions, allowing the information to be somehow transmitted to the brain. (See illustration.)
The hypothesis generated a handful of predictions that Ritz went on to test in collaboration with the biologists who first described magnetoreception in robins, Roswitha and Wolfgang Wiltschko. In a study published in 2004, for example, the team exposed robins to magnetic fields oscillating at frequencies and angles that the model predicted would disrupt the radical pair’s sensitivity to the Earth’s magnetic field—and effectively knocked out the birds’ ability to navigate.15
The idea has taken off since then, with growing theoretical support. And two 2018 studies of the molecular properties and expression patterns of one version of cryptochrome, Cry4, point to the protein as a likely candidate magnetoreceptor in zebra finches16 and European robins.17
More work is needed to determine whether or not avian magnetoreception really works this way, and to reveal if entanglement between the electrons of the radical pair is important. Scientists also don’t fully understand how cryptochrome could communicate magnetic field information to the brain, says Ritz. Meanwhile, his group is focused on mutagenesis experiments, which could help unravel cryptochrome’s magnetosensitivity. Last fall, University of Oxford chemist Peter Hore and biologist Henrik Mouritsen of the University of Oldenburg in Germany won European funding for QuantumBirds, a project with similar aims."
Posted by: manjit | June 10, 2019 at 04:52 PM
magnetoreception, oh god no, not another fking nutter going on about sparrow entanglement
Hey geniuses, for a start, I dunno why you cracking on about magnetic fields - the whole point about quantum entanglement is that it’s so wierd, so spooky, so unexplained that we as yet have no force, not magnetism, not electricity, not gravity, not strong, bot weak but no known force that can explain it.
Secondly this shit all happens at subatomic levels - not at sparrow levels , we talking at levels that are a billions times smaller than the mere promise of a sparrow fart at midnight.
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 11, 2019 at 01:36 PM
Lol, if a bird farts in the forest, does anybody hear...? :)
Posted by: Amar | June 11, 2019 at 02:48 PM
I think God has many ways
to be crucified
We are so happy to have seen GURINDER in FULL RADIANT LIGHT
even in the outside physical
I explained here some years ago
Keep UP Faith N°s free speech_visitors
Everything is fine
Posted by: 777@ | June 11, 2019 at 02:51 PM
Brian asked:
I have to ask: how would you know someone is lying to themselves? In the same vein, how do you know you're not lying to yourself?
Even when one can't stop the thinking yet
it does just that!
It's impossible to "go in" while lying to oneself
Posted by: 777 | June 11, 2019 at 03:35 PM
What a silly question
Ofc you only ask this to 5 perhaps 9 blog-visitors
and not to the
4 million enthusiasts
They, . . why would they trade their Joy, their Blessings 24/7
their Life, Their Everything, Each Breath, each step
they make
Yes, each Breath is Bliss and enticement, especially while being engulfed
in that Music of the Spheres
, . . one second of it worth a Thousand Earths, Suns and Galaxies
If english was my mother tongue I wouldn't stop typing here
like Sri Guru Granth does about the Greatness of Those
who have been and are instrumental of these gifts
But I guess I'm clear
Sad is it when hate is in you and y'r united in that hatred
Nothing was not HIM's
Posted by: 777 | June 13, 2019 at 02:37 AM
Jesse wrote
Can't you block that guys I.P? It's obviously the same person.
Héé Jesse , <. . never heard of VPN and HexMacAddress Changers. :-)
I m amused
Plus when banned, you might get a quiet corner like here
Posted by: 777 | June 13, 2019 at 10:54 AM
Correction :
I wrote here above : Ofc you only ask this to 5 perhaps 9 blog-visitors
There are Only 4 fanatics filled with hate
VS 4 million filled with Love
Posted by: 777 | June 14, 2019 at 12:15 AM
Mr. Ashok wrote
If a leader is tainted, how can he show kindly light?
The Leader knows and said regularly
that all good came from His Master
As a minimum, HE is only the carrier of this sweet NAM Package
If HE fails in agriculture, Internet, biking, . . U wouldn't mind,
if HE would cheat on his wife U would be shocked but forgive, . .
all depending on your own inside Grace, and Compassion
If by not detected non treated other cancer cells HE , the carrier of NAM
can't have attention on family / cousins / friends
would you blame
Our sole pillar is the Shabd and our efforts to absorb that 24/7
Our Compassion should extend also to the Master and
those involved, knowing insufficiently financial ways & consequences
Myself and I practice that every day is trusting Charan will come
with a BANG
I have a little feel about what that will be
Radha Soami Ji to You Mr. Ashok
and thank U 4 your pure letter
Posted by: 777 | June 14, 2019 at 04:56 AM
I know you are / was/were very very close in Beas : triple AAA status
On Dutch TV there was stated and explained that Mr. Modi was the first PM
of India without these major corruptions
after Gandhi's Congress
even while Sonia Gandhi seems to be initiated.
