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April 06, 2019


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Wow, one of the Singh brothers' lawyers said "... some babaji has siphoned off the money of the two brothers and they have been duped."

Holy shit! Those are very damning words from the lawyer representing one of the Singh brothers. I think the pressure is mounting and some interesting conversations are happening behind the scenes. Would love to be a fly on the wall for that.

April 11th is when the Supreme Court is hearing the complaint form the Daiichi lawyers. If the judges find that Malvinder and Shivinder are in contempt of the payment order, they will be going to jail, as the judges stated a few days ago. The wheels of justice are finally moving, albeit slowly.

I think the Supreme Court and other relevant agencies are going to make an example out of these two. Corporate fraud has been rearing it's ugly head in India lately and they want to show the world they will not stand for this type of BS. No one will want to invest in India if these type of business practices are not dealt with swiftly and with commensurate penalties.

Or maybe "some babaji" is a clue that the brother's lawyer can't produce the smoking siphon but is nevertheless obligated to represent his client as best he can.

Anyway, again: gotta know the full & precise terms of these loan agreements, and a court judgment upon them, before I come to a conclusion on who is at fault.

Hi Jay. You're right, the facts and innuendos have to be separated and we may never really know what the true nature if these loans were, and for what purpose.

As time progresses on these events, I'm hoping everyone involved in this mess does the right thing in owning up to this and making restitution. Better sooner than later.

Why is there no help for this brothers while so many people are involved..

This is really silly strange and unbelievable..it seems cruwel to me now.

Nobody is at fault.
Has anyone ever seen an honest child?

How common is this: "mummy, I didn't eat all those chocolates on the table."

Children learn early on, honesty is NOT the best policy.

I have plenty of tenants that rip me off right before they leave. Religious or not makes no difference. People are dishonest, but pretend to be honest.

Who can honestly say "I have never ever speeded?"

Who can say "I have never cheated on the tax?"

If someone else lies, they are a liar.
If I lie, it was necessary and I always have a perfect excuse.

Others are bad people and I am a good person.

Zen story: a man built 1000 Buddhist temples. He ashed every bodhisattva who came to town, "what will be my reward?"
They were all quiet and gave no answer.
Finally one took pity on him and answered. "Okay, sit down, and have some tea."
When the man was having tea, he replied. "You are going straight to hell"

The man said "you must have heard me wrong, I have built 1000 temples, not demolished them."

The bodhisattva said "building temples is not the problem. Build as many as you choose, just don't brag and claim. When you claim, even just in your mind, you are done for, because you think you are special."

Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. And you can guarantee that he who casts the stone is a liar.

People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

The teapot is calling the kettle black.

Fraud, corporate fraud, theft, robberies, tax evasion, stealing, downloading illegal music or movies without paying.

These happen all the time.

The knack is not to get caught.

One of osho's college professors said, "you can cheat, but if I catch you, you will fail the exam. You are welcome to cheat, just don't get caught."

If none of this had come to light, it would be business as usual.

It only came to light because of an unusual set of circumstances.

We condemn others and say they are liar, fraudsters, cheats, conmen etc, but if we ever get caught we have a huge list of legitimate reasons. Called excuses.

We are always whiter than white. Never done anything wrong in our life. Just a pity we live in a world full of criminals, liars, fraudsters, conmen.

Yes Osho,
You are right in a way, for sure.
We all do stuff..
But when it gives real harm..then it is a different cake..
The harm is'' faulty medicins ''they were not clean!!
We heard that even here in Holland..
Also no honesty... at the cost of others.

EVerywhere people make faults ofcouse..
But the one has to be honest and go to repair..
Carelesness with medicins is bad,ofcourse.
We do not know what was up there in that period.
And who's fault it was etc..

Hi Osho,
An earlier post disapeared.be
May it comes up later,sometimes it does.

I agree we all do ''things''(faulty)
But to say nobody is at fault??
I mean.. take the'' medicins were not clean..''(dangerous)
One has to see,mention that to repair..to overcome that right?
That is why we must see ''faults'' in ourselves and others here and there.
So..when it hurts or damage other people we must see where things go wrong in this ''stage''.
We must care for others and ourselves..
Not just doing things and say..it doesn't matter,we all do wrongs''
I think it is not a good attitude.

