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February 16, 2019


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There is new news . Malvinder has filed a case against baba ji and everyone involved . It scares me a lot thinkinn about the result . But at the same time sheena ( who wrote that book) is back in dera . Its just really confusing people who stand against end up joining back . Will the same happen with malvinder .

And new accusations of death threats from Baba Ji , to add to the above...



Here’s the more disturbing story.

@Neha why did Sheena went to Beas again? I have read her book and it clearly states that he felt that following a living guru is a waste of time. Are you sure she went to Beas again? if so why? All of this is so confusing. All my life I have followed the path and somewhere deep down I always felt something is wrong here. Anyway @Brian can you confirm if Sheena went to Beas again and why?

I dont know frankly why .but may be she was called back or she is there just for a couple of months or days or whatever .there must be her reasons . Someone there in sewa in beas said they were shocked too when another sewadar told them that sheena was looking into some matters of some hostel and was told that she is back . She must have her reasons . I just am curious if that reason is there is something real in that place and actually i am hoping for it .

@Neha Oh yes even I'm very curious to know now. Why is there so much confusion around. I remember Baba Faqir Chand's message, masters know nothing. If they pretend to know then it's a lie.

Anyway if you come to know the reason about Sheena do let me know here. Thanks Neha.

Does Sheena talk for herself here at all?

"Does Sheena talk for herself here at all?"

She has, one time, that I remember. I think it was in the post where Brian writes about her e-book, or at least, if in some other thread, then around that time. I remember this, because I'd responded to her comment (although she didn't respond back).

Beyond that one single instance, I don't think she's commented here at all.

I agree, this is one time where perhaps she could clear things up herself. Me, I don't much care, one way or the other. But there are others here, far more invested than I in this whole RSSB business, who do seem to take her and her views very seriously indeed, as evidenced in comments here, both then and now.

So, while of course whether she should comment or not remains her prerogative and hers alone, nevertheless, if she does peruse this blog, then it would be nice if she could take a couple minutes to clear this up to everyone's satisfaction.

Sheena if you're reading this then please respond. It would be great if you do. What are your thoughts on the current financial fraud? It seems that even you were once working with Fortis. Also are the rumours true of you going to Beas again?

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