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January 16, 2017


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For example, in the Radha Soami Satsang Beas literature there is an oft-told story of a guru who ordered his disciples to dig a large hole in a field, only to fill it with dirt again. Then the disciple was supposed to repeat the process: dig a hole; fill it back up. Eventually the guru saw that only one person was still digging, as all the others had quit this difficult, meaningless task

Actually that story has its origins in Sikhism... just swap out the "hole digging" for "platform building":


Of course, I think the Sikh tradition might explain that persistence
in carrying out a "meaningless" task as a insightful realization of
its real symbolic objective. The bush leaguers throw in the towel,
er. shovel, quickly. Last saint-wannabe standing gets the gold,
or turban, or what have you...

For example, in the Radha Soami Satsang Beas literature there is an oft-told story of a guru who ordered his disciples to dig a large hole in a field, only to fill it with dirt again. Then the disciple was supposed to repeat the process: dig a hole; fill it back up. Eventually the guru saw that only one person was still digging, as all the others had quit this difficult, meaningless task

Actually that story has its origins in Sikhism... just swap out the "hole digging" for "platform building":


Of course, I think the Sikh tradition might explain that persistence
in carrying out a "meaningless" task as a insightful realization of
its real symbolic objective. The bush leaguers throw in the towel,
er. shovel, quickly. Last saint-wannabe standing gets the gold,
or turban, or what have you...

Jude Law's Pius XIII is quite mad and sociopathic, and is indeed reminiscent of authoritarian gurus and religious cult leaders.
Strange then that both Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II embraced, physically and spiritually, the sociopathic guru Sri Chinmoy Ghose.
You can see the photos on the internet.
Pope Paul told the manipulative Sri Chinmoy, who demanded total and blind obedience from his brainwashed disciples, 'We will meet in heaven.'
Pope John Paul told the self-exalting cult leader, 'I bless your divine work.'
Ghose denied the lordship of Jesus Christ, and placed himself on a god-like throne.
Last year Pope Francis blessed the Sri Chinmoy 'peace run', never asking the late guru's disciples why they were not placing all their hopes on Jesus Christ.
I am reminded of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones's remark, that 'the Catholic Church wears a thousand different faces for the world.'
When it is being persecuted the Catholic Church is like a lamb; when it obtains total power it is like a tiger; and when it enjoys a position of equality with other faiths it is like a fox.
As Leonardo De Chirico writes, 'the Catholic Church is programmatically searching outside its circle for whatever can enrich and expand it.'
See a photo online of Pope Francis sharing a platform with the 'hugging guru', Amritanandamayi Amma, otherwise known as 'the Mother'.
This is syncretism by another name.
Maybe one day the Church will turn away from the world's idols and embrace the five great Solas of Christianity.
Sola Scriptura, sola fide, sola gratia, solus Christus, soli Deo gloria.

J Haggerty, Glasgow. Scotland

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