Forgiving and understanding is a very different matter ofcourse!!
That can come afterwards or instant,but after taking care of faults.

Hi Osho
"But mom, everybody does it."

This is your philosophy?
And for what purpose?
To justify bad behavior? Fraud? Cheating? Scams?

Rather than justify, how about trying to change for the better?

That only happens when
1.we understand that what we are doing now is harmful to others and ourselves.
2.We see that we can do better.
3.We stop making excuses.

Ahimsa is all about change for the better, progress, not excuses.

What your philosophy is doing is defending the bully and ignoring the victim?

If one's house were broken into and their family harmed, would you say "forget it we all do it."?

You have a duty to protect your children.

You are defending the caste system where the biggest criminals are given a pass while behind them lay the voiceless victims. Including sick patients who no longer have a free hospital, and poor children who have now lost their school.

That we make mistakes that hurt each other is the reason we should stop and help each other overcome them.

That can never happen without transparency, honesty and forgiveness.

All three go hand in hand.

There can be no forgiveness where there is no admission of guilt, amends to the victims, and commitment to stop and change our behavior.

It appears from this career in speculation that Gurinder has lost the foundation of his true job. The surfer has slipped off his board looking at the girl on the beach, gazing out at him from the balcony of her very attractive beach house property.

And now he is on the shore trying to figure out how to get that house. This is his news career, and likely his next life here. He left the sea some time ago.

"I have plenty of tenants that rip me off right before they leave. Religious or not makes no difference. People are dishonest, but pretend to be honest."

Osho, do you maintain the space that you rent out? Are they ripping you off or trying to get out of paying because you never fix anything and they didn't have water or some other basic amenities? I had a landlord in Delhi cut off my water once because a different tenant didn't pay his rent. Even without water I still paid my rent on time and in full. I should have beaten him with a hammer, destroyed his whole building and smashed his cars tbh but Tihar jail and deportation doesn't sound pleasant.

"Who can say "I have never cheated on the tax?"

Basically everyone I've ever known in my entire life. You've never met Scandinavian people I assume. Honest to a fault. Generally speaking, they not only wouldn't cheat, but would pay more on taxes so as to not look like a cheap person or to avoid raising any suspicions that they themselves were trying to scam.

"If someone lies they're a liar."

The only people I've heard say this are insane Christian proselytizers who are trying to convert vulnerable and emotional people in distress. If lying once makes one a liar, what does telling the truth once make him? An honest man? Can I be both 100% honest and a 100% liar? If someone lies, it means only that they have lied. Being a liar means that your lies are more numerous or have a greater effect than your honesty does. Not simply that you've at any point in your existence told a lie .

"We condemn others and say they are liar, fraudsters, cheats, conmen etc, but if we ever get caught we have a huge list of legitimate reasons. Called excuses."

Again, you've never met a Scandinavian man if you think this way. People where I grew up took responsibility for mistakes. Here, it's not uncommon for someone to turn himself in for crimes he did, or for family members to do it for them. Honor culture is totally foreign to you.

It's funny how people from extremely corrupt cultures and classes think that everyone else is corrupt and dishonest. I've never met an Indian who thinks people are honest because India is one of the most corrupt places in the world.Honest people are rare there. You get by by cheating and lying to everyone all the time. And before anyone whines about racism, this can be attested to by every Indian I've ever met, Indians when they're talking amongst themselves,1000's of Indian website comments, the reviews on the CKGS site where people renounce their citizenship because they leave by the millions to escape the corruption, the international transparency index which tracks corruption by country, and pretty much 100% of anyone who spends a lot of time with Indians.

I think that the current Indian government is trying to change this culture, though they'll obviously fail because the diaspora doesn't even change after many decades in non corrupt places. But, in their commendable effort there will be some big guys taken down to be made examples of I assume. Hopefully Baba Gurinder and his family end up in jail along with some of the inner circle who must know about the inner workings of the cult. Then after they're jailed maybe the rickshaw wallahs, they guys selling shirts, the traffic cops, the touts, the flower sellers, etc etc etc will stop trying to steal money from everyone. Just kidding. That will never happen.

