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January 29, 2019


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It doesn't bother or offend me if someone calls for prayer. Prayer can mean a lot of things. So, I just sit silently and merge into the Cosmos or think of naked women (old habits die hard).

However, I might be more religious than I like to admit. When I make a mistake in the shop I often find myself saying "Jesus Christ" or "God damn it". If I really screw up I sometimes say "God damn it to Hell". So, obviously I have latent fundamentalist leanings.

I reckon that Americans are in for a really uphill struggle to keep religion out of politics when irrational so-called religious thinking is rife in many of its leaders and institutions.

I guess you are aware of Sarah Sanders telling the Christian Broadcasting Network in an interview that God wanted Donald Trump as president, adding that God was the reason Mr Trump was in office. She said that God wanted Donald Trump to become president, and that's why he's there. She believes he has done a great job tremendous job in supporting a lot of the things that people of faith really care about.” ------- Oh dear!!

America can go under in many ways with Mr Trump ignoring realities. Unfortunately it effects the rest of the world.

However, I might be more religious than I like to admit. When I make a mistake in the shop I often find myself saying "Jesus Christ" or "God damn it". If I really screw up I sometimes say "God damn it to Hell". So, obviously I have latent fundamentalist leanings.

Reflecting on our current White House occupant, I'm sure many atheists
can at moments be heard saying -yes, even praying- "Oh, God, help us!".

"Reflecting on our current White House occupant, I'm sure many atheists
can at moments be heard saying -yes, even praying- "Oh, God, help us!"

-- In that regard I often think, "Thank God".

-- In that regard I often think, "Thank God".

1) You think "Thank God" for curr. occupant of W.H.
2) You think "Thank God" so many atheists are sayin'
"God, help us" due to curr. occupant of W.H.

Thank God, most opt for door #2. Yes! Let's "Make
America Great Again".

[We now return you to our regularly scheduled
religious vs. non-religious strife.]

To be clear.. I opt for door #1.

I find him refreshing.

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