Here's a good cartoon from the Jesus and Mo web site. Yeah, what if the truth isn't factual?
Well, then it isn't true. Not that this would bother religious believers, because their "truth" is whatever they want it to be, whatever their faith commands.
Which doesn't make it true, of course.
Doesn't something have to be factual to be true? It seems obvious that this is the case with objective reality, where facts are the common ground that enable different people to understand the same phenomenon.
Yet it also appears that even subjective reality, such as an emotion or dream, also requires factuality to be true. If there is no fact-ness to a supposed truth, whether objective or subjective, how could it exist?
Problem is, for religiosity, even if a subjective perception is factual, this still leaves it in the realm of Minimal Truth. Meaning, it truly is a perception in the mind of a person (like Jesus or Mohammed), but it doesn't possess any objective truth.
What everybody has is SERENDIPITIES
Churches call them Miracles they have one per year sometimes
Some RSSB Satsangis have 20 p day and are stunned to a degree that they fall in the meditation state, even
while paying the cashier in the mall
A way of the Omnipotent not to frighten us . . .
just give a lover what's correct
because Her Powers surpass big bangs so many times
It s a great adventure to collect Love
If you like ( or not ) the Source She is so responsive, . . you can hardly believe
Creation is so beautiful
Posted by: 777 | March 28, 2017 at 02:33 AM
Why would we need objective°° while functioning entirely subjective :-)
What a horror would that°° be
Posted by: 777 | March 28, 2017 at 02:45 AM