"One of osho's college professors said..."

Using Osho as an example. Great choice. Osho tried to conquer American territory in Oregon, was importing military grade weapons to form a paramilitary cult, and accused of, and I'd just as well assume guilty of, rape. He told stories that justified dishonesty? NO WAY! That's hard to believe. I always felt like aside from the rape and the weapons and the paramilitary thing he was such an upstanding example of humanity's potential to become a society of saints.

But anyway, you're wearing corruption tinted glasses and you're totally wrong to assume that everyone is equally a dishonest thief. Just like every other positive or negative trait, it's found at higher or lower levels in some ethnicities/cultures, religions, economic classes and certain professions. Leave a wallet on the ground where I live there's a 50% chance someone will return it. In Japan nearly 100% chance. In Delhi it'll be stolen before you ever get the chance to lose it in the first place. Leave a guy like me or my family with $1,000,000 and it'll go into a bank. Leave it to more financially educated people and maybe they seek fraudulent tax loopholes and illicit ways to multiply the money via cryptocurrencies and laundering to foreign countries.

Sri Sri Huzoor Gurinder Baba Singh Ji Maharaj Ji is part of a double corrupt background. Grew up in most corrupt country on earth and became autonomous and anonymous white collar boss with millions of literally grandfathered in religious followers. The fact that anyone thought he wouldn't end up being a corporate criminal is astounding. We all should have predicted this decades ago.

I am not justifying anyone’s actions.
I am not saying anything about “right” or “wrong”.

I am simply stating how humans really behave in actual life, despite having a moral code.

Osho was infamous for saying “I don’t give you a moral code of conduct, because only blind people need a walking stick.”

I have never met a Scandinavian person.

If what you say is true, then they must have a culture of their own.

I assume married couples never cheat on each other, there are no thieves there. No crime takes place and the government gets a huge tax revenue as there is no tax evasion. Or even avoidance.


I am not justifying anyone’s position.

Let’s be clear.

I am simply stating that this is the reality.

John Dillinger, Chicago’s biggest gangster said “under this coat is a good heart. I am misunderstood”
Just an hour earlier he shop a policeman point blank range for asking him what he was doing in his car.

Everyone justifies their own position.

If you do it - you are a criminal.

If I do it, I had a good reason and did nothing wrong.

People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones
For obvious reasons

"Osho was infamous for saying “I don’t give you a moral code of conduct, because only blind people need a walking stick.”"

Never heard that one from Osho, but it is a cliched expression I've heard elsewhere a million times. To be honest, Osho was more infamous for attempting to start a militant cult in Oregon and for asking thousands of random people to have sex in front of him as some kind of "meditation" or "yoga."

I'm a hardcore anti-cultist, but to anyone from RSSB thinking of leaving to join the Osho ashrams- stay where you are. It's far more healthy.

Oh wow,
so many philosophers here with long text walls,
not even knowing their own death's when and how.

Jesse said "he is hardcore anti-cultist" actually means he is a cultist.
poor attempt Jesse, get yourself a nice cup of tea.

by the way Spence, you've not reached Sach Khand (yet).
So please! don't try to take a bath with the empty bucket. it's just noisy.

Your system of values is different that's all.

We are going to have to agree to disagree.

It's nice to see the different value systems clearly described.

Perhaps Gurinder believes as you do.

If so, that explains everthing.

It appears from this career in speculation that Gurinder has lost the foundation of his true job. The surfer has slipped off his board looking at the girl on the beach, gazing out at him from the balcony of her very attractive beach house property.

And now he is on the shore trying to figure out how to get that house. This is his news career, and likely his next life here. He left the sea some time ago.

Dearest Spencer,

There's been a sea of criminal wrongdoing. Clearly proven. The court
is involved,

Arguably though the "career in speculation" extends equally to the
CofC faithful and that too is a departure from spirituality.

Isn't it certain, at least if there's pause for reflection, that multiple
players were complicit in these criminal actions? That we don't
know who yet will emerge from the "usual suspects" as "Individual
Number One"?

