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April 26, 2017


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Hm, I wonder what the scientific purist does when his checkbook's lost again and again. Does he slip and curse "Damn you God, why did you let me forget" as mere mortals do? Or his version something more like" Damn you brain, you'd think somewhere in your cold, hard synapses you'd have this nailed by now..." Maybe... but down deep we all know the "intrinsic" joy of blaming a real deity can't be matched.

I don't believe anyone is in "control" of anything. Back in '98 I worked as a bellman at a hotel in Albuquerque. My shift required me to be at work around 6am. I lived in a studio apartment complex which had a nice visible lot for parking cars. Well, I walked out of my apartment to drive to work and my '88 Buick LeSabre was GONE from the lot! Yes, gone. It had been stolen and I was fuming. A police report had to be filed, work was postponed until I was through with the cops and I had to walk about two miles to work. The rage and anger I went through lasted for months, even after my car was retrieved two weeks after the theft. My cherished LeSabre had been "joy-ridden" - all the windows were shattered, wheel rims were gone, the stereo and tools in the trunk stolen. In the interim I had to buy another car fast, go through the whole process of registration plus purchase new insurance. The Buick was in terrible condition and, since my existing insurance on it was only Liability, the repairs came out of my pocket. What an ordeal!! Occasionally, I will leave home without my wallet...not often, but maybe once per year. Inevitably, I will go to a grocery store, collect lots of food in the cart, stand in the checkout line, watch the checker tally up my food and - GADZOOKS! - no wallet! What a hassle and embarrassment. I feel so stupid sometimes. Another example: I was so poor when I was young that I sold my guitar for a new set of strings! Ha!

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