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April 04, 2017


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Nice extension from the Mukherjee article. Have you read his parallel book?

You comments are nicely captured in the phrase: "what fors out of how comes..."

Once the personal "ultimate" is decided/accepted the query "why" ceases to be meaningful.

like . . . Answer

is real


and you may call it subjective :-)

existence has always existed, which eliminates the need for God."

call It Brian


The What Why Where of our questioning nature ensures an evolutionary uptick in consciousness, while apathy and feigned contentment only confirm stagnation and restriction to sensory-intellectual information, which in turn is confined to the mundane material world. All higher beings who have graced us with writings like the Puranas, Upanishads, Gita, Poetry of Kabir/Ravi Das/Mira Bai/Soamiji Maharaj confirm higher levels of being, bliss, joy, ecstasy, knowledge and attainments. "Why" starts early for a fortunate human and invokes a serious search for one's true identity. This is the spark within, friends, solely the property of a human being (as opposed to all other species). Never let it die, rather let it evolve to "Who".

Really like Al's response, "What Why Where of our questioning nature ensures an evolutionary uptick in consciousness". "Why" starts early for a fortunate human and invokes a serious search for one's true identity."

I can't understand why people don't question their existence, who are we, why are we here, what is this world, what happens after we die. The spirit of enquiry, way to go!

Hi Brian,

Though it doesn't relate directly to the topic of your recent post, I wanted to share this Rolling Stone article from late last year that references Sant Mat.


Apparently, Syd Barrett (doomed genius of Pink Floyd fame) tried to get initiated by Charan Singh in the late 60s, but was refused.

Had no idea...

Thanks, Jen. The spirit of inquiry is truly a magnificent gift and separates humankind from all other known species (about 9 million by current scientific tally). Now that's saying something extraordinarily positive about our family as homo sapiens!! In my life, the "why" was a burning question mark on my forehead for a very long time. This "hot branding", if you will, prodded me to my next step spiritually and it was not unusual for me to "drop everything", even careers and mates, to follow what I believed (at the time) to be the "highest truth and highest love". Details are insignificant and I am certain readers have their own sagas to recount. The point is that only human beings can sift, winnow, discriminate and eventually commit to a spiritual path - even if that path is non-religious, path-less, atheistic or even hedonistic. We follow a road and experience its delicacies until that road becomes a dead end and is no longer fulfilling. Unlike any other animal, humans can change instinctual/habitual behavior and move towards transcendental realities that deal with the domain of conscious awareness, self realization and the ultimate realization and union with our Maker. The journey is solely in consciousness and begins with "Why". The big questions are always answered in mysterious ways that bait one to experiment and take another step. To me, life is a treasure hunt and a priceless opportunity.

Hi al,
I like as you say the "big questions are always answered in mysterious ways that bait one to experiment and take another step".

It makes life so very interesting because it seems consciousness (or whatever we like to call it) rewards us by giving us a nudge into looking into something different, or maybe an offshoot of an ongoing enquiry. Life is a mystery with so much to offer and hopefully we are evolving as we follow this ever changing path.


Hi Jen...yes to "the nudge"...or the proverbial 2 by 4 on the head! The mind loves routine and is a very difficult animal to change, especially in the declining years of our lives. Youth, it seems, is a constant "refresh" and "rebellion" to the entrenched ways and beliefs of adults. At my home we have an 18 year old that is ready to graduate from HS and, believe me, I get to relive my own rebellious youth by watching and listening to him as he attempts to find his own identity, his own understanding of this world's chaos and disputes. Thank the universe for change, Jen! Though it is difficult for any mind to adjust to rapid change, I believe we are in a time of unprecedented spiritual opportunity...a time to truly expand in consciousness, in heart and in spirit. Keep up your own internal "why" and don't be surprised if a "Who" shows up to lead you ever higher. To me, "why" is not a word with any specific meaning but an internal feeling...a yearning...fuel for one's next adventure in consciousness.

'Why' is in all probability a human conceptual word that has no sense or meaning. Why do I (or anything) exist is in reality irrelevant. Why does a tree grow - for example - can only lead to an infinity of 'why's'. How does a tree grow can be answered, but not why.
I sometimes feel that we ask meaningless questions and bother our poor brains to 'find' answers when all life asks of us is to live and experience - and through that process to know, to be aware of who is experiencing. Perhaps all we need to do is to respond to our life experiences rather than react to them, particularly reactive answers that support transcendental and magical thinking.
Don't worry, all is well - it (probably) can't be otherwise!

Hi al,

Yes, about this time of unprecedented spiritual opportunity. The pace of life nowadays is massive and I also feel this amazing change in energy happening. Duality seems to be extreme now and dreadful stuff happening in many parts of the world but I think its a good time for individual growth. Not to get too caught up in the emotional entanglement. The craziness of the world now is like a huge test. When I think about worldly stuff, then this is when I don't try to work out the "who" "where" and "why". Just accept stuff happens and continue on my own journey.


Oh Turan, "bother our poor brains", so funny! Surely the brain wants to be stimulated to discover new things, new experiences. Yes, we learn from our experiences but I find life exciting because of what you call "transcendental and magical thinking". Never know whats just around the corner.

No big deal, we are all different, and I agree 'all is well' :)

Yes, it does sound funny the way I've put it - but, I do 'think' we spend a lot of our time thinking (doing) instead of being (experiencing) and yes, it's often nice to be stimulated by pondering unanswerable questions. What's around the corner can be beautifully exciting - as long as we don't miss now.

Turan, I've sincerely tried to live in the moment, just be, and all that jazz. I'm totally hopeless at it and I often think has anyone ever actually experienced just living in the moment? Maybe its impossible. Even sitting in meditation when we can keep the body still but can anyone every seriously keep their mind still? I've given up trying.

Walking in nature is the best experience for me and I find myself being in the now momentarily but I still have to reign myself in at times to actually be there and not thinking, just experiencing.

One of favourite expressions has been, "be a human being not a human doing". Now I remember that and think What The!

You're right Jen, there's to be a lot of 'airy fairy' talk over the years about this 'now' business. Nature does it for me too; suddenly something quite ordinary is sensed and a moment of joy arises then quickly followed by thoughts - you know, good, bad, naming it etc. I do think that initial moment is what is happening now, but I suppose the following thoughts are also happening now - they make me laugh sometimes.
I recently read Stephen Batchelor's book 'After Buddhism' (I read other people's stuff just to see how they are explaining things). He has translated many of the texts that point to a more secular understanding. A constant theme throughout the book is the Buddhist concept of suffering which he translates as reactivity. The gist being that we 'suffer' due to habitually reacting to what's happening instead of responding. The book talks a lot about how it is difficult for people to 'see this' because people 'love there place' - the conditioning factors, that we identity with and so on that determines our reactions.
For me, it explains what I feel a lot of the time and I particularly resonate with the chapter called 'The Everyday Sublime' where he says "The world is excessive: every blade of grass, every ray of sun, every falling leaf is excessive. None of these things can be adequately captured in concepts, images or words"
I do think that what we are looking for is so simple and everyday that because we are expecting something exceptional, we miss it.
Nice chatting to you.

Hi Turan, thanks for the reference to Stephen Batchelor, checked and found he is on YouTube and just watched "Early Buddhism and the Four Great Vows, a seminar with Stephen Batchelor, 4 March 2017". Excellent! Really liked his take on the Four Noble Tasks (tasks instead of truths). Immediately attracted me probably because I like to have something to work on, appeals to my mind for some strange reason. Going to continue with his YouTubes - kinda balances out my Netflix viewing - the other extreme!

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