Isn't it clear that the GIHF, regardless of any of his alleged
spiritual insight, is human and flawed as well? So it's still very
much possible fo project GIHF as omniscient in every sphere
when in fact he isn't?

Therefore, GIHF, as a flawed human, could certainly have
been unaware of the full details of the financial fraud?

Yet, we hearken back to his super-powers and blame him
anyway ? ;)

That it's the purview of the court to put aside speculation,
projection, fantasy, and bias most foul, to carefully,
deliberatively assess all the evidence?

That we're all swimming in that sea gazing at the girl on
the beach and suspecting our swim mates of doing the

One Initiated.
Have you reached Sach Khand?
I'll bathe with an empty bucket than cook with the same water I bathe in.

That's why the Saints never mix money and investment with spirituality.

It's unclean.

Hi Dungeness
All that matters is the truth, right?

We are trying to connect the dots, and each in his own way, that is all.

Every day new evidence comes to light. And it's fine to think about it, conjecture, and try to understand and accept what has happened and is happening now.

So long as we keep an open mind and don't ignore facts.

Hundreds of millions in unrepaid loans by Gurinder and family is an established fact.

But their involvement in the fraud specifically is a matter of criminal investigation.

I found the reference.
It was on a YouTube video but appears to have been removed.

It's from the book, "be still and know" chapter 6.
Someone ask why osho does not give a code of conduct.

Read it here


You wrote
"To be honest, Osho was more infamous for attempting to start a militant cult in Oregon and for asking thousands of random people to have sex in front of him as some kind of "meditation" or "yoga."

If you think that is what Osho was about, you are mistaken and misinformed.
Osho was not a "saint"
He was not a god or God man.

He stated there is no god.

He was against all religions.

He was about discovering the truth for yourself. He was also not the sex guru.
Only one of his books was about sex, it was called, "from sex to super consciousness"

He encouraged people to express not repress. Repression leads to a stuck state. Expression means you can let go and move on.

If you make sex "bad" you remain stuck there. He said move on. Don't stay stuck. If you listen to what he says and writes, rather than what others say about him, you might see what he was about.
He was no Jesus, no messiah.

Just a man.

He had no followers.

He created no religion.

Like the Buddha he said "there is no saviour, not even me"

You had to connect with him to understand his message.

His message was about inner awakening. Discovery of no-self.

He wrote over 1000 books and still was misunderstood, which is inevitable

@ Jesse

Why the Buddha will always be misunderstood


Hi Osho
I don't think you understood your teacher.

The idea isn't to adopt rules. It is to awaken to what you are doing.

A rule you must live by is not the same as living that principle as part of your custard. No one should have to tell you it's wrong to steal, to cheat.

Once you realize the pain and harm you are causing you change. It's automatic. Unless you are pushing against it.

This is what 'Osho' was talking about. Awareness, Ahimsa and transformation.

Not justifications, excuses, stagnation and indulgence.

But this is what you get when you don't have either real awareness or rules.

Then you get no transformation, no movement, no progress.

And that's why rules have their place.

".. As part of your character..."

But custard works too...

"He was not a god or God man.

He stated there is no god.

He was against all religions.

He was about discovering the truth for yourself. "

Dude, did you read what you just wrote? That was the biggest pile of shit I've ever come across. Osho had no followers? Are you on hallucinogenics? First of all he had a fucking ashram and used his members to try taking over an entire town to create some utopia dedicated to him. No followers?

They also illegally imported military weapons. Were they non-followers who just happened to buy Osho his giant Rolls Royce collection too?

Was he sitting in front of people telling them what to do? Were they listening to him? Did he give instructions on how people could heal themselves? Do you really believe that a guy who writes books, presides of ceremonies, gives self help instructions and builds militant ashrams magically becomes a non-guru because he says the words "i don't want any followers? im just a humble man."

I wonder if you read Brian's sarcastic thing about how humble he is the other day and thought he was being serious. If so, you legitimately might have undiagnosed autism.

At best you're pathetically naive. You should get off the internet if you're gonna say stuff like that. It's sad and dangerous. How did you make it past your tenth birthday being so naive? Seriously. How was that possible?

