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December 24, 2018


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A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you both.

All the best and it’s been a good year - let’s hope quantum physics succeeds in deterring a few things or aliens land so that we can get rid of this mystic nonsense. If aliens land we are not too if the creation - happy days 😀

My plan is for more kindness and more charity work for the truly needy and not charity work to inflate my ego - as some do!

Laters dude and all the very best!


All the best and it’s been a good year - let’s hope quantum physics succeeds in a few things or aliens land so that we can get rid of this mystic nonsense. If aliens land we are not TOP OF the creation - happy days. Mass panic will die down after we get over ourselves ha

"". or worse, religious and conservative. ""

during 35 years


Was a nice year Brian
Up to the next

Good to have met U. - <3
Give them hell with good

I read a scientific report
that serotonine / dopamine from 'giving' stays in our brain 10 times longer
than from "receiving'

@777 - Happy Holidays and all the very best. This time of year is hard for me as I spend it alone as all my saviours (family) are dead. But need to stay strong in this crazy world where we are all trying to find answers.

I like to think that we are all in somebody's else game - pushing their ball up their hill!


@ 777 - thank you those kind and loving words.

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