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December 21, 2016


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Without reading any of it I say because it feels good and it's convenient. Am I close?

I have no doubt that's an impressive litany of beliefs that fly in the face of "evidence". But the evidence is certainly not compelling for the safety of GMO's. Certainly the insidious long-term effects of a host of substances weren't seen in many early studies. How about the cautionary tales of lead in paint and drinking water... or pesticide residues on crops... or mercury levels in seafood. Current scientific evidence can be a fragile reassurance without long-term studies.

The French study on GMO's may be criticized but it left enough doubt that GMO's are banned in most parts of Europe and there are total or partial bans in over sixty countries. Hysteria... wanton disregard for scientific methodology? No, I don't think so.

I have no doubt that's an impressive litany of beliefs that fly in the face of "evidence". But the evidence is certainly not compelling for the safety of GMO's. Certainly the insidious long-term effects of a host of substances weren't seen in many early studies. How about the cautionary tales of lead in paint and drinking water... or pesticide residues on crops... or mercury levels in seafood. Current scientific evidence can be a fragile reassurance without long-term studies.

The French study on GMO's may be criticized but it left enough doubt that GMO's are banned in most parts of Europe and there are total or partial bans in over sixty countries. Hysteria... wanton disregard for scientific methodology? No, I don't think so.

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