"Once you realize the pain and harm you are causing you change. It's automatic. Unless you are pushing against it.
This is what 'Osho' was talking about. Awareness, Ahimsa and transformation.
Not justifications, excuses, stagnation and indulgence."

The real question is- who cares what Osho or any of these retards are saying? Why must you place so much value on vague words of Indian men in funny clothes and hats? Mr Robbins is just naive, but you constantly indulging in this crap comes off as racial fetishism or something.

"This Indian guy in a funny hat said this, and this other Indian guy in a long robe said that! What does it all mean???"

It means nothing. Almost everything they say is cliches for psychologically desperate people to keep drinking in, trying to find something deeper that never arrives. It's not there. And if you ever thought you'd found something, they'd change what they say to agitate you again.

It's vapid. Trite. Garbage. Empty words from conmen. They need you to need them and they'll humblebrag and feign confidence telling you how little they need you, how they don't want disciples, but for some reason, they never, ever, ever want people to go away. They're always surrounded by others. Sort of strange for men who claim to not want followers. If I didn't want followers, I'd probably work in fast food which would be great were I enlightened. I certainly wouldn't start an ashram, write books about myself and my stupid teachings, and teach meditation and sex rituals if I didn't want followers. I'm digressing now.

Next time you feel the need for Indian pseudo philosophical keywords, use the Deepak Chopra quote generator. It's as good as anything these guys in pretend ancient outfits are saying.


Jesse I think you are on to something....
From the choprabot
"Existence opens great external reality"
"Orderliness co creates species specific bliss"
"Fundamental reality is the ground of nonlocal timelessness"
"God unfolds into subtle boundaries"
"Wholeness is beyond the progressive expansion of space time events"
"Self power is an ingredient of objective truth"
"Non-judgment is the wisdom of a symbolic representation of acceptance" _

then it's very correct Spence, you are not at Sach Khand yet.
you are incapable of explaining your own when, where and how.

And yes, your noise is not of philosophical help to anyone,
which mistakenly you think it is,
these are just noisy disturbances in the beautifully smooth sinusoidal waves.
there are many who do ride the waves along with creating noises.

I think depression in real estate is the main reason for the wooes of Singh brothers as due to depression the money owned by the companies of religious guru could not repay the money to the Singh brothers.

Whose operate this site
Churchless is church
Whatever name this site you are duffer
Non sense
Without brained person
If u r criticised to anyone without any information

Hi One Initiated.
If you have reached Sach Khand, a beautiful place, then you should know best of all that there is no duality there. We are all brothers and sisters there. That means there is no capacity to even think about acquisition, yours vs mine, harming anyone, keeping secrets, etc. All that is impossible there. While some impressions remain, we are largely Spirit.

The're isn't even a need for this sort of conversation.

To get there requires a mind that has let go of all this. That, as Brian has written, embraces nothingness, basically detachment.

You can't go there with an axe to grind, One. That will keep you here.

All we have done here is share facts.

Because love alone can take you to Sach Khand. But a very pure love. That can only be developed in meditation.

Even saying the word "love" requires entering this duality.

When you can love not only your neighbor, but even one who has disappointed you, as a loving and devoted brother, with kindness, then I think you will understand what this is all about, including the issues that Gurinder has become involved in, and our encouragement to come clean and offer of assistance. So that we can be One even here, at least in concept.

Hi M
You wrote
"If u r criticised to anyone without any information"

You can read an article about the secret Dhillon family business sounds in this Forbes article from last summer.


The Securities and Exchange Board of India has invested some of this and concluded fraud was used to get some of these illegal loans by the Guru's nephews to Gurinder and family.


And this is why the Singh brothers and these shell companies, including RHC holdings, together have been ordered under penalty to repay the loans.

They were given ninety days to do so and that period has passed.
Now the Crimes division is building a much larger case.

So who received these moneies as 'loans' gained through deceit and fraud, who also never repaid ?

Gurinder's family and associated RSSB leaders.


The Chopra Bot is great isn't it Spence?