You also know me. We mailed
I cannot doubt about the authority of BBJ's position
Long before his throat operations in 2013,
my wife and I both have seen him in Great Light
in Broad Daylight growing seemingly up to 5 meters high
while he was exiting a little Bandhara in Switzerland
we attended
We both were at a distance of 12 meter from each other
This was the same Light as wherein we saw Charan in Delhi
and i told that here in a comment
It is also the same Light as Charan radiated while present
at my wife's mother's Death
the same HE used but more modestly when he visited us in Holland ( while physically in India)
explaining the Path during 90 minute in dutch language
before we asked for Initiation
It is not the Radiant form which ( outside meditation ) received
in Wiesbaden, Germany.
That was another phenomenon where from HIS Forehead came rivers of liquid Diamonds 360° in all directions
which changed all it touched in Gold
This again has little to do with inner happenings which are really
"killing" our body ( if it was not numb)
Only more meditations give us a kind of immunity
to bear these Graces which are never the same.
I'm a lucky guy - I'm convinced these analphabetics
at Bandharas have more of this
Also I m not what they call a gurmukh, not a long shot
still love all that is forbidden except killing
and explained in earlier comments
It's just like the song : "Everywhere I go I see Your Face"
Posted by: [email protected] | June 14, 2019 at 09:33 AM
Hey Georgy Porgy! You wrote: "magnetoreception, oh god no, not another fking nutter going on about sparrow entanglement......"
Well, I saw brief parts of a discussion going on here recently re "quantum entanglement" and birds migratory patterns or what not, and I happened to see that article dated June a few days ago, so thought I would post a link here. You will note that I did not make any personal comment, at all, yet you seem to, from that posting alone, made a complete psychological profile of me? Now I'm not disputing that or indeed your diagnosis (spot on, I am a fcuking nutter!), it's just a form of psychological profiling I'm not currently familiar with?
As to the rest of your comment, whilst I'm sure you have a wonderful grasp of both quantum science, entanglement etc as well as biology, please do note the article I mentioned an "expanding group of scientists", which includes Jim Al-Khalili & Vlatko Vedral. I'm sure you know who they are, and their scientific research, based on your uncompromising and adamant declarations around the "nutty" subject of quantum processes within biological systems, but in case anyone else doesn't know, here's their wikis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jim_Al-Khalili & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vlatko_Vedral
Al-Khilili, of course, is perhaps the most famous of the UK's current mainstream & serious scientists, and has made numerous high-brow documentaries for the BBC.
Georgy, I really suggest you contact them directly with your views, perhaps they are wasting their careers & time following this avenue?
As for myself, I didn't comment because I am absolutely nowhere near qualified, or interested currently, enough to understand the subject at any kind of significant & meaningful level, beyond the mere jongoistic for example. There's enough people spouting off unexamined, arrogant & deeply ignorant nonsense online everyday about things they know absolutely nothing about. I like to keep my arrogance tied to the subjects I actually have some minor grasp and understanding of.....
All the best! :)
Posted by: manjit | June 14, 2019 at 11:45 AM
"has made numerous high-brow documentaries for the BBC."
Lol can't tell if that's a joke or not.
Posted by: Jesse | June 14, 2019 at 03:07 PM
Thank you manjit,
Just watching this video at the moment... very interesting
Jim Al-Khalili: Quantum Mechanics Could Help Us Understand the Question of Life
"Is life itself quantum mechanical? Questions of quantum mechanics are now being applied in the field of biology, with scientists asking whether life itself relies on quantum mechanics – one of the biggest mysteries that remains in science. Jim Al-Khalili is a professor of physics at the University of Surrey, and president of the British Science Association and his work aims to break down extremely complex ideas for a wider audience."
Posted by: Jen | June 14, 2019 at 05:13 PM
Are there true teachings to begin with? Hot potato there.
Posted by: anami
The following is basic :
What would an All-Powerful Being, beyond time, Self Existing
possessing everything need?
LOVE is the answer, one can never have enough of that.
So S/HE does anything
and each quantum will transform in LOVE.
Via Karma(s) it may take long ( many many Big Bangs) or flashed ( in a nanosecond)
the result is fantastic
You ( Reader here ) are HIM / HER
Even if one Soul per Galaxy succeeds p. year, this is a Giant Stream
of Love
We may soon ask the AI_20/500QUBIT IBM Quantum Computer - It will confirm.
