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December 05, 2018


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The author writes
"Truth does that work for us. All we have to do is stop everything. That is what meditation is all about.

In the ancient times, spiritual seekers used various methods to practice meditation, Yet, there is only one meditation. That is a state of nondoing. When we stop trying to get somewhere and let go of all of our inner exertions, surprisingly the ineffable truth reveals itself to us.

Then that's it. There is nothing else to be found.

...We have a egoic mind that is trained and habituated to do something, to construct this world of illusion. Ego is working very hard. Ego is always talking. Ego is making up stories for the sake of perpetuating all of the stories of the notion of "I." "I" am meditating. "I" am truly existent. "I" am truly meditating and now "I" am getting somewhere. "I" am chasing enlightenment.

This very thought is just ego's way of perpetuating itself. "

So is the thought that," look at me now, I'm doing nothing! I. Must be enlightened! "

While pointing out the illusions of others, this does not actually prove this author is not also victim to the same self deceptions.

Isn't he just replacing one illusion about self with another illusion called no - self?

Where we lose ourself in a higher pursuit, when we focus on something more important, I think we approach this self - less state.

People dedicated to a cause. That's placing someone else, something else as more important than "me" and then we are acting for them, not us.

That also doesn't eliminate ego. But as long as we are trying to help others and place our mind on their issue, at least for a few moments we aren't trying to build ourselves up.

I don't think there is a way actually to think your way out of your ego. Even trying to is ego, seems to me.

But you might verify the factual basis of an experience for yourself.

If it humbles you, that's good. If it inflates you, bad.

Then it is the greatness of that experience that matters. However if you try to say "look how great I am for this experience" it's the same ego inflation as "look how great I am for doing nothing!"

And by doing things one can also be in the ''no ego'',just forgetting ones self..

Or to feel oneself by loosing it..that is enjoyable..

The exitement in sufidance forinstance..is loosing self.
Or indeed sitting still doing nothing..
I think it is more the'' intention''..
...in the moment..
Just be..or just be no thing..

As long as we have a body there is some sort of ego..and that is alright..right??

What is our main illusion? The illusion is that I am real. I am truly existent. This final illusion is the one we want to hold on to.

Absolutely. This is what we call the ego and the whole purpose of the spiritual path is to eliminate the ego – but the path itself and idea of eternal life keeps the ego alive and well.
At all costs we want to preserve the “I”.
In RSSB terms, all the people asking BabaJi to save them and “come at my death” is nothing more than this.
The notion of Sach Khand is nothing more than another way of preserving the “I”. Even the idea of an individual soul is another way of preserving the “I”.
Enlightenment means that you don’t exist – you have created the notion that you exist. And you desperately want to hold on to it at all costs.
When GSD says “I am not coming at your death” he is speaking the truth, but the disciples don’t want to hear it because they want the soul to be saved

Spence writes:
So is the thought that," look at me now, I'm doing nothing! I must be enlightened! "
While pointing out the illusions of others, this does not actually prove this author is not also victim to the same self deceptions.
Isn't he just replacing one illusion about self with another illusion called no - self?
My reply:
No. “No-self” is not an illusion. “No-Self” is not a concept. No Self is the realization that there never was and never can be an individual self.
It is letting go of the idea that there is a ME here and I am a soul.
The author is not trying to prove anything about himself. He is explaining the notion that there is no “I”.
Also a person in that state is not going to think “Hey – look at me, I have attained the state of nothing.”
A story
Four disciples are sent by their zen master to observe silence for a day.
They all sit in the room, in silence. One notices it is getting dark, so he asks a passer-by to switch on the light. The second point to the first one and says “Hey – you spoke”
The third points to the second “So did you!”
The fourth and final one sits smugly for a while and then cannot resist it any longer.
“I am the only one who has successfully observed the silence”

Yet, there is only one meditation. That is a state of nondoing. When we stop trying to get somewhere and let go of all of our inner exertions, surprisingly the ineffable truth reveals itself to us.
Then that's it. There is nothing else to be found. – Anam Thubten

This is very different from the sant mat type of meditation.
Except that GSD has somewhat changed it all.
When I asked him about meditation, his reply was:
Meditation? It’s nothing but just to relax and let go.

See, the issue is this; it’s doesn’t matter what he says, we all want to hear our version.
The guru I went to many years ago would not allow that – because his sessions were intense and there was no possibility of missing what he was saying. He invited people to argue with him – in fact he insisted. He created situations where you had to respond. It’s the only way of getting a person to be real. Listening passively does nothing, as you can continue with your delusions.

@ Osho - who was this Guru who wanted you to argue with him! ?


@ Brian - I will no longer comment on your blog.
I wish you all the best.
Posted by: Arjuna | December 04, 2018 at 10:50 AM

Well, that didn't last for very long, eh?
Just kidding, you are welcome to comment as much as you like.

The guru I was referring to was a disciple of osho.

I was only his disciple for four days - four full days and on the last day he threw me out and I never saw him again.

He doesn't collect disciples - rather he tells them to fuck off. He is so confrontational that they tremble in his presence.

For me they were the best four days of my life and the beginning of a huge awakening triggered by his presence.

He is no longer around and disappeared after the four day session with me.

I could give you his name but it's meaningless now.

The buddha is also saying "argue with me"

Buddha discouraged people from surrendering to his personality.

The problem is that when we surrender to his personality we don't surrender to his wisdom. He told devotees not to take even his words on blind faith. He said we should question them before accepting them as such.

What does it mean to question them?

Does it mean to accept them, or fight them?
How can you just accept without a fight.

The fight is essential, before you can truly accept.
Otherwise the acceptance is just a presence.

The master speaks from his wisdom and you jump on his wisdom and reduce it to knowledge

"reduce it to knowledge" means to make a conclusion of it.

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