If there is truth to any of this spiritual mumbo jumbo, it need not be spoken about anymore in my opinion. It's all been spoken about so much that it has disintegrated to the point that a machine of random words sounds similar to real guru quotes.

The more we jabber the less sense it all makes. I suggest no more kathas. No more satsangs. No more books. Everyone needs to look at the Chopra Bot and meditate on whatever is the first koan it produces each day.

Hi Jesse
What choprabot lacks in clarity it triumphs over the other Guru's in sheer ridiculous humor. I burst into laughter several times.

You wrote
“Was he sitting in front of people telling them what to do? Were they listening to him? Did he give instructions on how people could heal themselves? Do you really believe that a guy who writes books, presides of ceremonies, gives self help instructions and builds militant ashrams magically becomes a non-guru because he says the words "i don't want any followers? im just a humble man.”
Plus a pile of other shit.
You are way too naïve to understand what Osho was doing. I never met him and I don’t consider him a guru or my guru. Just an interesting character.
The other part of the fictional name I use is “Robbins” - he also has audiences, give instructions on healing (using NLP in the main). He writes books, and he has a video online “I am not your guru”
So is Tony Robbins a guru? Was Buddha a guru? Certainly he had followers, as did Osho.
The Buddha said “There is NO saviour, not even me!”
Sure you can say he was a guru – but then you have no clue what he is saying and why. He is saying “Don’t look to me to save you.” He is not kidding. Osho said the same. He also was not kidding.
GSD says the same, but everyone thinks he is kidding. I don’t.
You may think he is just a conman. In your world, Jesse, Tony Robbins, Osho, Buddha, and probably just about everyone on the planet is a conman. Because you don’t stick around long enough to understand anything beyond the surface.
Osho’s message (and incidently the same applies to Tony Robbins) cannot be understood by listening to a video or reading a book. Because it’s not a theory to be understood. It’s a process. You can look at the Rolls Royce’s and say he is just after money. He had over 100 of them.
A man went to the Buddha and didn’t know whether to take a flower or a diamond.
He took both.
He presented the flower. The Buddha said “Drop it”.
He tried the diamond. Again the Buddha said “Drop it”
So he put them both away and stood there with empty hands. Again “Drop it”.
Now he was confused and looked towards Ananda for clarity.
“He is saying – Drop the one who is giving – drop yourself. He is not interested in your gifts – only in destroying the one who thinks he has something to give”
Deep lessons cannot be understood by remaining on the surface. You have to dive deep. You have to go on a journey.
RSSB does not have that element to it. No depth – it's just a teaching – a set of instructions.
You get 5 words and meditate on them, do service and listen to a talk given by a person who has no first hand experience of what they are preaching. You are trying to attain – but have no idea what you hope to attain.

"You are way too naïve to understand what Osho was doing"

Did you read about his bioterror attacks in US or not? What he was doing was classic cult formation to a t. And yes "the buddha" if he ever existed was a conman, but at least he didn't name a city after himself and try to kill a bunch of citizens in a foreign country with salmonella.

You just love men in robes saying trendy spiritual bullshit. The more sophistry they use they use the better. The more followers they gain and the more they say "i don't have followers" the more you see some kind of spiritual mystery.

Sorry to call you names, but I'm dead serious when I say that you're stupid and you'd believe anything anyone told you. If bioterrorists register as buddhas in your mind you might as well call the authorities to lock you up now. You've gone insane.

Some day we're gonna read on the news about some guy who jumps out of a Bentley and stabs a bunch of kids. As he's attacking them he'll scream "im teaching you all about the presciousness of life!"

We'll later learn that the guy who bought him the Bentley was Osho "wtf is incongruity???" Robbins who swears up and down that none of us TRULY understood the stabber.

It's well known that Sheila was responsible for the poisoning.

here's a link about her


I have never followed Osho - but I also do not consider his a conman. I could be wrong, so could you. All I am saying is he did not ask for blind belief.

His purpose was to awaken people - not make them dependent on him.

That is a central theme in his life.

this is an example of what I am talking about. perhaps you have never heard him speak. but this is not a man who is giving you a ready made philosophy.

watch at 3:00 mins into the video

"It's well known that Sheila was responsible for the poisoning."