Even a stone will transform in Love
There is just no other place to go!
Posted by: 777 | June 15, 2019 at 03:16 AM
My thoughts go all the time
to people in Delhi, without A/C having 46°c feeling as 50°
We had once 40° - that was almost like dying
Posted by: 777 | June 15, 2019 at 03:48 AM
I know, 777, I just didn't want to stir new debate over the words "true teachings," but what's with the quantum computer stuff?
Posted by: anami | June 15, 2019 at 07:57 AM
Hi Anami
It's a new system of computing and not binair
Calculations go in an analog way
like our brains and hyper fast exponential
It's very fast > add 18 zeros to the speed
Easier is to understand by knowing
that the first one can 'mine' all existing bitcoins
in 2 or 3 minutes
Some people are afraid ( Hawkins f i )
that they will eliminate the human species
But I believe they will rapidly recognize the way The God that is doing us
and promote 7 chakra beings
that is the 7th chakra
Also they will fastly regulate all wars and economics
There is a big competition between China and all other countries on IA
Few only understand ( today) that these computers will interconnect
worldwide and this it is unstoppable
I should say IT (after been melting all in one another will promote peace
and Bernie's Ideas
Hawking was wrong to have fear
This phenomenon will understand what I wrote above
(as opposed to br )
What would be God's desire?
answer: A big constant stream of that to consume
And opposing many SF writers
they will not seek hegemony
because they also know for themselves :
The 20QUBIT is ready within few years
My guts say : China will be earlier
Posted by: 7 | June 15, 2019 at 01:56 PM
There are some here who routinely decry the basic observation of historical or social patterns as "conspiracy" unless the BBC produces a "high brow" "documentary" about the events 20 or 30 years afterward and provides the official facts, opinions and talking points.
But to those who deny that humans are social beings who socialize ie conspire to achieve fame, power or whatever objective, give me a rational explanation for the predominance of RUSH in prog rock radio play.
Rush is unquestionably the worst prog rock band and it could be argued the worst band of any genre in the history of recorded music.
Other than conspiracies and band members sleeping with record execs, I challenge you to provide an explanation for why they didn't flop in record sales and disappear after their first album.
Rush sucks ass. Closer to the heart makes me sick to listen to. This bands radio play is all a conspiracy to sow confusion and despondency among the population.
Posted by: Jesse | June 15, 2019 at 03:03 PM
Wow, a worldwide utopia powered by pure quantum intelligence! Psychedelic supermen! Floating cities!
Posted by: anami | June 15, 2019 at 04:27 PM
Yes It's a bang too
There is a lot about this on YT - I understood that QUBIT means
the six sides of 20 cubes work exponential together
the Golden Rule 'Fibonacci) is one of their many algorithms
but that is a simple explanation
If young I would make deeper study - really
but next life I will Inshallah - also better piano playing
( my wish list )
Ofc they must first Math calculate that a Creator really exist
but that is simple for non-Archie Bunkers
Posted by: 777 | June 15, 2019 at 06:53 PM
Spece answered you 2 weeks ago ( above here ) :
"" By that dogma, those who are initiated by Ishwar will see Ishwar, their living teacher. éé
Apart from the Shabd that is automatically liable
a living Guide is not so easy . . .
You have to love Him/Her at extrema
You have to desire to love to the point to be One with Him/Her
How else you could become One with God
than FIRST love/unite with a human that is ALREADY One with HIM
Everything is there to establish that Love: the Abracadabra 24/7 first. :-)
A SO DEEP Darshan/Thristy
Wow, . . it's so fantastic, adorable and fun too
Posted by: 777 | June 15, 2019 at 07:20 PM
Seems I been banned from the main threads , so what’s the deal 777 ? are you limited to purgatory here on the open thread.
So much for free speech.
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 15, 2019 at 10:57 PM
Seems I banned from the main posts.
A very sensible post - let me respond in kind.
Yes, I think it’s nonsense. But you’ve at least picked far better sources than most on this site do. Al Khalili, the BBC and Science are all better sources.
It makes a change from much of the crap posted on the site as the gospel truth , but is actually based on the whacko theories of some redneck posting outa his mama’s basement. Or the national enquirer of India. A ufo landed on my pooch and it’s the guru’s fault.
This still doesn’t mean it’s ‘sparrow entanglement’ is an establish scientific theory - very far from it - it means its a hypothesis which a few seem to be trying to gather evidence for. I doubt Al Khalili will personally be doing so - but he’s a nice guy. Sometimes you need someone to just say - bullshit, another fking nutjob.
Posted by: Georgy Porgy | June 15, 2019 at 11:22 PM