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April 09, 2019


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The bottom caricature is Brian Hines

D, let's use some critical thinking on your comment, "The bottom caricature is Brian Hines," and see where it leads us.

(1) I'm not a teacher. I have no students.
(2) I don't claim any special knowledge on any subject.
(3) I don't tell anybody to do exactly as I say (well, except for our dog, at times, and I can assure you that she never does exactly as I say, being half German Shepherd with a decidedly independent streak).
(4) I encourage independent thought on this blog, as evidenced by the tag line, "Preaching the gospel of spiritual independence."
(5) I welcome thoughtful comments even when I don't agree with what the commenter says, like your comment.
(6) Last year I got a book back in print, at considerable cost to myself, that I don't even agree with any more. But I felt people should have an opportunity to read it, and there's a slim chance what I say in the book reflects reality. See:
(7) And crucially, I very rarely wear a tie. Almost never, in fact.

So I rest my case against what you said, though thanks for thinking of me.

Brian Hines wrote:

"If someone says, "I believe in God," or "I like chocolate ice cream," there's little that I'd feel like saying in response except, perhaps, wonderful. However, if that person says "God is real," or "Everybody should like chocolate ice cream the best," I'd want to argue with them."

-- But chocolate ice cream IS the best. It's obvious. Anyone who thinks otherwise is not in touch with objective reality and is delusional. If I end up on death row (actually, we all are) my choice of dessert for my last meal will be chocolate ice cream. Actually, my entire last meal will consist of chocolate ice cream.

You have drawn back the curtain to reveal the Glowing Orb of a Reality. However the chocolate ice cream belief based system takes you as far as the ice cream van. The only way to the full gelato experience and eternal happiness is Vanilla Ice Cream.

Mostly Ice Cream is made from ''bones'' gelatin.
Eco Ice Cream is best..
I love it :)

Lol, I'm diabetic, so I guess I'm damned to hell... Ice cream has sugar.

There are many schisms in the Way of the 🍦 ice cream 🍨

I prefer to follow the uneaten cone.
It’s methodology is pure. Simple.
Easy to eat, it provides maximum taste.
Without criticising anybody’s path; it is WRONG to eat ice cream from a tub with a plastic spoon.

Peace and Love COTC

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