A number of Oshos followers are on record saying Osho personally approved of and sanctioned the attack. They may not have books and videos, but there's no reason to doubt them over Osho, the cult leader.

A big thing among criminals is that the "fall guy" is often a chick. Women are easier to manipulate and they do less prison time.

Osho Robbins, I'm just gonna keep calling you names man. There's no other way to explain this to you. And it's sort of sad because on a test of raw intelligence or any form of mental or skill you'd probably win against me. But for whatever reason it doesn't apply to really shady men in salwar kameez, stupid hats and publishing contracts.

Your understanding of human motivations is like down syndrome, lead paint chip eating, brain damaged and recovering from a stroke, mental disability level. It's hard for me to fathom. I'm just surprised you are still alive being so childishly gullible. It's a miracle, unless you live with your parents I guess.

calling names doesn't make it true. Repeating it often also doesn't make it true.

Once a Jesse came to the Buddha and called him lots of names. The Buddha listened quietly and afterwards asked one question:
IF a man brings many gifts and you refuse to accept them, who do they remain with?
Of course he replied they remain with the bringer. "Then I don't accept this gift of yours"
he replied.

Shelia ran away with a huge amount of the money, while she was in charge. If you watch her videos now, she even refuses to answer any questions about her conviction, just saying, "I have served my time, that is punishment enough"
She also seems very bitter, just like you.

She has a reason - you don't.

Bitterness is not a sign of intelligence.

Sheila was extremely jealous, and like a possessive lover didn't like anyone else getting his attention. It served her purpose when he went into silence, because she had all the attention.

Now you can continue with some more name calling

Osho Robins,

You're like Spence Tepper before he finally admitted that Gurinder was trying to destroy the world with fake AIDS meds. Everyone except the Guru is guilty! It's Gurinders mom, his cousin, his aunt, his son, his employee, his wife, his magical powers that will reveal themselves later! It's everyone stealing money except Maharaj ji. Similarly, Osho simply can't be guilty in the mind of a cult follower ie you. It's Sheila man! Not my Guru! Sheila didn't even write books about how enlightened she is. Surely she's a guilty whore! Hang her!

Imagine sleeping with some guys fiance, and then saying "man, you shouldn't marry her. She seduced me and we had sex. She's really not a good woman.Here are the pictures." And the guy responding "Lol dumbass. She just sent me a text that says she loves me. You're saying she's a cheater now? Get a grip. SHE SAID IT HERSELF THAT SHE DIDNT DO IT AND THAT SHE'S COMMITTED! Words speak louder than actions. " This is what your "it's sheila man. Osho himself said he he didn't do it" looks like. Completely insane. Dangerously insane.

And yes you like to say "this person is fascinating" but that's b.s. You're ignoring all evidence of TERRORISM to protect the image of this Osho's buddhaness in your mind that you've latched onto. You are an extremely cultish person. This is just a fact.

You're right about one thing though. Calling people names does not make something true. Sadly for you, in this case everything I'm saying is all true and I'm right. Osho was involved in and the leader of a a very criminal organization that committed acts of terrorism in USA. I believe he was deported over all of this and never allowed back in the country to retrieve his massive stash of wealth that he'd siphoned off his militia.

The one thing that's usually less true and less correct than a straightforward insult is saying "the buddha said." Especially considering that most quotes attributed to any "buddha" are invented for and by other cult leaders trying to trick people with magic words. Actually, being that buddha likely never existed, they're probably all fake. Stop using them. Think for yourself and use your own words, not buddha quotes you're scraping off facebook.

Anyway. I'm done roasting you. Try starting a new cult now. Instead of your last attempt at a sant mat derivative, this one can be an Osho-styled cult. Maybe do things in reverse. Start with buying a funny hat, then getting kicked out of a foreign country, then do mass bioterror, then name a town after yourself, maybe Robbinspur, then write the books calling yourself buddha but not buddha, and then buy the cars, and lastly gain tons of devoted followers who you take millions of dollars from and deny that they're your followers because you're just too enlightened to have followers. I'll join if I can get a free car.

you wrote:
"You're like Spence Tepper before he finally admitted that Gurinder was trying to destroy the world with fake AIDS meds. Everyone except the Guru is guilty! It's Gurinders mom, his cousin, his aunt, his son, his employee, his wife, his magical powers that will reveal themselves later! It's everyone stealing money except Maharaj ji. Similarly, Osho simply can't be guilty in the mind of a cult follower ie you. It's Sheila man! Not my Guru! Sheila didn't even write books about how enlightened she is. Surely she's a guilty whore! Hang her!"

