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April 07, 2019


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Yes Brian

Queen - appreciating them more as time goes on. Very talented group of guys. Freddie Mercury = a force of nature, the 1986 Wembly concert also amazing (it was on TV a few weeks back). Another old, but cool movie we also watched - ‘Highlander’, Queen soundtrack. ‘There can be only One’!
Queen song a friend and I used to sing at parties - ‘We are the champions’.
Favourite Queen song - ‘Tie your mother down’ (still not sure what he’s on about but great song)
Rock on

@ Brian - “Who wants to live forever”. (Highlander) This brings me down to the knees sobbing on all those who I have lost in life.

The man is a legend! Great taste

Hi Brian
I saw the film with my sisters, and it was wonderful and touching.

My sister Jo was a big Queen fan in her younger years.

So I started looking on you tube to learn more about Freddie.

And I happened across the Live Aide performance.

While the film did that performance justice, nothing prepared me for the actual one.

Mercury was electric. After all these years, he leaps live and current from the screen, charismatic and every bit the consummate showman. He had so much more energy than his actor double. It was hard to believe he was ill at the time. One of the world's greatest live performances. Yes. For the ages.

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