I've got a couple of stories from the India press regarding the RSSB/Singh Brothers saga to share today. Scroll up for the story regarding a criminal complaint (once it's written).
The one I'm sharing in this post relates to another criminal complaint alleging a death threat made against filmmaker Sheetal Talwar after he tried to recover a $1.25 million loan he made to Gurinder Singh Dhillon, the guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB). See yesterday's post, "RSSB guru made death threats, says India filmmaker."
Now, it was associates of the guru who made the death threats, not the guru himself.
This is what also is alleged to have happened after Malvinder Singh refused to sign an agreement that apparently would have absolved the guru of having to repay a much larger amount of money. Read all about this in the other criminal complaint filed against Dhillon, which I wrote about in "Legal filing against Gurinder Singh Dhillon is fascinating reading."
Here in the United States we've learned a lot from investigations into wrongdoing by our hopefully one-term president, Donald Trump.
Legal analysts commenting on the investigations frequently point out that organized crime bosses, such as a Mafia boss, often don't give direct orders to their underlings. Instead of saying, "Kill Joe Brown," they'll say something like "It would be best if Joe Brown couldn't cause problems for us anymore."
The bosses' underlings know what he wants them to do: kill Joe Brown. So they do this.
Trump's long-time attorney, Michael Cohen, has testified that Trump would do the same thing. Everyone would know what Trump wanted them to do, even without Trump explicitly saying it.
It's possible this is what occurred in the two death threats made by people associated with the RSSB guru. Alternatively, the guru could have issued a direct order that the death threats be made. We won't know unless the criminal complaints are thoroughly investigated.
Here's excerpts from a Masala story, "Producer Sheetal Talwar Alleges Death Threats From Godman Followed by Shahid Kapoor and His Family." My comments are in red.
Download Producer Sheetal Talwar Alleges Death Threats From Godman Followed by Shahid Kapoor and His Family -
What is the nature of the threats you are getting from RSSB chief Baba Gurinder Dhillon and why ?
It was a simple and powerful threat, that if I did NOT stop pursuing my debt and did not withdraw my case against the directors and the company Megabrave (where the money was lent), I would face dire consequences and so would my immediate family.
Of course in my mind, this threat could not have been from Babaji, but would have been from an over-enthusiastic member of his inner circle - which is why I documented it down on e-mail to his team and marked even his assistant. To my surprise, no one even attempted to get to the bottom of it, specifically as the call was from a landline in their satsang office, which would obviously have CCTV cameras.
Well, if the RSSB guru ("Babaji") didn't have anything to do with the death threat, it sure seems like Dhillon would apologize to Talwar and vow to get to the bottom of this, punishing the "over-enthusiastic member of his inner circle" who caused the threat to be made. Instead, nothing was done, which reeks of criminality. It would have to be someone very close to the guru, if not the guru himself, since how many people would know about the loan and Dhillon's refusal to repay the $1.25 million?
...Do you think this incident reflects on the growing criminalizing of religion in our country ?
I think this reflects not on not only the criminalizing of religion, but if you move to the genesis of it, it actually stems from the growing endemic mix of spirituality, politics, business and money. The power in being a guru or then being thought of as God in Human form by millions of followers is absolute - and like in any other field - such belief and power corrupts.
I heartily agree with Talwar. A Mafia boss commands tremendous loyalty from his underlings without them considering the boss to be God in Human Form. Just imagine what would happen if, as Talwar says, they did view the boss in this fashion. This is the case with the RSSB guru, which is why so many of his devotees are willing to do anything for him. Even unethical or criminal things. Yes, belief and power corrupts.
My cousins have just gotten back from India, they went to Dera Beas for a week. According to them. Shivinder has apparently been sacked from his role as sevador, and satangis believe he was pressuring Baba Ji for the Guru position. They don't know or refuse to believe Shivinder was giving loans to Gurinder for the seat.
Also Nimmi Singh (the Singh brothers' mother) is said to be very ill in hospital, she is very sad about the whole situation.
Posted by: G | March 28, 2019 at 03:39 PM
If satsangis indeed made "death threats" to someone who wanted to take the guru to court, then I think the most likely explanation is that sant mat theology impelled them to make the threats, and not direct orders from Gurinder Singh.
I strongly suspect these "threats" were on the order of "if you or anyone criticize GIHF, the karma for such a heinous act will rebound back upon yourself and even your family." (What satsangi doesn't believe that?) I don't suspect the threats were in the line of "if you do anything to hurt Gurinder, I will personally kill you." That is of course until we have actual evidence of the content of these threats. Or even evidence that the threats were made at all.
In other news, someone who half the country and all the media said was surely guilty of treason was just exonerated.
Posted by: jay | March 29, 2019 at 12:43 AM
Exactly what you are saying. But the media sensationalizes everything and people here believe what they read. Hold of guys don’t jump to any conclusions.
Posted by: Me myself and I | March 29, 2019 at 10:28 AM
This reminds me of an anecdote from years ago. There was a local satsangi in my area who was telling me about RSSB having trouble buying land to expand the Chaturpur satsang ghar near Delhi. Supposedly it was a farmer who raised chickens for eggs. The satsangi said that after a lot of pressure from RSSB the farmer still refused to sell his land, and one day he woke up to all his chickens being dead. After that he decided to sell.
The implication was that by refusing a "master" the man was committing a heinous sin and the dead chickens were karma for that. But it only recently dawned on me how ridiculous that would be from a sant mat theology standpoint that states our karmas are ours alone. What the hell did those chickens do to Gurinder?
But assuming that story is even remotely true (which knowing how many stupid fairy tales satsangis pass around i doubt it is) I would now just assume that some satsangis were ordered to go and kill all the chickens with poison or something.
It's all kind of coming together now. This is just a standard land grabbing mafia in the guise of a religion and healthcare corporation. Good thing I don't pray to them anymore. Seems sort of silly to literally worship a mob boss.
Posted by: Jesse | March 30, 2019 at 09:01 PM