More nonsense from Jesse. I am nothing like Spence. Not that there's anything wrong with him. We are just different. Who told you I am or ever was a follower of Osho?
I used to be a follower of sant mat but never Osho.
And I am not condemning Sheila - simply stating the evidence points to her, not Osho.
But I could be wrong as I was not there. And I have no allegiance either way.

Jesse: You're ignoring all evidence of TERRORISM

Terrorism? You think Osho was a terrorist?
Man - you have some serious delusions. next you'll be saying GSD is also a terrorist.

You seem to claim a lot of knowledge of something you know nothing about.

Jesse wrote:
"You're right about one thing though. Calling people names does not make something true. Sadly for you, in this case everything I'm saying is all true and I'm right. Osho was involved in and the leader of a a very criminal organization that committed acts of terrorism in USA. I believe he was deported over all of this and never allowed back in the country to retrieve his massive stash of wealth that he'd siphoned off his militia."

You know nothing about what you're writing. Just your opinions.

Jesse Writes:
"Try starting a new cult now. Instead of your last attempt at a sant mat derivative, this one can be an Osho-styled cult. Maybe do things in reverse. Start with buying a funny hat, then getting kicked out of a foreign country, then do mass bioterror, then name a town after yourself, maybe Robbinspur, then write the books calling yourself buddha but not buddha, and then buy the cars, and lastly gain tons of devoted followers who you take millions of dollars from and deny that they're your followers because you're just too enlightened to have followers. I'll join if I can get a free car."

Good idea - I will get started on this. If you want a free car, sorry, but it's not going to be a roller. It will have to be a 20 year old three wheeler car. All I can afford

Hi Osho and Jesse - interesting exchange. I just checked online at info pertaining to Rajneesh and his followers. The word ‘alleged’ was used extensively. Comment on the recent Netflix doco also seems to be an eye-opener - though I have yet to see it (the doco).
We could say ‘allegedly’ is the new go to word for other gurus too. The term appears to envelop GSD at present. I also looked briefly at the recent RSSB post in regard to the on going financial family saga. I gleaned that from the RSSB point of view, GS has kept a ‘hands off’ approach, as if to allow all the karmic connections to run their course. Thanks Brian for clarifying that the post is old news and that the so-called ‘karmic’ trail now reflects a much bigger finger pointing at the Beas Baba - still has ‘alleged’ tattooed on it though.
At present I feel disappointment with all these gurus - a great many fall off the rails . I notice Spencer considers Brian to be one of these guru types. Teacher and sharer of wisdom OK, not sure weather I want to call him Swami Hinesananda though - what about Sri Sri Prabhu Bhagavad Cheddafromunder? ( as per the ‘Love Guru’ line :-) ).
No question that they (these gurus) help us along the way. But ultimately it seems to me that all this external stuff has to be let go of and we have to find answers for ourself, about our ‘self’. I consider Osho’s story (real or not), as a quintessential pointer to the nitty gritty core of so called ‘spirituality’, that all truth seekers eventually arrive at:
A man went to the Buddha and didn’t know whether to take a flower or a diamond.
He took both.
He presented the flower. The Buddha said “Drop it”.
He tried the diamond. Again the Buddha said “Drop it”
So he put them both away and stood there with empty hands. Again “Drop it”.
Now he was confused and looked towards Ananda for clarity.
“He is saying – Drop the one who is giving – drop yourself. He is not interested in your gifts – only in destroying the one who thinks he has something to give”

Simple, direct and a bit Shiva ish. Trouble is I have a self that keeps getting back up!
Best wishes

Jesus Christ almighty - there are just reams and reams of bullshit here.

Get a grip for ffs.

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