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February 24, 2017


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his indication is so easily to be overturned
in a serious court because
the root of RSSB is the Adi Granth Sahib
Sar Bachan
plus the 6 Gospels
Bardo Todol


Hi Brian, thanks for the update.

Going on from 777,

You may be interested in update! Going to Supreme Court! on Earth!


and see comments filed in article


Hi Brian,

In your time when you followed and were a RSSB Secretary in the RRSB Beas group.
My question "was then Radha Soami Beas a religion in your time when you practised"?
Because: Lawyer Stuart Morris says that of course RSSB is a religion - Could this Lawyer QC be talking from practical experience's or just hear say? or a true believer and follower of RSSB?
I like the words "peace-loving" - by the journalist, - I wonder how true this could be?
Love to hear others on this debate, to see if the teachings have changed somewhat under the current spiritual guiding teacher, since no tape recordings, videos of discourses or books from the Master have been published.
Please do read following newspaper articles I came across.




Do you think people who leave rrsb should be part of the Sprexit (spiritual) - we have Brexit here. Thought it was amusing. All the best

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