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August 02, 2018


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I prayed/Charan for a decent solution.
He told me!

HE mentioned about who is throwing the first stone

All this happens by His Gracious Simran_Sound

How much is it in $

Radha Soami Ji


Who would've guessed 777 makes a nonsense remark about simran and grace in an article about his guru being involved in stealing millions of dollars.

"that the duo is trying to monetise real estate assets of family members to raise funds."

We'll know if any satsang halls close up where the money is going.





For judging , you must
know how the wind blew
on creation_day

777, do you believe theft is ok if the theft is committed by people who write books on spirituality?

Robert Mueller should be finished with his investigation of Trump!

Get him in there to investigate these two!!!! In a land where people starve and children die due to poverty - we allow this!!!!

Which famous person said that for good men to stand still and do nothing was just as as bad....

This angers me!!!!!!!!

It's interesting you mentioned your desire for justice here, Arjuna.

Obviously, the whole world, but India in particular struggles with injustice that seems to immensely benefit the wealthy. To me, the fact that these financial crimes are going to court is a good sign.

Maybe these guys just mishandled funds in a stupid way, maybe they're guilty of serious crimes. But the good thing is that the judge seems to be taking it very seriously when he threatens jail time.

@ Jesse - I have always been against people being wronged and not being able to defend themselves either due to being weak or not having the support.

Justice is what we are told we are given in this world by virtue of our karma so to speak - so why not these two if they have wronged.

Fair play to the judge - there may be light after all on India’s justice system. This sickens me when I see children starving and orphaned and then get told by a preacher with fat belly in the U.K. on the stage that “it’s there karma”. Whilst he has had 70 aloo parontha in the morning!!!! What a crock of shit. No one knows what lies on the other side - but we can make a difference here to people who need it most! Is that not the highest form of seva to relieve someone’s suffering and feed them, shelter them. I do my bit as much as my little income allows but I am not enough alone.

It’s every where and that’s why we are tipping in the world in that people are fuelled by hate and to be fair I can’t blame most of them! As they are justified - a lot fe time if being honest and getting shit in return.

Just my thoughts

@ Jesse - ps my mentioning of Robert Mueller was my bad attempt at humour. Think that man has the world on his shoulders.

I grew up in a wealthy community and went to one of the wealthiest churches where we live. This church offered everything. As a kid I enjoyed all the amenities but when I got older and more serious about the teachings, I became somewhat disgusted by all the wealth. So I joined a different faith that had strict guidelines about money and modest meeting places. However, eventually the teachings started to feel empty. Then a long stint as an agnostic. Finally, came across Sant Mat and imagined it had the same modest material approach. Before my first trip to Dera, I imagined it too would be modest, quaint, relaxed, spiritual, with Baba Ji living a very modest life... my horror at the reality. It’s a proper town as I keep saying... nothing modest about it. Especially by Punjab standards.


Do you know a lot about Punjabi culture? They're not even remotely modest, nor do they pretend to be. Excess is a staple of Punjabi culture and a large portion of the dowry murders in India are the result of very immodest men wanting to show off more, but on the dime of a woman's parents. Literally murders and suicides over gold necklaces, big t.v's and fancy cars as demanded marriage gifts.

This is one of the things that helped me overcome Indian religions. It took time, but it finally dawned on me that all the virtue they're selling is non existent. It's all talk, and nothing there is any different than it is anywhere else. The religions are as corrupt as the local cultures and the government.

If you're looking for modesty, go to rural USA or Norway.

About Baba Jaimal Singh Ji Maharaj:
(From a book on his life journey)

He did not concern himself with disputes and controversies:
Go within and see for yourself was his constant dictum,
and the stress always fell on the inner and not on outer
forms and rituals.

Go within and see for yourself - this is so true,
and always exactly repeated by BabaJi.

About Baba Jaimal Singh Ji Maharaj:
(From a book on his life journey)

He did not concern himself with disputes and controversies:
Go within and see for yourself was his constant dictum,
and the stress always fell on the inner and not on outer
forms and rituals.

Go within and see for yourself - this is so true,
and always exactly repeated by BabaJi.

No, I don’t really know that much about Punjabi culture now that I think about. Perhaps before getting initiated I should have bothered studying a map of India, learning more about the heritage and culture of the RSSB gurus. I should have researched RS faiths in general but none of that was on the list of requirements for getting initiated. LOL

Here in America, I would easily be able to access so much more about a “local” faith and it’s priest/pastor/teachers. In general, I think westerners in the RSSB faith are incredibly naive and although they may be progressive thinking intellectuals in their native lands... most of them/us don’t fully appreciate the role culture has played on the evolution of RS faiths as well as other Deras in the Punjab.

So, yeah... I don’t really know much about Punjabi culture. Just know I’m blessed to be a woman living where I live.

"" So, yeah... I don’t really know much about Punjabi culture. Just know I’m blessed to be a woman living where I live."

Same for me : " Don't worry, . . . be happy situ"
very happy at almost 100 > sorry Jim

Saw your other post. Do you think GSD actually reads any of the letters sent to Dera? Or perhaps it’s better to discuss matters here. (Thanks Brian 🙏)

777, you can ignore that last comment (comment above). I’m in a space today...

I don't know when you went to the Dera, but I was there in 1976 and it was "relatively" small compared to today. We could wander around then with a camera. I haven't been back since so my comparison is based on photographs I've seen. I recently discovered a photograph taken when I was there that's on page 273 in Legacy of Love. I'm standing at the back of a group of people, but unfortunately I'm not the person who's standing with the camera!

dear brother
how r u helping them.Aftr all,he was your Master for 35 years and u were his preacher. u r supposed to help him or to keep silent. he will solve his problem,problem of singh brothers ,and problem of all hi s followers. and dera will progress more and more.and u can also progress starting ur bhajan and simran what u preached rightly for so many years. now di nit get illusioned by mind and senses.
warm regards

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